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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

    Session 5 Energy-Telecom Requirements

    #1 Form gets submitted with empty “Email” field.
    #2“Email” field does not accept “_”character if typed.
    #3E-mails in the “Email” field without “@” get submitted by form.
    #4 Form get submitted if in “Email” field copy pasted incorrect e-mail format.
    1 Run new Energy-Telecom form
    2 Field out “First Name”,“Last Name”,”Street Address”,”ZIP”,”City”,”Phone”, “Referred by” fields
    3 Copy-Paste ”(),:;<>[\] in “Email” field
    4 Push submit
    5 Observe
    #5 “First Name” field accepts and submit 30 characters only.
    #6 “Last Name” field accepts and submit 30 characters only.
    #7 ”Street Address” field accepts and submit 100 characters only.
    #8 Remove option “Other” in "State” list box.
    #9 In “State” List box states are not in alphabetical order.
    #10 In “State” list box NV is missing.
    #11 "ZIP:" field accepts letters.
    #12 "ZIP:" field accepts more than 5 character if copy pasted.
    #13 In "Phone:" fields letters and special characters can be copy pasted.
    #14 Fields alignment on the page is inconsistent
    #15 In all list boxes after selection if not clicked on anywhere selection can be changed by pressing "Up" and "Down" key.
    #16 No default input focus implemented.
    #17 TAB order isn't logical: from "First Name:" field if Tab button is pressed it goes to "Referred by:" field.
    #18 In all sections except "High Speed Internet:" , "Current Provider:" list box is not consistent with alphabetical order.
    #19 In all sections "My monthly bill is approximately:" field letters can be copy pasted.
    #20 In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section remove "Total Bill:".
    #21 Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are inconsistent in size.

    Last edited by Marina Zaitseva; 09-14-2021, 06:18 PM.

  • #2
    1. There is no error massage when the required "Email" field submitted empty.
    2. Maximum capacity of “First name” and “Last Name” field is 30 characters instead of 31.
    3. “First name” and “Last Name” fields: no error message when input data exceeds max capacity.
    4. Maximum capacity of “Street Address” field is 100 characters instead of 255.
    5. “Street Address” field: no error message when input data exceeds max capacity.
    6. “City” field: no error message when input data exceeds max capacity.
    7. "BC" is not a valid choice for a US state, should be "DC"
    8. Hawaii “HI” is missing from the list. Should be after Georgia “GA” and before Idaho “ID”.
    9. Indiana postal abbreviation is “IN” instead of “IND”
    10. Nevada “NV” is missing. Should go after Nebraska “NE” and before New Hampshire “NH”.
    11. Option “Other” located after “OR” Oregon state instead of the end of the list.
    12. “ZIP” field accepts invalid zip code “00000”;
    13. “ZIP” field accepts input special characters;
    14. “ZIP” field accepts input letters;
    15. “ZIP” field accepts input more than 5 digits;
    16. “Email:” field. Max capacity is “1063” instead of “255” characters.
    17. “Email:” field accepts invalid email address “”.
    18. “Email:” field instead of accepting some special character “–._ )@” , accept all of them.
    19. “Email:” field accept one character as email address.
    20. “Email:” field; the asterisk next to the Email field doesn’t highlight when the error message presented.
    21. “Phone:” field allows input of special characters.
    22. “Phone:” field allows input of letters.
    23. “Clear” button does not clear the form data.
    24. “Clear” button should be disabled when all fields are empty.
    25. Push on “Clear” button. Alert massage is “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”.
    26. “Contact Information” nonsequential tab order. Focus goes from “First Name:” field to “Referred by:” field.
    27. “1. Cell Phone Service” - “Current Provider:” listbox: The “Nextel” network was officially shut down in 2013 and not existed in nowadays.
    28. “1. Cell Phone Service” - “Current Provider:” listbox : “AT&T” provider missed.
    29. “1. Cell Phone Service”-“ My monthly bill is approximately:” input data is not presented in any common data format.
    30. "1. Cell Phone Service" - "Months left on current contract:". Replase listbox on valid date field MM/DD/YY.
    31. "1. Cell Phone Service" - "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" list box should have year items not monthes.
    Last edited by DreamBig; 09-13-2021, 07:22 PM.


