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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #46
    1. Search results table- 11 rows are demonstrating instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox

    2. Search results table- 11 row is missing the "Actions" button

    3. Under the “Search results table” link a page 5 is missing.

    4. Inconsistency in date formats used in "Invoice date" fields vs field of "Inv. Date" column. Tooltip conflicting with its corresponding icon on "Invoices" page Invoice date 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011

    5. "Showing 422 invoices" is a miscalculation: 422 is larger than 32 pages times 10 and/ or 11. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"

    6. “PO#” column: values are provided not in a common date format.

    7."Inv. Date" column: values are provided not in a common date format.

    8. Showing 422 invoices": "Rejcted" declared in row # 1 in the "Status" column is misspelled. Replace with "Rejected".

    9.In “Amount” column #7 order of results is inconsistent.Actual result is “$22,409.37 ” should go after “$22,376.00”.


    • #47
      1. There is no field on the page which gets default input focus.
      2. TAB order moving focus from "Purchase order" label text field to header "Invoices" button instead of moving to "From amount:" label text field.
      3. There is no field on the page which gets default input focus.
      4. First cell in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
      5. Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs Inv.Date Column (22-Aug-2011).
      6. Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (as per "Results per page" listbox).
      7. In “Search My Invoices” section all the labels should have a colon at the end.
      8. There is no "Actions" button for 11th line in "Showing invoices" section.
      9. "Clear" button should be placed in "Search my invoices" section
      10. Incorrect amount of pages indicated (32) at the bottom of "Showing 422 invoices" section. Because 32 pages * 11 lines = 352, not 422.


      • #48
        #1 Buttons on the top doesn't push when push it;
        #2 Lines “customer”, “Invoice status” and “Results per page” doesn't give a choice after push;
        #3 Inconsistency in date format: “Invoice date” field 6/5/2011 vs Invoice date column 22-Aug-2011;
        #4 No one button “Action”;
        #5 Colum “Due Date” doesn't shows exactly data;
        #6 First column “Invoice”: replace “Invoce” with “Invoice”;
        #7 Incorrect number of result per page: 11 instead of 10 .
        #8 First cell in “Status” column: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.


        • #49
          1. Most of the labels in "Search my invoices" section are missing colon
          2. Replace "From amount:" label with "Amount:"
          3. "Amount" column results are inconsistent: "$22,409.37" should be below "$22,376.00", not above
          4. Replace "Invoce #" title with "Invoice #"
          5. Replace "Rejcted" in "Status" column results with "Rejected"
          6. Date "1-Oct-2011" in "Inv. Date" column is out of range set in "Invoice date" fields
          7. Data in "PO #" column is in date format
          8. Date in "Due Date" column is not in any common date format
          9. "Actions" button is missing in the line 11 of search results table
          10. 11 results are shown on page instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box


          • #50
            Bug reports for Energy-Telecom
            1. Tap button does not go in order after entering "First name" it brings you to the "referred by " field
            2. The “Middle Name” field is omitted after the “First Name” field.
            3. In the field “State” is a wrong word “Other” between the whole list.
            4. In the field “State” when you choose State it's not in alphabetical order.
            5. The name in the “Phone” column is incorrect. Must be “Phone Number”.
            6. In the “Current Provider” section you can select two answers “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider”, which is not logical.
            7. In the column “Minutes on plan” when selecting, the numbers are listed inconsistently.
            8. In the column "Number of phones on plan" goes up to 100 and more, it’s not logical.
            9. Tap button does not go in order after column “Bundled with” - “Internet” it brings you to the column “Total Bill”.
            10. In the section “Gas and Electric Service” the string “I am opento using different provider” - miss spelled OPEN TO


            • #51
              1. In "Search my invoices" section all labels should have a colon.
              2. Under "Invoice" tab, first cell in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
              3. In "Search my invoices" section incorrect number of result per page: 11 instead of 10 as per result per page list box.
              4. Under "invoice" tab, first column title: replace "invoce #" with "invoice #"
              5. In "Search my invoices": page 5 is missing from the display results.
              6. Inconsistency in Date format: "Invoice date " field (6/5/2011) vs Inv. Date column (29-Aug-2011).


