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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #76
    UI hands-off bug reports
    #1 Only "From amount:" label has colon in "Search my invoices" section. Add colon to all labels except two "to" labels.
    #2 "Showing 422 invoices" string is in contradiction with the overall number of pages displayed as a link at the bottom of search results table. 32 pages with 10 records per page represent only 320 invoices.
    #3 Page 5 is missing at the bottom of search results table.
    #4 "Invoce #" column title has a mistake and should be replaced with "Invoice #".
    #5 "Search my invoices" section has date format like "9/30/2011" and search results table like "30-Sep-2011" - date format inconsistency.
    #6 First row of "Status" column has "Rejcted" status with mistake. Replace with "Rejected".
    #7 "Due Date" column presents data in not a date format.
    #8 "PO #" column presents data in a date format that might not be a format of Purchase Order number.
    #9 "Results per page" list box value "10", mismatch with "11" records in search results table.
    #10 "Amount" column has "$22,376.00" cell out of order.
    #11 "Amount" column has descending sorting symbol but column data is sorted in ascending order.
    #12 "Actions" button is missing in bottom row of search results table.
    Last edited by igormiro; 09-21-2021, 11:51 AM.


    • #77

      1. In all lines with indicating errors and specifying secial characters, gong to successfully registration.
      Last edited by mickeychuma; 09-13-2021, 08:26 PM.


      • #78
        1. In section "Search my invoices " each labels should have colon.
        2. Headline "Invoce#" misspelled.
        3. In column " Status" word Rejcted misspelled.
        4. Columns " Due Date" and "PO#" missed up.
        5. In section " Showing 422 invoices' result per page instead 10 showed 11.
        6. In Section Search my invoices" Invoice data and in section 'Showing 422 invoices'' Inv.Data different date format types.
        7. In section " Showing 422 invoices" missing number 5 in 1234678910...32 down below.


        • #79
          1. In “Showing 422 invoices” section there are 11 columns, but there should be 10 lines.
          2. In “Showing 422 invoices” section 422 invoices, actual number of invoices 352.
          3. Pagination inconsistency 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32 , missing 5 pagination.
          4. In “Showing 422 invoices”section “column invoce # “ a typo is present. Have to "Invoice #".
          5. In “Search my invoices” all the libels of the fields should have “:” at the and.
          6. In “Showing 422 invoices” section column “Status” in a first cell have mistake need replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected it can be seen when Navigat mouse to "Rejcted”.
          7. "Amount" column: ascending order is broken: $22,409.37 goes before $22,376.00
          8. "Status" column/row 4 icon: the tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid"
          9. In column "Due Date" shown not typical digital information for this section.
          10. In the table of results, the last row does not have the button "Actions".


          • #80
            #1 "Showing 422 invoices" row 7: Date in column "Inv.Date" is out of range shown in "Invoice date" from "Search my invoices"
            #2 "Search my invoices": TAB order from "Purchase order" to "From amount" is broken
            #3 "Search my invoices": TAB order from "Results per page" is broken
            #4 "Amount" column: Specified descending order, while values are in ascending order
            #5 "Amount""column: Value order in row 7 and row 8 is broken. $22,409.37 should be in row 8, $22,376.00 should be in row 7
            #6 "Search my invoices": Default button is missing
            #7 "Showing 422 invoices": 10 rows multiply by 32 pages is not equal 422
            #8 "Showing 422 invoices": Page listing in the bottom missed page #5
            #9 "Showing 422 invoices": In the header "Invoce #" replace by "invoice #"
            #10 "Showing 422 invoices": Column "Status" row 1: "Rejcted" replace by "Rejected"
            #11 "Showing 422 invoices": The data in columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are presented in atypical format
            #12 "Showing 422 invoices": The number of rows is 11, while in "Results per page" = 10
            #13 "Status" column: Row 4 tooltip should be "Paid" instead of "Approved"
            #14 " Search my invoices": All labels should end up with the colon character
            #15 "Search my invoices" and "Showing 422 invoices": date format mismatch


            • #81
              1. Column name “Invoice” in search result is misspelled(“Invoce”)
              2. Column Status in search result Rejected is misspelled(“Rejected”)
              3. In search result page numbers number 5 is missing
              4. Extra room between 1 and 2 in page numbers
              5. If shows 11 results on first page instead of 10
              6. In 11th line button “Action” is missing
              7. Column names isn’t oriented equally above columns
              8. Tittle “Showing 422 invoices” incorrect(32 pages, 10 invoices per page)
              9. Tittle “Showing 422 invoices” incorrect(should be “1-10 invoices of … invoices”)
              10. Format of data in column “PO #” looks like date format
              11. Format of data in column “Due Date” doesn’t look like date format
              12. In Payment column data have time information, but doesn’t have day and month information
              13. In column “Amount” sequence is wrong. $22,409.37 goes before $22,376.00
              14. In column “Amount” arrow points on descending. Information sorts as ascending
              15. Inconsistent date format “6/5/2011” and “29-Aug-2011”
              16. Extra empty room at the right side of “Action” button


              • #82
                1. All fields in Search my Invoices section should have colons.
                2. Search button is disabled in Search my Invoices section.
                3. Wrong number of results per page, 11 results are displayed, instead of default 10.
                4. Due Date section displays PO number instead of the date.
                5. PO #section displays date instead of PO number.
                6. Invoice date isn’t filtered by entered parameters. Input 6/5/11-9/30/11, but displays 10/1/11.
                7. Date format is different in Search my Invoices section and in Results section.
                8. Date format in Payment section is incorrect.
                9. In Status column misspelled word. Should be ‘rejected’ instead of ‘rejcted’.
                10. Invoice column spelled incorrectly. Should be ‘invoice’ instead of ‘invoce’.


                • #83
                  Bug report for the OrangeHRM
                  1)Button from the login page doesn't move user to the webpage.
                  2)Password field doesn't light the icon after user put the info.
                  3)Login field doesn't light the icon after user put the info.
                  4)Login button doesn't change in the size after pressing on her.
                  5)No space between OrangeHRM 3.1.2 and OrangeHRM Inc.
                  6)Wrong format in OrangeHRM, Inc.( Supposed to be OrangeHRM Inc.)
                  7)Join OrangeHRM Community has no opening page.
                  8)Join OrangeHRM Community button has different colors.(Button supposed to be the one green color)
                  9)Help and training box not in alphabetical order.
                  10)Admin/User management and Users has the same page(Delete Users)
                  11)Admin/User management the Username admin has no checkbox.
                  12)Admin/User management the Username admin has no Employee Name.
                  13) Pim/Custom fields/Screen/Select dropdown menu go up(Supposed to go down)
                  14)Pim/Custom fields/Screen/Select dropdown menu not in alphabetical order
                  15)Pim/Employee list/Add employee/Full name, Employee id, Photograph has no astericks.
                  16)Pim/Reports/Employee rereports Search button doesn't work
                  17)Pim/Reports/Employee reports after the run report page didn't comeback on the previous place.
                  18)Pim/Reports/Employee reports/Edit/ Define report fields have no asterics.
                  19)Pim/Emploee list has 24 row instead of 23.(51-74 of 74 has to be 23 pages)
                  20)"Welcome Peter" supposed to be without the name.
                  21)"Help and Training" sort menu goes up instead of goes down.
                  22)"Welcome Peter" sort menu goes up instead of goes down

