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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #61
    #1 "First Name:" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31

    #2 "Last Name:" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31

    #3 "Street Address:" field accepts 100 characters instead of 255

    #4 "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters

    #5 Email format isn't validated when the form is submitted

    #6 After submitting an invalid email - the asterisk color is not changed to red color (required field)

    #7 After submitting an invalid email there is no warning message (required field)

    #8 "Clear" button doesn't clear the form

    #9 Inconsistent form's behavior for "Referred by:" field - there is no asterisk but empty input leads to warning message - "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"


    • #62
      1."First Name" accept only 30 characters, not 31 characters.
      2."Last Name" accept only 30 characters, not 31 characters.
      3."Street Address" does not accept more than 100 characters.
      4."State" drop down list does not offer the list of all 50 states: Please add "HI" and "NV" and remove "--", "BC" and "Other"
      5."ZIP" text field accept letters.
      6."Email" text field accept invalid email addresses as no "@"character.
      7."Email" text field accept more than 255 characters.


      • #63
        1. “First name” field can contain 30 characters instead of 31.
        2. "First Name:" and “Last name” fields accepts digits.
        3. "First Name:" and “Last name” fields accepts special characters.
        4. “Last name” field can contain 30 characters instead of 31.
        5. “Street Address:” field can contain 100 characters instead of 255.
        6. It should be impossible to add letters into a ZIP field.
        7. It should be impossible to copy-paste special symbols into a ZIP field.
        8. It should be impossible to copy-paste a zip code with more than 5 characters.
        9. It should be impossible to add more than 255 characters into Email field.
        10. Input focus is working incorrectly while pressing Tab button.
        11. "Please enter your Email:" is missing for empty Email field in case of pushing "Submit" button.
        12. "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" appears for optional field "Referred by:" in case of pushing "Submit" button.
        13. Email hasn't been delivered after clicking Submit button.
        14. It should be impossible to enter letters into “My monthly bill is approximately:” field in “1. Cell Phone Service” section.
        15. It should be impossible to copy-paste letters into a Phone fields.
        16. It should be impossible to copy-paste special symbols into a Phone fields.
        17. It should be impossible to copy-paste letters into a fields with dollar sign.
        18. It should be impossible to copy-paste special symbols into a fields with dollar sign.
        19. It should be impossible to enter Email address with special characters except of – @ . – _
        20. It should be impossible to enter Email address without @ symbol.
        21. Fields are still filled after pressing “Clear” button and “Error” message appears.
        22. “Comments” section looks incorrectly while changing size of it.


        • #64
          #1 "Contact Information"/"First Name" field is limited with 30 characters instead of 31
          #2 "Contact Information"/"Last Name" field is limited with 30 characters instead of 31
          #3 "Contact Information"/"Street Address" field is limited with 100 characters instead of 255
          #4 "Contact Information"/"City" field allows more than 50 characters if copy pasted
          #5 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: "Other" option should be removed
          #6 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: "BC" option should be removed. Reason: nonexistence
          #7 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: "NV" option (Nevada) is missing
          #8 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: "HI" option (Hawaii) is missing
          #9 "Contact Information"/"State" list box: "IND" option should be replaced by "IN" option. Reason: misspelling
          #10 "Contact Information"/"ZIP field: allows non-digits
          #11 "Contact Information"/"ZIP" field: allows more than 5 characters if copy pasted
          #12 "Contact Information"/"Email" field allows more than 255 characters
          #13 "Contact Information"/"Email" field allows any character, not the specific ones only
          #14 "Contact Information"/"Phone" field allows any characters and letters if copy pasted
          #15 Default input focus is not implemented
          #16 TAB order is not working correctly. The order is broken


          • #65
            1. “First Name” field accept up to 30 characters (31 expected)
            2. “Last Name” field accept up to 30 characters (31 expected)
            3. “Street Address” field accept up to 100 characters (255 expected)
            4. Replace “IND” from “IN” in the list of states
            5. Remove “BC” in the list of states
            6. “ZIP” field accept non-digets
            7. “ Email” field accept more that 255 characters
            8. “Cell Phone Service” / “Current Provider” list box “Other” list item is missed
            9. “Email” field accept all characters (some special characters expected)
            10. "Cell Phone Service" / “Months left on current contract” the list box “Prepaid” is remove


