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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #91
    Session 5
    Energy-Telecom Service

    #1 "First Name" field doesn't accept more than 30 characters.
    #2 "Submit" and "Clear" fields are different by font size.
    #3 TAB order violation: From "First Name" to "Reffered by" instead of "Last Name".
    #4 "Email" field has no validation for multiple "@" characters.
    #5 "Last Name" field doesn't accept more than 30 characters.
    #6 "Submit" and "Clear" fields have different sizes of box.
    #7 Section "Gaz and Electric Services"-written together words "opento".
    #8 Section "Comments" - has small font in the text field compared to other sections.
    Last edited by nurkenas; 09-15-2021, 11:24 AM.


    • #92
      #1 Default button is missing
      #2 "TAB" order violated:"Contact Information": skipped from "First Name:" to "Reffered by:"
      #3 "TAB" order violated: "Contact Information": from "Best Way To Contact Me:" skipped to "1.Cell phone Service"/"Current Provider:"ontact
      #4 "8. Comments": The buttons "Submit","Clear" do not match in size and font
      #5 "2. Local/Long Distances/International Services": "International calls included" label, "Long distance included" label: should end up with the colon ":" character
      #6 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: not in alphabetical order abbreviation
      #7 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: "BC", "other": non-existent designation, should be removed
      #8 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: "HI", "NV": should be added
      #9 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: abbreviation "IND" should be replaced with "IN"


      • #93
        1. Contact information” - “Email” is a required field but the form can be submitted with no input
        2. “Contact information” - when trying to submit the form with no input in “Email” there is no error message “Please enter your email”
        3. “Contact information” - with no input in “Email” after the form submission attempt the asterisk does not change the color from blue to red
        4. “Contact information” - “Referred by” is NOT a required field, but the form cannot be submitted without input (shows the error message "please enter the name")
        5. “State” drop-down list - states are not listed in alphabetical order
        6. “Contact information” - Tab order is not correct - tabbing from “First name” to “Referred By” and then to “Last name”
        7. “Cell phone service” - “Current provider” - not all providers are listed, need to update the list
        8. “Cell phone service” - “Months left on current contract” - there is no dropdown option for 11 and 12 months
        9. “Gas and Electric Services” - “I am opento using different provider” - there should be a space between open and to
        10. Buttons “Submit” and “Clear” and not consistent - different font size and button size
        11. “Contact information” - “First name” accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 max
        12. “Contact information” - “Last name” accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 max
        13. “Contact information” - “Street address” accepts only 100 characters instead of 255 max
        14. “Cell phone service” - “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters, when it should be digits only


        • #94
          1 Contact information section: "First name" field accepts more than 31 characters
          2 TAB order in goes to "Referred be" field instead of "last name"field
          3 Contact information section: "Zip" field accepts not only digital characetrs
          4 Contact information section: "State" listbox 'BC" state isn't USA state
          5 Cell Phone Service section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts not only digits
          6 Cell Phone Service section: "Current Provider:" listbox not consist "OTHER"
          7 Contact information section: "Last name" field accepts more than 32 characters instead of 31


          • #95
            1. Contact information "ZIP" field should assept only digits
            2. Contact information "State" list box remove "Other"
            3. Contact information "State" list box remove "BC"
            4. Contact information "State" list box HI state are missing
            5. Cell Phone Service "My monthly bill is approximately" field should accept digits only
            6. Gas and Electric Service: button line "I am opento using different provider" missing space between "open to"
            7. "Clear" button does not clear the form


            • #96
              1. "First name" accepts 33 chars - must not accept more than 31
              2. "Last name" accepts 32 chars - must not accept more than 31
              3. "Street address" accepts 256 chars - must not accept more than 255
              4. Color of asterisks is varying for different fields - must be consistent with one color
              5. "State" listbox: BC has to be excluded as it's not an US state
              6. "State" listbox: remove Other option
              7. "Zip" UI issue: field allows to copy-paste more than 5 chars exceeding the limit
              8. "Email" field declared as required although there is no warning is it's not populated
              9. "Best Way To Contact Me:" label is unnecessary wrapped - must be in one line
              10. "Referred by:" shows warning if not populated while it's not required field
              11. Proposal: Add "Other" option for "Current Provider:" as there may be some other providers
              12. "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to input letters while only digits are allowed
              13. "Months left on current contract:" must have option "Other"


              • #97
                1. No default button in the form
                2. "Clear" button does not clear the form
                3. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                4. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                5. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255
                6. "State" list box have only 48 states instead of all 50 states
                7. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste of more than 5 characters
                8. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste of non digits characters
                9. "Email" field accept more than 255 characters
                10. "Email" field has an asterisk but it is not really required
                11. "Email" field accept more than one "@" symbol
                12. "Referred by" field behaves as a required field but it has not an asterisk


                • #98
                  Energy-telecom Bug report. Session #5
                  tested on macOS Big Sur 11.5.2 Safari Version 14.1.2 (16611.

