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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #76
    1. "Contact Information" section / "First Name" field accepts up to 30 characters instead of 31.
    2 "Contact Information" section / "Last Name" field accepts up to 30 characters instead of 31.
    3. "Contact Information" section / "State" list box contains 49 items instead of 50.
    4. "Contact Information" section / "Zip" field accepts letters, should be limited to digits only.
    5. "Contact Information" section / "Zip" field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters.
    6. "Contact Information" section / "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters, should be limited to 255 characters.
    7. "Contact Information" section / "Referred by" field doesn`t have asterisk sign "Indicates required field", though when submitted empty, it asks to enter the name of the person you were referred by.
    8. "Cell Phone Service" section / "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts copy-paste of letters and special characters, should be limited to digits only.
    9. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section / "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts copy-paste of letters and special characters, should be limited to digits only.
    10. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section / "Total bill" field accepts copy-paste of letters, should be limited to digits only.
    Last edited by Alla Volkova; 09-14-2021, 06:08 PM.


    • #77
      1) Contact Information
      2)First name/Last name Allowed 30 characters out of 31 characters
      3)Street Address only accepts 99 characters out of 355 characters
      4)City allowed to have 50 Characters in the required field.
      5) Zip text field accepts letters & other characters.
      6) Tab button should jump into next TAB, instead of "referred by"
      7) Referred by is Missing asterisk
      8) email address accepts invalid domains, and multiple numbers, characters, letters.


      • #78
        1. 'Referred by' label isn't marked with an astrisk, but doesn't let submit form without input in this text box
        2. Requirement: make an "email" field in "Contact Information" required to submit form
        3. TAB order violation : At the second section "Local/Long Distances/International Service" the TAB order is skipping from list box 'Internet' to 'Total bill'
        without hihglighting "TV" and then 'Both' first
        4. TAB order violation: From "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name"
        5. "Contact Information" section/"State" listbox: "NV" is missing
        6. "Contact Information" section/"State" listbox: "HI" is missing
        7. "Contact Information" section/"State" listbox: "IND" replace "IN"
        8. "Contact Information" section/"State" listbox: remove "BC"
        9. "Contact Information"/field "ZIP" it is possible to enter not only digital value but also letters
        10. "Phone number" field accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        11."1.Cell Phone Service" section/field "My monthly bill is approximately:" it is possible to enter not only digital value
        12 "1.Cell Phone Service"/field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        13. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"/field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        14. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"/field "Total Bill:" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        15. "3. High Speed Internet Service"/field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        16. "4. TV Service"/field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        17. "5. Home Security Service"/field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        18. "7. Gas and Electric Services"/field "My monthly bill is approximately(winter):" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        19."7. Gas and Electric Services"/field "My monthly bill is approximately(summer):" accepts not only digits if copy-paste
        20. Implementation of Default Input Focus requested
        21. "7. Gas and Electric Services"/checkbox "I am opento using different provider" replace with "I am open to using different provider"
        22. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent in their look and dimentions


        • #79
          1. Contact Information/ “First name” field can contain 30 characters instead of 31.
          2. Contact Information/ "First Name" fields accepts digits.
          3. Contact Information/ “Last name” field can contain 30 characters instead of 31.
          4. Contact Information/ “Last name” fields accepts digits.
          5. Contact Information/ ZIP/ It should be impossible to copy-paste a zip code with more than 5 characters.
          6. Contact Information/ Email hasn't been delivered after clicking Submit button.
          7. High Speed Internet Service/ Current provider field doesn’t have a space to type when you choose “other” from the list box.
          8. "Clear" button is not working.
          9. Gas and Electric Services/ section "I am open to using different provider" checkbox is misspelled: replace "I am opento..." to "I am open to...".
          10. Tap button does not go in order after column “Bundled with” - “Internet” it brings you to the column “Total Bill”.
          11. Cell Phone Service/ “Minutes on plan” field/ when selecting the numbers, they listed inconsistently.
          12. Contact Information/ Email/ it should be impossible to enter Email address without @ symbol.
          13. Contact Information/ Phone/ it is possible to paste copied letters and symbols.
          Last edited by oksana didukh; 09-14-2021, 06:10 PM.