            • #66
              1. The “Default input focus” is not operating when you open the form.
              2. The field “First Name” accepts 30 characters while it said 31 on Requirements.
              3. TAB border violation: From “First Name” it goes to “Referred by” insted of “Last Name”.
              4. The field “Last Name” accepts 30 characters although it is required max 31.
              5. The field “State” has 49 states although it is required 50 states.
              6. Remove “Other” option from “State” list box.
              7. “ZIP” field accepts letters while required digits only.
              8. “ZIP” field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters.
              9. “ZIP” field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 letters. While letters are not excepted at all.
              10. “ZIP” field accepts copy-paste of special characters.
              11. The field “My monthly bill is approximately: $” does not accept special character “.”
              12. “Cell Phone Service/Current provider” does not have an option “other“ in list box.
              13. Local/Long Distances/International Service/Current provider field doesn’t have a space to type when you choose “other” from the listbox.
              14. High Speed Internet Service/Current provider field doesn’t have a space to type when you choose “other” from the listbox.
              15. The text field in High Speed Internet Service/Provider field enable for typing, types only when you checked “Wireless Aircraft”
              16. TV service/Current provider field section doesn’t have a text field to type when you choose “Other” from the listbox
              17. TV service/Months left on plan field should have more then 24 months in “Select” listbox
              18. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are not consistent in their look and dimensions
              19. No “remarks/notes” pupped up while submited incorrect format typed in “email” text file


              • #67
                1. "ZIP code" field allows to copy-paste more than 5 digits.
                2. "ZIP code" field allows to type in letters.
                3. There is no asterisk at the "Referred by" field, even though it acts like a required field.
                4. "Contact Information" section/"State" list box : "Other" is not needed.
                5. "Contact Information" section/"State" list box : Nevada (NV) state is missing.
                6. "Contact Information" section/"State" list box : option "(BC)" should be expelled, since British Columbia is not a part of United States of America.
                7. "Clear" button is not working.
                8. "Contact Information"/"Email" allows to type in the invalid emails (doubled @, several domains).
                9. Gas and Electric Services section there is a writing mistake, there should be a space between "open" and "to" ("I am opento using different provider")
                10. Value zero is not included in the field "Number of phones on plan".
                11. TAB button doesn't work in the correct order.
                12. Cell Phone Service section the field "My monthly bill" accepts letters.
                13. “First name” field allows no more than 30 characters. (stated 31 in the requirements).
                14. "Last name" field allows less characters than it was stated in the requirements (30 instead of 31).
                15. "Street address" field doesn't accept 255 characters.


                • #68
                  1. 'Street Address' 100 characters requred no mo than 255
                  2. 'State' les than 50
                  3. 'Email' more than 255 characters
                  4. '1. Cell Phone Service 'My monthly bill is approximately:''- Should be limited to digits only
                  5. Rough design without any formatting.
                  6. TV Service can`t be bundled with Phone service.


                  • #69
                    Bug Report "Energy-Telecom Service Review"

                    1. "First Name" field accept 30 Characters instead of 31.
                    2. "Last Name" field accept 30 characters instead of 31.
                    3. "Street Address" field accept 100 characters instead of 255.
                    4. "State" List box "BC" is not a valid selection for US state.
                    5. "State" List box Replace "IND" with "IN" (Indiana)
                    6. "State" List box Remove "Other"
                    7. "State" List box Add "HI" and "NV" (Hawaii and Nevada)
                    8. "Zip" field accept Letters.
                    9. "Zip" field accept more than 5 digits when copy and paste.
                    10."Email" field accept more than 255 character.
                    11. "Email" field accept all special character.
                    12. "Submit" button can be push when form is incomplete.
                    13. Tab selection moves from "First Name" to "Referred by" then to "Last Name"
                    14. When "Clear" button is push "Error 17896" is displayed.


