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Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #76
    List bug report on Taulia application:

    #1 In the section "Search My Invoices" not all labels have a colons at the end (only label "From amound" have a colons).
    #2 Data in the column "Due Date" does not look like common date values.
    #3 "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) and "Inv. Date" field (29-Aug-2011) different date writing format.
    #4 Data in the column "PO #" looks like date format.
    #5 In the column "Status" in the first line there is misspelled word "Rejcted" ( "Rejected").
    #6 Incorrect number of result per page: in the "Result per page" field - 10, in reality there are 11.
    #7 Incorrect number of invoices: "Showing 422 invoices", in reality 32*11=352.
    #8 Incorrect date in the column "Inv. Date" (1-Oct-2011). The period is indicated on the label "Invoice date" (6/5/11-9/30/2011)
    #9 Different format for labels and columns ( "Invoice number" vs "Invoice #")
    #10 Different format for labels and columns ( "Invoice date" vs "Inv. Date")


    • #77

      ​​​​​​1.Scroll down on the page.The list of pages from 1 to 32 is missing page 5

      2.In the "Invoice date" The dates and months are out of order .

      3.In the first column , the "Invoice" isn't written correctly. The letter "i" is missing.

      4. In the last column "Action" , the last button "Action" is missed.

      5.In the section "search my invoices" it is written there should be 10 "results" , but in fact there are 11.

      6.The column name "Due date" do not correspond to it's purpose.The dates are missing.

      7.The column name "Action" the symbol shows the value from highest to lowest , but in reality the values go from lowest to highest.

      8.Under the column with the title "Status" , the word "rejected" is spelled incorrectly , letter "e" is missing.

      9.The logo “taulia” the phrase “Pay early.Pay less.” Is blurry.

      10.At the top , the line “Home”,”Invoices”,”Purchase Orders “ etc. only “Invoice” is framed .

      11.TIn the section “search my invoices” missing colons.


      • #78
        1. "Zip:" text field should be digits only.
        2. Pushing "Clear" button occurs confusing message "Error 17896".
        3. "7. Gas and Electric Services" section: in "I am opento using different provider" label "opento" is misspelled.
        4. "1. Cell Phone Service" section: replace "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" checkboxes with radio buttons.
        5. "3. High Speed Internet Service" section: replace "Wireless Aircard" checkbox with a radio button.
        6. "Contact Information" section: delete "BC" value in the "State" dropbox.
        7. "Contact Information" section: add the "HI" value in the "State" dropbox.
        8. "Contact Information" section: add the "NV" value in the "State" dropbox.
        9. Make the font size same in "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
        10. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons should be same size.


        • #79
          1. "Firs Name" field accepts digits instead of being letters only.
          2. "Firs Name" field accepts special characters instead of being letters only.
          3. Fill out "Firs Name" field with digits and push button "Submit":
          warning message "Please enter a valid First Name" doesn/t indicated.
          4. Fill out "First Name" field with special characters and push button "Submit":
          warning message "Please enter a valid First Name" doesn't indicated.

          5. "Last Name" field accepts digits instead of being letters only.
          6. "Last Name" field accepts special characters instead of being letters only.
          7. Fill out "Last Name" field with digits and push button "Submit":
          warning message "Please enter a valid Last Name" doesn/t indicated.
          8. Fill out "Last Name" field with special characters and push button "Submit":
          warning message "Please enter a valid Last Name" doesn't indicated.

          9. "City" field accepts digits instead of being letters only.
          10. "City" field accepts special characters instead of being letters only.
          11. Fill out "City" field with digits and push button "Submit":
          warning message "Please enter a valid City" doesn,t indicated.
          12. Fill out "City" field with special characters and push button "Submit":
          warning message "Please enter a valid City" doesn't indicated.

          13. Push button "Submit" when "Email" required field is empty:
          warning message "Please enter a Email address" doesn't indicated.

          14. Push button "Submit" when "Referred by" NOT required field is empty:
          warning message " Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" IS indicated.

          15 "Referred by" field accepts digits instead of being letters only.
          16. "Referred by" field accepts special characters instead of being letters only.

          17. Push button "Submit" when " Street Address" required field has only 1 character:
          warning message "Please enter valid Street Address" doesn't indicated.

          18. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of being digits only.
          19. "ZIP" field accepts special characters by copy/paste instead of being digits only.

          20. "Phone" fields accept letters by copy/paste instead of being digits only.
          21. "Phone" fields accepts special characters by copy/paste instead of being digits only.