                  1 - Text field "First Name:" accepts all characters and no more than 31. As required.
                  2 - Text field "Last Name:" accepts all characters and no more than 31. As required.
                  3 - Text field "Street Address:" accepts all characters and no more than 100. However no more than 255 characters should be accepted as required.
                  4 - Text field "City:" accepts all characters and no more than 50. As required.
                  5 - List box "State:" is offering only 49 states. However List Box should offer the list of all 50 states.
                  6 - Text field "ZIP:" accepts 5 characters (digits only). As required.
                  7 - Text field "Email:" accepts digits, letters, some special characters. Also it accepts more than 255 characters. However it should accept no more than 255 characters.
                  8 - Text field "Phone:" 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). As required.

                  9 - Text field"Referred by:" doesn't have an asterisk, however it's a required field and it should be matched with an asterisk.
                  10 - Error message provided if required field has no input except the "Email:" text field.
                  11 - Emails retaining data aren't sent to the correct email address.
                  12 - Section "Cell Phone Service" field "Current Provider:" doesn't have "Other" in the list.


                  • #99
                    1. Email field is required. There is no error message about blank Emails.
                    2. Referred by is not required, but there is an error message about the blank "Referred by" field.
                    3."Clear" button doesn't work.
                    4. Maximum capacity of the "First name" and "Last name" fields is 30 characters instead of 31.
                    5. Maximum capacity of the "Street Address" field is 100 instead of 255.
                    6. The Listbox "State" doesn't have "NV" and "HI".
                    7. The field "Zip" accepts capital letters.
                    8. The field "Zip" accepts small letters.
                    9. The field "Zip" accepts more than 5 characters if it is copy and paste.


                    • 1. "First name" field accepts 30 only characters instead of 31 as required.
                      2. "Last name" field accepts 30 only characters instead of 31 as required.
                      3. In list box "State": delete "BC" state (doesn't exist in the USA).
                      4. In list box "State": needs to add "HI" state (Hawaii state).
                      5. In list box "State": replace "IND" with "IN" (Indiana state).
                      6. In list box "State": needs to add "NV" state (Nevada state).
                      7. In the "Contact information" there is Tab order error. From "First name" field input focus moves to "Referred by", instead of "Last name" field.
                      8. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent.
                      9. "Street address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255 as required.
                      10. "Referred by" should not be as required or should have an asterisk.
                      11. "Zip" field accepts non-digits characters.
                      12. "Zip" field accepts more then 5 characters if copy-paste them.
                      13. "Phone" field accepts non-digits characters if copy-paste them.
                      14. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" list box add item "Other".
                      15. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts non-digit characters.
                      16. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract" list box should offer from 0 to 24 months instead of 10 months.
                      17. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Number of phones on plan" should be limited to 10 instead of 100.


                        1. “Contact Information” section has messy design look. Align each field in “Contact Information” to the left
                        2. The default input focus need to be set
                        3. Tab order is not implemented logically throughout the page
                        4. “Contact Information” section /“State” in list box only 48 states
                        5. “Contact Information” section /“State” list box remove “Other” and “BC” option from list
                        6. Make the dollar sign ($) a part of field labels “My monthly bill is approximately $” / “My monthly bill is approximately $” / “Total Bill $”
                        7. "ZIP:" field can accepts more than 5 characters if characters copy-paste
                        8. “High Speed Internet Servicesection /“Wireless Aircard ” has checkbox - inconsistency with other radio buttons. Change checkbox to radio button for “Wireless Aircard ”
                        9. “Referred by” field is displayed in * Indicates required field after form has been Submitted. It should’t behave as a required field.
                        10. The buttons "Submit" and “Clear" have different look
                        Last edited by OlenaW; 09-17-2021, 06:20 PM.


