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Online Class September 6, 2021 - Functionality Bug Report for OrangeHRM

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  • #16
    1. Logo image does not have the link to the homepage
    2. Username field accepts unlimits characters
    3. Imposible to view password without bullets
    4. No labels/tooltips for username/password text fields
    5. Password field accepts to type a lot of characters
    6. No button to create the new accaunt
    7. No scroll bar required
    8. No tooltips for the bottom icons
    9. No possibility to remember the account data


    • #17
      1. "Login/Password" Form: no field that gets input focus by default

      2. Form header section: clicking the "Join OrangeHRM Community" button displays the error 404.

      3. "Admin" folder - "User Management" page in Result Grid first record doesn't have CheckBox5
      4. "Admin" folder - "Qualifications\Skills" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      5. "Admin" folder - "Qualifications\Education" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      6. "Admin" folder - "Qualifications\Licenses" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      7. "Admin" folder - "Qualifications\Languages" page - no confirmation message when deleting

      8. "PIM" folder - "Configuration\Reporting Methods" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      9. "PIM" folder - "Configuration\Termination Reason" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      10. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Personal Details" page in "Full Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      11. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Personal Details" page in "Middle Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      12. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Personal Details" page in "Last Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      13. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Personal Details" page in "SSN" field allows number more than 9
      14. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Personal Details" page in "SSN" field allows letters
      15. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Personal Details" page in "SSN" field allows special symbols
      16. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Personal Details" page in "SSN" field - there is no input mask in the field, set input mask "*** - ** - ****"
      17. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Contact Details" page in "City" field allows numbers
      18. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Dependents" page in "Name" field allows numbers
      19. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Dependents" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      20. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Immigration" page in "Expiry Date" field allows date less than "Issued Date" field
      21. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Immigration" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      22. "PIM" folder - "Employee List\Employee Information\Salary" page - no confirmation message when deleting
      23. "PIM" folder - when selecting a menu item "Add Employee" isn't highlighted
      24. "PIM" folder - "Add Employee" page in "Full Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      25. "PIM" folder - "Add Employee" page in "Middle Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      26. "PIM" folder - "Add Employee" page in "Last Name" field allows numbers and special symbols

      27. "Leave" folder - "Reports\Leave Entitlements and Usage Report" page in Result Grid - replace "0-50 of" label with "1-50 of"
      28. "Leave" folder - "Configure\Holidays" page has incorrect setting of the date range - "To" field allows less than "From" field

      29. "Recruitment" folder - "Candidates" page does not accept input data
      30. "Recruitment" folder - "Candidates\Add Candidate" page in "Full Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      31. "Recruitment" folder - "Candidates\Add Candidate" page in "Middle Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      32. "Recruitment" folder - "Candidates\Add Candidate" page in "Last Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      33. "Recruitment" folder - "Vacancies" page is inconsistency with the general design style
      34. "Recruitment" folder - "Vacancies" page - Button "Reset" is not in operation
      35. "Recruitment" folder - "Vacancies" page - Button "Search" is not in operation
      36. "Recruitment" folder - "Vacancies" page - Button "Add" is not in operation
      37. "Recruitment" folder - "Vacancies" page - no confirmation message when deleting (after pressing "Delete" button)

      38. "Performance" folder - "KPI List" page in "Job Title" ListBox contains deleted items
      39. "Performance" folder - "KPI List" page - no confirmation message when deleting (after pressing "Delete" button)
      40. "Performance" folder - "Reviews" page "Job Title" ListBox - inconsistency in the placement of form elements
      41. "Performance" folder - "Reviews" page "Sub Division" ListBox - inconsistency in the placement of form elements
      42. "Performance" folder - "Reviews" page in "Job Title" ListBox contains deleted items

