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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #16
    Energy-Telecom Bug Report

    #1 “First Name:” field accepts 30 characters only instead of 31
    #2 “Last Name:” field accepts 30 characters only instead of 31
    #3 “Contact Information” section/“Sate” listbox 48 states provided instead of 50
    #4 “Contact Information” section/“State” listbox “Other” is not applicable
    #5 “ZIP” Field accepts letters instead of being limited for digits only
    #6 “Email” Field accepts more than 255 characters
    #7 “Referred by” field has no asterisk and acts like a required field
    #8 “Email” button is not in operation
    1. Fill out all required fields
    2. Push “Submit” button
    3. “Thank you for participation” message is appeared on the screen
    4. No messages was received on the provided Email
    #9 “Current Provider” section/“1. Cell Phone Service” has no “Other” option in the listbox
    #10 “My monthly bill is approximately:” section/“1. Cell Phone Service” accepts letters instead of being limited to digits only
    #11 “Months left on current contract:” section/“1. Cell Phone Service: has no “More” option in the listbox
    #12 “Number of phone on plan:” section/“1. Cell Phone Service” the input should not be more than 10
    #13 “Current Provider:” section/“5.Home Security Service” the listbox is not in alphabetical order
    #14 “Current Provider:” section/“7.Gas and Electric Services” the listbox is not in alphabetical order
    #15 “I am open using different provider” section/“7.Gas and Electric Services” the “opento” should have a space between two words
    #16 “Clear” and “Submit” buttons are inconsistent
    #17 “Clear” button is not working instead “Error 17896-Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” message is appeared on the screen
    Last edited by Aaizhan; 09-14-2021, 08:38 PM.


    • #17
      #1. Replace "IND" from "IN" in the list of states.
      #2. Remove "Other" in the list of states.
      #3. "NV" and "HI" are missing in list of states.
      #4. Field "ZIP" accept non-digits.
      #5. "1. Cell Phone Service" in "Current Provider" -"Other" is missing in the list.
      #6. "1. Cell Phone Service" in "Current Provider" -AT&T is missing in the list.
      #7. "Clear" button does not clear the form.
      #8. Remove "BC" in the list of states.


      • #18
        Online class 06th of September 2021.
        Energy-Telecom GUI bug reports.

        #1. No default input focus.
        #2. We should implement default input focus on field "First Name:".
        #3. Tab order goes down to "Referred by:" field after "First Name:" field.
        #4. Incorrect state abbreviation "IND" on "State:" field.
        #5. In "State:" field, list of tne name states produce non alphabetical order.
        #6. In "ZIP:" field accept more than five and invalid special characters.
        #7. In "ZIP:" field accept more than five and invalid characters.
        #8. In "Email:" field accept more than one @ character.
        #9. In "Referred by:" field missed *indicates required field.
        #10. In "Phone:" field, after filling 1st box input focus doesn't go to the next box.
        #11. In "Cell Phone Service" tab on the "Months left on current contract:" label expand 10 months out of 12.
        #12. In "High Speed Internet Service" tab on the "Type of service:" label, "Wireless Aircard" check box should be provide by circle.
        #13. In"TV Service" tab on the "I currently have:" label, "HDTV" check box should be provide by circle.
        #14. In"TV Service" tab on the "I currently have:" label, "DVR" check box should be provide by circle.
        #15. In "Gas and Electric Services" tab, on check box "I am opento using different provider" have missed space between "opento".
        #16. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent.
        #17. Error message appears when push "Clear" button.
        #18. In "Best Way To Contact Me:" field should be on the one line.


