- “FIRST NAME” input field should not allow using special characters
- “LAST NAME” input field should not allow using special characters
- “CITY” input should not allow using special characters
- tab-order working illogical (should be left to right, instead it going “firstname - referred by - last name - etc)
- “STATE” input field offers a choice of states not in alphabetical order, for convenience, should arrange them in alphabetical order
- “ZIP” input field should not allow using letters
- “REFFERED BY” must have “*” form can’t be submitted if this input field empty
- Under number 7 Gas and Electrical services we have “I am opento using different provider” should be changed to “I am open to using different provider”
No announcement yet.
Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project
1. Input "First Name" accepts digits instead of letters only.
2. Input "First Name" accepts special characters instead of letters only.
3. Input "Last Name" accepts digits instead of letters only.
4. Input "Last Name" accepts special characters instead of letters only.
5. Input "Street Adress" accepts special characters instead of letters and digits.
6. Input "City" accepts special characters, letters, and digits instead of letters only.
7. Input "ZIP" accepts letters instead of digits only.
8. Input "My monthly bill is approximately:" in Section 1.Cell Phone Service accepts letters instead of digits only.
9. Data box in Section 7.Gas and Electric Services is misspeled: 'I am opento using different provider' vs. ' I am open to using different provider'.
10. The font of buttons "Submit" and "Clear" has different size.
11. "Clear" button is not clearing any data at inputs and leads to error message: "Error 17896 - Invalid data-request. Please call technical support or restatrt your computer !!!".
12. TAB order is incorrect and transfers from "First Name" input to "Reffered by" instead of "Last Name".Last edited by natakata22@gmail.com; 01-10-2022, 02:22 PM.
Bug Report for Energy Telecom Project:
1. No default input focus.
2.Tab order doesn't follow in a logical order - will go from First Name field to bottom Referred By field and then back to Last Name field.
3. First and Last Name fields allow numbers and special characters.
4. Zip code field allows letters.
5. Zip code field allows non-existing zip codes when submitting.
6. The City filed allows numbers and special characters.
7. Referred By field accepts special characters.
8. Email field is indicated as Required Field (*), but system allows to leave it blank when submitting.
9. Unable to submit without filing out the Referred By field, but it isn't indicated as Required Field (*).
10. In part 1 Cell Phone Service - system allows to check all boxes simultaneously.
11. In part 1 Cell Phone Service - system allows letters in the $ amount field.
12. In part 4 TV Service - system allows to check both boxes for I currently Have:
Bug Report for Energy-Telecom Service.- No default input focus implemented.
- Tab order is incorrect, input focus goes from “First name:” -> “Referred by:” -> “Last Name:” instead of “First name:” -> “Last name:”.
- Misspelled in “I am opento using different provider”, “open to” instead of “opento”.
- “Submit” and “Clear” button are not consistent.
- “Zip:” input field accept letters.
- “My monthly bill is approximately:” amount input field accept letters.
- “Referred by:” is a required field, missed asterisk (*).
- “State:” listbox, “NV” state missed.
- “State:” listbox, “HI” state missed.
- “State:” listbox, remove “BC”.
- “State:” listbox, replace “IN” instead “IND”.
- “State:” listbox, there are only 48 states instead 50.
Last edited by Olena N.; 01-10-2022, 09:10 PM.
Energy telecom online submission to forum:- There’s no BC territory in the USA.
- When clicking tab, it goes to the last input than going to the next item, which is LAST NAME
- Should be a correct order of states and colonies and their abbreviations; on top of 50 states add Puerto Rico, Guam, DC etc.
- Cell phone provider list is not current or correct.
- When selecting Bundled with, if you click Tab after Internet, it goes to Total Bill instead of TV
- No default value.
- Monthly Bill in cell phone section accepts letters
- If it asks Referred By, it should have a star, otherwise you can’t submit a form.