      43. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "Full Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      44. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "Middle Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      45. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "Last Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      46. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "SSN Number" field allows number more than 9
      47. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "SSN Number" field allows letters and special symbols
      48. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "SSN Number" field - there is no input mask in the field, set input mask "*** - ** - ****"
      49. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "Driver's License Number" field allows letters and special symbols
      50. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "Attachments" section - no confirmation message when deleting (after pressing "Delete" button)
      51. "My Info" folder - "Contact Details" page in "Mobile" field is inconsistency in phone format
      52. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      53. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Relationship" field should be List Box
      54. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Mobile" field is inconsistency in phone format
      55. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page - no confirmation message when deleting (after pressing "Delete" button)
      56. "My Info" folder - "Dependents" page in "Name" field allows numbers and special symbols
      57. "My Info" folder - "Dependents" page in "Date of Birth" field allows date more than current
      58. "My Info" folder - "Dependents" page - no confirmation message when deleting (after pressing "Delete" button)
      59. "My Info" folder - "Immigration" page in "Issued Date" field allows date more than current
      60. "My Info" folder - "Immigration" page - no confirmation message when deleting (after pressing "Delete" button)
      61. "My Info" folder - "Job" page - no any button for edit
      62. "My Info" folder - "Qualifications\Add Education" page "Year" field allows any 4 numbers (for example, 7000). set check for correctness of input
      63. "My Info" folder - "Qualifications\Add Language" page "Language" field is empty
      64. "My Info" folder - "Qualifications" page - no confirmation message when deleting (after pressing "Delete" button)


      • #18
        1. "Username" text field is not key sesitive.
        1.1 Open
        1.2 Type "aDmin" in "username" text field (aDmin is invalid login, admin was provided).
        1.3 Type "password" in "Password" text filed.
        1.4 Observe: you are logged in.
        2. Default input focus is not implemented.
        3. "PIM" Tab/ "Employee List"/ "Id" column sorting is inconsistently.
        4. "PIM" Tab/ "Employee List"/ "Employee Name" field provides results in "combination" order first and than in "alphabetic" order:
        4.1 Open
        4.2 "PIM" Tab/ "Employee List"/ "Employee Name" field type "TT"
        4.3 Observe: 4 Employee names containing "TT" provided in "alphabetic" order.
        5. TAB order problem: when you TAB from text field to drop down list box it is not highlighted.
        6. Page crash after going back page.
        6.1 Open
        6.2 "PIM" Tab/ "Employee List"/ "Include"/ "Past Employees Only".
        6.3 Choose one of provided employees.
        6.4 Open "Personal Details" of employee.
        6.5 Push "Go Back" button.
        6.6 Observe: Error message "ERR_CACHE_MISS"
        7. Any text field/ transparent hints in text fields disappears after changing focus.
        8. "PIM" Tab/ "Employee List" no default button.
        9. "PIM" Tab/ "Configurations"/ "Optional Fields": "Employee List" is highlighted instead of "Configurations".
        10. "PIM" Tab/ "Add Employee": Employee List" is highlighted instead of "Add Employee".
        11. "PIM" Tab/ "Add Employee": "Employee Id" should be empty.
        12. "PIM" Tab/ "Add Employee": "Employee Id" should be required.
        13. "PIM" Tab/ "Employee List"/ "Personal Details"/ "Edit": "Cancel" button is not implemented.


        • #19
          #1. “PIM” Tab, “Employee List” Tab, “Employee Information” section: change the title “Id” to “ID”.

          #2. “PIM” Tab, “Employee List” Tab, second column title: change the title “Id” to “ID”.

          #3. “PIM” Tab, “Employee List” Tab: after filling data fields the “Reset” button looks like disabled.

          #4. “PIM” Tab, “Employee List” Tab: after clicking the “Reset” button the image on the screen is twitching.

          #5. “PIM” Tab, “Employee List” Tab, “Id 3250, Admin/Admin” row: no data about Job Title.

          #6. “PIM” Tab, “Employee List” Tab, “Id 3250, Admin/Admin” row: no data about Employment Status.

          #7. Error message after clicking the “Join OrangeHRM Community” button.

          #8. “Admin” Tab, “User Management” Tab: no check box in the first row (Admin row) of the table.

