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Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • Online class January 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

    #1 No default input focus.
    #2 "First Name" input field accepts special characters.
    #3 Tab order is not left to right: It goes from "First Name" to "Referred by"
    instead to "Last Name."
    #4 "ZIP" Menu Item accepts letters vs. accepting only digits.
    #5 Input field for "ZIP" label is not validated. The form gets submitted even
    if 5 digits non existing zip code is entered.
    #6 "My monthly bill is approximately" input box accepts letters vs. accepting only digits.
    #7 "Referred by" label doesn't have "*" for required field but form couldn't be submitted
    if the field is empty.
    #8 Button "Clear" is not clearing any inputs. It gives error message: "Error 17896 -
    Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
    #9 Input field for "Email" label is not validated. The form gets submitted even
    if non existing/misspelled email is entered.
    #10 Input field for "City" label is not validated. The form gets submitted even
    if non existing/misspelled word is entered.
    #11 Click on "Refresh" button doesn't refresh the page.

  • #2
    1. No default input focus
    2. Tab order does not act logical or topological way after "first name" text field goes to "Referred by"
    3. "Contact Information" section, "State" list box:
    - "BC" is not a state;
    - "Other" should not be in the list;
    - "HI" and "NV" states are missing.
    4. Section # 7 "opento" is misspelled.
    5. "Clear" button has different size than "Submit" button.
    6. Fonts on "Clear" and "Submit" buttons have different size and style.
    7. "Clear" button shows error message: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


    • #3
      Found issues:

      1. ZIP field allows input letters
      2. 'My monthly bill is approximately' field allows input letters
      3. 'In Cell Phone Service' section allow choose all options at the same time
      4. Button 'Clear' inactive, displays pop up error after tap
      5. Text field 'Referred by' don't have special sign as required field
      6. Email filed marked as submitted with NO information inputed.
      7. After submitting form, user allows to step back and observe 'Submitting' is an active.

      For instance, bug report:

      WHO: Tester

      WHAT: ZIP field allows input letters

      SUCCESS CRITERIA: ZIP field should have only 5 digitals

      WHY: To guarantee quality upon release

      User successfully launch 'Energy-Telecom Service Review' form .

      1. In 'Contact information module' click on 'ZIP' code filed
      2. Input any letters 'A-Z', 'a-z'
      3. Observe 'ZIP'code field allows input letters

      System & Browser:
      Mac OS / Safari (Version 14.1.2 (16611.
      Last edited by Mariam P; 01-08-2022, 08:34 AM.


      • #4
        WHO: Tester

        WHAT: 'Emai'l field marked as submitted with NO information inputed

        SUCCESS CRITERIA: Email field should NOT be submitted with no information input
        Note: 'Email' filed should collect user emails for creating an account.

        WHY: To guarantee quality upon release

        User successfully launch 'Energy-Telecom Service Review' form .

        1. In'Contact Information' section, Observe 'Email' field filled out
        2. And allows to submit whole form without 'Email' info

        System & Browser:
        Mac OS / Safari (Version 14.1.2 (16611.
        Last edited by Mariam P; 01-08-2022, 08:33 AM.


        • #5
          1. Enter numbers in all required fields
          2. Enter Spec-symbols in all required fields
          3. Enter hieroglyphs in all required fields
          4. It is possible to inject Java script injection "javascript:alert('1');& < > ' " ' & < >“test" 'test’ &" to Street Address, E-mail and Referred by
          5. There is no Validation in field "My monthly bill is approximately:"

          You do not have permission to view this gallery.
          This gallery has 1 photos.


          • #6
            1. "First name" input accepts digits instead letters only
            2. Tab order is not left to right. It jumps from "First name" to "Referred by"
            3. "Last name" input accepts digits instead letters only
            4. "Street address" input accepts special characters instead digits and letters only
            5. "City" input accepts special characters instead letters only
            6. "State" input - There is no BC state in US
            7. "Zip" input accepts letters instead digits only
            8. "My monthly bill is approximately" input accepts letters instead digits only
            9. Section 7 - "Gas and Electric Services" - misspelling to "I am opento using different provider"
            10. An error 17896 - Invalid data request after hitting the button "Clear"
            11. The button "Submit" can recognize only 3 wrong inputs
            12. The box of button "Submit" and "Clear" has different sizes
            13. The font of buttons "Submit" and "Clear" has different size


            • #7
              1 first name ,last name field allows input digits

              2 Tab order not working Correctly

              3 "State:" box got incorect " BC" state

              4 State:" box do not have all 50 states on the list

              5 zip field do not allows to use more then 5 digits

              6 zip field allows input letters

              7 "Current Provider:" do not have all mobile providers

              8 . Section 7 - "Gas and Electric Services" - "I am opento using different provider" replace "opento" in open