GUI checklist to the Energy-Telecom Online Form
1. Page has no default button;
2. Page has no default input focus;
3. TAB order is incorrect in a single case (after data input field "First Name");
4. Labels for checkboxes "International calls included" and "Long distance included" end with question mark instead of colon character (section 2 "Local/Long Distances/International Service");
5. Checking the check box disables Controls (Section 5 "Home Security Service");
6. Typo in the section 7 checkbox label "I am opento using different provider" instead of "Open to";
1. No default input focus
2. Tab order neither logical or topological (jumps to Reference field)
3. State drop down box BC not a state, IND misspelled Indiana state (IN), "other" not a State, missing Hawaii (HI) and Nevada (NV)
4. "Email" box not validated, will except not existing email, even without @, .com 5. "Best way to contact" box not validated, you can submit application without including email or contact number
6. "Referred by" box not validated, application can be submitted with or without information, or with digits
7. "#4 TV service, Month left" (misscalculation of the month)
8. "Clear button" error msg 17896-invalid data request. Please call technician support or restart your computer
9. When you push Submit button, you still can go back and make edition to the application
No default input focus
After filling in the first element "First Name:" and then press "Tab" it should go to "Last Name:" instead of "Referred by:"
In the listbox "State" some states are not real (BC), some missed (HI, NV), some with mistakes (IND should be IN)
Numbers are acceptable for "First Name:", "Last Name:", "Street Address:", "City:", "Email:"
Letters are acceptable for "ZIP:" to fill in but not acceptable for the system when you push the button "Submit"
The element "Referred by:" also should be marked with * because we can't submit without it
"Other" menu option is not available in the listbox "Current Provider:" in "1. Cell Phone Service" element
Letters are acceptable to fill in "My monthly bill is approximately:" in "1. Cell Phone Service" element
"More" menu option is not available in "Months left on current contract:" in "1. Cell Phone Service" element
It has a misspelling (open to) in "I am opento using different provider" in "7. Gas and Electric Services"
Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are not disabled at the end of the page
The button "Clear" has a problem when pushing: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"Last edited by Aleksandr Gudkov; 01-11-2022, 08:11 PM.
Bug Report for Energy-Telecom Service Review web page
1. there is no default input focus on the page
2. illogical tab order- select “First name” field, if “Tab” button is pressed starting from "First Name", then focus jumps to "Referred by", then jumps back to "Last Name"
3. there is no default button on the page
4. all the fields where only numbers are required allow pasting letters and symbols and only 2 of them give exceptions if "Submit" button is pushed - * Please enter a valid ZIP Code and * Please enter a valid Phone Number
5. invalid zip code is accepted - like 00000 or 11111
6. required fields allow typed and pasted symbols and numbers so for example in “First Name” I can type @#$@#$@#2343242, then push “Submit” button and it is accepted
7.e-mail field is not verified as well and symbols/numbers are accepted like @#$@#$@# or sdfsdfsdfsdf141412413 or .*.////{*}:slk"Wel123==123
8."Comments" section doesn't restrict the size of the text to enter or paste
9. web browser notifies "This website is not secure. Information you enter here could be compromised."
10. "Referred by" field is required, but it is not stated, if left blank-gives message -* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by
11. if "Clear" button is pushed it gives you an error that says "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
12. when "Refresh" button is pushed it does not refresh the page
13. There is a space gap missing in the check box text "I am opento using different provider"- should be "... open to..."Last edited by zazdravnaya; 01-11-2022, 04:19 AM.
1. The input fields "First name" and "Last name" accept special characters.
2. The tabulation order is violated: "First name" - "By recommendation" - "Last name".
3. The "ZIP" field accepts special characters, not just numbers.
4. Field "ZIP" - the form is being sent
if 5 digits of a non-existent postal code are entered.
5. The "Clear" button does not work
Gives an error message: "Error 17896 -
Invalid data request.
6. Input field "E-mail" The form accepts an invalid e-mail address.
#1 "Submit" button is not DISABLED even if all of the fields are empty
with all of the fields empty form "SUBMIT" button still ready to click and form submitting still allowed
#2 No default Input focus on the required field
main goal on this page is to submit the form by filling the fields UP. So, it'll be nice to start the process straight from the "First Name" by default
#3 No default button
None of the buttons are default button. Submit button should be the Default button as soon as it allowed to use.
#4 TAB order isn't right
After the "First name" field press the "TAB" button and we're going down to "Referred by" field. By clicking "TAB" button field should be changed to the "Last Name"
#5 No default values in the appropriate fields
fields with "pre-filled" answers (YES/NO, type of connections, etc.) doesn't have any default values. But it'll be nice to have it in the appropriate fields
#6 Grammar errors and misspelling
"opento" in the section 7 checkbox description. Should be "open to"
Table: Contact Information
-Tab order is out of order. "First Name" → "Referred by"
-Tab order is out of order. "Referred by" → "Last Name"
-There is no pointer (as * ) in the "Referred by" field
-In the "Phone" field there are no indents between the Tex Boxes
Table: Cell Phone Service
-In the "Months left on current contract" field in the List Box, a limited selection of 10 months, there is no "more" option
Table:Local/Long Distances/International Service
-In the field "Primary Phone Number" large gaps, between Tex Boxes
-There is a question mark in the "International calls included" and "Long distance included" fields. There is no logic
-There are radio buttons (Yes / No) opposite the "International calls included", "Long distance included" and "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" fields. It will look better with a toggle
-When translating a web page into Russian using google translator, opposite the "International calls included", "Long distance included" and "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" fields, the text of the "Yes" radio button changes its size
Table: High Speed Internet Service
-There is a large accumulation of buttons in the table, indents are not maintained, the chaotic arrangement of fields, buttons. In general, the table does not look attractive.
