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Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #91
    1. Inconsistency in "Referred By" field: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required filed.
    2. Inconsistency in colour of asterisks in section Contact Information: when unfilled form submitted, warning message is shoving up of required fields with asterisks that have blue and red colours (field “ZIP” and “Phone”)
    3. When unfilled form submitted, warning sight “* Indicates required field” marked in blue colour that contradicted with a red colour of asterisks in “Contact Information”
    4. In section Contact Information, field “First name" allows to type only 30 characters that contradicted with 31 in requirements.
    5. In section Contact Information, field “Last name" allows to type only 30 characters that contradicted with 31 in requirements.
    6. In section Contact Information, field “Street Address” allows to type only 100 characters that contradicted with 255 in requirements.
    7. Listbox "State" in section “Contact Information” offering 49 States instead 50 that sets out in requirements
    8. Choice "Other" in the listbox “State” is not applicable when mentioned all 50 states
    9. In the listbox “State” value is not consistent because included Canada’s province BC
    10. Size of listbox “State” is not enough to include choice “Other” instead it shows “Othe”
    11. In section “Contact Information” text field of “ZIP” accepts letters that contradicted with requirements
    12. Text field “Email” in section “Contact Information” allows to fill more than 255 characters that contradicted with requirements
    13. Text field “Referred by” in section “Contact Information” accepts digits and special characters
    14. In section “1. Cell Phone Service”, listbox “Current Provider” doesn’t have choice “Other” that applicable for this field
    15. In section “1. Cell Phone Service”, text-box “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters
    16. When submitted letters instead of digits In section “1. Cell Phone Service”, text-box “My monthly bill is approximately” no warning messages is showing up.
    17. Listbox “Number of phones on plan” in section “1. Cell Phone Service” allows to choice 100 and more phones that not logical choice for privet person
    18. Listbox “Months left on current contract” in section “1. Cell Phone Service” accepts only 10 months instead 12.
    19. Listbox “Months left on current contract” in section “1. Cell Phone Service” doesn’t have choice “Other”
    20. Label “International calls included?” in section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” doesn’t have semi-columns
    21. Label “Long distance included?” in section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” doesn’t have semi-columns
    22. Section 7 "Gas and Electric Services" has a misspelling "I am opento using different provider" instead of "Open to"
    23. Unavailability of default input focus. There is no data input fields with default input focus.
    24. A Default input button is placed beyond of a page screen
    25. A Default input button does not active by default
    26. Tab order is incorrect. When use the Tab after a filled out input field "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" in illogical way
    27. The control buttons is active even if input fields is empty. Disable controls when don't fill the form
    28. There are no available fields with providing of Default values
    29. When push button "Clear" it shows pop-up error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
    30. Inconsistency in buttons “Submit” and “Clear” in button’s size and shrift


    • #92
      • “Referred by” text box does not have an asterisk but gets an error message when not filled out saying it is required
      • “State” listbox remove BC not needed
      • “Minutes on plan” values not consistent
      • “Best Way To Contact Me” list box not consistent look should not capitalize every word
      • “Clear” button when pushed come up with a confusing and misleading error


      • #93
        #1 The field "First Name:" - accepts 30 characters, instead 31. - in terms of Requirements.- Specific Data Requirements: the first. After Refresh, the field not turn to empty.
        #2 The field "Last Name:" - accepts 30 characters, instead 31. - in terms of Requirements. - Specific Data Requirements: the first. After Refresh, the field not turn to empty.
        #3 The field "Street Address:" - accepts 100 characters, instead 255. - in terms of Requirements.
        #4 The field "City:" - 50 characters.(!)
        #5 In the field "State:", state Indiana is "IND" instead "IN".
        #6 In the field "State:" stands BC - British Columbia, which is a Canadian province.
        #7 In the field "State:" miss DC - District of Columbia, HI - Hawaii, NV - Nevada.
        #8 The field "ZIP:" accepts letters instead of digits only. - in terms of Specific Data Requirements: ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digit only).
        #9 "Email:" filed do not accept underscore "_" like special character.
        #10 The field "Referred by:" is not mark like Required field, but behaviors like Required field.