              • #52
                #1 Under column "Due Date " there is a mismatch in content. Column "PO#" should be replaced to "Due date".
                #2 Under column "Status", there is a wrong spelling word "Rejcted".Should be corrected to "Rejected".
                #3 There is a mistake in column "Invoce". Should be replaced with "Invoice".
                #4 In "Search my invoices", Invoice Status doesn't contain the selection.
                #5 In the Result The is no Search result "Action" button is absent.
                #6 In the "Showing 422 invoices" last invoice shown in search results does not have an "Action" button.


                • #53
                  1. Semicolon signs are missing after search parameters' labels Invoice Number, Customer, Purchase Order, Invoice date, Invoice status and Results per page.
                  2. Invoice Date column format is not consistent with the date format on top part of the page
                  3. Currency name or $ symbol of the amount is missing in the input field "From amount"
                  4. Amount format coma is missing - not user friendly.
                  5. Due date and PO# columns' names are to be switched
                  6. Status "Rejcted" is misspelled. to be changed to "Rejected"
                  7. Dollars values in the column "Amount" are not lined up by period sign.
                  8. " Inv.Date" should be written like "Invoice Date" to be understood
                  9. The invoice dated 1 Oct is out of the search criteria scope.
                  11. 11 invoices are shown on the page instead of 10 like supposed
                  12. 43 possible pages of found invoices should be available if total 422 invoices are found (10 per page)


                  • #54
                    1. The dropdown list does not work. Upper left corner: under Search my invoices - Customer. When trying to expand the drop-down list by clicking on the Checkmark.
                    2. The dropdown list does not work. Upper left corner: under Search my invoices - Invoice status. When trying to expand the drop-down list by clicking on the Checkmark.
                    3. The dropdown list does not work. Upper left corner: under Search my invoices - Result per page. When trying to expand the drop-down list by clicking on the Checkmark
                    4. Incorrect display of results on the first page. Page one - only 10 invoices are ascked, 11 invoices are displayed in the result.
                    5. Search for invoices by date does not work correctly. The declared date is from 6.5.2011 to 9.30.2011. The search issued one invoice for 10.1.11. Third column "Inv.Date", 7th row of invoices.
                    6. The last column of invoices lacks the "Actions" button. Bottom right side of the first page of invoices. The last column in the last pillar.
                    7. On all "Actions" buttons, the cursor has a different format than on the rest of the page buttons. When you move the cursor to the "Actions" button. Bottom right side of the first page of invoices. The last column with buttons
                    8. The button (in the form of orange text) "Hide search parameters" does not work. In the upper right corner of the page under "Your Customers". When you click on "Hide search parameters" Field "Search" does not hide back.
                    9. Grid with orange section names for invoices is unevenly aligned. The middle of the page: Invoice#, Type and etc. .
                    10. There is no colon after the words of the invoices selection list, except for one: From amount. Upper left corner, under "Search my invoices".


                    • #55
                      Bug report for "Taulia" (
                      1. At the top of the web page all the push buttons (Home, Invoices, Purchase Orders, Payments, My Details, Cash Planner, Your Customer) are not active.
                      2. In "Search my invoices" and "Showing" sections date formats are different 6/5/2011 ("Search my invoices") vs 6-5-2011 ("Showing").
                      3. "Showing" section missing a column "Customer".
                      4. "Showing" section displays 11 lines per page vs 10 per page as it is shows In "Search my invoices".
                      5. In "Showing "section word "invoice" is misspelled in "Invoce #" column.
                      6. In "Showing "section 1st line, "status column" word "Rejcted" is misspelled, should be "Rejected".
                      7. In "Showing" section last line missing "Actions" button.
                      8. In "Showing" section "due date" and "PO #" columns are messed up.
                      9. In "Showing" section "Payment" column has wrong date format as well as dates themselves.
                      10. In "Showing" section "Due Date" column has repeating numbers, 7 lines with "40988" and 2 lines with "30998".