Table: TV Service
-There are 3 radio buttons in the "Bundled with" field. It is more logical to use Check Box
-In the "Months left on plan" field, the List Box has a limited selection of 24 months, there is no "more" option
Table: Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
-There is no indentation between the title and the field "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)"
Table:Gas and Electric Services
-There is a text error in the "I am opento using different provider" field. Opento" → open to
-In the field "I am opento using different provider" there is a Check Box, it is more logical to use the Radio Button
Table: Comments
-The table element slides to the right when the "comments" window is stretched
-The comment window can be stretched indefinitely
End of form
-Selector missing at the end of the form, privacy link
-There is no selector at the end of the form for consent to data processing
-Submit and Clear buttons are different in size
-When you click on the Clear button, an error appears: Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!
1. No default input focus on text field
2. In "Contact Information" - Tab order in wrong direction. First Name - Referred by" instead of Name-Last name
3. Label "Referred by:" missed requirement sign *
4. "State:" listbox: put US States in alphabet order
5. "State:" listbox: states list contains US States "Other"
6. If customer did not fill/put wrong/left empty email address, sign * changes color like it is correct answer.
7. In section "Cell Phone Service" customer may check all box even with opposite label meaning.
8. The Tab order work does not include circle check boxes.
9. In section "Local/Long Distances/International Service" double labels with may mean the same? "My monthly bill is approximately:" and "Total Bill:"
10. In section "High Speed Internet Service" there is missing label between "Type of service:" and "Bundled with:"
11. In section "Gas and Electric Services" there is missing space in label "I am opento using different provider".
12. If push the "Clear" button it does not provide clear text fields but show misleading error window/pop-up.
13. Customer able to push the "Submit button" even if does not filled any text field or with uncompleted text forms.
14. "State:" listbox contains only 48 US States instead of 50.
15. "State" listbox: add District of Columbia to the state list.Last edited by sunlight_s; 01-11-2022, 09:17 AM.
Part "Contact Information"
1. In the text fields “First Name:”, “Last Name:” can write not letters (digits, symbols).
2. When trying to tab from the text field "First Name" - the cursor goes to the line "Referred by:" instead of the next line "Last Name".
Part " Cell Phone Service"
3. No provider "Other" in the drop-down window "Current Provider:".
4. Can input letters and symbols in the text field "My monthly bill is approximately:".
5 In the drop-down window "Months left on current contract:" only 10 months instead 12.
Part “Local/Long Distances/International Service”
6. When trying to tab from the text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" - the cursor goes to the "Both" instead of the next "Internet ".
7. When trying to tab from "International calls included?" -> radio button "Yes" - the cursor goes to the "Long distance included?" -> radio button "Yes" instead of the next "International calls included?" -> radio button "No" .
8. . When trying to tab from "Long distance included?" -> radio button "Yes" - the cursor goes to the "I am interested in Unlimited Calling:" -> radio button "Yes" instead of the next "Long distance included?" -> radio button "No" .
Part “High Speed Internet Service”
9. When trying to tab from the text field "Type of service:" - - the cursor goes to the "Type of service:" -> radio button "DSL" instead of the next "Type of service:" -> radio button "Cable" .
10. When trying to tab from Type of service:" -> checkbox "Wireless Aircard" - the cursor goes to the "Bundled with:" -> radio button "Both" instead of the next "Bundled with:" -> radio button "TV".
Part “TV Service”
11. When trying to tab from the text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" - the cursor goes to the "Bundled with:" -> radio button "Phone " instead of the next "Bundled with:" -> radio button "Internet".
12. When trying to tab from the "Bundled with:" -> radio button "Phone" - the cursor goes to the "Number of receivers:" -> drop-down window "Number of receivers:" instead of the next "Bundled with:" -> radio button "Both" .
Part "Gas and Electric Services"
13. In the title of the checkbox "I am opento using different provider" no space between " opento "
14. When press the button "Clear" the message appears: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"