        • #94
          Energy Telecom based on "testing web forms" and "requirements":

          #1. The field "Email" is required has asterisk, but there is no warning, if you've missed it
          #2 The field "Referred by" behaves as required, but there is no asterisk sign
          #3 The field "State" doesn't have 50 states and has extra option "other"
          #4 The field "Current provider" doesn't have an option "Other", even though other "provider" fields have this option
          #5 The fields "First name", "Last name", "Street address", "City" and "Email" allow copy/paste cyrillic input, but it has to be latin only since it's all about US
          #6 The 2 opposite options "I'm happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provide" could be checked at the same time
          #7 The field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows letters input. It has to be a number.
          #8 The field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows 11 digits. It's reasonable to limit it to 4
          #9 The field "Primary Phone Number:" allows copy/paste letter input. It should be numbers only
          #10 In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows 11 digits. It's reasonable to limit it to 4
          #11 The field "Total Bill:" allows copy/paste letters, not only numbers
          #12 In "4. TV service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows copy/paste letter input. It should be numbers only
          #13 In "5. Home security service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows copy/paste letter input. It should be numbers only
          #14 In "7. Gas and Electric service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" allows copy/paste letter input. It should be numbers only
          #15 In "7. Gas and Electric service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" allows copy/paste letter input. It should be numbers only
          #16 Misspelling in "7. Gas and Electric service" "I am opento using different provider". It has to be a space between "open" and "to"
          #17 The error message, when you push the button "Clear" is misleading
          #18 The buttons "Submit " and "Clear" have different size and font size, but they have to look the same
          # 19 The field "ZIP" allows copy/paste of the zip code, that is more, than 5 numbers
          #20 "First Name:" field allows 30 characters instead of 31
          # 21 "Last Name:" field allows 30 characters instead of 31
          #22 "Street Address:" field allows 100 characters instead of 255
          #23 The field "ZIP:" accepts letters also, not only numbers
          #24 The field "email:" allows to input more, than 255 characters
          #25 The field "Phone:" allows copy/paste letters (typing allows numbers only)


          • #95
            1. "Refered by" field behavies like it is required filed.
            2. "Email" field is reqired and no message provided if "Email" field has no input.
            3. Email with the form was not generated.
            4. "Current Provider" list box missing "Other"
            5. "Number of phones on plan" list box has options from 1 to 100 which is to many.
            6. "Months left on current contract" has options from 0 to 10 which is not enough, recomended is from 0 to 24
            7. "State" list box: "BC" is not a State.
            8. "State" list box: HI and NV states are missing.
            9. "State" list box: Replace IND with IN for Indiana State.
            10. "State" list box: Remove "Other" option from the list.
            11. Default button does not exist.
            12. "Minutes on plan" list box and "Number of phones on plan" do not lined up
            13. "Clear" button has different size than "Submit" button.
            14. Fonts on "Clear" and "Submit" buttons have different size and style.
            15. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
            16. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
            17. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
            18. "ZIP" field accepts letters.
            19. "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead of 255.
            20. "Clear" button does not clear the form.
            21. "Clear" button invokes error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request.
            Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


            • #96
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the data input field "FIRST NAME" accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as required.
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the data input field "LAST NAME" accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as required.
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the data input field "STREET ADDRESS" accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as required.
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the list box "STATE" doesn't offer exactly 50 states.
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the data input field "ZIP" accepts more than 5 required symbols by copypasting.
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the data input field "EMAIL" accepts more than 255 required characters.
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the data input field "EMAIL" has a star assigned but isn't required.
              In the "CONTACT INFORMATION" table the data input field "REFERRED BY" behaves as it is a required field.
              Button "CLEAR" doesn't clear anything.
              Button "CLEAR" invokes an error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"

              Tab order isn't logical. After the data input field "First name" by pushing the "tab" button it goes to the data input field “Referred by" instead of the data input field "Last name".
              The data input field “First Name” accepts special characters and digits.
              The data input field “Last Name” accepts special characters and digits.
              The data input field “Street Address” accepts special characters.
              The data input field “City” accepts special characters and digits.
              Select menu "States" contains "BC" state. No BC state exists.
              Select menu "States" contains "IND" state. There should be "IN" instead of "IND".
              The data input field “Zip” accepts letters and special characters.
              The data input field “Referred by” accepts special characters.
              Select list "Current Provider" doesn't contain the "other" option.
              In the "Cell Phone Service" area "I am happy with my current provider", "I am open to using different provider" checkboxes elements have to be as radio button elements.
              The data input field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts special characters and letters.
              In the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" area "International calls included?","Long distance included?" contain "?" instead of ":" mark.
              In the "High Speed Internet Service" area "Cable","Dial-up","DSL" radio button elements have to be checkbox elements.
              In the "Gas and Electric Services" area "I am opento using different provider" checkbox element contains a grammar mistake.


