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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #31
    1. Clicking on " Tab" button on "First Name" field, should move in order or highlight next field "Last Name" field.
    2. Need to Correct state ''IND'' to ''IN'' in "State'' field.
    3. ''ZIP CODE" field accept letters and does not have extension through ''hyphen'' - (12345-1234).
    4. In '' Cell Phone Service'' block ''Monthly Bill Approximately:'' field accepting letters.
    5. In '' Cell Phone Service'' block ''Months left on current contract:'' field have ''10'' month instead ''12''.
    6.Clicking on ''Clear'' button Error message pop-up, instead clearing all field.
    Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 11.39.59 AM.png


    • #32
      1. In the “Contact Information” box, the section “Referred by” should be mark * since this field is required for submission.
      2. In the “Contact Information” box, the section “First Name” accepted numbers and special characters. It should only accept letters.
      3. In the “Contact Information” box, the section “Last Name” accepted numbers and special characters. It should only accept letters.
      4. In the “Contact Information” box, the “State” drop-down list doesn’t have 2 US states, NV (Nevada) and HI (Hawaii), need to add them.
      5. Need to remove BC (British Columbia) from the “State” drop-down list in the “Contact Information” box. It’s not a US state.
      6. The state Indiana supposed to be changed from IND to IN in the “State” drop-down list.
      7. The section “Email” in the “Contact Information” box accepted non-existent email without special character @
      8. In the “Contact Information” box, the section “City” accepted numbers and special characters. It should only accept letters.
      9. In the “Cell Phone Service” box a drop-down list attached to “Minutes on plan” is shifted down.
      10. In the “Cell Phone Service” box, the “My monthly bill is approximately” section accepted letters. There are should be only numbers.
      11. In the “Cell Phone Service” box, in the “Current Provider” drop down list need to add option “other”, because many mobile providers are not on the list, such as AT&T, Boost etc.
      12. In the “Cell Phone Service” box, in the “Number of phones on plan” drop down list makes sense to reduce the number to 20, since all online providers accept only up to 20 numbers in one family plan.
      13. In the “Cell Phone Service” box, the “Months left on current contract”should have an extra option “other”.
      14. At the bottom of box “Gas and Electric Services” in the line "I am opento using different provider" is missing a space between Open and To
      15. In the “High Speed Internet Service” box the line to fill “Provider” name is shifted down. They should be in one line.


      • #33
        #1. Search results table has incorrect number of rows (this table has 11 rows, but it have to has 10 as per "Results per page" lightbox).
        #2. Search results table has problem in 11 row. The "Action" button is lost.
        #3. The link to page 5 is lost from the list of links. This list is located at the bottom of the screen.
        #4. "Showing 422 invoices", but it is larger than 32 pages, each of them contains 10 (or 11) invoices.


        • #34
          #1 In the Section 1 in "My monthly bill is approximately" Tab selects "Total Bill".
          #2 In the "First Name" Tab selects "Referred by".
          #3 Field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepted letters in Section 1.
          #4 In Section 7 in the last line contains the word "opento"
          #5 In the "Best Way To Contact Me" Tab selects "Current Provider"
          #6 In the Section 1 inconsistency line "Number of phones on plan"
          #7 In the Section 1 "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" inconsistency in the location of the word "month"
          #8 In the Section 2 in "International calls included" at the end worth "?"
          #9 In the Sec.3 cell "Provider" looks like inconsistency
          #10 In the Sec.4 in the listbox of "Months left on plan" no button "More"
          #11 The button "Clear" doesn't work at the end of the page.


          • #35
            1. List Box doesn't offer the list of all 50 states.
            2.TAB order is not working properly; for example when you press TAB after you fill your First name field it goes down and skips a lot of nessesary fields.
            3.Labels must end up with the colon charachter in the "Local, Long distance, International services" block instead of quastion marks.
            4."ZIP code" field accept letters instead of limiting with the digits only.
            5."My monthly bill is approximately" field sholudn't accept the letters, it should be for digits only.
            6. Field "I am opento using different provider" is misspelled.
            7."City" field shouldn't accept digits.
            8.TAB order skips field "Reffered by" if you use it after field "Best Way To Contact Me".
            Last edited by Ostap33; 09-14-2021, 05:47 PM.