        • #19
          1. Default input focus does not function
          2. Tab order skips from “First Name” (the first text field in the Contact Information, located at the left-top) to “Referred by” (the last text field in the same section), then to “Last Name” (the text field next to “First name”)
          3. The text fields asking to provide Identity/location names are Alphanumeric, not Alphabetic
          4. The Section State’s drop list provides name “BC” which is not an acronym of the US state
          5. The Section State’s drop list does not provide the selection of the states: “NV” and “HI”
          6. In the same Section’s drop list provides the acronym for state Indiana as “IND” instead of “IN”
          7. In the same Section’s drop list provides “Other” in the middle of the list instead of the bottom
          8. “Zip code” text field is Alphanumeric instead of Numeric
          9. Drop list next to “Current Provider” is limited with 4 Cell Phone Service’s providers’ names, not listing all Cell Services providers
          10. The drop list in “Current Provider” is not in alphabetical order
          11. “My monthly bill is approximately” is Alphanumeric instead of Digits
          12. “Months left on current contract” drop list does not have selection “Other”
          13. All Check boxes in the Section “Cell phone Service” can be selected simultaneously
          14. In TV Service section - Field “I currently have” with both checkboxes can be selected simultaneously
          15. In Section “High Speed Internet Service” “Type of Service” below the radio buttons “Wireless Aircard”’s Provider text box/field is Alphanumeric and special signs are also can be entered
          16. In “TV Service” in “Current Provider drop list is not in alphabetical order
          17. In “TV Service” in “Months left on plan” drop list does not have option “More”
          18. In “TV Service” in “I currently have” both checkboxes can be selected simultaneously
          19. In “Home Security Service” “Current Provider” drop list is not in alphabetical order
          20. In “Gas and Electric Services” “Current Provider” drop list is not in alphabetical order
          21. When pressing The Button “Clear” an error message “Error 17896- Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!” pops up


          • #20
            1. "Contact information" section/Tab order is broken
            2. "Contact information" section/ "Best Way To Contact Me:" is misaligned.
            3. "Contact information" section/ "Referred by:" field doesn't have * character, but is required.
            4. "Contact information" section/ "First Name" field should not alow to enter digits and special characters.
            5. "Contact information" section/ "Last Name" field should not alow to enter digits and special characters.
            6. "Contact information" section/ "City" field should not alow to enter digits and special characters.
            7. "Contact infomation" section/ "Email" field should not alow to enter spaces.
            8. "Cell Phone Service" section/ "Current Provider" drop down menu shoul have option "Other"
            9. "Cell Phone Service" section/ "My monthly bill..." field should not alow to enter letters, special characters, but digits
            10. "Cell Phone Service" section/ "Months left on current contract:" drop down menu should have options 11 and 12.


            • #21
              1.Enable default input typing in the "first name" text field.
              2. Tab order needs not left to right order: going from "First name" to "Last name" field.
              3.Pushing "Clear" button at the button of the page resulting in error message dialog box.
              4. Under paragraph 7 checkbox "I am opento" is misspelled vs "I am open to".
              5. in "Cell Phone Service" section1/ "Current Provider" drop down list option "Other" is missing.
              6. 1st section "Months left on current contract:" drop down list is missing "11".
              7. In section 5 " Home Security Service" when clicking the checkbox "I do not have home security services today" must erase info input in the fields following it.
              8.Section 3/Types of Service/ All options should be checkboxes vs radio buttons.
              9.Contact information section/Referred by missing asterisk as per functionality test it is a required field.
              10.Contact information section/ State drop box/ All states need to be in alphabetical order
              11.Contact information section/ State drop box/ State Indiana needs to be abbreviated as ID not IND
              12.Contact Information Section/Zip field accepts more then 5 digits when copy pasted.
              13.Contact Information field/Phone: field accepts other then numeric characters when copy pasted.
              14.Contact Information Section/"Phone:" field/ the cursor doesn't move over to the next field on it's own.
              Last edited by KateWain; 09-14-2021, 10:41 AM.


              • #22

                #1 The zip field accept non-digits.
                #2 Remove "BC" from list of the state.
                #3 Replace "IND" for "IN" in the list of the state.
                #4 Remove "other" from list of the state.
                #5 Section "Gas and Electric Service" has misspelt word "opento" should be replace with "open to"
                #6 The Section "TV Service" with label "Current Provider" in the list box is not in an alphabetical order.
                #7 Section "Home Security Service" with list "Current Provider" list box is not in an alphabetical order.
                # 8 Section 1 "Current Provider" list box does not have "others."
                #9"The "Clear" button have different shape than " Submit" button.
                #10 DC, HI, NV are missing in the list of state.


