- Contact information section: “First Name:” field does not accept 31characters.
- Contact information section: “Last name:” field does not accept 31 characters.
- Contact information section: “Street Address:” field does not accept 250 characters.
- Contact information section: “City:” field accept more than 50 characters.
- Contact information section: “State:” delete BC and “Other”.
- Contact information section: “State:” add “DC”, “HI”, “NV”.
- Contact information section: “State:” replace “IND” to “IN”.
- 1.Cell Phone Service section: “My monthly bill is approximately:” $ field accept letters.
- 1.Cell Phone Service section: “Current provider” dropdown list does not contain “Other”.
- 1.Cell Phone Service section: “Two Check boxes” “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” both can be filled in one time.
- 1.Cell Phone Service section: “Tree Check boxes” “I like my handset” “I am interested in updating my handset” not correlating with “I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop”.
- 1.Cell Phone Service section: “Tree Check boxes” “I like my handset” “I am interested in updating my handset” can be filled in one time.
- 1.Cell Phone Service section: “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:” “Dropdown list box” “months” not with capital letter.
- 1.Cell Phone Service section: “My monthly bill is approximately:” in $ field not accept the dot.
- 2.Local/Long distances/International Service section: “Bundled with:” no option excluded Internet and TV
- 3.High Speed Internet Service section: “Bounded with” buttons no choice without TV and Phone.
- 7.Gas and Electric Services section: misspelled “I am opento using different provider”.
- Buttons “Submit” and “Clear” have different shape and font size.
No announcement yet.
Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project
- No default input focus on the page.
- Push button "Clear' does not clear information from the page and gives error message.
- Incorrect TAB order
- after input field 'First name' it goes to 'input field 'Referred by' skipping all input field in-between and then returns to input field 'Last name'.
- Skips radio button 'TV' and goes to 'Both' instead in Section 3
- Misspelling in checkbox label 'I am opento using different provider'
- Input field 'My monthly bill is approximately:' is inappropriately provides default value.
- Input field 'My monthly bill is approximately:' lets input alphabetic letters.
- Label 'Referred by' missing asterisk while being required (form can not be submitted without 'Referred by' input field filled).
- 'Refresh' button does not refresh the page.
- The page lets the user to submit the form without filling out required input field 'Email'.
- Special characters can be used in input field 'First name', 'Last name'
- Input fields 'Last name', "First name', 'Street address', 'ZIP', 'Email', 'Referred by' are not validated.
- Input field 'First name', 'Last name', 'City' lets user to input numbers, special characters.
- Drop-down list 'State' lists option 'Other' in the middle of the list, wrong option 'BC', misses HI and NV, misspelled 'IND' instead of ID.
- Drop-down list 'Minutes on plan' provides option 'Other' but input field for this option is missing.
- Drop-down list 'Months left on current contracts' missing options '11' and '12'.
- Radio button and checkbox labels are not clickable.
- Input field 'Provider' is not validated.
#1. Default focus needs to be implemented.
#2. "First name:" field accepts special characters.
#3. "First name:" field accepts digits.
#4. "Last name:" field accepts special characters.
#5. "Last name:" field accepts digits.
#6. "Street Address:" field accepts improper special characters.
#7. "City:" field accepts special characters.
#8. "City:" field accepts digits.
#9. "Email:" field accepts improper combination of digits, letters and special characters.
#10. "Email:" field does not require to "@" and "." to be typed.
#11. "Zip:" field accepts letters.
#12. "Zip:" field accepts special characters to be pasted.
- No default input focus on “First Name” field.
- In “ZIP” field access letters instead to digits only.
- “Wireless Aircard” field has square instead round.
- “Provider” field not in new (separately) line.
- In “ I Am opento using different provider” field missing space between words “open” “to”
- "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent.
Bug Report for the Energy-Telecom Service Review form:
1 Email field is indicated as required but not required when submitting.
2 Error message when pushing "Clear" button
3 "Referred by" field is not indicated as mandatory but is mandatory when submitting
4 Email field is allowing to submit email without "." and/or "@" symbols
5 in the 1"Cell Phone Service" should be radio button instead of checkboxes for the answers: "I am happy with my current provider"
"I am open to using different provider"
6 Copy-pasting letters works in numeric indicated $ fields, should be disabled
7 Many fields: last name, first name, referred by allow numbers.
8 Only 10 month in dropdown menu in the field "Months left on current contract:"
9 in dropdown menu "Months left on current contract:" you can chose "prepaid" - can be instead radio button or separate checkbox in the menu.
1. There is no focus on the start field to fill.
2. Tab order is moved out of order of fields.
First name --> Reffered by --> Last name.
3. List of States contains BC (British Columbia, Canada).
4. List of States does not contain HI (Hawaii).
5. List of States spelling error IND (IN - Indiana).
6. List of States is not in alphabetical order.
7. ZIP field accepts letters with upper and lower cases.
8. ZIP field accepts paste more than 5 digit.
9. PHONE field accepts paste letters.
Energy-Telecom Service Review Bug Report
1. TAB ORDER incorrect coming from First Name field
2. IND in the State Drop Box is listed wrong; it should be IN not IND
3. BC is a Canadian province, not a US state in the state drop-down
4. MA should be before ME
5. IA should be before ID and IL
6. I am "opento" a different provider is misspelled and should be "open to"
7. Zip code field is not requiring 5 numbers
8. Pressing Tab Key from "Best Way to Contact Me" is skipping "Referred By" field
9. No Default Input Focus
10. HI, NV, and DC are missing in the state drop-down
11. Numbers should not be permitted in the Name fields
12. Zip fields should not allow letters
GUI Energy-Telecom Online Form
1) No default input focus.
