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Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #61
    1. “FIRST NAME” and “LAST NAME” data input field can accept any characters.
    2. “STREET ADDRESS” data input field can accept any characters.
    3. “CITY” data input field can accept any characters.
    4. “STATE” drop box item contains unnecessary elements (BC,Other).
    5. In “STATE” drop box item and in “ZIP” data input field data doesn’t match.
    6. “EMAIL” data input field can accept any characters without @ sign.
    7. In “CELL PHONE SERVICE” section “CURRENT PROVIDER” check box allows multiple choices.
    8. In “CELL PHONE SERVICE” section , in “MONTHS LEFT ON CURRENT CONTRACT” drop box there is no complete data.
    10. In “CONTACT INFORMATION” section TAB order left to right from “FIRST NAME” data input field is incorrect.
    11. In “CONTACT INFORMATION” section TAB order top to bottom from “REFERRED BY” data input field is incorrect.
    12. In “CONTACT INFORMATION” section TAB order top to bottom from “BEST WAY TO CONTACT ME” drop box is incorrect.


    • #62
      1. No default input focus on the page
      2. "First name" field accepts digits and special characters instead of being letters only.
      3. "Last Name" field accepts digits and special characters instead of being letters only.
      4. "City" field accepts digits and special characters instead of being letters only.
      5. "Zip" field accepts letters instead of being digits only.
      6. "My monthly bill is approximately" field in "1.Cell Phone Service" section allows select phone number from the saved info.
      7. "My monthly bill is approximately" field in "1.Cell Phone Service" section accepts letters instead of being digits only.
      8. "Referred by" field is not a required field. Issue: Warning massage pops up after push "Submit" Button.
      9. Push Button "Clear" : misleading message pops up. Nothing is cleared.
      10. "2.Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Primary Phone Number" field allows select phone number from the saved info, but does not fill out the slots automatically, only partially.


      • #63
        1. In "Contact Information" section "Referred by:" does not have a required field label but after submitting the form pop up message "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
        2. in "Contact Information" section "State:" drop of list does not need to have "other" option
        3. In "Contact Information" section "ZIP" field is accepting letters
        4. In "3. High Speed Internet Service" section the "Provider:" field is not selectable and cannot be edited
        5. In "Contact Information" section "First name&Last name" accepting numbers
        6. In"5. Home Security Service" section after selection check mark "I do not have home security services today, but I am interested in getting more information." "Current Provider:" field look disabled but "My monthly bill is approximately:" field is not, even tho whey both is disabled
        7. In "Gas and Electric Services" - "I am opento using different provider" replace "opento" to "open to"


        • #64
          Energy-Telecom Service Review

          #1. Tab order is inconsistency. After field "First Name" marker goes to the filed "Referred by:" instead to field "Last Name".
          #2. Text field "Email:" The field do not accept underscore - "_" - special character.
          #3. By pushing a button "Submit", pop-up a message "Please enter a valid Phone Number".
          #4. By pushing a button "Clear" pop-up a message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!". Must reload from browser.

          Taulia: Search invoices

          #1. Not all labels in "Search my invoices" end up with colon ":". Only label "From amount:" end up with colon ":".
          #2. Showing are 11 results per page, instead 10 as shown in drop-list "Result per page".
          #3. On the info bar is written "Showing 422 invoices", but actually are 32x10=320 invoices.
          #4. The page 5 miss from pages bottom.
          #5. Data are sort by "Amount" ascending. The sign show descending.
          #6. 7-th and 8-th invoices are miss-mach. They are not sort by amount ascending.
          #7. The column "Due Date" is in consistency format.
          #8. The 11-th row miss button "Action".
          #9. Data are out scope in "Invoice date", which are between 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. The row 7-th is date 10/1/2011.
          #10. "Status" column, row 4 "Paid" icon: the tooltip is "Approved" instead of "Paid".

          Last edited by VVas; 01-11-2022, 02:25 PM.