          #9. “Leave” Tab, “Leave List” Tab: the “Pending Approval” check box marked by default.

          #10. “Leave” Tab, “Leave List” Tab: after clicking the “Reset” button the “From” field filled up automatically to the date “01-01-2021”.

          #11. “Leave” Tab, “Leave List” Tab: after clicking “Reset” button the “To” field filled up automatically to the date “12-31-2022”.

          #12. “Recruitment” Tab, “Candidates” Tab, “Vacancy” list box: inconsistency between vacancy writing (“accountant”, “billing”, “ceo”, “receptionist”, “test lead”, “tester” start with a lower case, other vacancies start with an upper case).

          #13. “My Info” Tab, “Personal Details” Tab: the “SSN Number” field accepts input special characters instead of digits only.

          #14. “My Info” Tab, “Personal Details” Tab: the “SSN Number” field accepts input letters instead of digits only.

          #15. “My Info” Tab, “Personal Details” Tab: the “SSN Number” field accepts paste special characters instead of digits only.

          #16. “My Info” Tab, “Personal Details” Tab: the “SSN Number” field accepts paste letters instead of digits only.


          • #20
            #1. No default focus on the "Username" field in Login panel form
            #2. No Message box then specify invalid Username or Password in Login panel form
            #3. No default input focus in "PIM" folder
            #4. No logical order in fields "Employee Information"
            #5. Incorrect date format in data input field "Id" (digital & char & special symbol)
            #6. No focus after press Tab button in field "id"
            #7. No focus after press Tab button in field "Employment Status"
            #8. Separation in name search results title "First (& Midle) Name" and "Last Name" vs label date input field "Employee Name"
            #9. No sorting by Id in search result table
            #10. records in the search result table are not always focused by pressing the up and down buttons


            • #21
              1. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "SSN Number" field allows letters
              2. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "SSN Number" field allows 30 letters, digits or characters
              3. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "Marital Status" field does not contain a complete list in the selection (missing field "divorce")
              4. "My Info" folder - "Personal Details" page in "Driver's License Number" field allows 30 letters, digits or characters
              5. "My Info" folder - "Contact Details" page in "Zip/Postal Code" field allows letters, digits or characters
              6. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Full Name" field allows digits or characters
              7. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Middle Name" field allows digits or characters
              8. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Last Name" field allows digits or characters
              9. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Home Telephone" field allows 25 digits or characters
              10. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Mobile" field allows 25 digits or characters
              11. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Work Telephone" field allows 25 digits or characters
              12. "My Info" folder - "Emergency Contacts" page in "Mobile" field allows 25 digits or characters
              13. “My Info” main menu tab – Click on profile picture. “Select a Photograph” field: accepts “pdf”, “mp4”, “exe” filename extension instead of recommended “jpg”, ”gif”
              -System crash: “413 Request Entity Too Large”
              14. "PIM" folder - "Employee Information" page in "Employee Name" field allows letters, digits or characters without quantitative restriction
              15. "PIM" folder - "Employee Information" page in "Supervisor Name" field allows letters, digits or characters without quantitative restriction
              16. "PIM" folder - "Employee Information" page in "ID" field allows letters, digits or characters without quantitative restriction
              17. "Admin" folder - "System Users" page in "Username" field allows letters, digits or characters without quantitative restriction
              18. "Admin" folder - "Qualifications\Education" page - no confirmation message when deleting
              19. "Admin" folder - "Qualifications\Licenses" page - no confirmation message when deleting
              20. "Admin" folder - "Qualifications\Languages" page - no confirmation message when deleting