          • #80
            GUI only

            #1 Make indent label "Number of phones on plan:" from listbox in the left, in "1. Cell Phone Service" section.

            #2 Change chekbox "Wireless Aircard", square instead of round, in "3. High Speed Internet Service" section.

            #3 Change chekbox "HDTV", square instead of round, in "4. TV Service" section.

            #4 Change chekbox "DVR", square instead of round, in "4. TV Service" section.

            #5 Replace "opento" with "open to" in chek box "I am opento using different provider", in "8. Comments" section.

            #6 Align in right "ZIP:" field, in "Contact Information" field.

            #7 Inconsistency size buttons "Submit" and "Clear" below on the page.

            #8 Make align in left chekbox "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)", in "6. Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section.

            #9 The record field goes beyond the "Energy-Telecom Service Review" form when increasing it, in "8. Comments" section.
            Last edited by SergioS; 01-13-2022, 03:19 PM.


            • #81

              #1 "Invoice number" allows letter input instead of numbers only

              #2 missing colons for all items except of "From amount:"

              #3 "From amount:" and "to" allows any input instead of numbers only

              #4 "Invoice date" is fixed and doesn't allow any other input

              #5 "Results per page" shows 10, however we can see 11 results below

              #6 "Inv. Date" should have the same format of data as "Invoice date"

              #7 "Due Date" should have dates

              #8 "PO #" should not be and date format, it is a number (likely, " PO #" and "Due Date" should be interchanged)

              #9 misspelling in a "Invoce #" column. It has to be "Invoice #"

              #10 422 results, 10 per pages means we have to see 43 pages links at the bottom. But we can see 32.


              • #82
                Bug Report in Energy Telecom:
                1.There is no default input focus
                2.TAB order is incorrect, it goes from "Name" field to "Referred by:" field, instead of: from "Name" to "Last Name" order.
                3."Best Way To Contact Me:" is broken in 2 lines, should be in 1 line.
                4.The "Name", "Last Name", and the "City" fields allow to put numbers and characters in, should be disabled.
                5."Street address" field allows to put special characters in, should be enabled
                6. The field "Email" allows to put all the special characters, but not underscore.
                7.In "state" drop box there should be no "BC" state
                8.In "state" drop box the "IND" state should be put as IN
                9.There is no Hawaii state option as "HI" in the "State" drop box
                10.There is no Puerto Rico US territory option in "State" drop box -"PR" option
                11.The "Other" option in "State" drop box should be in the end
                12."State" drop box should be put in alphabetical order
                13."Referred by:" field should disable special characters
                14."Current Provider" field should have option "Other" and as a result a field for input.
                Last edited by Nastassya; 01-13-2022, 04:06 PM.


                • #83
                  1. Footer of the page: “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are not consistent in font size.
                  2. “Contact Information” section: “ZIP:” field accepts more than 5 characters when copy-paste.
                  3. “Clear” button is not operating. Steps to reproduce:
                  1) type “Alina” in the “First Name:” field;

                  2) scroll down to the footer of the page;

                  3) push the “Clear” button. Misleading/confusing message appears: “Error 17896 - Invalid data request…”

                  4. Default input focus is not implemented.
                  5. “Contact Information” section: Tab order problem - the focus should move from “First Name:” field to “Last Name:”, instead of “Referred by:”.
                  6. “Contact Information” section: “State:” listbox has “IND” instead of “IN”.
                  7. “Contact Information” section: “State:” listbox is missing “NV”.
                  8. “Contact Information” section: delete “Other” from “State:” listbox.
                  9. “Contact Information” section: delete “BC” (British Columbia) from “State:”.
                  10. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the form: make “$” part of the label “My monthly bill is approximately:”.
                  11. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section: “opento” is misspelled in checkbox, change to “open to”.
                  12. “4. TV Service” section: inconsistency in the font size between content of checkboxes and remained content of the section.


                  • #84

                    ======== Bug reports Energy-Telecom Service==========================

                    Specific Data Requirements:

                    First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                    Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                    Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.

                    City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

                    State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

                    ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.

                    Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.

                    Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

                    -------#1 Contact Information-------

                    1."First name" field - accept all characters(digits/letters/special characters) total 30 characters- meet requirements ( positive test )

                    2."Last name" field - accept all characters(digits/letters/special characters) total 30 characters - meet requirements ( positive test )

                    3."Street address" field - accept all characters(digits/letters/special characters) total 50 characters - meet requirements ( positive test )

                    4."State" field - doesn't offer list of 50 states. Offers only 49 states. (negative test)

                    5."State field" - schedule list error - All the states aren't shown in Alphabetical order from A to Z.