                • #23
                  1. No field that gets input focus by default
                  2. No Default button

                  3. In Contact Information section TAB order is incorrect: in "First Name:" field after clicking the button TAB it goes to "Referred by:" field
                  4. In Contact Information section "First Name:" field allows numbers and letters:
                  5. In Contact Information section "Last Name:" field allows numbers and letters:
                  6. In Contact Information section "State" field is incorrect: "Other" should be placed at the end of the list
                  7. In Contact Information section "ZIP" field allows numbers less than 5
                  8. In Contact Information section "ZIP" field allows letters

                  9. In Cell Phone Service section "My monthly bill is approximately" field only allows whole numbers to be entered: set two decimal places
                  10. In Cell Phone Service section "Current Provider:" list box is incorrect: add "Other" to the end of the list
                  11. In Cell Phone Service section "Current Provider:" list is not sorted alphabetically
                  12. In Cell Phone Service section it's necessary to use Radio Buttons instead Check Boxes "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" with radio
                  13. In Cell Phone Service section "Months left on current contract:" list box is incorrect: add "More" to the end of the list

                  14. In Local/Long Distances/International Service section "Current Provider:" list is not sorted alphabetically
                  15. In Local/Long Distances/International Service section "My monthly bill is approximately:" field is incorrect: set two decimal places
                  16. In Local/Long Distances/International Service section "Total Bill" field is incorrect: set two decimal places

                  17. In High Speed Internet Service section "My monthly bill is approximately" field is incorrect: set two decimal places
                  18. In High Speed Internet Service section replace Edit Box "Provider" with List Box "Provider"

                  19. In TV Service section "Current Provider:" list is not sorted alphabetically
                  20. In TV Service section "My monthly bill is approximately" field is incorrect: set two decimal places
                  21. In TV Service section "Months left on plan" list box is incorrect: add "More" to the end of the list

                  22. In Home Security Service section "My monthly bill is approximately" field is incorrect: set two decimal places
                  23. In Home Security Service section "Current Provider:" list is not sorted alphabetically

                  24. In Gas and Electric Services section "Current Provider:" list is not sorted alphabetically
                  25. In Gas and Electric Services section "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" field is incorrect: set two decimal places
                  26. In Gas and Electric Services section "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" field is incorrect: set two decimal places
                  27. In Gas and Electric Services section CHECK BOX is incorrect: replace "I am opento using different provider" with "I am open to using different provider"