              • #97

                1."First Name " the requirements indicate no more than 31 characters, in fact no more than 30 characters are available

                2."Last name" the requirements indicate no more than 31 characters , in fact no more than 30 characters are available.

                3."Street address" the text field accepts no more than 255 characters , in fact it accepts 100.

                4."State" the text field accepts no more than 50 characters , in fact 49 .

                5"State" the first state on the list BS (British Columbia) , a province in Canada .It does not belong to the states.

                6."State" is missing state "DC".

                7."State" is missing state "HI"

                8."State" is missing state "NV"

                9."State" write "IND", instead "IN"

                10."Email" the text field accepts 255 characters , in fact it is includes 1063 characters .

                11."Best way to contact me" inconvenient to read , part of the text has been moved to the next line.

                12.Section "7" "Gas and Electric Services"the last line is written the words together , "opento"

                13.Button "Submit" and "Clear" not one size.

                14.Zip code accepts letters .

                15.Field "referred by" without indicates required.

                16.Button "Clear" shows error and doesn't work.


                • #98
                  1. "First Name" input data field accepts only 30 characters: needs to accept 31 characters maximum.
                  2."Last Name" input data field accepts only 30 characters: needs to accept 31 characters maximum.
                  3. "Street Address" input data field accepts only 91 characters: needs to accept 255 characters maximum.
                  4."City" input data field accepts only 46 characters: needs to accept 50 characters maximum.
                  5. "State" list box lists only 48 states out of 50. Add HI and NV states.
                  6."Other" option in "State" list box needs to be removed, only 50 options are possible.
                  7. Default field focus is missing, make "First Name" input field as a default field focus.
                  8. Tab order is wrong, needs to go from the left to the right and from the top to the bottom.
                  9. "ZIP" data input field accepts letters besides digits, needs to be digits only.
                  10. "Email" data input field accepts more than 255 characters, needs to accept 255 characters maximum.
                  11. "Referred by" text field needs to be specified if it belongs to "Contact information" section. If not, needs to be outside this section.
                  12. "Best Way To Contact Me:" list box needs to be specified if it belongs to "Contact information" section. If not, needs to be outside this section.


                  • #99
                    #1 “Email” field in “Contact Information” Section asterisk symbol “*” not red if the field is incomplete
                    #2 List menu “State” in “Contact Information” Section contains states from Canada
                    #3 List menu “State” in “Contact Information” Section incorrect state “IND” needs to be replaced with “IN”
                    #4 Make “ZIP” menu in “Contact Information” Section accept digits only
                    #5 “Referred by” field isn’t marked as required field, but web-form is requiring when submitting
                    #6 “Current Provider” list menu in “Cell Phone Service” Section is missing option “Other”
                    #7 Replace Checkboxes: “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” to Radio Buttons with the same names to make a choice
                    #8 “My monthly bill is approximately:” field in “Cell Phone Service” Section accept text
                    #9 “My monthly bill is approximately:” field in “Cell Phone Service” Section doesn’t accept “.” symbol
                    #10 “Bundled with:” radio buttons didn’t have an option “None” in sections: “Local/Long Distances/International Service”, “High Speed Internet Service”, “TV Service”
                    #11 “Current Provider:” list menu need to have a selection other than “Select one” when submitting the form in sections: “Cell Phone Service”, “Local/Long Distances/International Service”, “High Speed Internet Service”, “TV Service”, “Home Security Service”, “Gas and Electric Services”
                    #12 “Clear” button malfunction
                    #13 “Submit” and “Clear” buttons need to look similar


                    • #1.Form can be submitted without fill out "Email" field.
                      #2."State" listbox: remove "BC" from the list
                      #3."State" listbox: remove" Other" from the list
                      #4."State" listbox: replace "IND" with "IN"
                      #5."State" listbox: missing "NV".