              • #22
                GUI, Usability, Functionality testing for Orange HRM

                1. Logo “Organge HRM Open Source HR Management” is not linked to the home page
                2.”Join Organge HRM Cmmmunity” link does not work instead “404 error message..Sorry it seems your were trying.....” message appear on the screen
                3. PIM listbox is not in alphabetical order (Configuration should follow after Add Employee)
                4. PIM/Configuration when choose “Configuration - Optional Field” highlighed wrong listbox “Employee List” instead of “Configuration”
                5. PIM/Employee List “ID” accepts letters instead of being limited to numbers only
                6. In PIM when choose “Add Employee” highlighed wrong listbox “Employee List” instead of “Add Employee”
                7. PIM/Add Employee “Employee ID” accepted letters instead of beeing limited to numbers only
                8. Leave/Apply "Apply Leave" is not active instead “No Leave Types with Leave balance”message appears in the screen
                9. Leave/Configurate/Holidays “Name” of the holidays in not in alphabetical order
                10. Recruitment “Vacancies” listbox page is shown in different format
                11. My Info “Employee Id” and “Other Id” are accepted letters instead of being limited to numbers only
                12. My Info “SSN Number” is accepted letters instead of beeing limited to numbers only
                13. My Info “SSN Number” is accepted more then 9 digits
                14 My Info/Contact Details “Zip/Postal Office” is accepted letter instead of beeing limited to numbers only
                15. My Info/Emergency Contacts “Home Telephone/Mobile” should be marked or required asterisk as a required field
                16. My Info “Job” listbox is not allowed for any changes. No “Edit” and “Save” buttons are available for use


                • #23
                  Orange HRM

                  1. Tab 'PIM': 'Employee List': 'Employee Information' section - 'Include' text field is missed in the data table. Should be added column
                  'Include' in the data table.
                  2. Tab 'PIM': 'Employee List': in data table 'ID' column - ascending order is broken.
                  3. Tab 'PIM': 'Employee List': in data table 'ID' column - descending order is broken.
                  4. Tab 'My Info': 'Personal details' label: 'SSN Number' text field should be accepted 9 digits only.
                  5. Tab 'My Info': 'Personal details' label: 'Date of Birth' text field accepted future years (2022,2023 etc.).
                  6. Tab 'My Info': 'Personal details' label: 'SIN Number' text field: SIN is a number issued in Canada.
                  7. Tab 'My Info': 'Contact Details' label: 'Zip/Postal Code' accepted letters and special characters. Should accepted digits only.
                  8. Tab 'My Info': 'Contact Details' label: 'Zip/Postal Code' accepted more than 5 digits. Should accepted 5 digits only.


                  • #24
                    1. "OrangeHRM" should be opened on the “HOME” page instead of “PIM”
                    2. “OrangeHRM” logo has not link to the homepage
                    3. “Join OrangeHRM Community” leads to the page that show error “404”
                    4. “PIM”/ “Configuration”/” Data Import” /”Select File *”: file does not load.
                    5. ”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”: “First Name” field except digits, letters and sp.char.
                    6. ”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”:” Last Name” field except digits, letters and sp.char.
                    7. ”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”: “First Name” field: Julia, Last Name: Ivanova. Press “Save” button. ”PERSONAL DETAILS”: “SSN Number” field excepts more than 9 digits.
                    8. ”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”: “First Name” field: Julia, “Last Name” field: Ivanova. Press “Save” button. ”PERSONAL DETAILS”: “SSN Number” field excepts letters and sp.char..
                    9. ”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”: “First Name” field: Julia, “Last Name” field: Ivanova. Press “Save” button. ”PERSONAL DETAILS”: “Date of Birth” field excepts future date (2022year).
                    10. ”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”: “First Name” field: Julia , “Last Name” field: Ivanova. Press “Save” button. ”PERSONAL DETAILS”: First Name except digits, letters and sp.char.
                    11. ”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”: “First Name” field: Julia, “Last Name” field: Ivanova. Press “Save” button. ”PERSONAL DETAILS”: “Last Name” field except digits, letters and sp.char.
                    12.”PIM”/”Employee List”/”Add Employee”: “First Name” field: Julia, “Last Name” field: Ivanova. Press “Save” button. ”PERSONAL DETAILS”: “Employee Id” field excepts sp.char.
                    13. “Time”/”Project info” listbox: “Projects”. Push “Add” button: “Customer Name *” field excepts letters, digits and sp.char.
                    14. “Time”/”Project info” listbox: “Projects”. Push “Add” button: “ Name*” field excepts letters, digits and sp.char.
                    15. “Time”/”Project info” listbox: “Customers”. Push “Add” button: “ Name*” field excepts letters, digits and sp.char.
                    16. “Recruitment”/” Candidates”. Push “Add” button: “Add Candidate ”: “First Name” field excepts letters, digits and sp.char.
                    17. “Recruitment”/” Candidates”. Push “Add” button: “Add Candidate ”: “Last Name” field excepts letters, digits and sp.char.
                    18. “My Info”, “Zip/Postal Code” excepts digits, letters and sp.char.