          • #80
            1. The Form submits successfully (no error message) with empty field "Email" which is required
            2. Section "Contact Information"/label "Referred by" should have asterisk or should not give an error message when the filed is empty
            3. Field "First Name" accepts up to 30 characters instead of 31 as required
            4. Field "Last Name" accepts up to 30 characters instead of 31 as required
            5. Field "Street Address" accepts up to 100 characters instead of 255 as required
            6. Field "Zip" should accept only digits, not letters
            7. Field "Zip" accepts more than 5 characters if copy-paste
            8. TAB order violation: from "Best Way To Contact Me" it goes to "Current Provider" instead of "Referred by"
            9. TAB order violation: from "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name"
            10. Section "1. Cell Phone Service"/field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters along with digits
            11. Section "1. Cell Phone Service"/listbox "Current Provider" to add more providers OR to add option "Other"
            12. Section "1. Cell Phone Service"/listbox "Current Provider" has no alphabet order
            13. Section "Contact Information"/listbox "State" has no alphabet order
            14. Section "Contact Information"/listbox "State" to add "NV"
            15. Section "Contact Information"/listbox "State" remove option "Other"
            16. Section "Contact Information"/listbox "Months left on current contract" missing 11 and 12 months
            17. Section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"/listbox "Current Provider" has no alphabet order


            • #81
              #1 "First Name" text field accept 30 characters while, as per the requirements must accept up to 31.

              #2 "Last Name" text field accept 30 characters while, as per the requirements must accept up to 31.

              #3 The "Street Address" text field accepts no more than 100 characters while as per the requirements must accept up to 255 characters.

              #4 The "City" text field accepts more than 50 characters while as per the requirements must accept no more than 50.

              #5 The "State" list box lists 48 states instead the required 50. Missing States: HI, NV

              #6 The "State" list box abbreviates the state of Indiana as "IND". Must be replaced with "IN"

              #7 The "ZIP" text fields accepts letters while as per the requirements must accept digits only

              #8 The "ZIP" text fields accepts more than 5 characters (digits, letters, and special characters) if the information is copied & pasted into the field.

              #9 Requirement: The "Email" text field requirement indicates that some special characters are accepted but does not specify which ones. This undefined information makes it challenging to test against this requirement.

              #10 The "Email" text field accepts > 255 characters while as per the requirements must accept up to 255 characters.

              #11 The "Phone" text field accepts letters if the information is copied & pasted into the field.


              • #82
                Energy -Telecom
                1. In the edit boxes "Last name:" and "First name:" there is no check, it is possible to enter digits.
                2. In the edit box “ZIP:” there is no check, it is possible to enter letters and more than 5 digits.
                3. TAB order violation: from the edit box "First name:” skips several boxes and enters the edit box "Referred by:". TAB order violation: from the edit box “Last Name:” missing the edit box “Referred by:”
                4. In the list box “Current Provider:” missing “Other”.
                5. In the list box” Months left on current contract:” isn`t needed 11,12, “more”.
                6. Grammar mistake in text field “I am opento using different provider”, correctly be “open to”
                7. Button “Clear” doesn`t work.
                8. In the edit boxes:” My monthly bill is approximately:”,” Total Bill:”, “Primary Phone Number:”, My monthly bill is approximately (summer):”, “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):” may copy-past letters.


                • #83

                  #1 "First name" field does not accept 31 characters
                  #2 "Last name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                  #3 Number of characters acceptable by "Street Address:" field is 100 or less
                  #4 "State" list box does not offer the list of all 50 states
                  #5 Incorect postal abbreviation in the "State" list box: IND instead of IN
                  #6 "State" list box contains the name of a nonexistent state
                  #7 HI state is missing from the "State" list box
                  #8 NV state is not on the list of the "State" list box
                  #9 Option "Other" should be eliminated from the "State" list box
                  #10 "Zip" field accepts letters
                  #11 More than 5 digits can be input in the "Zip" field using copy-paste
                  #12 "Email" field allows to enter more than 255 characters


                  • #84
                    1. There's an error with default focus in the "Contact Information" field.

                    2. In the "State" drop-down box, there only 49 states available instead of 50.

                    3. "ZIP" text field can be filled with alphabetic characters.

                    4. "ZIP" text field can be filled with special characters.

                    5. "ZIP" text field can be filled with more than 5 numeric characters if it being copied and pasted.
                    It should accept only 5 digits.

                    6. "Email" text field doesn't apply as the "required" one, as it should be in the requirements.