    • #3
      1. No field defind as a Default focused
      2. TAB order is not logically implemented

      ==============="Contact Information" section==============================
      3. "First Name:" field should accept letters only
      4. "Last Name:" field should accept letters only
      5. "ZIP:" field should accept numbers only
      6. "Referred by:" field should accept letters only

      ==============="Cell Phone Service" section===============================

      7. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field should accept numbers only

      ======"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section================
      8. Multiple choice field "Bundled with:" does not support TAB order within the field


      • #4
        1. Default Input Focus doesn't work.
        2. "Contact Information" section. Tab order is inconsistent: after the "First Name" text field comes to the "Referred by" text field
        3. "Contact Information" section. "State" drop-down listbox missed "NV" and "HI" options.
        4. "Contact Information" section. "IND" should be changed to "IN" in the "State" drop-down listbox.
        5. "Contact Information" section. "BC" (British Columbia) should be deleted from the "State" drop-down Listbox.
        6. "Cell Phone Service" section. "Months left on current contract" drop-down listbox has only 10 months instead of 24
        7. "Cell Phone Service" section. The "Other " option should be added to the "Months left on current contract" drop-down listbox
        8. "Cell Phone Service" section. "Current Provider" drop-down listbox missed "AT&T" and "Other" options.
        9. The CLEAR button doesn't work: Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!


        • #5
          1. In “ Contact Information” section "First Name" - field if click Tab button accepts digits and characters.( Should be letters only)
          2. “Last Name” - field accepts digits and characters ( Should be letters only).
          3. “State" list contains wrong spelling for Indiana (IND instead of IN)
          4. In "State:" listbox no alphabetical order - is inconsistent.
          5. “ZIP" field accepts Capital Letters.
          6. “ZIP” field accepts small letters.
          7. "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 characters if it is copy and pasted.
          8. In the “Phone “ field deleting digits, the default does not automatically run to another field.
          9. “Best Way To Contact Me” - box list is not in alphabetical order. ( Put on an “Email” line on the top, and “Phone” line on the bottom.
          10. “ Cell Phone Service” section: “Current Provider” field contains a box list that is not in alphabetical order.
          11. "My monthly bill is approximately" shows that the "dollar sign" is close to the window without a space.
          12. “Minutes on plan” field is showing inconsistent digit gain.
          13. “ Months left on current contract” field demonstrates only 10 digits.
          14. “ Local long/distance international service” section in the “provider field” contains a box list is not in alphabetical order.
          15. In the “Primary Phone Number“. field deleting digits, the default does not automatically run to another field.
          16. “ Total Bill” field demonstrates the "dollar sign" is close to the window without a space.
          17. In the “High speed international service” section in the “My monthly bill is approximately” field shows that the "dollar sign" is close to the window without a space.
          18. The CLEAR button doesn't work:[ Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer]


          • #6
            Session 5 Version

            1) There is no default input focus
            2) "First Name:" field has limitation 30 characters. Make it 31
            3) "Last Name:" field has limitation 30 characters. Make it 31
            4) "Street Address:" field has limitation 100 characters. Change it to 255
            5) "State:" List Box doesn't offer the list of all 50 states. Add 2 missing options (NV and HI)
            6) "Zip:" field accepts letters (Change to digits only)
            7) "Zip:" field accepts any characters if copy pasted
            8) "Zip:" field doesn't have limitation of input data if copy pasted
            9) "Email:" field is missing specific data requirements settings (No limitation, accepts non appropriate forms for emails)
            10) "Phone:" field accepts any characters if copy pasted (Change to digits only)
            11) Tab order isn't consistence - after "First Name" element goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name"
            12) "Email:" field doesn't behave as required - user can submit form without input data to this field. Change it to be required.
            13) "Referred by:" field is inconsistent - behave as required and doesn't have an asterisk
            14) "My monthly bill is approximately" Field accepts any characters. Change to digits
            15) "Months left on current contract" Field doesn't introduce all possible options. Add options greater then 10 or "Other"
            16) "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different size and design
            17) The "Clear" button doesn't work. User gets confusing message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"