                    • #25
                      1. Login dialog page: "Orange HRM" logo's link to Homepage is missing
                      2. Admin TAB: available employees list in "Add Work Shift" section under "Job": "Workshifts" tab is not in alphabetical order
                      3. Admin TAB: add "Other" to the "Country" list box under "Organization": "General Information" tab
                      4. Admin TAB: start education level list from minimum "High School", "Associate's degree", "Bachelor's degree", "Master's degree", "Doctoral' s degree" under "Qualifications": "Education" tab
                      5. Admin TAB: inconsistency in the "Language" list box under "Configuration": "Localization" tab- "Oromo" is missing the country name next to it
                      6. Admin TAB: inconsistency in the "Language" list box under "Configuration": "Localization" tab- "Indonesian" is missing the country name next to it
                      7. Admin TAB: inconsistency in the "Language" list box under "Configuration": "Localization" tab- the item "US English" is in different format
                      8. PIM TAB: "Add Employee" TAB is not greyed out after clicking on it


                      • #26
                        Bug report OrangeHRM
                        MacOS Safari Version 14.1.2 (16611.

                        1 - Authorization page. After choosing field "Username" in the "Login Panel" prompts in both fields disappears.

                        2 - PIM. Tab "Add Employee" isn't highlighted after clicking.

                        3 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "First Name" accepts digits and special symbols.

                        4 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "Last Name" accepts digits and special symbols.

                        5 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "Middle Name" accepts digits and special symbols.

                        6 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "SSN Number" accepts letters and special symbols.

                        7 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "SIN Number" accepts letters and special symbols.

                        8 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "Driver's License Number" accepts letters and special symbols.

                        9 -My Info. Section "Personal Details". Block "Add Attachment" when you try to upload any document, an internal error occurred.

                        10 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "Other Id" accepts letters and special symbols.

                        11 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "Driver's License Number" accepts letters and special symbols.

                        12 - My Info. Section "Personal Details" field "Date of Birth" accepts years till 2121, that has no sense.

                        13 - My Info. Section "Personal Details". All saved information disappears after changing the tab.

                        14 - My Info. Tab "Contact Details". Field "Address Street 1" accepts special symbols.

                        15 - My Info. Tab "Contact Details". Field "City" accepts digits and special symbols.

                        16 - My Info. Tab "Contact Details". Field "State/Province" accepts digits and special symbols.

                        17 - My Info. Tab "Contact Details". Field "Zip/Postal Code" accepts digits and special symbols.