          • #65
            1. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn - "BC" need to be deleted.
            2. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn - "IND" misspelled. Correct value "IN".
            3. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn - missing state "NV".
            4. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn - missing state "HI".
            5. In Contact Information section, "State" drop dawn - "Other" need to be deleted.
            6. Default input is missing.
            7. Default button is missing.
            8. In Contact Information section, ZIP field allow write letters, not only numbers.
            9. In Cell Phone Service section, My monthly bill is approximately field allow write letters, not only numbers.
            10. Tab order incorrect. After "First Name" it moves to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".
            11. The system allows to write Email without "@". Email field not validate.
            12. In Contact Information section, "Referred by" non-mandatory field works like mandatory after push the button "Submit".
            13. In Gas and Electric Services section, check box "I am open to using different provider" - "opento" misspelled. Correct "open to".
            14. In Digital Phone Service with Video Phone section, position of check box is not in line to others check boxes in sections " Home Security Service" and Gas and Electric Services.
            15. In High Speed Internet Service section, the position of check box "Wireless Aircard" is not correct.


            • #66
              #1. "First Name" and "Last Name" text fields allow input of ANY characters instead of only letters.
              #2. "Email" text field does not allow underscore.
              #3. State abbreviations are not listed in alphabetical order in drop down menu.
              #4. In "Cell Phone Service" section, it does not give an "other" option in "current provider" drop down menu.
              #5. "City" input field allows numbers and special characters instead of only letter characters.
              #6. When pushing tab button, cursor does not go from top to bottom in correct order.
              #7. No default field focus
              #8. "ZIP" text field allows letters instead of only numbers.
              #9. "Clear" button is smaller than "submit" button instead of being equal in size.
              #10. In "cell phone service" section, "monthly bill" text field allows letters instead of only numbers.
              #11. "Referred by:" text field is missing a blue asterisk since it is a required field in order to submit.
              #12. "clear" button gives error code.


              • #67
                1. No default input focus. Suggest "First name" text field.
                2. Problem with tab order: After “First name” input focus goes to “Referred by” text field. Suggest "Last name" as the next input field.
                3. Allows to input numerical characters into the “First name”, “Last name” text fields. Suggest limiting input to alphabetical characters only.
                4. Allows to input special characters into the “First name”, “Last name” text fields. Suggest limiting input to alphabetical characters only.
                5. Allows to input numerical characters into the “City” text field. Suggest limiting input to alphabetical characters only.
                6. Allows to input special characters into the “City” text field. Suggest limiting input to alphabetical characters only.
                7. Allows incorrect email format in the “Email” text field. Suggest creating a warning for inputting incorrect email address format.
                8. Label “* Email:”: Asterisk is blue (others are red). Suggest using the same color for all.
                9. Allows to input numerical characters into the “Referred by:” text field. Suggest limiting input to alphabetical characters only.
                10. Allows to input special characters into the “Referred by:” text field. Suggest limiting input to alphabetical characters only.
                11. Problem with tab order: After “Best way to contact me” input focus skips “Referred by” input field and moves to “Current provider” text field
                12. Input field “Current provider”: suggest adding an option “Other”
                13. Allows to input alphabetical characters into the “My monthly bill is approximately:” text field. Suggest limiting input to numerical characters only.
                14. “Months left on current contract:” text field: options are limited to 10 months. Add 11, 12 and “Other” or “More”.
                15. Label “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:”: After input field add “Months ago” instead of “Months"
                16. Section 3, input field “Type of service:”: inconsistency in check box shapes (three circles and one square).
                17. Section 4 input field “Months left on plan:”: Option “Other” is missing.
                18. Section 7 check box “I am opento using different provider”: A typo in a checkbox name, a space is missing. Change to “I am open to using different provider”.
                19. “Clear” command button when pushed returns error “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”


