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Online Class September 6, 2021 - Functionality Bug Report for OrangeHRM

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  • Online Class September 6, 2021 - Functionality Bug Report for OrangeHRM

    1. “OrangeHRM” logo should link to the homepage.
    2. “Performance” submenu items are aligned the wrong direction (from right to left);
    3. Main menu – Submenu should be aligned consistently directly under each main menu tab and go from left to right.
    4. “Time” tab menu – “Project Info” submenu: the min-width of the shaded dropping listbox should match with the width of the submenu item -“Project Info”.
    5. “Admin” tab menu- “User Management” submenu: the min-width of the shaded dropping listbox should match with the width of submenu item -“ User Management”.
    6. “Admin” tab menu- “User Management” submenu: there is no space between the down arrow and the menu item.
    7. “Admin” tab menu- “User Management” submenu: when the dropping menu item is hidden or closed the arrow should point up instead of down.
    8. “Welcome Admin”: when opening or closing the menu, the arrow points in the wrong direction.
    9. “Performance” tab menu - “Search Performance Reviews”: search parameters “From” : the search request must be limited by the current year instead of “2121”
    10. “Performance” tab menu - “Search Performance Reviews”: search parameters “To” : the search request must be limited by the current year instead of “2121”
    11. “Search Performance Reviews” - “Job Title” listbox is dropping up not down.
    12. “Edit” button: when hovering over the button the color doesn’t change.
    13. “Delete” button: when hovering over the button the color doesn’t change.
    14. Footer: There is no space between “OrangeHRM 3.1.2” and “2005 - 2021 OrangeHRM, Inc. All rights reserved.”

    15. “My Info” main menu tab - Click on profile picture. “Select a Photograph” field: accepts file bigger than 1MB instead of recommended “up to 1MB”.

    16. “My Info” main menu tab – Click on profile picture. “Select a Photograph” field: accepts “pdf”, “mp4”, “exe” filename extension instead of recommended “jpg”,”png”,”gif”.

    -System crash: “413 Request Entity Too Large”

    -System crash: ”This site can’t be reached”

    17. “My Info” main menu tab – “Nationality”: people use "American" as the answer to nationality. All US passports show "United States of America" under Nationality.
    18. “My Info” main menu tab – “Nationality”: value “Other” is not offered in the list.
    19. “My Info” main menu tab – “Qualifications” left menu: “Languages” table push “Add” button. “Language” listbox is empty.

    20. “My Info” tab menu - “Personal Details”: “SSN Number” field allows saving duplicate SSN that was already saved under other profile.
    21. “My Info” tab menu - “Personal Details”: “SSN Number” field allows saving letters.
    22. “My Info” tab menu - “Personal Details”: “SSN Number” field allows saving special characters.
    23. “My Info” tab menu - “Personal Details”: “Driver’s License Number” field allows saving duplicate driver license number that was already saved under other profile.
    24. “My Info” tab menu - “Personal Details”: “Driver’s License Number” field allows saving special characters.

    Last edited by DreamBig; 09-18-2021, 08:04 PM.

  • #2
    OrangeHRM bug reports
    1. “Linkedin” icon under the login panel has no tooltip.
    2. “Facebook” icon under the login panel has no tooltip.
    3. “Twitter” icon under the login panel has no tooltip.
    4. “YouTube” icon under the login panel has no tooltip.
    5. "Password" text field has misleading icon next to it.
    6. After pushing the “LOGIN” button with no data in the “Username” and “Password” fields, only “Username” field behaves as a required field. (Provide “Password cannot be empty” message)
    7. Name of the “Username” field disappears after pushing on it.
    8. Name of the “Password” field disappears after pushing on it.