            Old version.
            1) There is no default input focus.
            2) Tab order isn't logical (After "First Name" element goes to "Referred by" and then to "Last Name".
            3) Tab order skips some elements ("Bundled with: TV", "Bundled with: Both", skips "No" elements in "Local/Long Distances/International Service", "Type of service: Dial up", "Type of service: DSL", "Bundled with: Phone", "Bundled with: Both").
            4) "First Name", "Last Name" Fields have Data type error (letting user to input numbers, characters, other than English alphabet letters and execute as is).
            5) "City" Field has Data type error (letting user to input characters and execute as is).
            6) "Zip" Field has Data type error (lets to input letters, characters).
            7) "Zip" Field lets execute the application with non existing zip codes.
            8) "Referred by" Field has Data type error (lets to input numbers, characters).
            9) "Current provider" Field in "Cell Phone Service" lets user to select both options instead of one and execute it.
            10) "My monthly bill is approximately" Field has Data type error (Letting user to input letters, characters and execute).
            11) "Months left on current contract" Field doesn't introduce all possible options (There should be an option more then 10 or "Other").
            12) High Speed Internet Service "Type of Service: Provider:" Field has Data type error (Letting user to input characters and execute as is).
            13) "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different size and don't align in proper way.
            14) The "Clear" button doesn't work (Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!).
            Last edited by AnnaB; 09-14-2021, 05:10 PM.


            • #7
              Session 5

              1. "Referred by:" field: add a red asterisk to list as form is required.
              2. "First name:" field only accepts 30 characters, increase limit to 31
              3. "First name:" field accepts special characters.
              4. Form can be submitted without completing "Email:" field requirement.
              5. "Street Address:" field: accepts 100 characters, increase limit to 255.
              6. "Zip:" field: accepts non-digit characters.
              7. "State:" list box: 48 states listed, requires all 50 states.
              8. "State:" list box: add "NV" (Nevada) to option.
              9. "State:" list box: add "HI" (Hawaii) to option.
              10. "State:" list box: remove "other" option from list.
              11. "State:" list box: remove "BC" option from list.
              12. "Email:" field: accepts all special characters, create limit only to specific requirements.
              13. "Email:" field: accepts more than 255 characters.
              14. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field: accepts characters.
              15. "Months left on current contract" list box: add "more" option to list.
              16. In section "1. Cell Phone Service": "Current provider:" list box: add "other" option on list.
              17. Bottom of page: when "Clear" button is pushed, error window "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" occurs.
              18. In section "4. TV Service": "I currently have" check box must have "both" option.
              19. "Best way to contact me:" list box: add "either" or "no preference" option.
              20. "Zip:" field: accepts any combination of digits, must limit to US zip codes only.

              Session 2

              1. There are only 48 states in "State:" listbox; missing HI (Hawaii) and NV (Nevada).
              2. '"State:" listbox: BC' (British Columbia, Canada) needs to be removed as it is not a US state.
              3. 'IND' needs to be corrected to 'IN' in "State:" listbox.
              4. "State:" listbox: Remove 'Other'.
              5. "Zip:" field accepts letters.
              6. "Number of phones on plan:" listbox: can be reduced to 5 and add 'more' selection thereafter.
              7. "City:" field accepts numbers and special characters.
              8. "Monthly bill approximately:" field accepts letters.
              9. "Months left on plan:" listbox: needs a 'more' option.
              10. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field: specify months needed instead of seasons.
              11. Under "7. Gas and Electric Services": correct "I am opento using different provider" to "I am open to using a different provider"
              12. When pushing 'clear' button, Error 17896 occurs.
              Last edited by jessnag; 09-14-2021, 05:21 PM.


              • #8
                #1. Unable to enter floating point numbers in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" under the section "1. Cell Phone Service".
                #2. Unable to replace the selected characters in the "ZIP" field if there are already 5 characters in it.
                #3. The field "My monthly bill is approximately:" under the section "1. Cell Phone Service" allows to enter non-digital characters.
                #4. Under the section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" the labels "International calls included?" and "Long distance included?" do not end with a colon.
                #5. The "Referred by" field is not indicated as required, but it is impossible to submit the form without filling out this field.
                #6. The "Email" field is specified as required, but it is possible to submit the form without filling out this field.
                #7. The "State" list have missing entries for the States of Hawaii and Nevada.
                #8. Wrong abbreviation for the State of Indiana in the "State" list. There is a "INT" value instead of "IN".
                #9. The "Other" entry is inappropriate for a complete list of states in the "States" field.
                #10. Wrong entry "BC" in the "States" list.
                #11. There is no default button assigned to the form.
                #12. There is no default input focus on this form.
                #13. There is not validation of the data for the "Email" field.
                #14. There are no values for 11 months or more in the list for the "Months left on current contract" field under the section "1. Cell Phone Service".
                #15. In the list "Minutes according to plan:" it would be more logical to indicate the number of minutes in multiples of 60.
                #16. It is not possible to provide a contact number with a country prefix.
                #17. Possible wrong section "Gas and Electric Services" for this type of form.
                #18. The "Clear" button does not work. An error message appears when clicking this button.
                #19. The "Current provider" list under the "Local long/distance international service" section does not contain all the main providers and it is not possible to specify "other" provider.