                    7. "Email" text field accepts all the special characters(should accept –._ )@ only).

                    8. The Asterisk doesn't highlight when "Email" text field being empty.

                    9. The web page doesn't display an error message if "Email" field has no input.

                    10. "Email" text field doesn't allow you to type 255 characters, it allows typing only 100.
                    It doesn't follow the requirements.

                    11. "Referred by" text field doesn't have an asterisk symbol near it. It should, as it's the required field.

                    12. "Clear" button doesn't implement its function. Input data doesn't get erased. Should be deleted or fixed

                    13. An ugly placement of "ZIP" text field. Doesn't follow the dimensions.

                    14. In the "State" drop-down box state choice "IND" should be changed to "IN".

                    15. "Phone" text fields allows putting alphabetic characters if copied and pasted.

                    16. "Phone" text fields allows putting special characters if copied and pasted.


                    • #85
                      1."First Name " the requirements indicate no more than 31 characters, in fact no more than 30 characters are available
                      2."Last name" the requirements indicate no more than 31 characters , in fact no more than 30 characters are available.
                      3."Street address" the text field accepts no more than 255 characters , in fact it accepts 100.
                      4."State" the text field accepts no more than 50 characters , in fact 49 .
                      5"State" the first state on the list BS (British Columbia) , a province in Canada .It does not belong to the states.
                      6."State" is missing state "DC".
                      7."State" is missing state "HI"
                      8."State" is missing state "NV"
                      9."State" write "IND", instead "IN"
                      10."Email" the text field accepts 255 characters , in fact it is includes 1063 characters .
                      11."Best way to contact me" inconvenient to read , part of the text has been moved to the next line.
                      12.Section "7" "Gas and Electric Services"the last line is written the words together , "opento"
                      Last edited by Anisimova; 09-14-2021, 07:00 PM.


                      • #86
                        1. After filling the "First name" field and pressing the "tab" button on the keyboard the cursor does not move to the next field. It moves on the last field "Referred by".
                        2. The text field “First name” accepts only 30 symbols. According to requirements, the field "First name" accepteds up to 31 characters.
                        3. The text field “Last name” accepts only 30 symbols. According to requirements, the field "Last name" accepts up to 31 characters.
                        4. The text field “Street address” accepts only 100 symbols. According to requirements, the field "Street address" accepts up to 255 characters.


                        • #87
                          Energy-Telecom Service Review Bug Reporting.

                          Specific Data Requirements:

                          First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                          Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                          Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
                          City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                          State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                          ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
                          Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                          Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

                          #1. Inconsistency "Referred by:" field is has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required field.
                          #2. Implementation Default Input Focus required.
                          #3. "First name:" field acceptes 30 characters insted of 31 (by requirements).
                          #4. "Last name:" field acceptes 30 characters insted of 31 (by requirements).
                          #5."Street Address:" field acceptes 100 characters insted of 255 (by requirements).
                          #6. "State:" listbox offering 49 states out of 50 states (by requirements).
                          #7. "Contact Information" section/ "State:" listbox missing "NV" state.
                          #8. "Contact Information" section/ "State:" listbox remove "Other" from the list.
                          #9. "State:" listbox incorrect "IND" abbreviations, needs to be correct to "IN".
                          #10. "State:" listbox unknown "BC" abbreviations. Remove "BC" from the list.
                          #11. "Contact Information" section/ "State:" listbox missing "HI" state.
                          #12. "ZIP:" field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters limit (by requirements).
                          #13. "Email:" field accepts more than 255 characters limit (by requirements).
                          #14. "Email:" field accepts more than one '@' special character.
                          #15. "Phone:" field accepts copy-paste characters and special characters. Digits only accepted (by requirements).
                          #16. Tab order goes down to "Referred by:" field after "First Name:", instead of "Last Name" field.
                          #17. In "TV Service" tab on the "I currently have:" label, "HDTV" check box need to be provided by circle.
                          #18. Inconsistency "Email:" field, it is processed as a not required field.
                          - open new page
                          - do not fill out anything
                          - push "Submit" button
                          - "Email:" field not present as a required field
                          #19. "Cell Phone Service" section/ "Current Provider:" listbox needed "Other" option.
                          #20. "Cell Phone Service" section/ "Current Provider:" listbox needed "AT&T" option.
                          #21. "Cell Phone Service" section/ "My monthly bill is approximately:" field limit input digits no more than 4.
                          #22. "Cell Phone Service" section/ "Months left on current contract:" listbox should present 1-12 months.
                          #23. "Gas and Electric Services" section/ "I am opento using different provider" field needed correction to "open to".
                          #24. "Clear" button provided "Error 17896 - Invalid data request..." but not clearing the form.
                          #25. Inconsistency of "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
                          Last edited by GuliyaYe; 09-15-2021, 08:40 PM.