    • #3
      1. On the page “Employee List” sorting by ID from lowest to highest number is sort inconsistently
      2. The green button “Join OrangeHRM Community” on the top right side of the page takes you to the 404 error page
      3. “My info” tab menu is empty
      4. “Vacancies” in drop box of the “Recruitment” brings you to a broken page
      5. “Time” -> “Attendance” -> “My records” page has only field “Date” without any buttons


      • #4
        #1 No default input focus for LOGIN Panel page

        #2 No default input focus for "PIM" tab/"Employee list"/"Employee information" section

        #3 No default button for "PIM"/"Employee List"/"Employee Information" section

        #4 Unexpected sorting for "Id" column from "PIM" tab/"Employee List" table: "Id" numbers are processed like strings instead of digits

        #5 It seems like "PIM"/"Employee List"/"Employee Information" section "Job Title" list box contains redundant data: Tester (while having QA Engineer)

        #6 Inconsistent style for "PIM" subtabs: when choose subtab "Add employee" - subtab "Employee List" has selected style instead

        #7 When push the button "Add" from "PIM"/"Employee List" - subtab "Employee List" has selected style instead of subtab "Add employee"

        #7 "Configuration" menu of "PIM" tab doesn't change style on "selected" when choose "Optional Fields" item.

        #8 Logo doesn't work as a link

        #9 "Join OrangeHRM Community" link leads to an untargeted page

        #10 "Support" item of "Help & Training" menu leads to an untargeted page

        #11 "Training" item of "Help & Training" menu leads to an untargeted page

        #12 "Add-Ons" item of "Help & Training" menu leads to an untargeted page

        #13 "Bug tracking" item of "Help & Training" menu leads to an untargeted page

        #14 "Recruitment" tab/"Vacancies"/"Vacancies" page has inconsistent page style

        #15 "Leave" tab/"Leave List" section/ field "To" points to 12-31-2022 instead of 12-31-2021.

        #16 "Leave" tab/"My Leave List" section/ field "To" points to 12-31-2022 instead of 12-31-2021.

        #17 "Id" field from "PIM" tab/"Employee List" accepts all characters

        #18 Wrong output count info for "Leave Entitlements and Usage Report" section of "Leave"/"Reports" with default state: 0-50 instead of 1-50 on the first page and 50-100 instead of 51-74 on the second page
        Last edited by Kanstantsin Homel; 09-19-2021, 07:21 AM.


        • #5
          1) PIM/Employee List/ - No default input focus
          2) PIM/ "Employee List" Table - Add a column counting number of employees at the left end
          3) "Employee Name" search list box isn't sensitive to uppercase/lowercase letters and doesn't show all the possible combinations.
          3.1) Open the
          3.2) "Employee Name" field - type "L"
          3.3) Observe: 10 names of employees that include "l" in their name (but we had a search of "L"/ Laura Anderson)
          4) PIM/ Employee List/ "Id" column - sorting numbers in descending order is inconsistently
          5) PIM/ Employee List/ "Id" column - sorting numbers in ascending order is inconsistently
          6) "Click to go back" not working - page crash with a message "Confirm Form Resubmission. This webpage requires data that you entered earlier in order to be properly displayed. You can send this data again, but by doing so you will repeat any action this page previously performed. Press the reload button to resubmit the data needed to load the page. ERR_CACHE_MISS"
          6.2) PIM/ Employee List/ Employee information/Include/ Current and Past Employees
          6.3) Press button "Search"
          6.4) Pick one of the listed employees from the list and open their "Personal Details"
          6.5) Click to go back
          6.6) Observe page crash
          7) "Join Orange HRM Community" button linked to the page that doesn't exist (Error 404)
          8) "Help and Training" dropbox list isn't in alphabetical order
          9) "Recruitment"/"Vacancies" page is inconsistent
          10) My Info/Personal Details/ "Employee Id' field accepts all the characters and symbols - Change to digits only
          11) My Info/ Personal Details/ "Driver's License Number" field accepts all the characters and symbols - Change to digits only
          12) My Info/ Personal Details/ License Expiry Date - Put a limitation (usually 5 years)
          13) My Info/ Personal Details/ SSN Number field accepts all the characters and symbols - Change to digits only
          14) My Info/ Personal Details/ SSN Number field - Make limitation to 9 digits
          15) My Info/ Personal Details/ SIN Number field accepts all the characters and symbols - Change to digits only
          16) My Info/ Personal Details/ SIN Number field - Make limitation to 9 digits
          17) My Info/ Personal Details/ "Nationality" field - Add option "Other"
          18) My Info/ Personal Details/ Date of Birth - should be a valid date in the past
          19) My Info/ Personal Details/ "Military Service" field doesn't behave as required
          20) My Info/ Contact Details/ "State/Province" field accepts all the characters and symbols - Change to letters only
          21) My Info/ Contact Details/ "Zip" field accepts all the characters and symbols - Change to digits only
          22) My Info/ Contact Details/ "Zip" field - Put limitation to 5 digits
          23) My Info/ Contact Details/ Country - Add option "Other"
          24) My Info/ Contact Details/ Home Telephone - Add a limitation to 12 digits
          25) My Info/ Contact Details/ Mobile - Add a limitation to 12 digits
          26) My Info/ Contact Details/ Work Telephone - Add a limitation to 12 digits
          27) My Info/ Emergency Contacts/ Home Telephone - Add a limitation to 12 digits
          28) My Info/ Emergency Contacts/ Mobile - Add a limitation to 12 digits
          29) My Info/ Emergency Contacts/ Work Telephone - Add a limitation to 12 digits
          30) My Info/ Dependents/ Date of Birth - should be a valid date in the past
          31) My Info/ Immigration/ Document Number - Change to digits only
          32) My Info/ Immigration/ Issued Date - should be a valid date in the past
          33) My Info/ Immigration/ "Expiry Date" change to "Expiration Date"
          34) My Info/ Immigration/ "Expiry Date" - put a limitation to 10 years
          35) My Info/ Qualification/ Add language/ Competency dropbox - "Mother Tongue" change to "First Language" or "Mother Language"
          36) My Info/ Qualification/ "Add license" field - Change to digits only
          37) My info/ Memberships/ Add membership/ "currency" field should be required
          Last edited by AnnaB; 09-19-2021, 11:25 PM.