                        • 1. "First name" label: maximum characters are 30 instead 31
                          2. "Last name" label: maximum characters are 30 instead 31
                          3. "First name" label: When saving name with special characters does not accept them all
                          4. "Last name" label: When saving name with special characters does not accept them all
                          5. "Street Address" label: field accepts only 100 characters instead 255
                          6. "State" list: there are only 48 states instead 50
                          7. "State" list: there is BC state which is not a state
                          8. "State" list: there is "Other" option, but it is not logical accepted
                          9. "ZIP" label: it is possible paste more than 5 digital characters
                          10. "Email" label: when you submit empty field, application does not required as it required
                          11. "Email" label: it takes more than 255 characters
                          12. "Email" label: accepts not email format
                          13. "Referred by": application require it, but it is not required by requirements
                          14. There is no default input focus
                          15. "International calls included" label has question sign instead colon
                          16. "Long distance included" label has question sign instead colon
                          17. TAB order does not work correctly: After "First name" it goes to "Referred by"
                          18. There is an error message "Error 17896" when pushint the button "Clear", it is confusing and misleading
                          19. Section 1. Cell Phone Service, "Minutes on plan" list: consists not inconsistent values
                          20. Section 1. Cell Phone Service, "Current provider" list: does not have option "Other"
                          21. Section 1. Cell Phone Service, "Months left on current contract" list: does not have option more
                          22. Section 3. High Speed Internet Service, "Type of service" consists radio buttons with checkbox
                          23. Section 1. Cell Phone Service, "My monthly bill is approxamitely": field accepts letters characters instead digits
                          24. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have different style and size
                          25. Section 1. Cell Phone Service, "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately": label is not complete, word month should be part of the label
                          also it is suggestion to add word "ago" after months for more logical completeness


                          • 1. Label "Email:" doesn't behave as a required field in error message.
                            2. Error message provide "Referred by:" like required field, although it isn't marked in requirements.
                            3. Field "First Name: "accept 30 characters, versus 31 is required.
                            4. Field "First Name:" accept more than 31 characters if copy-paste, instead of 31 required.
                            5. Field "Last Name:" accept 30 characters, versus 31 is required.
                            6. Field "Last Name:" accept more than 31 characters if copy-paste, instead of 31 required.
                            7. Field " Street Address:" doesn't accept more than 100 characters, instead 255 what is required.
                            8. Field " Street Address:" accepts more than 255 characters, if copy-paste, instead 255 what is required.
                            9. Field "Street:" accepts more than 50character, when copy-paste instead of 50 as per requirements.
                            10. List box "State" in "Contact Information" has missed "NV".
                            11. List box "State" in "Contact Information" has missed "HI".
                            12. List box "State" in "Contact Information" has extra incorrect state "BC".
                            13. In list box "State" in "Contact Information" remove "Other" option.
                            14. Field "ZIP:" accepts all characters, not digits only as per requirements.
                            15. Field "ZIP:" accepts more than 5 characters if copy-paste.
                            16. Feld "Email:" has no validation for multiple"@" characters.
                            17. Field "Email:" accepts more then 255 characters.
                            18. Field "Email:" accepts all special characters instead some.
                            19. Field "Email:" accepts more then 255 characters if copy-paste.
                            20. Field "Phone:" accepts all characters if copy-paste, instead digits only as per requirements.
                            21. TAB order after field "First Name:" in the section "Contact Information" goes to the field "Referred by:" this section, instead of "Last Name:".
                            22. Install function "Other" in list box "Current Provider:" in section "1. Cell Phone Service".
                            23. Install function "More" in "My monthly bill is approximately:" in "1. Cell Phone Service".
                            24. Field "Primary Phone Number:" in section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" accepts all characters if copy-paste, instead digits only as per requirements.
                            25. Replace check box " Wireless Aircard" in section "3. High Speed Internet Service" to radio button.
                            26. Field "Provider:" in section "3. High Speed Internet Service" available just in combination with check box " Wireless Aircard".
                            27. Install function "More" in field "Months left on plan:" in section "4. TV Service".
                            28. Button "Clear" doesn't work (misleading/confusing error message pops up - "Error 17896 - Invalid data request....".
                            29. Default Input Focus implementation is requested.


                              1. In State section drop down menu option ‘BC’ should be removed from the list.
                              2. In Currrent Provider section both options can be selected. Only one option should be enabled.
                              3. In My Monthly Bill is Approximately section both Letters and numbers are enabled. Should be changed to only numbers.
                              4. In Months left on current contract section drop down menu number of months should be 12 instead of 10.
                              5. Under ’I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately’ section all options can be selected. Only one option should be enabled.
                              6. In Type of Service section the options should be displayed as circles, instead of circles and squares.
                              7. In I Currently Have section only one option should be clickable instead of two.
                              8. In Gas And Electric Services section a word is misspelled. Should be ‘open to’, instead of ‘opento’.


                              • 1. TAB button not works properly in "Contact Information" field .
                                2. TAB button does not select all radio buttons in "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" , " 3. High speed internet service", and " 4.TV service" fields.
                                3. Web form submit application with empty "Email" text field in "Contact Information" field.
                                4.In " Contact Information" field List box "State " contains Other it should be in the end of list.
                                5. In "1. Cell Phone Service " field , "My monthly bill is approximately: " text box accept letters and digits instead digits only.
                                6. On the bottom of web form after push button "Clear " you get error message instead to clear form .
                                7. In "Contact Information " field , text box " Referred by:" if empty , form give warning message after submit form.