                  28. Button CLEAR doesn't work


                  • #24
                    1. Contact Information Form: No default input focus. May need to implement default input focus for “First Name” field.
                    2. Contact Information Form: TAB order is not logical or sequential. From "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".
                    3. Contact Information Form: “State” listbox: “NV” for Nevada - is missing.
                    4. Contact Information Form: “State” listbox: “HI” for Hawaii - is missing.
                    5. Contact Information Form: “State” listbox: Remove “Other”.
                    6. Contact Information Form: “State” listbox: Remove “BC” since it is not US.
                    7. Contact Information Form: “State” listbox: Replace “IND” with “IN” for Indiana to make it 2 letters abbreviation as the other items.
                    8. Contact Information Form: “ZIP” field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters limit. Should be 5 digit only.
                    9. Contact Information Form: “Email” field accepts invalid email format. The field has no validation for multiple '@' characters.
                    10.Contact Information Form: “Email” field is required, but no error message is provided when submit the form with no input in the “Email” field.
                    11.Contact Information Form: “Phone” field accepts letters and special characters if copy-paste instead of being limited to digits only.
                    12.Contact Information Form: “Referred by” field is not marked with asterisk as required field, but it is indicated as required in the error message after form is submitted. Either provide an asterisk to the field, OR should not behave as a required field.
                    13.Cell Phone Service Section: “Current Provider” listbox items don't contain “Other” option.
                    14.Cell Phone Service Section: Check boxes under “Current Provider” field have opposite meaning (“I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider”), but can be checked together. May need to change check boxes to radio buttons.
                    15.Cell Phone Service Section: “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letters and special characters instead of being limited to digits only. (in other sections the same issue for this field is presented if copy paste).
                    16.Cell Phone Service Section: listbox for "Months left on current contract:" shuld have options from 0 to 12, not to 10.
                    17.High Speed Internet Service Section: Inconsistency in radio buttons in “Type of Service”. May need to implement the check box before “Wireless Aircard” as radio button, if “Wireless Aircard” is a type of service.
                    18.High Speed Internet Service Section: There are two similar fields: “Current provider” field and “Provider” field. The second one may need to remove.
                    19.Gas and Electric Services Section: Replace text after check-box “I am opento using different provider” with “I am open to using different provider”.
                    20.“Submit” and “Clear” buttons are not consistent.
                    21.“Clear” button is not in operation and doesn't clear the fields .
                    21.Pushing “Clear” button results in the misleading/confusing error message - "Error 17896 - Invalid data request...."
                    23.“Current provider” listbox items are not in alphabetical order, excluding the listbox in the “High Speed Internet Service” section.
                    Last edited by Ksenia_K.; 09-14-2021, 12:06 PM.


                    • #25

                      1.When push Clear button the error message appears "error 17896 invalid data request .Please call technical support.
                      2.First Name field should accept letters only.
                      3.Last Name field should accept letters only.
                      4.Zip field should accept letters only.
                      5. Referred by should accept letters only.
                      6.Checkbox "Wireless Aircard" has a wrong shape circle instead of square .
                      7. TAB order moving focus from First Name to Referred by instead of moving to Last Name
                      8.TAB order moving focus from Best Way To Contact Me to Current Provider instead of moving to "Referred By"
                      9.Missspeling in checkbox " I am opento using different provider".
                      10.Email field is not in a correct format and accept unlimited characters (@)
                      11.List of States in the State field is not in alphabetical order.
                      Last edited by JaklinT; 09-09-2021, 02:08 PM.


                      • #26
                        1. Washington DC is missed in the "State" field
                        2. "BC" state in the "State" field should be removed
                        3, Hawaii state "HI" is missed in the "State" field
                        4. Indiana state "IN" is written incorrectly as "IND"
                        5. Nevada state "NV" is missed in the "State" field
                        "1. Cell Phone Service" Part
                        6. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to type letters
                        7. "Current Provider" field should have an extra option "Other"
                        8. "Months left on current contract" field should have an extra option "More"
                        9. "International calls included" label has "?" at the end instead of ":"
                        10. " Long distance included" label has "?" at the end instead of ":"
                        "4. TV Service" Part
                        9. "Months left on plan" field should have an extra option "Other"
                        "7. Gas and Electric Services" Part
                        10. "I am open to using different provider" field has a mistake "opento"
                        11. Two bottom buttons "Submit" and "Clear" has no equal sizes.
                        Last edited by Oleg Ankudinov; 09-09-2021, 04:10 AM.


                        • #27
                          1. "Submit" button should be disabled when all text fields are empty.
                          2. "Clear" button should be disabled when all text fields are empty.
                          3. "Referred by:" label should show an asterix near it as it is a required field. This is verified through ignoring this field and submitting. (Please enter the name of the person you were referred by)
                          4. The color of the asterix next to the label "Email:" remains blue even after not entering any information into it. For reference, all the other required fields show their asterix in red color. Replicated through submitting without an email. This could be linked to bug no. 8, below.
                          5. All the list boxes have either "Select" or "Select one" as a selectable option, this should not be the case. In the case of the "State:" list box, it is "--" which can also be selected.
                          6. Under the "Gas and Electric Services" section, the tick box "I am opento using different provider" has the word "open" and "to" joined, needs to have a space in between.
                          7. Upon attempting to clear the page, a user-unfriendly error pops up with an invalid data request. (Error 17896) This error suggests the user to call technical support or restart their machine, which is not needed. The "clear" button does not function under any circumstances, be it clearing empty fields or even filled up ones.
                          8. If did not fill the "Email:" text field, the user is not prompted to fill it, even though it is a required field. The review can even be submitted without entering the email.
                          9. In the "ZIP:" data input field, the user cannot override the entered data after selecting the text. The expected reaction should be that upon highlighting the zip code, any input from the keyboard, specifically numerical, should automatically clear the field and accept the new input.
                          10. The TAB order when pressing TAB from the text field "First Name:" is not correct. Expected behavior is that it TABs to the "Last Name:" text field, but instead it TABs to the "Referred by:" text field.