              9 allows me submit with no filled "My monthly bill is approximately:" " Total Bill: "


              • #8
                1. ZIP field accepts upper and lower case letters instead of only numbers
                2. Referred by field is required, and there is no “ * ” symbol indicating required field
                3. Referred by field does not verify the option selected from “Best Way To Contact Me”.
                4. ZIP field accepts letters with upper and lower cases.
                5. Email field shows as required, but the form can still be submitted w/o it
                6. State drop-down menu is not in alphabetical order
                7. State drop-down menu has no option for “PR” (Puerto Rico)
                8. State drop-down menu has “BC” included in the list of mainly US States, should fall under “Other”
                9. State drop-down menu has a 3 letter state as “IND” incorrectly abbreviated
                Last edited by pailoleon; 01-09-2022, 07:57 AM.


                • #9
                  1) TAB ORDER is not correct. After "FIRST NAME" input, TAB goes to "REFERRED BY" instead of "LAST NAME".
                  2) "FIRST AND LAST NAME" field allows to input digits.
                  3) No DEFAULT INPUT FOCUS when I start typing, it is going nowhere, have to point mouse to "FIRST NAME" field.
                  4) "STATE" drop-down menu is out of alphabetical order.
                  5) "State" drop-down menu has three-letter abbreviation for State instead of two.
                  6) "ZIP" field allows to input letters.
                  7) "Current provider" field doesn not have "OTHER" option.
                  8) "MY MONTHLY BILL IS APPROXIMATELY" field allows to input letters.
                  9) "MONTHS LEFT ON CURRENT CONTRACT" field gives an option of ONLY 10 months instead of 12.
                  10) "TOTAL BILL" field does not have TAB ORDER. After "TOTAL BILL" input tab order goes to "#3 HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE"
                  to "CURRENT PROVIDER" field instead of "INTERNATIONAL CALLS INCLUDED" field.
                  11) "MY MONTHLY BILLIS APPROXIMATELY" field have no TAB ORDER in #3 and #4 fields
                  12) "4TV SERVICE" field "MONTHS LEFTON PLAN" field does not have "OTHER" option.
                  13) "GAS AND ELECTRIC SERVICES" field, CHECK BOX has a mispelling "OPENTO" instead of "open to".
                  14) "REFERRED BY" field does not have "*" sign. Even it is required to be filled.
                  15) "CLEAR BUTTON" does not work in the end of the form, gives an error message "ERROR 17896 - INVALID DATA REQUEST. PLEASE CALL TECHNICAL SUPPORT OR RESTART YOUR COMPUTER!!!" when apply.


                  • #10

                    BugReport for “Energy-Telecom Service Review” page.

                    1. No default input focus.
                    2. Fields “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Street Address”, “City”, “Referred by”, “ZIP” accept special characters and digits.
                    3. Field “ZIP” accept copy paste special characters.
                    4. Field “ZIP” accept copy paste more than 5 digits.
                    5. “Tub” order in a “First Name” is not logical. Cursor jump to the “Referred by” instead “Last Name” or “Street address”.
                    6. “State” field:
                    - Wrong state “BC” - should be “DC”.
                    - “IN” instead “IND”.
                    - “LA” not a state.
                    - “HI” missing.
                    7. “My monthly bill is approximately” accept letters and copy paste special characters.
                    8. “Months left on current contract” should have 12 month.
                    9. “International calls included”, “Long distance included” without colon ( : ).
                    10. In “Gas and Electric Services” - “I am opento using different provider” has grammar mistake (“open to” instead “opento”).
                    11. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons have not the same size.
                    12. “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” by pressing “Clear” button.
                    13. “Email” has a required field but you can not fill it and no errors after press “Submit”.


                    • #11
                      Bug Reports Energy Telecom

                      1. Unavailability of default input focus. There isn't data input fields with default input focus.

                      2. A default input button is placed beyond of a page screen.

                      3. Default input button doesn't active by default

                      4. Tab order is incorrect. When use the Tab after a filled out input field "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" in illogical way

                      5. The control buttons is active even if input fields is empty. Disable controls when don't fill the form.

                      6. There are not available fields with providing of Default values.

                      7. Block 1 "Cell Phone Service", label "Cell Phone Service" has drop list box that offer only restricted 10 Months (why not more).

