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Online class September 6, 2021 Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #16
    1. In Search my invoices section no field that gets input focus by default
    2. In Search my invoices section labels are not uniformly styled
    3. In Search my invoices section labels should have the colon character at the end
    4. In Search my invoices section Invoice number field has unlimited length
    5. In Search my invoices section Purchase order number field has unlimited length
    6. In the table caption "Showing 422 invoices" is incorrect: replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 10 of 422 invoices"
    7. In the table "Download list" label is incorrect: replace "Download list " with "Upload list"
    8. In the table incorrect number of rows per page: parameters set 10 rows of the table, and 11 is displayed
    9. In the table "Invoce #" label is incorrect: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
    10. In the table "Inv. Date" column inconsistency in date format": date format of the "Inv. Date" column doesn't match date format in the search parameters
    11. In the table "Due Date" column inconsistency in date format: date format of the "Due Date" column doesn't match date format in the search parameters
    12. In the table data in the columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are mixed up
    13. In the table "Amount" column the sorting sign is in descending order, in fact the data is sorted in ascending order
    14. In the table sorting of data by the "Amount" column doesn't work correctly
    15. In the table "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
    16. In the table "Actions" button is not available for all invoices
    17. In the page selection section there is no access to page 5.


    • #17
      1. In Top Navigation Menu section inconsistency in the design: after the "Help" link the distance between the link and the vertical line is less than after the rest of the links in this menu.

      2. In "Search my invoices" section after every Label should be colons.

      3. On the "Search" button, the background color and the text color are low-contrast in relation to each other. To improve the readablity of the button, the text color needs to be changed to black.

      4. Inconsistency between date format in "Search my invoices" and Search results sections. Need to change date format to "DD-Mon-YYYY".

      5. In Search results section in the first column - a typo is present. Need to replace "Invoce#" to "Invoice #".

      6. In Search results section, need to align the text of column headings and the content of the columns to the right.

      7. Need to exchange content of the "Due Date" column with the content of the "PO #" column.

      8. In Search results section in the "Status" column in the first row, a typo is present. Need to replace "Rejcted with "Rejected".

      9. In Search results section, instead of 10 rows, 11 are shown, but when "Search my invoices" is selected "Resultse per page" indicates 10.

      10. In sSearch results section in the last row the "Action" button is missing.

      11. In Search reults section in the "Amount" column the heading shows that the content is sorted in descending order but sorting is incorrect- all rows except 7 and 8 are sorted in ascending order where 7 and 8 are sorted in descending.

      12. In Search results section there is a mismatch between the information about the search results shown and the number of pages. It indicates there are 422 invoices, but there are only 32 pages with a total of 320 results maximum.

      13. In Search results section it should be written "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices" instead of "showing 422 invoices".

      14. In Search results section in the "Inv. Date" column the content in row 7 - date: "1-Oct-2011", should not appear in these search results because in "Search my invoices" , the "Invoice date" is selected from "5-Jun-2011" to "30-Sep-2011".

      15. In Search results section in the "Amount" it is worth rounding up the displayed amount of money, if only zeros appear after the period.
      Last edited by Nolwelin; 09-08-2021, 04:40 PM.


      • #18
        Online class 06th of September 2021.
        GUI BUG REPORTS FOR Taulia Project.

        #1. In "Invoices" page, list boxes ended up without the colon characters. Except "From amount:" list box.
        #2. Next to "Purchase order" list box the web element binoculars clean up "Invoice number" and "Purchase order" list box.
        #3. In "Showing 422 invoices" tab misspeled word "Invoce#" label.
        #4. In "Showing 422 invoices" tab misspeled word "Rejcted" label.
        #5. In "Inv.Date" label 3-jul-2011 no "Actions" button.
        #6. In "Showing 422 invoices" tab specified 11 results, but "Results per page" list box show 10 search results.
        #7. In "Showing 422 invoices" tab specified dates 1-Oct-2011, 22-Oct-2011, 31-Oct-2011, 13-Oct-2011 instead of dates frame specified on "Invoice date" list box.
        #8. In "Inv. Date" specified incorrect format written dates, the dates should have slash "/".
        #9. In "PO #" specified incorrect format written dates, the dates should have slash "/".
        #10. No 5th page in page numbering.


