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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #61
    #1. In the "Search my invoices" section labels "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page", "to" , "to" should have the colon at the end.
    #2. In the table of results, the date format of the column "Inv. Date" does not match the label "Invoice date" in the "Search my invoices" section.
    #3. In the table of results, the number of rows is wrong, 11 instead of 10.
    #4. In the table of results, the columns "Due Date" and "PO #" have information each others.
    #5. In the table of results, the name of column "Invoce #" has a missed letter: Expected is a name "Invoice #".
    #6. In the table of results, in the column "Status", status "Rejcted" has a missed letter: Expected is a status "Rejected".
    #7. In the table of results, the last row does not have the button "Actions".
    #8. In the table of results, sort of rows does not match the filter of column "Amount".
    #9. In the table of results, the link of page #5 is absent.
    #10. In the top of table, the title "Showing 422 invoices" is incorrect.
    Last edited by Anna Gol; 09-09-2021, 08:25 PM.


    • #62
      1.Scroll down on the page.The list of pages from 1 to 32 is missing page 5
      2.In the "Invoice date" The dates and months are out of order .
      3.In the first column , the "Invoice" isn't written correctly. The letter "i" is missing.
      4. In the last column "Action" , the last button "Action" is missed.
      5.In the section "search my invoices" it is written there should be 10 "results" , but in fact there are 11.
      6.The column name "Due date" do not correspond to it's purpose.The dates are missing.
      7.The column name "Action" the symbol shows the value from highest to lowest , but in reality the values go from lowest to highest.
      8.Under the column with the title "Status" , the word "rejected" is spelled incorrectly , letter "e" is missing.


      • #63
        1. Search my invoices - there are no colons after labels except “From amount”, need to add after all.
        2. Page 1 of the search results shows 11 invoices where it should be 10 results per page.
        3. Results chart - name of the column “Invoices #” is misspelled as “Invoce #”.
        4. Status “rejected” is misspelled as “Rejcted” (missing e).
        5. Different types of data formats are used in “Invoice date” column and “Due date” column - need to be the same as in “Invoice date”.
        6. 11th search result (invoice 1122338095) does not show “Actions” button
        7. Column “PO #” shows dates instead of numbers - need to change the format.
        8. It’s not showing all result pages. There are only 32 pages total with 10 invoices per page, but it says it’s showing total 422 invoices, so it should be 43 pages total.
        9. Search result page numbers are missing a link to page 5, it shows 4 and then 6.
        10. Search results sorting is not correct, as $22,409.37 is shown above (less) than $22,376.00.


        • #64
          #1 in the name of the columns "invoce #" is a grammar mistake
          #2 In the search menu "result per page" standing 10 result per page but in the result of the search 11 invoices
          #3 In the search menu the type of the date is month/day/year, but in the search result it is different type of the date day/month/ year
          #4 In the line of pages that is no page number 5
          #5 In the search menu in the invoice date the maximum invoice date is September but in the search showing October invoices
          #6 in the search you cannot chose any other customers than GE
          #7 in the search you cannot chose any other any other invoice status than all
          #8 in the search you cannot chose any other than 10 result per page


          • #65
            1. The "Invoice number" text field allows letters and sp. characters.
            2. The "PO #" text field allows letters and sp. characters.
            3. Data in the "Due Date" column looks like being in purchase order format instead of the due date format.
            4. Data in the "PO #" column looks like being in date format instead of purchase order format.
            5. Page 5 is missing in the Search Results Table.
            6. In the "Inv. Date" column allowed dates mismatched with the specified dates in the "Invoice date" text field.
            7. The wrong number of results per page: it shows 11 instead of 10.
            8. There is no " Action" button in the 11th row on the result page.
            9. Impossible to change the date in the "Invoice Date" text field.
            10. The "Invoice" column title was misspelled ("Invoce")
            11. The "Search" button doesn't do any actions when push.


            • #66
              1. There is no colon for labels except of "From amount:"
              2. Typo in word "Rejcted"
              3. Typo in word "Invoce #"
              4. There is no button "Actions" for the last row in table
              5. Missing page #5 in pagination
              6. Should be unified date format for field "Invoice date" and for the resulting table
              7. There is incorrect date range in table for column "Inv. Date": actual Jun-Oct, expected Jun-Sep
              8. Incorrect table title: "Showing 422 invoices" instead of "Total 422 invoices"
              9. Title columns "Due Date" and "PO #" need to swap
              10. Incorrect number of rows per page: 11 instead of 10
              11. Invalid sorting, $22,409.37 is greater than $22,376.0
              12. Invalid sorting icon, amount is increased, but the icon shows that amount is decreased
              13. Extra space between #1 and #2 in pagination
              14. There are duplicates in PO#
              15. PO# doesn't correlate with Inv.Date (30998 is created on 23-Jul-2011, but 40988 is created earlier, on 3-Jul-2011)
              Last edited by Kanstantsin Homel; 09-12-2021, 02:37 AM.


              • #67
                1. Label "From amount:" in a section " Search my invoices" has a colon, unlike other labels in this section.
                2. In the second field of "Invoice date" in a section " Search my invoices" the order of entering date is mm-dd-yyyy, unlike the first field of this label has dd-mm-yyyy.
                3. In column "Due Date" shown not typical digital information for this section.
                4. In column "PO #" shown not typical digital information for this section.
                5. In column "Status" in the first row replace the word "Rejcted" to " Rejected".
                6. 11 row of the showing result doesn't have a button "Action", unlike the previous 10.
                7. In column "Invoce #" replace word "Invoce" to "Invoice".
                8. Missed digit "5" in last row Showing pages result.
                9. 422 invoices cannot be displayed on 32 pages if the result shown per page is 10.
                10. In column "Amount" all values go in ascending order except $22,409.37 which goes before $22,376.00.