            • #36
              Session 2

              #1 The field "Referred by" isn't marked as a required field with "*". Add "*" before "Referred by"
              #2 System accepted non-existent ZIP such as "00000". Verify if ZIP codes have been saved correctly in the database.
              #3 "Email" field with no input counts as filled when form is submitted. Field needed requirements validation.
              #4 "Email" field is submitted with any symbols in the field. Required format validation is needed.
              #5 "Email" field accepts spaces in the field. Remove space from white-list.
              #6 "My monthly bill is approximately:" in "4. TV Service" accepts "0" and up to "00000000000". Validate the accepted minimum requirements for this field.
              #7 Add space between "opento" in checkbox "I am opento using different provider" in 7. Gas and Electric Services.
              #8 "My monthly bill is approximately" field in "1. Cell phone Service" letters. Digits needed to be accepted.
              #9 "My monthly bill is approximately" field in "1. Cell phone Service" doesn't accept "." It needed to be accepted.
              #10 In "First name" field in "Contact Information" digits is accepted. Make it letters only.

              Session 5
              #1 Renew page after button "Submit" is pushed, doesn't clear data in fields
              #2The field Field "Street Address" accepts less than 255 characters (current amount is 100). Change the amount of characters to 255 maximum.
              #3 The field "City" accepts more than 50 characters (current amount is 51). Change the amount of characters to 50 maximum.
              #4 The "State" list box is missing state: HI.
              #5 The "State" list box is missing state: NV
              #6 The "State" list box contains item "Other". Remove it from the list ("Other" is not meeting the requirements).
              #7 The "State" list box: Indiana is abbreviated as "IND". Must be replaced with "IN"
              #8 The "State" list box: Remove BC (British Columbia, Canada) from the list.
              #9 The Field "ZIP": the field accepts non-existent ZIPs (such as "00000"). Verify if ZIP codes are saved correctly in the database.
              #10 The ZIP Field accepts letters. Change to digits only.
              #11 The "Phone" field except letters/spaces/symbols (3-3-4 chars accordingly) when is copy pasted. Make it digits only when input is copy pasted.
              Last edited by YuryVasilyev; 09-14-2021, 07:00 PM.


              • #37
                1. Tab order violated: after 'First name' goes to 'Referred by' (not to 'Last Name')
                2. 'Referred by' is not required field. After pushing 'Submit' button, get error message 'Please enter the name of the person you were referred by'.
                3. 'First name' text field accepts digits and other characters (accept only letters).
                4. 'First name' accepts 30 characters (by requirements: no more than 31).
                5. 'Last name' text field accepts digits and other characters (accept only letters).
                6. 'Last name' accepts 30 characters (by requirements: no more than 31).
                7. 'Street Address' text field accepts 100 characters (by requirements no more than 255).
                8. 'City' accepts digits and special characters (only letters).
                9. 'Email' accepts all special characters (only some special characters).
                10. 'State' list box offering 49 states (by requirements: the list of all 50 states).
                11. 'State' list box offering 'Other'- should be removed.
                12. 'ZIP' accepts letters (digits only).
                13. In ‘ Cell Phone Service’ section a label ‘current provider’ push button ‘select one’. There are only 4 providers. Should add ‘other’ and customers can type different providers.
                14. In ‘ Cell Phone service’ section find a label ‘Months left on current contract’ , push button ’Select’. There are only 10 months. Should add 11 and 12.
                Last edited by Aksana Rybakova; 09-14-2021, 01:08 AM.


                • #38
                  1)One state is missing in State field.
                  2)“IND” state from drop-down list with states should be renamed with “IN”.
                  3)“Other” should be removed from drop-down list with states.
                  4)Asterisk for Email field is not highlight with the red color in case of pushing "Submit" button.
                  5)It should be possible to choose “Other’ Current Provider into the “1. Cell Phone Service” section.
                  6)“International calls included?” and “Long distance included?” have a question mark instead of colon into the “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section.
                  7)Replace "opento" with "open to" in the "Gas and Electric Services" section.
                  8)“Submit” and “Clear” buttons are looks differently.
                  Last edited by Vlada Bogatova; 09-14-2021, 12:13 PM.


                  • #39
                    1. In the field “Contact Information” the drop-down menu “State:” is not order alphabetically.
                    2. In the field “Contact Information” the drop-down menu “State:” the menu item “IND” should be “IN”
                    3. In the field “Contact Information” the drop-down menu “State:” menu item “Other” shouldn’t be included since there is no other possible states.
                    4. In the field “Contact Information” “Best Way To Contact Me:” should be one line.
                    5. In the field “Contact Information” the lines “Referred by” and “Best Way To Contact Me” are inconsistent in capitalization.
                    6. In the field “1. Cell Phone Service” the data input field for “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows symbols other than digits
                    7. In the field “1. Cell Phone Service” the menu items for “Minutes on plan:” should be in ranges.
                    8. In the field “1. Cell Phone Service” the menu items for “Minutes on plan:” are inconsistently accelerating.
                    9. In the field “1. Cell Phone Service” the line “Number of phones on plan:” is too close to the data input field for “Months left on current contract:”
                    10. In the field “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” there is inconsistent capitalization.
                    11. In the field “3. High Speed Internet Service” it is unclear what the options “Wireless Aircard“ and “Provider:” represent.
                    12. In the field “7. Gas and Electric Services” the line “I am opento using different provider” should be: “I am open to using different provider”.
                    13. The buttons “Submit” and “Clear” are inconsistent in size.
                    14. The button “Clear” doesn’t work.