                      • “Zip” field accepts letter instead digits. No default input focus on the page. Push button “ Clear” misleading/pop up comes. “State” listbox:remove “BC” item


                        • 1. Input field "First name" accepts digits.
                          2. Input field "Last name" accepts digits.
                          3. "Zip" field accepts letter instead digits only.
                          4. Field "My monthly approximately $" accepts letters.
                          5. Field "Email" accepts not valid email, if you will wright only letters without "@", no errors after press "Submit".
                          6. Tab order, after input field "Name" does not follow correct field "Last name". Follow field "Referred by".
                          7. Drop-down menu options for field "State" can not include "Other".
                          8. Field "First name" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
                          9. Field "Last name" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
                          10. Field "Street address" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
                          11. Field "City" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
                          12. Field "Referred by" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
                          Last edited by IrynaGergel; 05-10-2022, 05:22 PM.


                          • Energy-Telecom Bug Reports
                            #1 Text field "First Name:" accepts 30 characteristics. Requirement is ambigulty, because 1 accepted characteristic is also no more than 31
                            #2 Text field "Last Name:" accepts 30 characteristics. Requirement is ambigulty, because 1 accepted characteristic is also no more than 31
                            #3 Text field "Street Address" accepts 70 characteristics
                            #4 Text field "City:" accepts 40 characteristics
                            #5 List box "State:" doesn't offer all 50 states
                            #6 Text field "Email:" accepts 40 characteristics
                            #7 Text field "Email:" is not required


                            • Energy-Telecom Bug Reports Testing WEB Forms Bug Reports
                              #1 Required field "Referred by:" doesn't have an asterisk, but behaves lake required
                              #2 Required field "Referred by:" from logic side shouldn't be required
                              #3 Field "Email:" marked as required field, but it is not requested as a required field
                              #4 Field "First Name:" allows to accept and submit with one character in field
                              #5 Field "First Name:" accepts max 30 characters
                              #6 Field "First Name:" accepts submit digits
                              #7 Field "First Name:" accepts and submit sp.characters
                              #8 Field "Last Name:" accepts and submit digits
                              #9 Field "Last Name:" accepts and submit sp.characters
                              #10 Field "First Name:" accepts max 30 characters
                              #11 Field "Last Name:" allow to accepts and submit with one characters in field
                              #12 Field "Street Address:" allow to accepts and submit with one letter in field
                              #13 Field "Street Address:" accepts and submit digits
                              #14 Field "Street Address:" accepts and submit sp.characters
                              #15 Field "City:" accepts and submit digits
                              #16 Field "City:" accepts and submit sp.characters
                              #17 Field "City:" allow to accept and submit one character in field
                              #18 Field "Email:" accommodates only 40 characters
                              #19 Field "State:" doesn't"t contain all 50 states. Nevada NV is absent
                              #20 Abbreviation of Indiana in field "State:" IND isn't correct
                              #21 Field "State:" contain BC, it isn"t state
                              #22 Field "State:" is not in ABC order
                              #23 Field "State:" has options "Other", but it shouldn't
                              #24 Field "ZIP:" accepts letters
                              #25 Field "ZIP:" paste sp.characters
                              #26 Field "ZIP: paste more then 5 digits
                              #27 Field "Email:" accepts and submit violated format ("", "fgfh")
                              #28 Field "Email:" accepts and submit one character in field
                              #29 Field "Referred by:" accepts and submit sp.characters
                              #30 Field "Referred by:" accepts and submit digits
                              ​​​​​​​#31 Field "Referred by:" accepts and submit one character in field
                              ​​#32 Field "Current Provider:" in section #1 "Cell Phone Service" is not completed. There aren't main the USA cell phone providers: AT&T, Visible, MINT mobile...
                              #33 Field "Current Provider:" in section #1 "Cell Phone Service" don't present "Other"
                              #34 There isn't default button
                              #35 Tab order is violated
                              #36 "Submit" button and "clear" button are different
                              #37 "Clear" button don't clear the form, but provide error message