                • #68
                  1.) In contact information ZIP text box it can include letters instead of just including number
                  2.) In High Speed Internet Service “My monthly bill is approximately” text box can include letter instead of just letters
                  3.) On bottom of the page the Submit button is bigger than the clear button instead of being equal sizes
                  4.) In contact information “Referred by” text box is required and does not include a blue *
                  5.) When “clear button” is pushed an confusing error pops up
                  6.) First name text box accepts special characters instead of just letters
                  7.) Last name text box accepts special characters instead of just letters
                  8.) There is no default input focus instead of there being a default input focus on “First name”
                  9.) State drop box includes “BC” which is unnecessary
                  10.) ZIP text box can be submitted with five digits even though that is not a valid ZIP code


                  • #69

                    1. Not all labels in the "invoices" tab have a colon ( at the end like they should.

                    2. "Due date" and "PO #" Columns under "Invoices" folder are swapped and incorrectly arranged.

                    3. The first invoice shown has inconsistent amount of digits in the PO #, as opposed to the rest of the invoices.

                    4. Pushing any of the "Actions" buttons or the search button gives no response and nothing happens when pushed

                    5. There is no default input focus when the page is opened. "Invoice number" field should logically have it.

                    Energy-Telecom Service Review

                    1. There is no default input focus when the page is opened.

                    2. Clicking on the "First Name" field, and then pressing "tab" on the keyboard, moves the input focus to "Referred by" instead of logically moving to "Last name" field

                    3. "Zip code" field accepts letters to be typed instead of only excepting digits.

                    4. "Email" label has (*) character next to it, but when the form is filled out and you leave the "Email" field empty then push the submit button, the form is accepted instead of asking user to enter in the data to the "Email" field.

                    5. "State" list box when selected, shows incorrect option of "BC" when it should not be there because there is no such state in the U.S.


                    • #70
                      1. No default input focus on the website ("First Name:" edit box in the "Contact Information" field is a good candidate);
                      2. Inconsistent TAB order in the "Contact Information" field: instead of moving from the "First Name:" edit box to the bottom of the page consistently, it moves from the "First Name:" to "Referred by:" edit box directly;
                      3. In the field "Local/Long Distances/International Service" strings "International calls included" and "Long distance included" should end up with the colon character;
                      4. In the field "Contact Information" edit box "Phone:" should accept only digits while pasting;
                      5. In the field "Contact Information" edit box "ZIP:" should accept only digits while typing and pasting;
                      6. In the field "Contact Information" edit box "ZIP:" should accept only 5 (five) digits while pasting;
                      7. In the field "Contact Information" edit box "ZIP:" should accept only existing zip code (for example, form submits zip code "12345");
                      8. Pushing the button "Clear" at the very bottom of the page raises an error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request";
                      9. In the field "Cell Phone Service" edit box "My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept only digits while pasting;
                      10. In the field "Cell Phone Service" list box "Months left on current contract:" has only 10 months instead of 12;
                      11. In the field "Local/Long Distances/International Service" list box "Current Provider:" includes option "other". Selecting this item, there is no special edit box to type in (what kind of "other" current provider does customer have);
                      12. In the field "Local/Long Distances/International Service" edit box "My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept only digits while typing and pasting;
                      13. In the field "Contact Information" edit box "Email:" should be required field (it marked with asterisk, but form submits without it);
                      14. In the field "Contact Information" edit box "Referred by:" is not required but form doesn't submit without filling it;
                      15. Inconsistency in the field "Contact Information": remove "Other" item in "State:" list box;
                      16. In the field "Gas and Electric Services" edit box "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" should accept only digits while pasting;
                      17. In the field "Gas and Electric Services" edit box "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" should accept only digits while pasting;
                      18. In the field "Gas and Electric Services" replace by "open to" in the last string (instead "opento").


                      • #71
                        1. Tab order is incorrect. Tab order switches from "First Name" to "Referred by" instead of to "Last Name"

                        2. Controls are not disabled. "Submit" button can be pushed without all necessary information entered.

                        3. Default input focus is not enabled.

                        4."First Name" text field accepts any character instead of letters only.