                    • #40
                      1 Not user friendly font
                      2 No default input focus implemented
                      3 Text field "First name" accepts symbols
                      4 Text field "Last name" accepts symbols
                      5 Text field "Street address" accepts symbols
                      6 After “Street address field”, below I recommend “Second street address” for apartment number or building number
                      7 Text field “Phone” accepts copy past symbols
                      8 Text field “Phone” accepts copy past letters
                      9 After “Phone” field between first (area code) and second text fields hyphen symbol is not required
                      10 In “Phone” field second text field allows to be empty
                      11 After “Phone” field I suggest adding “Extension” text field
                      12 “Zip code” field accepts letters
                      13 “City” text field accepts symbols
                      14 “Email” text field accepts random combination of symbols. The accepted format should be letters, numbers and approved symbols with @ symbol and .com at the end
                      15 “Best way to contact” me section should have “Letter” option in addition by Phone and Email.
                      16 Section “Cell phone Services” in drop down box should have function of typing first letter to find required provider faster
                      17 “My monthly bill is approximately” text box accepts letters
                      18 “Months left on current contract” drop down box shows numbers up to 10. I advise to show up to 12
                      19 Minutes on plan drop down box has option “Other” but there is no text field to fill in other amount of minutes. I suggest adding an extra box.
                      20 “Months left on current contract” drop box has numbers up to 10. I recommend up to 12
                      21 Number of phones on plan drop box has option “More”. I recommend adding text box “More” to type another number
                      22 Text “Field I last updated my phone (s) approximately”, drop box says “months” should say “months ago”
                      23 “Local/long distance/international Service” text will look better with space before and after slash sign “Local / Long distance / International Service”
                      24 “Primary phone number” text field accepts copy past letters
                      25 “Primary phone number” text field accepts copy past symbols
                      26 “Primary phone number” text doesn’t need hyphen symbol after area code
                      27 “My monthly bill is approximately” text field accepts copy past symbols
                      28 “Gas and electric services” section, “Current Provider” drop box had option “Other”. I recommend extra text input field to add another provider
                      29 “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” text field accepts copy past symbols
                      30 I recommend changing “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” text to “My summer monthly bill is approximately”
                      31 “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” text field accepts copy past symbols
                      32 I recommend changing “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” text to “My winter monthly bill is approximately”
                      33 Check box “I’m opento using different provider” text typed incorrectly and should be “I’m open to using different provider”
                      34 “Clear” button in “Comments section” doesn’t work and when clicked gives “Error” message
                      35 “State” drop down box has only 49 states listed. One more should be added.
                      36 “State” drop down box should have District of Columbia option
                      37 “State” drop down box has wrong abbreviation for Indiana state, it should be IN.
                      38 “State” drop down box had Other option which is not needed
                      39 Text “7. Gas and Electric Services” sounds incorrect. Please edit the text.
                      40 When moving between data input field with Tab button after “First name” selection moves to “Referred” by, rather than to “Last Name”


                      • #41
                        #1 "First Name:" field: limited to 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                        #2 "Last Name:" field: limited to 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                        #3 "Street Address:" field: limited to 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                        #4 "Email:" field: allows you to submit the form without filling (Required field)
                        #5 "Email:" field: allows the form to be saved instead of the message "* Please enter your Email"
                        #6 "State:" listbox: Remove "BC" from the list
                        #7 "State:" listbox: Remove "Other" from the list
                        #8 "State:" listbox: Add "HI" to the list
                        #9 "State:" listbox: Add "NV" to the list
                        #10 "State:" listbox: Rename "IND" item to "ID"
                        #11 "ZIP:" field: should not accept input of letters
                        #12 "ZIP:" field: should not accept copy-paste of special characters
                        #13 "ZIP:" field: should not accept copy-paste more than 5 characters (digits only)
                        #14 "Email:" field: do not allow to enter more than the limit (255) characters according as per requirements
                        #15 "Phone:" field: should not accept copy-paste all characters
                        #16 "High Speed Internet Service/Wireless Aircard(checkbox checked)/Provider" - change the field to a listbox with a selection (as in with similar services)
                        #17 Change the logical TAB order of all radio-buttons (Left-Right)
                        #18 Inconsistency in "Referred By" field: is optional in requirements, but it is processed as a required filed
                        #19 In "Contact Information" section: Change TAB order logical after text field "First Name:" label to value "Last Name:" label
                        #20 In "Contact Information" section: "Email:" label must end with domain name
                        #21 In "1. Cell Phone Service" section: Prevents entering characters in the text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" label
                        #22 In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: replace "I am interested in Unlimited Calling:" label with "I am interested in Unlimited Calling?"
                        #23 In all text fields related to the amount, allow two digits to be entered after the point of an integer (123.45)
                        Last edited by Roman_T; 09-14-2021, 08:26 PM.