                    • #70
                      1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      2. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      3. "Zip" field accepts letters, required digits only.
                      4. "State" Listbox - Remove "BC" option from the list.
                      5. "State" Listbox - Remove "Other" option from the list.
                      6. "Phone" field accepts copy-paste any characters (digits only by requirements).
                      7. "TAB" order is not working correctly, moving from "First Name" text field to "Referred by" text field instead of moving to "Last Name" text field.


                      • #71
                        #1 “First name” field accepts up to 30 characters.
                        #2 “Last Name” field accepts up to 30 characters.
                        #3 “Street address” accepts up to 100 characters.
                        #4 “Zip” field accepts non-digits.
                        #5 “Zip” field accepts more than 5 characters.
                        #6 “Email” field is not implemented as required field.
                        #7 Remove “required field” status from Referred by.
                        #8 “Referred by” field: Either provide an asterisk to the field, or should not behave as required field.
                        #9 Remove "BC" from list of the state.
                        #10 Replace "IND" for "IN" in the list of the state.
                        #11 Remove "other" from list of the state.

                        #12 “NV” is missed from state list box.
                        #13 “HI” is missed from state list box.
                        #14 Misspelled label: “I am opento using different provider” missing space character
                        #15 Section Cell Phone Service "Current Provider" list box missing "other."
                        #16 “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are not consistent in their look and detention.
                        #17 “Clear” button does not clear application.
                        #18 Confusing error when user push button “clear”.

                        Last edited by Volcan; 09-14-2021, 02:21 PM.


                        • #72
                          1. "Referred by:" label is missing an asterisk: add asterisk to match other required fields.
                          2. Requirements: "Referred by:" needs to be clarified if it is a required field or not.
                          3. "First Name" data input field accepts 30 characters: change from 30 to 31 (as per requirements).
                          4. "Last Name" data input field accepts 30 characters: change from 30 to 31 (as per requirements).
                          5. No error message provided for "Email" data input field if the field has no input: add an error message for "Email" data input field "* Please enter your Email".
                          6. "Street Address" data input field accepts 100 characters: change 100 to 255 (as per requirements).
                          7. "State" list box is missing "NV" state option: add "NV" option.
                          8. "State" list box is missing "HI" state option: add "HI" option.
                          9. In "State" list box remove "Other" option: only 50 states exist, therefore only 50 options are possible.
                          10." High Speed Internet Service/Type of service:" - "Wireless Aircard" checkbox figure does not match with others: replace squared figure with rounded.
                          11. In "Gas and Electric Services" section "I am open to using different provider" checkbox is misspelled: replace "I am opento..." to "I am open to...".
                          12. "Clear" button does not perform intended function: make it so it clears all input data fields, checkboxes and list boxes.
                          13. When "Clear" button is pushed - a confusing error message is displayed: make it display an actual error message.


                          • #73
                            #1. “Contact Information” section/ “First Name”: field accepts copy-paste of more than 31 characters limit (by requirements).
                            #2. “Contact Information” section/ “Last Name”: field accepts copy-paste of more than 31 characters limit (by requirements).
                            #3. “Contact Information” section/ “Street Address”: field accepts copy-paste of more than 255 characters limit (by requirements).
                            #4. “Contact Information” section/ “City”: field accepts copy-paste of more than 50 characters limit (by requirements).
                            #5. “Contact Information” section/ “State” Listbox: State of “NV” is missing.
                            #6. “Contact Information” section/ “State” Listbox: State of “HI” is missing.
                            #7. “Contact Information” section/ “State” Listbox: “BC” is not state of the USA.
                            #8. “Contact Information” section/ “ZIP”: field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters limit (by requirements).
                            #9. “Contact Information” section/ “Email”: field accepts copy-paste of more than 255 characters limit (by requirements).
                            #10. “Contact Information” section/ “Email”: field has no validation for multiple “@” characters.
                            #11. “Cell Phone Service” section/ “Months left on current contract” Listbox: looks like is only 10 months per year exist.
                            #12. “Cell Phone Service” section/” Local/Long Distances/International Service” section /” High Speed Internet Service” section /” TV Service” section / “Home Security Service” section / “Gas and Electric Services” section: field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts copy-paste letters.
                            #13. Button “Clear” is not in operation. The content field is not cleared and confusing error message pops up – “ Error 17896 – Invalid data request…”
                            #14. “Contact Information” section/ “Referred by” field: provide an asterisk to the field as it indicates like required field.


