1. In "Search my invoices" section after labels "Invoice number", 'Customer', "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page" colon characters are missing.
2. In Search result table 11 results are shown instead of 10 as in "Results Per page" list box shown.
3. In Search results header replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 10 of ... invoices".
4. Misspelling in Search results table title: replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice#".
5. Misspelling in Search results table in 1st raw in column "Status": replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
6. Inconsistency: data in "Due Date" column is presented in non-date format.
7. Inconsistency: data in "PO#" column is presented in a date format.
8. In the links to the result pages page 5 link is missing.
9. In Search result table in the 11th raw button "Action" is missing.
10. In the column "Amount" data results are supposed to be in descending order instead of ascending.
2. In Search result table 11 results are shown instead of 10 as in "Results Per page" list box shown.
3. In Search results header replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 10 of ... invoices".
4. Misspelling in Search results table title: replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice#".
5. Misspelling in Search results table in 1st raw in column "Status": replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
6. Inconsistency: data in "Due Date" column is presented in non-date format.
7. Inconsistency: data in "PO#" column is presented in a date format.
8. In the links to the result pages page 5 link is missing.
9. In Search result table in the 11th raw button "Action" is missing.
10. In the column "Amount" data results are supposed to be in descending order instead of ascending.