                      8. Block 7 "Gas and Electric Services" has a misspelling "I am opento using different provider" instead of "Open to"

                      9. Listbox of label "State" has 49 States instead of 50 and choice "Other"

                      10. Block "Contact Information", size of tag drop list Label "State" is not enough to accommodate a choice "Other". Instead it shows "Othe"

                      11. Field ZIP (block "Contact Information") allows to input characters

                      12. When push button "Clear" it shows pop-up error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


                      • #12
                        Browser Chrome OS Windows
                        1.Load page
                        2.Scroll down to "submit" "clear" buttons.
                        3.Push "clear" button
                        Observe: browser reports: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                        1.Submit form without "referred by" field
                        Observe: Browser reports: "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
                        This field should be marked as required or form should be excepted without it.
                        1.Scroll to "Contact Information"
                        2.Focus into Zip Code field
                        3.Type low case or upper case letters
                        Observe: Allows to type letters.
                        1.Scroll down to "Contact Information"
                        2.Open "State" drop box
                        Observe: there is no BC as a state. IND should be abbreviated as IN. "Other" should be at the end of the list.
                        1.Go down to "7.Gas and Electric Services"
                        Observe: Grammar mistake "I am opento using different provider" should have space "open to"
                        1.Submit form without an email
                        Observe: Submits without an email even if it's a required field
                        1. Go down to "1. Cell Phone Service"
                        2.Open "Current Provider" drop box
                        Observe: Missing "Other" option
                        1.Go down to "2.Local/Long Distances/International Service"
                        Observe: "International calls included?" and "Long distance included?" both have question marks at the end. Should have colon mark instead
                        1.Go down to "1. Cell Phone Service"
                        2.Open "Months left on current contract:" drop box
                        Observe: Only 10 months showing. Should be "more" added
                        1.Scroll down to "1.Cell Phone Service"
                        2. "My monthly bill is approximately:"
                        Observe: allows to type low case and upper case letters
                        1. Open page
                        2. Select any numeric field. For example "My monthly bill is approximately:" you cannot type letters or special characters.
                        3.Copy paste letters or special characters
                        Observe: Value accepted

                        Last edited by EllenK; 01-09-2022, 05:32 PM.


                        • #13
                          1. "Zip: " text field let to type alphabetical characters.

                          2. "Referred by:" test field should be either no required field or should be indicated with a * symbol.

                          3. "Email: " text field should be either required field or should not be indicated with a * symbol.

                          4. After pushing the "Clear" button Error 17896 occurs.

                          5. In "7. Gas and Electric Services" section in "I am opento using different provider" label "opento" word is misspelled.

                          6. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section the "I am happy with my current provider" and the "I am happy with my current provider" checkboxes should be radio buttons.

                          7. In "3. High Speed Internet Service" the "Wireless Aircard" checkbox should be a radio button.

                          8. In "Contact Information" section in the "State: " dropbox the "BC" value is not needed.

                          9. In "Contact Information" section in the "State: " dropbox the "HI" value is missing.

                          10. In "Contact Information" section in the "State: " dropbox the "NV" value is missing.
                          Last edited by alimanka; 01-09-2022, 07:59 PM.


                          • #14
                            1. No default input focus.
                            2. Under contact info fields first name, last name, street address, city, zip code, referred by accepts digits and special characters as well.
                            3. Under cell phone service - Monthly bill field accepts letters as well.
                            4. Under high speed internet service - provider accepts letters as well
                            5. Under Tv service- both boxes allows to check.


                            • #15
                              1. No default field focus
                              2. Tab order does not follow successive fields
                              3. Drop-down menu options for "State" field should not include Other
                              4. Drop-down menu options for "State" field are missing values HI and NV
                              5. Drop-down menu options for "State" incorrectly lists DC as BC
                              6 . Drop-down menu options for "State" incorrectly lists IN as IND (should be 2 characters, not 3)
                              7. Values under "State" drop-down menu are not all in alphabetical order
                              8. Special characters and numbers are incorrectly permitted in the "First Name" field
                              9. Special characters and numbers are incorrectly permitted in the "Last Name" field
                              10. Special characters are incorrectly permitted in the "Street Address" field
                              11. Special characters and numbers are incorrectly permitted in the "City" field
                              12. Special characters and numbers are incorrectly permitted in the "Referred by" field
                              13. Entries are permitted in the "Email" field that don't follow the conventional email address format (i.e. ---@---.----). The input is not validated.
                              14. The "Email" field is marked as required with an asterisk symbol, but it is not set to required status (i.e. can hit Submit button without field input)
                              15. "Referred by" is a required field, but is missing the asterisk symbol to designate it as such
                              16. Under 1.'s "My monthly bill is approximately", alpha entries are incorrectly permitted
                              17. Under 3.'s "Type of Service", the "Wireless Aircard" option is preceded by a checkbox, not a radio button that the other options have
                              18. The Clear button returns an Error, instead of clearing all fields
                              19. After pushing the Submit button, the software allows the user to use their browser "Back" buttons to return to and edit previous responses.
                              20. Feature request: Can disable Submit button until all required fields are completed
                              Last edited by GoHamm; 01-09-2022, 09:18 PM.