                    6."State field" - abbreviation error - One state has three abbreviation letters "IND" instead of two " IN"

                    7."zip-code" field- allows you to type 5 digits - meet requirements (positive test)

                    8."zip-code" field - allows you to copy-paste more than 5 digits. (negative test)

                    9."zip-code" field - allows you to copy-paste letters instead of digits only (negative test)

                    10."zip-code" field - allows you to copy-paste letters and digits(six characters total). (negative test)

                    11."zip-code" field - allows you to copy-paste special characters instead of digits only. (negative test)

                    12."zip-code" field - allows you to copy-paste special characters with digits and letters. (negative test)

                    13."Email" field - accept all characters(digits/letters/special characters) total 50 characters - meet requirements ( positive test )

                    14."Phone" field - 3 text fields accept digits 3-3-4 - meet requirements ( positive test )

                    15."Phone" field - allows you to copy-paste letters in each of 3 text fields instead of digits only. (negative test)

                    16."Phone" field - allows you to copy-paste special characters(@#@-$$%-%&#@) in each of 3 text fields instead of digits only. (negative test)

                    Extra bug tests(not per requirements ) :

                    -------#1 Contact Information-------

                    9.-"Incorrect spelling" - Wrong word used after field "Best way to contact" has to be "by" (phone or email) instead of "Me" (phone or email)

                    -------#2 Cell phone service ------

                    9. "Current Provider" field has missed another provider (AT&T)

                    10."Current Provider" field has missed option (Other) providers.

                    10."Monthly bill field" - allows you to print letters instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    11."Monthly bill field" - allows you to copy-paste special characters"@@##" instead of the digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    12."Month left on current contract" field - doesn't represent the usual amount of months for the contract(24 months) it shows only 10.

                    --------#3 Local/Long Distances/International Service ----

                    9. "Current Provider" field has missed another provider (T-Mobile)

                    12.-"Primary phone number field" - allows you to copy-paste letters instead of digits only

                    13.-"Primary phone number field" - allows you to copy-paste special characters(@@##) instead of digits only.

                    14.-"Monthly bill field" - allows you to copy-paste letters instead of digits only

                    15.-"Monthly bill field" - allows you to copy-paste special characters(@@##) instead of digits only.

                    16.-"Total bill field " - allows you to copy-paste letters instead of digits only

                    17.-"Total bill field" - allows you to copy-paste special characters(@@##) instead of digits only.

                    ------ #4 High-Speed Internet Service ------------

                    18.- "Monthly bill field" - allows you to print letters instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    19.- "Monthly bill field" - allows you to copy-paste special characters"@@##" instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    ------ #5 TV Service ------------

                    20.- "Monthly bill field" - allows you to print letters instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    21.- "Monthly bill field" - allows you to copy-paste special characters"@@##" instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    ------ #6 Home Security Service ------------

                    22.- "Monthly bill field" - allows you to print letters instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    23.- "Monthly bill field" - allows you to copy-paste special characters"@@##" instead of the only digits which is appropriate to this field.

                    ------ #7 Gas and Electric Services ------------

                    24.- "Monthly bill field"(summer) - allows you to print letters instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    25.- "Monthly bill field"(summer) - allows you to copy-paste special characters"@@##" instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    26.- "Monthly bill field"(winter) - allows you to print letters instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    27.- "Monthly bill field"(winter) - allows you to copy-paste special characters"@@##" instead of the only digits which are appropriate to this field.

                    28.- "Missing space" at the line - I am open_to a different provider.