        • #19
          1. "Search My Invoices"section/ All the titles of the fields should have a colon (":") at the end
          2. "Search My Invoices"section/ All words in the title of the fields shoud begin with a capitol letter
          3. Invoices list/ The amount of invoices showing should be 10 according to "Results Per Page" which is 10
          4. Invoices list/The first column is written "invoce" instead of "invoice"
          5. Invoices list/The date format in "Inv.Date" field is inconsistent mm/dd/yyyy
          6. Invoices list/"Due Date" column has incorrect information (digits, but not a date in format mm/dd/yyyy)
          7. Invoices list/ PO# contains incorrect information (dates)
          8. Invoices list/The word in first sell in "Status" column should be corrected into "rejected"
          9. Invoices list/The last line doesn't have "Actions" button
          10. Invoices list/ The date shown in "Inv. Date", line 7th is beyond the borders of search which is from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011


          • #20
            1. "Invoice" column name is misspelled "Invoce" instead of "Invoice".
            2. Data under Column "po #" and "due date" need to be switched places.
            3.Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (as per "Pesults per page" listbox).
            4. Remove drop down list next to "Amount" column.
            5. Labels under invoices tab should have colon character at the end f.e. "Invoice number" needs to end up with a colon character :
            6. Results under "Invoice" column are not in chronological order.


            • #21
              1. In the “Search My Invoices” section all labels don’t have a colon at the end, except “From amount:” field.
              2. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section the label of the first column “ Invoice” was written by mistake: replace “Invoce” with “ Invoice”.
              3. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section in column “Status” first cell need replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected.
              4. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section there is an incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10.
              5. Different date format “Invoice date” field and “Inv.Data” column: 6/5/2011 vs 5-Jun-2011.
              6. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section the column "Due Date" has information about “PO#”
              7. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section the column "PO#" has information about “Due Date”
              8. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section in the column “Amount” the results are displayed in the wrong order: $22,376.00 must be before $22,409.37.
              9. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section in the column “Amount” the results are displayed from the lowest to the highest, while the filter ranks from the highest to the lowest.
              10. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section the results have information that does not match the request "Invoice date: 6/5/2011 to 09/30/2011": invoice from 10/01/2011 is incorrect.
              11. In the “ Showing 422 invoices” section the last line with results does not have a button “Actions”.
              12. The “ Showing 422 invoices” section has an incorrect title: "showing" replaced with "searching".
              13. The number of search results in the title section “Showing 422 invoices” exceeds the maximum possible with 10 or/and11 results per page for 32 pages total.
              14. It is missing a link to page 5.


              • #22
                1. Replace ''Invoce #'' with "Invoice #" in the title of search results table.
                2. Replace''Rejcted'' with ''Rejected'' in the ''Status'' column.
                3. ''Search my invoices'' section: Most of the labels should have colons at the end.
                4. In Search Results should be 10 invoices instead of 11 are shown as per ''Results per page'' label.
                5. "Due Date" column should have any data format instead digits.
                6. "PO #" should have number of purchase order instead data format.
                7. Links to the result page: page 5 is missing.
                8. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                9. "Actions" button is missing in the 11th row of search results.
                10. "Inv. Date" column should have slashes instead dashes.
                11. "Inv. Date" column should have correct data format mm/dd/yyy as per "Invoice date" label.


                • #23
                  Bug reports for Taulia
                  # Launch the Taulia application - HTTPS://
                  # Navigate to the “Invoices” page - the “Invoices” folder is already open
                  (or for functional testing: mouse-click on “Invoices” folder tab / just explanation)
                  # Searched invoices with the following values used:
                  Invoice number..= empty
                  Customer...........= General Electric
                  Purchase order..= empty
                  From amount.....= 100 to 100 000
                  Invoice date.......= 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                  Invoice status.....= All
                  Result per page..= 10

                  Bugs list:
                  1. The link to page 5 is missing under the Search result table
                  2. Invoice 1122339546 dated “1-Oct-2011” is outside of the scope defined in the “Invoice date” fields 3. Invoice 1122339546 has Inconsistency in the “Amount” column sorting: “$22,409.37” should go below “$22,376.00”, not above
                  4. Search result table: (Invoice 1122338095) - The “Actions” button is missing in the 11th row of the search result table
                  5. Replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #” (misspelled) in the leftmost title of the search results table
                  6. “Search my invoices” section: most of the labels are missing colon characters at the end
                  7. “Amount” column sorting: the triangle it is actually in the column title suggests descending order, while in fact, it is ascending.
                  8. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1 -10 of 32 invoices.”
                  9. “PO #” column: values are provided in a standard date format. Is that how we want to enumerate POs?
                  10. “Due Date” column: values are provided NOT in an expected date format
                  11. Inconsistency (vastuolu) in dates formats used in “ Invoice date” fields vs. cells of the “Inv. Date” column
                  12 A miscalculation in “Showing 422 invoices”: 422 is significant than 32 pages time 10 (or even 11)
                  13. Search result table: 11 rows are shown instead of 10 as per the “Results per page” listed
                  14. By reducing the size of the browser dimensions, some parts of the application become invisible
                  15. Application header section: The word “Logout” (misspelled) in the upper right corner must be separated and in this way“Log out”
                  Last edited by Mati; 09-08-2021, 10:14 PM.