                          • #88
                            #1. "First name" field does not accept 31 characters as requires.
                            #2. "Last" name" field does not accept 31 characters as requires.
                            #3. "Street address" field accepts more than 256 characters.
                            #4. "City" field accepts more than 50 characters.
                            #5. "State" listbox offers less than 50 stats.
                            #6. "ZIP code" field accepts latters and special characters by pasting.
                            #7. "ZIP code" field accepts more than 5 characters.
                            #8. "Email" field behavior looks like not a required.
                            #9. "Email" field accepts characters without any "@".
                            #10. In "Month left on current contact" field amount (number) of offering values less than in another similar fields ("I last upgreided...", "Month left on plan").
                            #11. No one checkbox and radiobox in form have resonable initial values.
                            Last edited by Victor_Goltsov; 09-14-2021, 07:30 PM.


                            • #89
                              Session 5

                              1. "Referred by:" field: add a red asterisk to list as form is required.
                              2. "First name:" field only accepts 30 characters, increase limit to 31
                              3. "First name:" field accepts special characters.
                              4. Form can be submitted without completing "Email:" field requirement.
                              5. "Street Address:" field: accepts 100 characters, increase limit to 255.
                              6. "Zip:" field: accepts non-digit characters.
                              7. "State:" list box: 48 states listed, requires all 50 states.
                              8. "State:" list box: add "NV" (Nevada) to option.
                              9. "State:" list box: add "HI" (Hawaii) to option.
                              10. "State:" list box: remove "other" option from list.
                              11. "State:" list box: remove "BC" option from list.
                              12. "Email:" field: accepts all special characters, create limit only to specific requirements.
                              13. "Email:" field: accepts more than 255 characters.
                              14. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field: accepts characters.
                              15. "Months left on current contract" list box: add "more" option to list.
                              16. In section "1. Cell Phone Service": "Current provider:" list box: add "other" option on list.
                              17. Bottom of page: when "Clear" button is pushed, error window "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" occurs.
                              18. In section "4. TV Service": "I currently have" check box must have "both" option.
                              19. "Best way to contact me:" list box: add "either" or "no preference" option.
                              20. "Zip:" field: accepts any combination of digits, must limit to US zip codes only.


                              • #90
                                Specific Data Requirements:
                                1. First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                                2. Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                                3. Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
                                4. City: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.
                                5. State: List Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.
                                6. ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
                                7. Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                                8. Phone: text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
                                Testing of "Contact Information" Section ONLY:
                                • “First Name” field: accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                                • “First Name” field: has ‘TAB’ order violation, from the “First Name” field goes directly to “Referred by” field instead of “Last Name.”
                                • “Last Name” field: accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                                • “Last Name” field: the right-hand alignment of the "Last Name" field should be on the same line as the right-hand alignment of the “ZIP” code field.
                                • “Street Address” field: accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 per requirement.
                                • “Street Address” field: the right-hand alignment of the "Last Name" field should be on the same line as the right-hand alignment of the “ZIP” code field.
                                • “State” list box: remove the ‘Other’ option from the list.
                                • “State” list-box: remove the ‘BC’ option from the list (it does not exist).
                                • “State” list-box: U.S. States acronym ‘NV’ and ‘HI’ is absent (missing).
                                • “State” list-box: must replace the Indiana State acronym ‘IND’ with ‘IN.’
                                • “ZIP” code field: accepts non-digits (must accept digits only).
                                • “ZIP” code field: accepts more than 5 characters using the copy-paste function (limit 5 by requirements).
                                • "ZIP" code field: we need to validate non-digits typed/pasted into the field
                                • “Email” field: has an asterisk assigned, but this is not required
                                • “Email” field: accepts more than 255 characters, although 255 is limited
                                • “Email” field: has no validation for multiple (@) characters.
                                • "Email" field: is not working as a required field as it is supposed to
                                • “Phone” field: accepts letters and special characters using the copy-paste function (digits only by requirements).