                        • #27
                          Bug report for the OrangeHRM
                          1)Button from the login page doesn't move user to the webpage.
                          2)Password field doesn't light the icon after user put the info.
                          3)Login field doesn't light the icon after user put the info.
                          4)Login button doesn't change in the size after pressing on her.
                          5)No space between OrangeHRM 3.1.2 and OrangeHRM Inc.
                          6)Wrong format in OrangeHRM, Inc.( Supposed to be OrangeHRM Inc.)
                          7)Join OrangeHRM Community has no opening page.
                          8)Join OrangeHRM Community button has different colors.(Button supposed to be the one green color)
                          9)Help and training box not in alphabetical order.
                          10)Admin/User management and Users has the same page(Delete Users)
                          11)Admin/User management the Username admin has no checkbox.
                          12)Admin/User management the Username admin has no Employee Name.
                          13) Pim/Custom fields/Screen/Select dropdown menu go up(Supposed to go down)
                          14)Pim/Custom fields/Screen/Select dropdown menu not in alphabetical order
                          15)Pim/Employee list/Add employee/Full name, Employee id, Photograph has no astericks.
                          16)Pim/Reports/Employee rereports Search button doesn't work
                          17)Pim/Reports/Employee reports after the run report page didn't comeback on the previous place.
                          18)Pim/Reports/Employee reports/Edit/ Define report fields have no asterics.
                          19)Pim/Emploee list has 24 row instead of 23.(51-74 of 74 has to be 23 pages)
                          20)"Welcome Peter" supposed to be without the name.
                          21)"Help and Training" sort menu goes up instead of goes down.
                          22)"Welcome Peter" sort menu goes up instead of goes down


                          • #28
                            #1 "OrangeHRM" logo when pushed does not go back to homepage
                            #2 "Admin Tab menu" User management submenu" There no space between drop down arrow and menu item
                            #3 In the log in page panel "LOGIN panel" "LOGIN" is spelled in all caps while "Palen is spelled in upper and lower case
                            #4.The circle design on the left of login panel that says "HR for ALL" all should be in uppercase
                            #5 "username field" is not case sensitive
                            #6 "Password" field not case sensitive
                            #7 "Facebook" icon does not have a tooltip
                            #8 "LinkedIn" icon does not have a tooltip
                            #9 Twitter icon does not have a tooltip
                            #10 "YouTube" icon does not have a tooltip


                            • #29
                              1. "PIM" page,"Employee informetion" seccion, "Search" buttom able when all fields empty;
                              2. "PIM" page,"Employee informetion" seccion, "Reset" buttom able when all fields empty;
                              3. "PIM" page,"ID" field accept letters;
                              4. "PIM" page,"ID" field accept sp. characters;
                              5. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Admin" "Admin" line, "job Title" column is empty;;
                              6. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Admin" "Admin" line, "Employment Status" column is empty;
                              7. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Antoine" "Hani" line, "job Title" column is empty;
                              8. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Antoine" "Hani" line, "job Title" column is empty;
                              9. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Employee ID" field, accept letters;
                              10. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Employee ID" field, accept sp.characters;
                              11. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Other ID" field, accept letters;
                              12. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Other ID" field, sp. characters;


                              • #30
                                Test GUI, Usability, Functionality of OrangeHRM
                                1. In The LOGIN Panel field, “Username” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
                                2. In The LOGIN Panel field, “Password” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
                                3. The logo image does not have a link to the home page.
                                4. After Entering The Login/Password, The “PIM” column of the “Employee List” section opens instead of the home page.
                                5. The “Admin Folder” - The “User Management” page in the first record “Users” of the table does not contain results.
                                6. In the “Recruitment” column “Vacancies” section when changing the search parameters, no action is taken when the “Search” button is pushed.
                                7. In the “Recruitment” column “Vacancies” in the first vacancy there is no information in such columns as Vacancy; Hiring Manager; Status.
                                8. In the “Recruitment” column “Vacancies” in the second vacancy there is no information in such columns as Job Title; Hiring Manager; Status.
                                9. In the “Performance” column in the “Cope KPI” column the line “Copy From” contains erroneous character sets marked as “Deleted”.
                                10. In the “Performance” column in the “Add Review” column the line “Employee Name” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
                                11. In the “Performance” column in the “Reviewer Name” column the line “Reviewer Name” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
                                12. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SSN Number" field allows letters.
                                13. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SSN Number" field wrong numbers of characters.
                                14. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SIN Number" field allows letters.
                                15. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SIN Number" field wrong numbers of characters.
                                16. "My Info" column in the "Contact Details" page in the "Zip/Postal Code" field allows letters.
                                17. "My Info" column in the "Contact Details" page in the "Zip/Postal Code" wrong numbers of characters.