                  • #24
                    1. Incorrect number in "Showing invoices" section: 422 instead of 352 (as there're 32 pages with 11 results per page).
                    2. Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (as per "Results per page" listbox).
                    3. "Actions" button doesn't have the name of the column.
                    4. Missing "Actions" button in the last column of the last invoice showed on the page.
                    5. Columns "Due Date" and "PO #" should be switched (cells of these columns don't related to their names).
                    6.Two different date formats: "Invoice date" field has 6/5/2011, while "Inv.Date" column has 5-Jun 2011.
                    7. Inconsistency in "Invoice date" field and "Due Date" column: "Invoice date" field shows "to 9/30/2011" while "Due date" shows dates after 30th of September (1-Oct-2011).
                    8. Page #5 is missing in the page numbering.
                    9. In the fields "From amount" numbers have no "." (periods)"," (commas), and "$" signs in comparison to "Amount" column cells ($8,834.25).
                    10. In the "Status" column first cell "Rejcted" should be replaced with "Rejected".
                    11. The name of the first column "Invoce #" should be replaced with "Invoice #".
                    12. Inconsistency in the name of the label "Invoice number" and the name of the column "Invoice #".
                    13. Inconsistency in the name of the label"Purchase order" and the name of the column "PO #".
                    14. Inconsistency in the name of the label "Invoice status" and the name of the column "Status".
                    15. In section "Search My Invoices" all the labels should have a colon at the end.
                    16. In column "Amount" the numbers in cell #7 ($22,409.37) and cell #8 ($22,376.00) (counting from the top) should be switched (as they showed in ascending order).
                    17. ​​​​​​In "Payment" column values's meaning is not clear?


                    • #25
                      1. Missing a colon character after labels in the form in “Search my invoice” section. Only one label “From amount:” ends up with the colon character.
                      2. In the header of the search results table is written “Show 422 invoices” instead of “Show 1-10 out of 422 invoices” according to the “Results per page”=10.
                      3. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #" in the first column of heading of the search results table.
                      4. Replace "Rjected" with "Rejected " in the “Status” column, first row of the search results table.
                      5. Data in the “Due Date” column isn't displayed in data format. Possibly data in “Due Date”column and the data in “PO #” column are reversed.
                      6. Data in the “PO #” isn't presented as number, it's presented in data format. Possibly data in “PO #” and data in “Due Date” column are reversed.
                      7. Inconsistency in data in the “Amount” column. Row 7 and row 8 data aren't presented in ascending order.
                      8. Inconsistency in the “Amount” column. Down pointing triangle in the header of the column means descending order whereas data in the column is presented in ascending order.
                      9. Inconsistency in data format in search results table and in the “Invoice date” in the form.
                      10. 11 invoices are shown instead of 10 in the search results table as specified in “Result per page” list-box.
                      11. "Actions" button is missing in the 11th row of the search results table.
                      12. Missing link to page #5 in pagination under the search results table.
                      13. Invoice dated “1-Oct-2011” is outside of scope of dates (6/5/2011-9/30/2011), defined in “Invoice date” in the form.
                      14. Miscalculation. In the header of the search results table is written “Show 422 invoices”, in the bottom of the table the 32 pages are presented in pagination. If multiple number of invoices per page with number of total pages – 10x32=320 or 11x32=352 the actual result of total invoices will be different from 422.


                      • #26
                        #1. In "Search My Invoices" section: "Invoice date" label missing word "From" before the first field
                        #2. In "Search My Invoices" section remove the Binocular icon(search button) from the "Purchase order" label as it duplicates the "Search" button
                        #3. In "Search My Invoices" section: "Purchase order" label missing symbol number(#)
                        #4. In "Search My Invoices" section all the labels should have ":" at the end
                        #5. In "Results per page" listbox: Change the display of the number of invoices found "Showing 422 invoices" to "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                        #6. In "Results per page" listbox: link to page 5 is missing
                        #7. In "Results per page" listbox: missing link to the first, previous, next and last page
                        #8. In "Results per page" listbox: "Actions" button is missing in row 11
                        #9. In "Results per page" listbox: Delete "Type" column since all records are of the same type
                        #10. In "Results per page" listbox: "Due Date" column values ​​are displayed in the wrong date format
                        #11. In "Results per page" listbox: "Amount" column incorrectly sorts values (row 7 "22,409.37" vs 8 "22,376.00")
                        #12. In "Results per page" listbox: In "Showing 422 invoices" 422 is larger than found 32 pages with 10 or 11 records on each
                        #13. In "Results per page" listbox: "Status" column in first row replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                        #14. In "Results per page" listbox: replace "Invoce #" column with "Invoice #"
                        #15. In "Results per page" listbox incorrect rows are shown 11 instead of 10
                        #16. In "Results per page" listbox: "Status" column in row 4 over the "Paid" icon the tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid"
                        #17. In "Results per page" listbox: row 7 "Inv. Date" column(1-Oct-2011) is not included in the period of the search "Invoice date" label ​​from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011"
                        #18. Different date format: "Invoice date" label field (6/5/2011) vs "Inv. Date" column (22-Aug-2011)