                    • #85
                      1."Email" field is not working as a required field as per requirements
                      2."Referred by" field is working as a required field but it is not marked as a required firld
                      3."Email" field needs validation. The form gets submitted even if non existing/misspelled email is entered.
                      4."Email" field accepts more than 255 which doesn't meet requirements
                      5."First name" field accepts no more than 30 character instead of 31 as per requirements
                      6."Last name" field accepts no more than 30 character instead of 31 as per requirements
                      7."Street Address" field accepts only 100 character instead of 225 as per requirements
                      8."State" list box: missing "NV" state
                      9."State" list box: remove "BC" state
                      10."State" list box: remove "Other"
                      11."State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                      12."ZIP" field: needs to be validated for non-digits when copy/paste.
                      13."ZIP" field: needs to be validated for accepting existing zip codes only.
                      14."Phone" field: needs to be validated for non-digits when copy/paste.
                      15."Cell Phone Service" Section: "Current Provider" list box is missing option "Other"
                      16."Cell Phone Service" Section: "Minutes on plan" list box doesn't follow proper ascending order (numbers go up in random order)
                      17."Cell Phone Service" Section: "Months left on current contract" list box needs digits 0-12 or 0-24
                      18."Cell Phone Service" Section: "Months left on current contract" list box is missing option "More"
                      19."TV Service" Section: Months left on the plan" list box is missing option "More"
                      20."High Speed Internet Service" Section: change "Wireless Aircard" check box to radio button
                      21.When push button "Clear": misleading/confusing message pops up. Nothing is cleared.
                      22."Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent in font size and dimensions
                      23.Tab order problem: from "First name" field, it goes to "Referred by" instead of to "Last name" field
                      24.No default input focus. "First name" field would be a good candidate.
                      25"City" field needs validation. The form gets submitted even if non existing/misspelled email is entered.


                      • #86
                        1. No default input focus on the page.
                        2."State" list box remove "BC" item.
                        3. "State" change "IND" to "IN"
                        4. "State" listbox remove "other" item.
                        5. "State" listbox "NV" is missing
                        6. "Zip" field except letters instead of being digits only
                        7. "My monthly bill" checkbox accepts letters as well as numbers.
                        8. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are inconsistent in design.


                        • #87
                          Energy-Telecom requirements tests:
                          First Name: allows 30 characters instead of 31
                          Last Name: allows 30 characters instead of 31
                          Street Address: Allows 100 characters instead of 255
                          City: accept all characters with a limit of 50 - positive test
                          State: 49 states instead of 50 and unused item "other"
                          ZIP: accept letters also, not only numbers
                          email: allows more, than 255 characters
                          Phone: allows copy/paste letters (typing allows numbers only)


                          • #88
                            Bug Report for Energy-Telecom (Functionality Testing)

                            #1 At "Contact Information" section "First Name" text field accept 30 characters instead of 31 (as requirement)

                            #2 At "Contact Information" section "ZIP" field allow input letters

                            #3 At "Contact Information" section "ZIP" field allow more than 5 characters accepts copy-paste

                            #4 At "Contact Information" section "Email" filed marked as submitted with NO information inputed

                            #5 At "Cell Phone Service" section allow choose all check boxes

                            1. Run new Energy-Telecom form
                            2. At "Cell Phone Service" section click on every check box one by one
                            3. Observe: At "Cell Phone Service" section chosen all check boxes
                            Last edited by Mariam P; 01-14-2022, 05:51 PM.


                            • #89
                              BUG REPORTS ENERGY-TELECOM

                              #1. "First name" field accepts special characters and digits instead letters only
                              #2. "Last name" field accepts special characters and digits instead letters only
                              #3. "Street address" field accepts special characters instead digits and letters only
                              #4. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead digits only
                              #5. "ZIP" field accepts copy-paste more than 5 digits
                              #6. "Phone field" accepts copy-paste special characters
                              #7. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letters instead of being digits only
                              #8. Section 7 "Gas and Electric Services" misspelled "I am opento using different provider"
                              #9. Section 7 "Gas and Electric services" fields "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" and "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" accepts copy-paste letters and special characters


                              • #90
                                Energy-Telecom Service Review with REQUIREMENTS (Session #5)

                                1. “First Name” title text field in a “Contact Information” table accept 30 characters instead 31.

                                2. “Last Name” title text field in a “Contact Information” table accept 30 characters instead 31.

                                3. “Street Address” title text field in a “Contact information” table accept 100 characters instead 255.

                                4. “ZIP” title text field accept copy paste 6 digits.

                                5. “ZIP” title text field accept copy paste more than 100 letters and special characters in a required text field instead 5 characters (digits only).

                                6. “ZIP” title text field accept type up to 5 letters instead no letters as required.

                                7. “Email” title text field accept 1063 characters instead 255.

                                8. “Email” field has asterisk but behavior as it is not a required field.

                                9. “State” title list box don’t have 50 states list positions as required, and some state's abbreviations are wrong.

                                10. “Referred by” field hasn’t asterisk but behavior as it is a required field.