          • #6
            1. Implementation of Default Input Focus requested
            2. The "Login" field isn't case sensitive
            3. After successful log in, the backspace takes you to login/password page but not login you out
            4. The LinkedIn button doesn't lead to LinkedIn page
            5."Join OrangeHRM Community" link leads to an error page
            6. "Recruitment"/"Vacancies" leads to a page in inconsistent format
            7. "Support" item of "Help & Training" menu doesn't lead to support page
            8. "PIM" tab/"Employee List" table: when chosen ascending order "Id" numbers are sorted inconsistently
            9. "PIM" tab/"Employee List" table: when chosen descending order "Id" numbers are sorted inconsistently
            10. "Admin” /User Management” "Admin" doesn't have a checkbox
            11. "My Info" tab "SSN" field excepts up to 30 characters instead of 9
            12. "My Info" tab "SSN" field excepts letters and special characters
            13. "My Info" tab "Date of Birth" field lets pick a date in the future as a Date of Birth
            14. "Help & Training"/"Support" leads to the page, and if choose the Spanish version of this page,
            only some information is in Spanish, the rest remains in English


            • #7
              1. WebSite Logo doesn`t work as link to homepage.
              2. “My Info” tab - Click on profile picture - “Select a Photograph” field: accepts file bigger than 1MB instead of “up to 1MB”.
              3. “My Info” tab – Click on profile picture - “Select a Photograph” field: accepts “pdf”, “mp4”, “exe” filename extension instead of recommended “jpg”,”png”,”gif”.
              4. "My info" tab - personal details - "Driver`s License Number" fields : accepts all characters.
              5. "My info" tab - personal details - "SSN Number" accepts all characters, should accept only digits.
              6. "My info" tab - personal details - "SIN Number" accpets all characters instead of only digits.
              7. "My Info" tab - personal details - "SSN Number" accepts up to 30 characters instead of 9.