2) while the email field the Contact Information marked as required, it let submit form with this field empty
3) Tab order is incorrect. After "First Name" goes to "Referred by" after that - "Last Name"
4) "ZIP" When you typing - you can typing numbers, but when you copy and then paste the field can contain letters.
5) The last name field cannot contain numbers
6) in the field States, there is an option 'other', which is unnecessary if we have all 50 states presented
Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project
1. There is not 'DEFAULT BUTTON' on the website
2. There is not 'DEFAULT INPUT FOCUS' on the website
3. 'TAB ORDER' on the website has not right following order, it goes down to the 12th data input field from very first one,
also it misses some check boxes along the way down
4. Label 'months' has no colon character :
5. In the data input fields where we supposed to have only text characters , we can as well put numbers:
-Last name
-First name
6. In the data input field where we supposed to write down numbers , we can write down text as well:
7. In the data input fields where you suppose to write only numbers and you cannot write down text,
you can copy text and put it inside the text field
8. If you try to submit form empty it shows error messages with the *required text fields, system shows text field 'Referred by' like one of them but it's not
9. If you submit form empty required text fields have red * character but 'email' text field has got blue color
10. 'State' check box has the order problem option 'other' stands in the middle of choices ,it should be at the end of the list
11. To submit form it requires you to put in the name of the person who referred you 'Referred by' but this field is not indicated as required field*
12. We can choose more than 1 check box where we should choose logically only 1
13. 'Email' text field is pronounced as *required on the website but you still can submit form without 'email' required form
14. by inspecting html code we see error , 'Referred by' label is not marked on the website as required but on source code level it specified as required
Bug report for Energy-Telecom
1. When I press TAB cursor moves From the "First Name" field to the field "Referred by" instead of the Last name.
2. I can enter letters into the ZIP field
3. In the drop-down list "State" some of the states are missing
4." My monthly bill is approximate:" allows entering letters into the field
5. In the field "Months left on current contract" there are only 10 months and there are should be 12 month
6. Space is missing in clause 7 in "opento"
7. "Referred by" label is mandatory and it's not marked with an asterisk
Bug report for Taulia:
1. Invoice search doesn't function.
2. Multiple missing colons in "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order","Invoice date","Invoice status","Results per page".
3. Misspelled word "Invoce"
4. "Due date" field contains incorrect data (numbers instead of DD/MM/YYY)
5. First status in "Status column is misspelled ("Rejcted")
6. Columns "Due date" and "PO" are switched
7. "Results per page" field shows incorrect number of results.
8. Download list button isn't functioning
9. "Refresh" button isn't functioning
10. Tab sequence is not working properlyLast edited by FrAlex2758; 01-17-2022, 01:07 PM.
1. No default field focus
2. First and Last name fields accepts numbers and special characters.
3.City field accepts numbers and special characters.
4.Zip code field accepts typing of letters letters
5.In zip code field can be Pasted special characters.
6.From state menu we can select a state different than the zip code.
7. In zip code field we can enter zip code different than the selected state.
8. State and Zip code fields are not interconnected.
9.In phone field we can paste characters other than digits.
10. In Cell phone service: Current provider there should be an option for "Other".
11. In current provider the "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" should not be able both to be sellected.
12. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letters.
13. In "My monthly bill is approximately:" field can paste special charracters.
14. "Months left on current contract:" should be a text box.
15.In "Number of phones on plan:" when you sellect "more" there is no option to put how many.
16.In "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" if we sellect "more" there is no option to typer how many months.
17.In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" "Current Provider:" when we sellect OTHER there is no option to type which one.
18.In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" "My monthly bill is approximately:" field can paste special charracters
19.In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" "Total Bill:" field can paste special charracters.
20.In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" "Primary phone number" field is mandatory and should be marked with"*".
21. "Referred by:" field in "contact information" should be marked with "*" since it's mandatory.
22.The form can be submited with invalid characters in non mandatory fields.
1.TAB order top to bottom from "BEST WAY TO CONNECT ME" select drop down missing "REFERRED BY" input box.
2."FIRST NAME " and "LAST NAME" input boxes can accept any characters
3."ZIP" input box can accept only numerical value.
4."CURRENT PROVIDER" check box allows multiple choices.
5.REFERRED BY" input box get same error like a required field.
6."EMAIL" input box accept wrong input format.
7."CLEAR" button doesn't work. Error message pops out.
8."STATE" and "ZIP" input boxes doesn't match in values.Last edited by Portugalec.usa; 01-10-2022, 10:49 PM.
Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project- No default input focus on the page
- Digit fields (Payment fields)accept copy paste letters and special characters (Paste letters and Sp.Characters)“My monthly bill is approximately”, Total Bill, My monthly bill is approximately (summer), My monthly bill is approximately (winter)
- “First name” and “Last name” fields accept special characters (non-existent name)
- “Street Adress” field accepts special characters (non-existent adress)
- “City” field accepts special characters (non-existent adress)
- “Email” field accepts non-existent email adress (consist only of special characters)
- Allow Submit form without choosing any information about plan, Provider, Name, Address, City
- "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent in font size and dimensions
- “State” listbox” replace IND with IN
- “State” listbox” remove BC item
- Push button "Clear": misleading/confusing message pops up. Nothing is cleared
1. Default focus is missing.
2. Wrong TAB order.
3. Not all states are listed in Drop down list box "State".
4. Drop down list box "State" should not include item "Other"
5. There is no alphabetical arrangement of states in the Drop down list box "State"
6. The "Referred by:" field is checked as required when submitting the form. It is possible that the "*" sign is missing in the field description.
7. Button "CLEAR" not working. The error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" is displayed.
8. Field “ZIP” accept copy paste special characters.
9. Field “ZIP” accept copy paste text characters.
10. Field “ZIP” accept copy paste more than 5 characters.