                      • #56
                        1. Labels such as "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page" don't end with colon
                        2. the column "Invoice#" is misspelled
                        3. In the column "Status" the "Rejcted" replace with "Rejected"
                        4. the column titles "Due Date" and "PO#" are switched
                        5. the invoice #1122339546 from October is out of the search range (6/5/2011-9/30/2011)
                        6. the range of pages numbers is missing page number 5
                        7. the results per page should show 10 invoices, but instead showing 11 results per page
                        8. the search showing 422 invoices, but when divide 422 by 32 pages available we are having less pages that should be
                        9. the invoices #1122339546 and #1122339134 should switch rows to follow the ascending order
                        10. the inconsistency between the date format in "Search"(m/dd/yyyy) and results(dd-month-yyyy)
                        SEE LESS | GO TO POST


                        • #57
                          1) Change column name from "Invoce #" to "Invoice #" due to misprint
                          2) Non date data format in "Due Date" column fields on "Invoices" tab
                          3) "PO #" column feilds contains date data instead of numeric(alfa-numeric)
                          4) 32 pages are shown for 422 invoices (10 per each page)
                          5) 11 lines of result data is shown instead of 10 on "Invoces" tab
                          6) Different date format (6/5/2011 and 29-Aug-2011) on "Invoces" tab
                          7) Unnecessary "Type" column which always contains "invoce" value on "Invoces" tab
                          8) Sorting by "Amount" column doesn't work on "Invoices" tab
                          9) Change status label from "Rejcted #" to "Rejected #" due to misprint
                          10) Pagination number 5 is missed on "Invoces" tab


                          • #58
                            1)"Actions" button is missing for the last invoice on the page
                            2)Amount of invoices is bigger than visible pages
                            3)Names of columns are moved to the right in the "Showing 422 invoices" section
                            4) "Inv. Date" column contains invalid dates while searching Invoice date
                            5) "Customer" column is missing in "Showing 422 invoices" section
                            Last edited by Vlada Bogatova; 09-09-2021, 07:55 PM.


                            • #59
                              #1 In "From amount:" field in "Search my invoice" letters are accepted. Remove letters from accepted input.
                              #2 In "From amount:" field in "Search my invoice" symbols are accepted. Remove symbols from accepted input, except for "."
                              #3 In "Invoice number" field in "Search my invoice" letters and symbols are accepted. Make it digits only.
                              #4 Change "Rejcted" label in "Showing *** invoices" to "Rejected".
                              #5 Change "Invoce #" label in "Showing *** invoices" to "Invoice".


                              • #60
                                Taulia project
                                1. Mismatch actual digit of line noted digit. In the field “Results per page” is noted “10”, but actual line -11.
                                2. Labels have different writing, label “From amount:” has colon, rest labels without colon.
                                3. In line name of column are different type of reduction. In “Inv.Data” is reduction to 3 letters. In “PO” is reduction to 1 letter.
                                4. In “Invoice Data”, “Inv.Data”, “PO#” there are different format data.
                                5. The 11th line “Invoice” is missing a button “Actions”
                                6. Second column “Type” is extra, search was done
                                7. The amount in the columns “Amount” are indicated with additional signs: comma, dot, dollar sign. Another spelling of the amount in the boxes near labels “From amount”.
                                8. In the column “Due Data” are inappropriate to name digits/
                                9. In column “Payment” are indicated incomprehensible digits like on date.
                                10. In line “Showing 422 invoices is indicated incorrect digit, because in “Results per page” actual is 11 and there is opened page 32.