                        • #42
                          1. Misspelling in "7. Gas and Electric Services": replace "opento" with "open to".
                          2. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" at the end of the page are sized differently.
                          3. In "Contact information" section "Email" field is required but after submition with empty "Email" field the error which refers to it is missing.
                          4. In "Contact information" section TAB order isn't logically implemented.
                          5. In "Contact information" section "First Name" field accepts digits.
                          6. In "Contact information" section "Last Name" field accepts digits.
                          7. In "Contact information" section "City" field accepts digits.
                          8. In "Contact information" section states in "State" field isn't in alphabetical order.
                          9. In "Contact information" section "Other" option in "State" field should be at the end of list.
                          10. In "Contact information" section "Referred by" field is optional but site demands it as required after submition.
                          11. In "Contact information" section "Best Way To Contact Me" field is written in 2 columns.
                          12. In "Contact information" section "Best Way To Contact Me" field has a "Select" option.
                          13. In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "International calls included?" field has a question mark instead of colon character at the end.
                          14. In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Long distance included?" field has a question mark instead of colon character at the end.
                          15. "Clear" button at the end of page isn't working.


                          • #43
                            1. The field "ZIP" should accept only digits (no characters/special characters by requirements)
                            2. The field "ZIP" accepts zip code which doesn't belong to the selected state (accepts random number)
                            3. The listbox "State" doesn't contain all the exciting states.
                            4. In the "State" listbox not all of the states are exciting (e.g. BC).
                            5. The listbox "State" has an inconsistent alphabetical order (e.g. AL goes before AK, AZ goes before AR)
                            6. In the listbox "State" option "Other" should be at the end of the list.
                            7. The form can be submitted without "Email" (required field).
                            8. All labels of the form should have the same alignment and indentation.
                            9. In section "1. Cell Phone Service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept only digits.
                            10. In section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" all of the labels should have a colon at the end (no question marks).
                            11. Inconsistency in section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": "Total Bill" should go after "My monthly bill is approximately".
                            12. In section "3. High Speed Internet Service" the box "Wireless Aircard" should be round shape instead of square.
                            13. In section "3. High Speed Internet Service" the label "Provider" and its field should be on the same place as the other labels (left alignment).
                            14. In section "3. High Speed Internet Service" the field "Provider" is not active.
                            15. Section "7. Gas and Electric Services" replace "opento" with "open to" in the checkbox.​​​​​
                            Last edited by Anna Beraz; 09-14-2021, 03:30 PM.


                            • #44
                              #1 Field "Email" accepted email without special character "@"
                              #2 Field "First Name" accepted digits
                              #3 Field "Last Name" accepted digits
                              #4 Field "Last Name" accepted special characters "#$@%"
                              #5 Dropdown lists "State": "Other" should be the last
                              #6 "Cell Phone Service" - Field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepted letters
                              #7 "Cell Phone Service" - Checkboxes "I am happy with my current provider",
                              "I am open to using different provider" can be select both


                              • #45
                                1. Any field doesn't have a default input focus.
                                2. "Submit" button is accessible without any action.
                                3. There is any default button.
                                4. TAB order after field "First Name:" in the section "Contact Information" goes to the field "Referred by:" this section, instead of "Last Name:".
                                5. Field "My monthly bill is approximately:" in the section "1. Cell Phone Service" doesn't provide default values.
                                6. Label "International calls included?" in the section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" has an question mark instead colon character.
                                7. Label "Long distance included?" in the section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" has an question mark instead colon character.
                                8. Label "Wireless Aircard " in the section "3.High Speed Internet Service" has a square sign instead circle.
                                9. In label "I am opento using different provider" in the section " 7. Gas and Electric Services" replace "opento" to "open to".
                                10. Field of label "Email:" in the section "Contact Information" has infinite possibility for input date.
                                11. Field of label "First Name" in the section "Contact Information" allows to enter numbers.
                                12. Field of label "Last Name" in the section "Contact Information" allows to enter numbers.
                                13. Field "My monthly bill is approximately:" in the section "1. Cell Phone Service" allows to enter letters.
                                14. Button "Clear" doesn't work: pushing this button causes an window with "Error 17896 - Invalid data request." to appear.
                                15. Field of label "My monthly bill is approximately:" in the section "1. Cell Phone Service" allows to enter letters.