              • #8
                1. “PIM tab menu“/ “employee information” title Id with is a small “d”. inconsistency, (Should be “ID”.)
                2. “My info”tab menu is empty. Inconsistency.
                3. “Admin” tab menu/ “Job” submenu: contains a list box that is not in alphabetical order.
                4. “Admin” tab menu/ highlights “Qualifications” submenu: contains list box is not alphabetical order
                5. “Admin” tab menu/ highlights “Nationalities“ submenu: doesn’t contain a list box. ( inconsistency)
                6. “My info” tab menu doesn’t have a submenu. Inconsistency.
                7. “PIM” tab menu/“ Employee List” submenu/“ Employee information” section / “ Employee Name” : accepts letters, digits, and special characters. ( According rules letters only).
                8. PIM” tab menu/“ Employee List” submenu/“ Employee information” section / “ Supervisor Name” accepts letters, digits, and special characters. ( According rules letters only).
                9. PIM” tab menu/“ Employee List” submenu/“ Employee information” section / “ID” accepts letters, digits, and special characters.
                10. “PIM” tab menu/ upon pushing the submenu “Add Employee” is not highlighted in dark color. Inconsistency.
                11. PIM” tab menu/ upon pushing the submenu “Add Employee”/ “ Full Name” label/ “ First Name “ field accepted letters, digits, and special characters. ( According rules letters only).
                12. PIM” tab menu/ upon pushing the submenu “Add Employee”/ “ Full Name” label/ “ Last Name “ field accepted letters, digits, and special characters. ( According rules letters only).
                13. PIM” tab menu/ upon pushing the submenu “Add Employee”/ “Photograph” field When adding a photo larger than the recommended size, there is no “delete” button if the photo is too large.
                14. “Admin” tab menu/“Job” submenu/ “ Pay Grades” section: push green button “ Add”: the o“Name” field accepting letters, digits, and special characters. ( According rules letters only).
                15. “Admin” tab menu/ “Configuration“ submenu/ push “Localization”: in the “Localization“ section the “language” list box is non-alphabetical order. 15.1. “Use browser language if set” ( supported languages) window: list box is not alphabetical order.
                16. “ Leave” tab menu/ push “My Leave /“ : ln “ My Leave List” section / “To” label field contacts incorrect date: 12-31-2022, instead 12-31-2021.
                17. “Time” tab menu/ highlight “Timesheets “ submenu /“ Select “ My Timesheets” : ln “Timesheet for Week” section push Green button “edit”: “ Activity Name”column doesn’t have any selections in the list box.
                18. “ Recruitment”” tab menu/ highlights “ Vacancies” submenu/ push “Vacancies /“ : ln “Vacancies” section different format. Inconsistency.


                • #9
                  1. PIM/Employee List: the color of "Reset" and Delete" buttons are not consistent.

                  2. The main menu of the site does not open when you log in.

                  3. PIM/Employee List: "Add" and "Delete" buttons should be in the bottom of the page.

                  4. PIM/Employee List: "Employee name" field is not displayed the names in accordance with a letter typing.

                  5. PIM/Employee List: the links to the results page above "Superviser" column should be removed.

                  6. "ID" column sorting: the triangle in the column title suggests ascending order while it is descendig.

                  7. Admin/Organization/General informaton: "Fax" field do not accept letters, just numbers and some special characters.

                  8. Admin/Qualifications/Education: the order of the level education is not correct.

                  9. Admin/Configuration/Email Notification: "Edit" button should be moved to the bottom left corner of section.

                  10. Admin/Configuration: the information in "Localization" section does not match with the section's name.

                  11. Recruitment: "Vacancies" section has a different design compared to the web page.


                  • #10
                    Orange HRM bug reports:
                    1.OrangeHRM logo in header is not clickable and has not link to homepage
                    2. "Join OrangeHRM community" button leads to the broken link (404)
                    3. Admin ->"Job" dropbox contains jobs not in alphabetical order
                    4. Performance ->Reviews ->Job title: dropbox contains job titles which are written with special characters
                    5. Performance -> KPI list ->Job title: dropbox contains job titles which are written with special characters
                    6. Performance -> Copy KPI ->Copy from : dropbox contains job titles which are written with special characters
                    7. My info: "SSN number" field accepts up to 30 characters instead of 9
                    8. My info: "SSN number" field accepts all types of characters instead of digits only
                    9. Recruitment -> Vacancies: page is missing the footer and header
                    10. Recruitment -> Candidates: "Candidate name" field doesnt accept any character. Message "Invalid"


