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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • Session 5. Energy-Telecom page testing due to the requirements.

    #1 "Street Adress" field: excepts only 109 characters instead of expected 255
    #2 "State" listbox: Hawaii abbreviation is missing (HI)
    #3 "State" list box: Nevada abbreviation is missing (NV)
    #4 "State" listbox: remove "other"
    #5 "State" list box: misspelled Indiana state abbreviation - replace "IND" by "IN"
    #6 "State" list box: remove "BC" , which is Canada state
    #7 "ZIP" field: accepts alphabet characters while only digits required
    #8 "Email" field: stays indicated as right implemented after pushing "Submit" button even if is empty or without "@" character
    #9 "Phone" field: accepts alphabetic and special characters if copy pasted while ONLY digits required
    #10 "Cell Phone Service" menu - "Current provider" listbox: ADD "other" item
    #11 "Cell Phone Service" menu - "Current provider" listbox: alphabetical order is NOT implemented
    #12 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" menu - "Current provider" listbox: alphabetical order is NOT implemented
    #13 "Home Security Service" menu - "Current provider" listbox: alphabetical order is NOT implemented
    #14 "Gas and Electric Services" menu - "Current provider" listbox: alphabetical order is NOT implemented
    #15 "Clear" button does NOT clear any data when pushing
    #16 "Contact information" menu: TAB order is incorrect - from "first name" it goes to "reffured by" instead of "last name"


    • Energy-Telecom GUI Bugs Report:

      1.TAB "Contact Information":
      1.1. Text Field "Last name" doesn't apply relative to name default value. the box is able to pick up from the drop down list not related value.
      1.2. Text Filed "State" doesn't apply the default value if appropriate.
      1.3. Text Filed "Referred by" doesn't apply the default value if appropriate

      2. TAB "The Local/Long Distance/International Service":
      2.1.Text Field "Bundled with" - TAB Order LEFT-RIGHT doesn't apply.
      2.2. Label "International calls included?" doesn't end up with a colon ( sign.
      2.3.Text Field "International calls included?" - TAB Order LEFT-RIGHT doesn't apply.
      2.4. Label "Long distance included?" doesn't end up with a colon ( sign.
      2.5.Text Field "Long distance included?"-TAB Order LEFT-RIGHT doesn't apply.
      2.6. Text Field "I'm interested in unlimited calling" -TAB Order LEFT-RIGHT doesn't apply.

      3. TAB "High Speed Internet Service" :
      3.1. Text Field "Type of Service" - TAB Order LEFT-RIGHT doesn't apply.
      3.2. Text Filed "Provider" Data Input Field disabled
      3.3. Text Field "Bundled with" - TAB Order LEFT-RIGHT doesn't apply.

      4. TAB "TV Service"
      4.1. Text Field " "Bundled with" - TAB Order LEFT-RIGHT doesn't apply.


        1. “First Name” field accepts max 30 characters, instead of 31.
        2. “Last Name” field accepts max 30 characters, instead of 31.
        3. “Street Address” field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
        4. Street Address” field has not special address format.
        5. "Zip" field accepts non-digit characters.
        6. "Zip" field accepts more than 5 characters.
        7. “State” list box has “Other” option from the list, instead of list of 50 states.
        8. “State” list box does not have HI (Hawaii), NV(Nevada)in the list.
        9. “State” list box has BC, not the US state.
        10. Button "Clear" does not work.
        11. “E-mail” field isn’t validated.