                        • #27
                          1. The search results table shows 11 results instead of the 10 selected in the "Results per page" box.
                          2. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                          3. 4. The "Amount" column displays ascending order, not the selected descending order.
                          4. The "Amount" column, the order of the results is not correct. US $ 22,409.37 should be used after US $ 22,376.00.
                          5. Dates in the " Payment " column do not correspond to any commonly used format. It has to separate the dates days and months.
                          6. The "Actions" button is missing in the 11th row of the search results table.
                          7. In the "Search My Invoices" "From amount" section use of the colon is incorrect.
                          8. "PO#" column shows dates purchase order instead of purchase order number.
                          9. 32 pages of search results do not match "Showing 422 invoices" if the value is "Results per page 10".
                          10. The dates in the "Due Date" do not follow any accepted dates format.


                          • #28
                            1. Under "Search my invoices", all the labels except the "From amount:", as it already has a colon, should have a colon in the end.
                            2. Under the "Results per page" label, the number selected (10) does not correspond to the amount of invoices shown (11).
                            3. In the "Invoce#" column, the label is spelt incorrectly, instead of "Invoce#", it should be: "Invoice#".
                            4. In the "Status" column, the first entry in the list is spelled incorrectly. Instead of "Rejcted", it should be: "Rejected".
                            5. The last invoice entry cannot be interacted with as the "Actions" button is missing. Likely linked to bug no. 2, above.
                            6. The "PO#" and the "Due Date" column labels should be swapped.
                            7. The date format is inconsitent. "Invoice date"-(6/5/2011), "Inv. Date"-(29-Aug-2011) and "PO#"-(28-Sep-2011). Keep the format across the whole page as: 6/5/2011 (month/day/year).
                            8. There is no sort algorithm being used to sort the invoices. It looks like all the invoices are randomly listed, or in a sequence that is not obvious to the user.
                            9. At the bottom of the page, the page no. list is missing a "5" after the "4".
                            10. The "Showing 422 invoices" label and the bottom last page no. (32) do not correlate as 422 invoices cannot fit into 32 pages even with 11 results/page.


                            • #29
                              1. "Best Way To Contact Me:" label made with all capital letters and not in one line in "Contact information" section in a form.
                              2. "First name:" and "Last name:" labels is accepted a numbers.
                              3. "State:" label in list box present " Others" insted of missing Hawaii state HI.
                              4. States are not in an alphabetical order in "State:" list box.
                              5. List box "ZIP" label accept letters.
                              6. List box "Best way to contact me:" label contain no needed "Select" field.
                              7. "Contact information" form have no logical TAB order.
                              8." My monthly bill is approximately :" label the $ edit box is accept letters and missing comma every third digit from the right.
                              9. "Wireless Aircard Provider:" label shifts to the right .
                              10. "Clear" button doesn’t work when you push it shows Error 17896.


                              • #30
                                1. The tooltip on the 4th icon in the “Status column” shows “Approved” instead of “Paid”.
                                2. Link to the page number 5 is missing in the “Showing 422 Invoices” table.
                                3. Add “from” after “Invoice date” in “Search my invoices”.
                                4. Missing “Actions” button in 11th row in “Showing 422 invoices ” table.
                                5. “Amount” column in “Showing 422 invoices” table should be shown in descending order.
                                6. “PO #” column shows 13-Oct-2011 while the search filter is selected to show invoices with dates from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011.
                                7. “PO #” column is shown in common data format. Should it be that way?
                                8. “Due Date” column content is shown not in common data format.
                                9. Inconsistency in “Amount” column: $22,376.00 should be shown before $22,409.37.
                                10. .Inconsistency in data format in “Inv.Date” in the “Showing 422 invoices” table and “Invoice date” in the “Search my invoices”. “Inv.Date” is shown in “6/5/2011” format and “Invoice date” shown in “29-Aug-2011” format.