                • #9
                  1. Need to set default input focus in field "First Name:"

                  2. In "Contact Information" section TAB selects an input field out of order ("First Name:" -> "Referred by:" -> "Last Name:").

                  3. In "Contact Information" section all Text fields allow to enter digits and special characters and accept this information as correct.

                  4. "First Name:", "Last Name:", "City:", "Referred by:" fields do not have a minimum limit on the number of letters entered.

                  5. "Street Address:" field has no special address format.

                  6. "Email:" field has no special email format.

                  7. "Best Way To Contact Me:" Label written in a different way from other labels.

                  8. "Referred by:" Label not marked with a star, although it is a required field.

                  9. In "Contact Information" section Labels are not aligned to the left, it does not look good.

                  10. In "State:" listbox state abbreviations are out of alphabetical order.

                  11. "ZIP:" field should only accept 5 digits.

                  12. "ZIP:" field should should check if the entered code is valid.

                  13. In "ZIP:" field doesn't allow enter new data until you delete the old even if you select all previous data.

                  14. "ZIP:" field allows to paste as much any text as you want, copied elsewhere, not limited to 5 characters.

                  15. "Phone:" field allows paste letters and spec. chars.

                  16. In "Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" field allows to enter letters.

                  17. In all sections "My monthly bill is approximately:" and also "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):", My monthly bill is approximately (winter):fields allow to paste letters and spec. chars.

                  18. Need to correct the indentation formatting in all sections of the page.

                  19. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have to look in the same way.

                  20. Button "Clear" does not work. Need to fix or make it inactive or delete.


                  • #10
                    1. No default button
                    2. Incorrect TAB order (first name to referred by, skips provider)
                    3. Name TAB accepts numbers
                    4. City TAB accepts numbers
                    5. Zip TAB accepts letters
                    6. Referred by TAB accepts numbers
                    7. My monthly bill is approximately TAB accepts letters
                    8. Months left on current contract TAB only has 10 months
                    9. Clear button results in error


                    • #11
                      1.Implementation of Default Input Focus requested
                      2."State:" Listbox - Remove 'Other' option from the list
                      3. In the "State" drop-down menu items are not in alphabet order
                      4. "Current Provider" goes not in alphabet order.
                      5. TAB order violation: From " First Name" it goes to "Reffered by" instead of "Last Name"
                      Last edited by Inka; 09-18-2021, 08:20 AM.


                      • #12
                        1. "First Name:", "Last Name:", "City:" fields accept special characters instead of being limited to letters only
                        2. In "Contact Information" section "Apt." field has to be implemented
                        3. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of being limited to 5 digits only
                        4. We need to implement default input focus for "First Name:" field
                        5. "Email:" field was not required by the script to submit the form
                        6. "Referred by:" was required by the script to submit the form
                        7. In "State:" drop-down list "BC" should be removed
                        8. In "State:" drop-down list "other" should be removed
                        9. In "State:" drop-down list "IND" has to be changed to "IN"
                        10. In "State:" drop-down list "NV" has to be added
                        11. In "State:" drop-down list "HI" has to be added
                        12. No default input focus implemented
                        13. In "Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letters instead of being limited to digits only
                        14. In "Cell Phone Service" section "I am open to using different provider" has to be changed to "I am open to using a different provider"
                        15. In "Cell Phone Service" section in "Months left on current contract:" drop-down menu "11" and "more" has to be added
                        16. In "Gas and Electric Services" section "I am opento using different provider" has to be changed to "I am open to using different provider"
                        17. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent
                        18. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have to be changed to the same font size
                        19. "Clear" button is not in operation:
                        1. Run new Energy-Telecom form
                        2. Type "Portnov" into the "Last Name" field
                        3. Push the "Clear" button
                        - the content of the "Last Name" field is not cleared
                        - misleading/confusing error message pops up - "Error 17896 - Invalid data request...."
                        Last edited by LanaS; 09-14-2021, 02:47 PM.