                        5."Last Name" text field accepts any character instead of letters only.

                        6."City" text field accepts any character instead of letters only.

                        7. In "State" list box, delete "BC", no such state.

                        8. In "State" list box, replace "IND" with "IN".

                        9. In "State" list box, several states are missing. Add abbreviations "HI", "NV".

                        10. "ZIP" text field allows letters.

                        11. In section "1. Cell Phone Service" the "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field allows numbers and letters, instead of only numbers.

                        12. In section "7. Gas and Electric Services" checkbox label "I am opento using different provider" has spelling error. Correct "opento" to "open to"

                        13. Pushing the "Clear" button shows a misleading and confusing error message.


                        • #72
                          Taulia Bug Report.
                          1. Missing Colon on each line under “Search my invoices”
                          2. On the gray bar change Showing “422” invoices to “10” invoices.
                          3. Word “Rejected” (on the first line under “status”) and word “Invoice” ( in red color on the left) are misspelled
                          4. In the column under “Invoice #” Lines 2 and 11 have number “8” instead of “9” (4th number from the Right)
                          5. Invoice dates contradicts with “Due” dates
                          6. Missing “Actions” button on the line 11 on the right corner.
                          7. Page numbers on the bottom left corner missing Page #5
                          8. Search button is in a wrong color.
                          9. Showing 11 results per page instead of 10
                          10. Cannot switch to a different page from page 1.


                          • #73
                            1. "Submit" button is enabled even when not all required fields are filled out.
                            2. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters instead of being digits only.
                            3. TAB order is missing in the "Phone" and "Primary Phone number" fields.
                            4. Under the "7. Gas and Electric Services" section - put a space between "open" and "to" in the last line.
                            5. "First Name", "Last Name", "City", and "Referred by" fields accept digits instead of being letters only.
                            6. When submitted with a valid phone number (required field), an error message still shows up stating to enter a valid phone number.
                            7. When submitted without the "Email" field filled out, it does not show an error message, which it should because "Email" is a required field.


                            • #74
                              1. "Refered by" field behavies like it is required filed.
                              2. "Email" field is reqired and no message provided if "Email" field has no input.
                              3. Email with the form was not generated.
                              4. "Current Provider" list box missing "Other"
                              5. "Number of phones on plan" list box has options from 1 to 100 which is to many.
                              6. "Months left on current contract" has options from 0 to 10 which is not enough, recomended is from 0 to 24
                              7. "State" list box: "BC" is not a State.
                              8. "State" list box: HI and NV states are missing.
                              9. "State" list box: Replace IND with IN for Indiana State.
                              10. "State" list box: Remove "Other" option from the list.
                              11. Default button does not exist.
                              12. "Minutes on plan" list box and "Number of phones on plan" do not lined up
                              13. "Clear" button has different size than "Submit" button.
                              14. Fonts on "Clear" and "Submit" buttons have different size and style.
                              15. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                              16. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                              17. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
                              18. "ZIP" field accepts letters.
                              19. "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead of 255.
                              20. "Clear" button does not clear the form.
                              21. "Clear" button invokes error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request.
                              Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


                              • #75
                                #1 TAB doesn't work correctly: from "First name' field it leads you to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
                                #2 "First name" and "Last name" fields accept any input including only numbers
                                #3 "ZIP" accept letters, not only numbers
                                #4 "email" allows any input with no @ sign (it has to be error message, if input is not e-mail)
                                # 5 "State" has unnecessarily "other" option
                                #6 " I am happy with my current provider" and
                                "I am open to using different provider" could be checked both at the same time, however one excludes another.
                                #7 "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows letter input, should be numbers only
                                #8 "I like my handset" and
                                " I am interested in updating my handset" could be checked at the same time, but they have opposite meaning
                                #9 bottom "Clear" and "Submit" has to be the same font size
                                #10 bottom "Clear" doesn't work and give misleading error message