                • #68

                  1. In the result per page is showing 11 pages instead 10
                  2. Date format is inconsistent : “Invoice date” (9/30/2011) and Inv.Date (29-Aug-2011)
                  3. In “Search my invoice” all labels should have a colon
                  4. Misspelled “Rejcted” in first cell in “Status” column
                  5. Misspelled in first column “Invoce#” replace with “Invoice#”


                  • #69
                    Taulia Report Project
                    1.Only "From amount" label has a column. Other labels are missing columns.
                    2. Incorrect number of results per page. The page shows 11 instead of 10.
                    3. Page #5 does not exist.
                    4."PO# " label does not reflect the content.
                    5."Due Date" label does not reflect the content.
                    6.Misspelling in the "Invoce" label.
                    7.Misspelling in the first invoice status "Rejcted"


                    • #70
                      1. Labels in "Search my invoices" are inconsistency.
                      2. In search result section replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
                      2. In search result section replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected" in first line.
                      3. Inconsistency in date format "Search my invoices" and "Inv. Date" (6/5/2011) vs (29-Aug-2011).
                      4. Replace "Due Date" column title with "PO #" column title.
                      5. Column "Amount" is inconsistency "$22,409.37" is higher thean "$22,376.00".
                      6. 11 search results per page in serch result section but only 10 was required in "Results per page" listbox.
                      7. No "Acrions" button in 11th line in serach result section.
                      8. In "Amount" column sorting is descending, but the result is ascending.
                      9. Link to the 5th page of the results is missing.
                      10. In serch result section are dates out of scope "Invoice date".
                      11. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 invoices"
                      12. Tthere are 32 pages with 10 search results per page, summary its gonna be 320 search results, no 422 as "Showing 422 invoices" says.
                      13. Missmathc between formats: "From amount:" label (it doesn`t have "." and "," characters) and "Amount" column (which does have "." and "," characters).
                      Last edited by Temall; 09-13-2021, 04:54 AM.


                      • #71
                        1.In " Search My Invoices" section all the labes shoud have a colon at the labes should have a colon at the end.
                        2. Incorrect number of results per page:11 instead of 10 (as per "Results per page" listbox).
                        3. Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs Inv Date Column (22-Aug-2011)
                        4.Fist cell in "Ststus" column: replace "Rejted" with "Rejted"
                        5.Missing page 5
                        6.DUE DATE and PO# need to change locations
                        7. Line with sum $22,409.37 is earlier than line with $22,376.00
                        8. On line 11, the Actions button is missing
                        9. Incorrect in line "Showing 422 invoices", but should have "Showing 352 invoices"
                        10. On line ''Invoice number'' the button "TAB" disappears on 3 press


                        • #72
                          #1 Misspelled in word "Invoice#" in first column of table
                          #2 Search function does not work in the Purchase order line by clicking on the binoculars icon
                          #3 Only the "From amount" string has a colon in the "Search my invoices" section
                          #4 Digits are not in date format in a "Due Date" column
                          #5 "Status"column:misspelled in word "Rejcted"
                          #6 "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order instead of descending as the arrow points to
                          #7 "Amount" column: "$22,376.00" breaks the sorting order
                          #8. Redundant column "Type" in search results table: The entire folder is named "Invoices"
                          #9. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" fields (9/30/2011)
                          #10. 422 invoices cannot be represented by 32 pages of search results


                          • #73
                            1. Misspelling “invoce” at the column name “Invoice #”.
                            2. The page contains 11 invoices instead of 10.
                            3. Column “Due Date” doesn't contain any dates, just random numbers.
                            4. Сolumn “Inv. Date” shows the dates with no chronological order.
                            5. It's not possible to change the page.


                            • #74
                              1. Section “Search my invoices”: all labels except “From amount: “ don't end up with the colon character.
                              2. Misspell “Invoce#” in the label of first column.
                              3. 11th row (1122338095 invoice) doesn't have “Action” button.
                              4. The table present 11 results (invoices) per page but must present 10.
                              5. The table show 422 results but consist of 32 pages.
                              6. Data in the “Due Date” column doesn't looks like a date format.
                              7. Data in the “PO#” column looks like a date format.
                              8. Filter by date is from 06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011 but the table show Invoice 1122339546 from 10/01/2011.
                              9. “Amount” column must be descending sorting but in fact it is ascending.
                              10. Inconsistency in the sorting of the “Amount” column: “$22,409.37” should be after “$22,376.00”.


                              • #75
                                1. In a "Search my invoices" section all labels in a column need to have a colon at the end.
                                2. "Invoce#" column: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
                                3. Inconsistent date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs "PO #" field (28-Sep-2011).
                                4. Wrong number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (according to "Results per page" listbox).
                                5. "Actions" box is missing at invoice 1122338095 line: add "Actions" box so it will match with other invoices.
                                6. Inconsistent capital letters "Search my invoices" label: replace "Search my invoices".
                                7. Page #5 is missing in page number line: add page #5 to the page number line.
                                8. Wrong labels for columns "PO #" and "Due Date": switch labels "PO #" and "Due Date" with each other.
                                9. Binocular icon next to "Purchase order" text box does not fit: remove binocular icon.
                                10. Text box "Showing 422 invoices" displays the wrong number of invoices: the maximum is 320 (according to per number of pages).