                        • #13
                          1. "First Name" field accepts digits, should be limited to letters only.
                          2. "Last Name" field accepts digits, should be limited to letters only.
                          3. "Referred by" label doesn`t have star *Indicates Required Field", though when submitted blank it asks to enter the name of the person you were referred by.
                          4. "Gas and Electric Services" section has a mistake - "opento", correct - "open to".
                          5. "Email" field accepts more than one @.
                          6. "First Name" field accepts 2 words, should be limited to 1 word only.
                          7. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters, should be limited to digits only.
                          8. Button "Clear" doesn`t work.
                          9. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons do not look in a consistent way.
                          10. "Zip" field accepts special characters, should be limited to digits only.
                          11. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts special characters, should be limited to digits only.
                          Last edited by Alla Volkova; 09-08-2021, 11:00 AM.


                          • #14
                            1. No default input focus implemented.
                            2. Put default input focus in the field "First Name".
                            3. In the "Contact Information" section it is a Tab order error. Input focus moves from "First Name" field to "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name " field.
                            4. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent.

                            5. In list box "State": delete an item "BC" (a state with this abbreviation doesn't exist in the USA).
                            6. In list box "State": need to add a missing item "HI" (abbreviation for state Hawaii).
                            7. In list box "State": need to add a missing item "NV" (abbreviation for state Nevada).
                            8. In list box "State": replace item "IND" instead of "IN"(correct abbreviation for state Indiana).
                            9. In list box "State": remove item "Other" from the list.

                            10. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 as required.
                            11. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 as required.
                            12. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255 as required.
                            13. "Referred by" field should not behave as a required field.
                            14. "ZIP" field accepts non-digits characters.
                            15. "ZIP" field accept more than 5 characters if copy-paste them.
                            16. "Phone" text field accept non-digit characters if copy-paste them.

                            17. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section in "Current Provider" list box add item "Other".
                            18. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts non-digits characters.
                            19. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract:" list box should offer items from 0 to 24 instead of 10 months.
                            20. In "1. Cell Phone Service" section in "Number of phones on plan:" list box the input should not be 100 or more ( limit to 10).

                            Last edited by IrinaK; 09-14-2021, 01:48 PM.


                            • #15
                              1. "International calls included": end up with the question (?) character instead of colon character.
                              2. "Long distance included" : end up with the question (?) character instead of colon character.
                              3. Implementation of Default Input Focus requested.
                              4. TAB order violation: from from "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".
                              5. TAB order violation: from "Best Way To Contact Me" it goes to "Current Provider" instead of "Referred by".
                              6. Checkbox "Wireless Aircard" has a circle shape instead of box shape.
                              7. Checkbox "I am opento using different provider" has a wrong spelling and should be written "I am open to using different provider".
                              8. "ZIP:" field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters limit (by requirements).
                              9. "State:" Listbox - Remove "Other" option from the list.
                              10. "Referred by:" Label not marked with a star, although it is a required field.
                              11. Requirement: The "Referred by" field needs to be defined as other fields on the form.
                              12. "Referred by" field: Either provide an asterisk to the field, OR it should not behave as a required field.
                              13. "Phone": field accepts copy-paste of letters and special Characters (by requirements).
                              14. "Primary Phone Number": field accepts copy-paste of letters and special Characters (by requirements).
                              15. Button "Clear" is not in operation
                              #1 Run new Energy-Telecom form
                              #2 Type "Trump" into the "Last Name" field
                              #3 Push the "Clear" button
                              #4 Observe:
                              - the content of the "Last Name" field is nor cleared
                              - misleading/confusing error message pops up - "Error 17896 - Invalid data request..."
                              16. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent in their look and dimentions.
                              17."My monthly bill is approximately" field in "1. Cell Phone Service" section: field accepts letters instead of digits only
                              Last edited by Artem Akopyan; 09-14-2021, 07:54 PM.