                    • #11
                      #1. "Recruitment/Vacancies" - The page design is broken
                      #2. "My Info/Personal Details/SSN Number" - should not accept input of letters
                      #3. "My Info/Personal Details/SSN Number" - should not accept input of special characters (except "-")
                      #4. "My Info/Contact Details/Home Telephone" - should not accept input only of special characters("+ - / ( )")
                      #5. "My Info/Contact Details/Mobile" - should not accept input only of special characters("+ - / ( )")
                      #6. "My Info/Contact Details/Work Telephone" - should not accept input only of special characters("+ - / ( )")
                      #7. "My Info/Contact Details/Add Attachment/Select File" - Label not marked with a star, although it is a required field.
                      #8. "My Info/Contact Details/Add Attachment/Select File" - move the text "Required" as it covers the text "Accepts up to 1MB"
                      #9. "My Info/Contact Details/Emergency Contact/Edit Emergency Contact/Home Telephone" - Label not marked with a star, although it is a required field.
                      #10. "My Info/Qualifications/Add Language/Language" - The field is required, but it is impossible to select from the Listbox as it does not contain any entries
                      #11."My Info/Qualifications/Add License/License Type" - The field is required, but it is impossible to select from the Listbox as it does not contain any entries
                      #12. "Performance/Copy KPI/Copy From" - Listbox contains deleted entries
                      #13. "Performance/KPI List/Search Key Performance Indicators/Job Title" - Listbox contains deleted entries
                      Last edited by Roman_T; 09-19-2021, 10:40 PM.


                      • #12
                        #1. "OrangeHRM" logo is disable, should lead to the home page.
                        #2. "Join OrangeHRM Community" button leads to a wrong page, showing error 404.
                        #3. PIM/Add employees: "First" and "Last name" accepts digits, "Employee ID" accepts letters.
                        #4. Leave/Configure: there is an inconsistency in "Holidays ", Martin Luther King Jr and Veterans Day are missing.( not sure about such Holidays as Black Friday and Valentines Day, need requirenments).
                        #5. Leave/Submenu: started with wrong direction, with "Leave List", instead of "Apply".
                        #6. PIM/Submenu: started with wrong direction, with "Employee List", instead of "Configuration".
                        #7. Time/Timesheet: Introducing the required information ( "Employee name"), an error appears "Invalid".
                        #8. Recruitment/ Vacancies: leads to a wrong page.
                        #9. Recruitment/ Candidates/Vacancies: Each vacancy title should start with a capital letter.
                        #10. Admin/ Qualifications, Education: list should be arranged according to educational level, but not in an alphabetical order.
                        #11. My Info/Date of Birth: Accepts current date- 09/19/2021, which is impossible for a current employee or candidate.
                        #12. My Info/ Tax Exceptions: All inputs are disabled, there is "Edit" button missing, and doesn't allow user add any data.
                        #13. My Info/ Job: All inputs are disabled, there is "Edit" button missing, and doesn't allow user add any data.
                        #14. My Info/ Personal Details: SSN accepts more than 9 digits.
                        #15. My Info/ Personal Details: SSN accepts special characters, instead of digits only.


                        • #13
                          #1 Admin/User Management area: Default Input focus required
                          #2 Admin/Organization/General Information/ZIP Code field: Allows letters
                          #3 Recruitment/Candidate/Vacancy list box: some positions are written with cursive letters
                          #4 Recruitment/Vacancies/Edit Job Vacancy area: URL is failed
                          #5 My Info/Personal Details/SS Number field: allows special characters
                          #6 My Info/Personal Details/SS Number field: allows up to 30 digits
                          #7 My Info/Dependents/Date of Birth field: allows to set up any date after the present day
                          #8 My Info/Job area: is inactive
                          #9 My Info/Qualifications/Languages: no entries are provided in the List Box
                          #10 "Orange HRM" logo is disabled. No function of the link to the website is provided.


                          • #14
                            #1- “Personal Details” doesn’t work
                            #2- “drop title” Dropbox doesn’t work
                            #3-“Mail configuration” field is not working properly, unable to enter text.
                            #4- “languages “ drop box doesn’t give proper list to choose from
                            #5- “vacancy” list box are out all capitalized


                            • #15
                              1. Company logo " Orange HRM" is disabled
                              2. " Join Orange HRM Community" is not working, showing error message