                          Session 5:

                          1. "First Name:": The character limit is 30 instead of 31.
                          2. "Last Name:": The character limit is 30 instead of 31.
                          3. "Street Address:": The character limit is 100 instead of 255.
                          4. "State:": One state is missing.
                          5. "ZIP:": Accepts letters (should be only digits).
                          6. "ZIP:": Accepts a copy-paste of more than five characters.
                          7. "ZIP:": Accepts symbols when copy-pasted.
                          8. "Email:": Accepts an indefinite amount of characters instead of 255.
                          9. "Phone:": Accepts letters and symbols when copy-pasted.
                          10. "Email:": Asterix does not match with the other fields (blue instead of red).
                          11. "Email:": The label is not in the "required field" list.
                          11.1. No error message when "Email:" field is left empty.
                          12. "Referred by:": Asterix missing.
                          13. "Cell Phone Service": The "Current Provider:" list box is missing many providers.
                          14. "Cell Phone Service": The "Months left on current contract:" list box does not have an "over" option.
                          15. "TV Service": The "Months left on plan:" list box does not have an "over" option.
                          16. There is no default button.
                          17. No "Date" field present.
                          18. No "Time" field present.
                          19. "ZIP:": The field does not calculate the State (eg: 90001 should automatically select LA).
                          20. Error message that pops up after pushing the "clear" button is not user friendly and is misleading.
                          Last edited by mike777; 09-16-2021, 08:38 AM.


                          • #28
                            1. Incorrect switching by Tab button. In the "contact information" field cursor jumps from "first name:" cell to the "referred by:" cell vs "second name:" cell.
                            2. "Cell Phone Service" field includs "Months left on current contract:" drop-down menu. It has only 0-10 months option.
                            3. "Contact information" field includs "zip" cell. It cell accepts any characters (not only digits).
                            4. "Clear" button doesnt work: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer"
                            5. "Cell Phone Service" field includs "My monthly bill is approximately:" cell. It cell accepts any characters (not only digits).
                            6. In "Gas and Electric Services" field phrase "I am opento using different provider" should be change to "I am open to using different provider" or other without mistakes.
                            7. "Contact Information" includs "State:" drop-down menu. There are only 49 states in it.


                            • #29
                              1. " First name" field accepts numbers and special characters
                              " Last name" field accepts numbers and special characters
                              " Street address" field accepts numbers and special characters
                              " City" field accepts numbers and special characters
                              2. "Clear" button doesn't work
                              3. Section " Comments" accepts special characters
                              4. In the state drop-down menu Indiana state spelled "IND" instead of "IN"
                              Last edited by sashab; 09-09-2021, 10:26 AM.


                              • #30
                                1. "TAB" moving you from "first name" right to "referred by" instead of "Last name"
                                2. You can use letters in the "Zip code" field.
                                3. "First Name" accepts digits and characters.
                                4. "Last Name" accepts digits and characters
                                5. "My monthly bill is approximately" in the Cell Phone Service section accept letters.
                                6. "Clear" button doesnt work.
                                7. The last checkbox in the section 7 needs to change "opento" to "open to"
                                8. Ability to check both of boxes same time :
                                "I am happy with my current provider"
                                "I am open to using different provider"
                                9.Wrong section "Gas and Electric Services" for this type of form.