                            • #74
                              #1 Contact Information/Error message should appear after submiting the form when "Email" field has no input
                              #2 Contact Information/"Referred by"field should have "*" sign because it does not allow to submit the form if this field is empty
                              #3 Contact Information/"Street Address" field should retain data that was entered before
                              #4 Contact Information/"City" field should retain data that was entered before
                              #5 Contact information/"ZIP" field should retain data that was entered before
                              #6 Contact information/"email" field should retain data that was entered before
                              #7 Contact Information/"Phone" field should retain data that was entered before
                              #8 Contact Information/"Reffered by" field should retain data that was entered before
                              #9 Contact Information/ error message should be shown after submiting when "email" field has incorrect format
                              #10 Contact Information/"State" list box should include "D.C.", "HI", "NV"
                              #11 Contact Information/Remove "Other" from "State" field.
                              #12 Cell Phone Service/"Current provider"list box should have option "other"
                              #13 Cell Phone Service/"Minutes on plan "list box should have options"less than" and"over"
                              #14 Cell Phone Service/"Months left on current contract:"list box should have options "less than" and "over"
                              #15 Cell Phone Service/"Months left on current contract:"list box should have options 11 and 12
                              #16 Cell Phone Service/"Number of phones on plan:"list box should have "Over”
                              #17 Cell Phone Service/" I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" list box should have "​​​​”Less than” and ”Over"
                              #18 TV Service/ "Number of receivers:"list box should contain options ”Less than”,”Over”
                              #19 "Clear" button is not in operation
                              #20 Contact information/"ZIP" field should not accept letters
                              #21 Contact information/"Email" field should not allow to enter special characters other than " @ . – _ "
                              #22 Contact information/Z"IP" field should consist the state entered
                              #23 Error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer" shown after clicking"Clear button" is misleading
                              #24 Contact information/ "First name" field accepts no more than 30 characters
                              #25 Contact information/ "Last name" field accepts no more than 30 characters
                              #26 Contact information / "Street address" field allows no more than 100 characters
                              #27 Contact information / "email" field allows more than 255 characters
                              #28 Gas and Electric Services/ "I am opento using different provider" / replace "opento" with "open to"
                              #29 "Submit" and "Clear buttons have different size
                              #30 Cell Phone Service/ "Number of phones on plan:" is too close to "Months left on current contract:" list box



                              • #75
                                #1. Inconsistency in "Referred By" field: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required filed.

                                #2. Inconsistency in Default Button Assignment: no default input focus implemented.

                                #3. Inconsistency in TAB order: the choice isn't consistent from form to form in the application.

                                #4. Section 7. “Gas and electric services”: misspelling in the label of check box “I am opento using...”.

                                #5. Values in lists: “Cell Phone Service section”: no “Other” in “Current Provider” list box.

                                #6. Inconsistency in the State list box: BC isn't State of USA.

                                #7. Inconsistency in the State list box: not all 50 states are listed.

                                #8. Inconsistency in the State list box: remove "Other" item.

                                #9. "First Name" text field: limited to 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.

                                #10. "Last Name" text field: limited to 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.

                                #11. "Street Address" text field: limited to 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.

                                #12. “Zip” field accept input (typing) of letters.

                                #13. "Zip" field accept pasting of special characters

                                #14. "Zip" field accept pasting of more than 5 digits

                                #15. "Phone" field accept pasting of non-digits.

                                #16. Pushing "Clear" button gives the confusing/misleading error message: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request..."

