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Online Class October 13, 2020 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • Online Class October 13, 2020 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

    1. Default values are not appropriate.
    2. Tab order is incorrect it goes from First Name to Referred by instead of Last Name.
    3. State options are not in alphabetical order.
    4. Field # 7 Gas and Electric services has misspelled "opento".

  • #2
    1. Missing default input autofocus.
    2. Error message when push "Clear" button
    3. "Email" is marked as required input, form allows to submit without it.
    4. "Email" field is missing verification, allows to enter anytjing.
    5. "State" list is incorrect. Wrong order, missing states, wrong abbreviations.
    6. Wrong order input. After entering "First Name", it jumps to "Referred by"
    7. "Best Way To Contact Me" is misaligned, should fit in one row.
    8. ZIP allows letters input.
    9. "Current Provider" is missing "Other" as an option for your service provider
    10. "My monthly bill is approximately" allows letters input.
    11. "Months left on current contract" is missing "11", "12" months or "More" options to choose.
    12. "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" is misaligned, should fit in one row.
    13. "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" is misaligned, should fit in one row.
    14. Misspelled "open to" on line "I am opento using different provider"
    15. "First Name" & "Last Name" input fields allow numbers and special characters (not sure if this is ok or not?)


    • #3
      1. In the "First name" and "Last name' field allows to enter characters and submit the form.
      2. In the "Street Address" and "City' field allows to enter characters and submit the form.
      3. The " State' field is incorrect. Wrong order and abbreviations, missing states.
      4. The "Email" field is marked as required , but it allows to submit without it.
      5. In the "ZIP" field allows to enter "00000" and submit the form.
      6. If in the "Best Way To Contact Me" field we choose "Phone" option, and in the "Referred by" to enter Email, the form is submitting.
      7. In the part "1. Cell Phone Service" in the "Current Provider" field no option "Other".
      8. In the part "1. Cell Phone Service" in the "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to enter letters and submit the form.
      9. In the part "1. Cell Phone Service" in the "Months left on current contract" field are missing "11", "12"and "more" options.
      10. In the part "1. Cell Phone Service" the " I am happy with my current provider" and
      "I am open to using different provider" fields are contradict. If are both turn on, the form is submitting.
      11. In the part "1. Cell Phone Service" in the "I last upgraded my phone (s) approximately" field if all three options turn on , the form is submitting.


      • #4
        1.“Email” field has an asterisk, but isn’t assigned as required field, should be per requirement
        2. "Referred by" field behaves as required field, but doesn't have an asterisk
        3. section 1: “Current Provider” listbox is missing “AT&T” provider
        4. section 1: “Current Provider” listbox is missing an item “Other”
        5. section 1: “Months left on current contract” listbox has “0” to “10” months, instead of “0” to “24” months
        6. section 1: “Number of phones on plan” listbox has up to “100” phones, it's better to have up to “5” and an item “more” as an option
        7. “DC”, “HI” and “NV” states are missing in the “State” listbox.
        8. “IND” in the “State” listbox replace with “IN” state.
        9. Unnecessary item “Other” in the “State” listbox.
        10. “State” listbox: “BC” should be removed, isn’t US state.
        11. section 2: “Bundled with” label should have “None” radio button as an option
        12. section 3: “Provider” label isn’t assigned as a listbox
        13. section 3: “Type of service” label has “Wireless Aircard” option as a checkbox, instead of radio button
        14. section 3: “Bundled with” label should have “None” radio button as an option
        15. “First name” field accepts max. 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirement
        16. “Last name” field accepts max. 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirement
        17. “Street Address” field accepts max. 100 characters, instead of 255 as per requirement
        18. “ZIP” field accepts non-digit characters, instead of digits only as per requirement
        19. “ZIP” field accepts more than 5 characters including non-digits by “copy and paste” action

        Last edited by lida.asad; 10-23-2020, 09:45 AM.


        • #5
          25 Oct 2020 (session 3)

          #1. "Contact Information" section: "State" list box is not in alphabetical order; has redundant options "BC", "Other"; correction needed "IND" to "IN"; "HI" and "NV" options missing.
          #2. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" text field allows to type letters.
          #3. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" text field allows to paste unlimited number of characters of any type.
          #4. "Contact Information" section: "Phone" text field allows to paste characters of any type.
          #5. "Contact Information" section: "Email" text field is not treated as a required field but its label has an asterisk.
          #6. "Contact Information" section: "Referred by" text field is treated as a required field but there is no asterisk in its label.
          #7. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Current Provider" list box "Other" option needed.
          #8. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows to type and paste letters.
          #9. "Cell Phone Service" section: limit "My monthly bill is approximately" text field to 3 or 4 digits.
          #10. "Cell Phone Service" section: limit "Number of phones on plan" list box options to 10 phones on plan.

          22 Oct 2020 (testing by requirements and guidelines, session 5)

          #1. "Contact Information" section: "First Name" text field doesn't accept 31 characters.
          #2. "Contact Information" section: "Last Name" text field doesn't accept 31 characters.
          #3. "Contact Information" section: "Street Address" text field doesn't accept more than 100 characters.
          #4. "Contact Information" section: "City" text field shouldn't accept more than 50 characters.
          #5. "Contact Information" section: "State" list box: "HI", "NV", "DC" options are missing; "IND" to "IN" correction needed; "BC", "Other" should be removed; list should be sorted in alphabetical order.
          #6. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" text field accepts letters.
          #7. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" text field allows to paste unlimited number of characters of any type.
          #8. "Contact Information" section: "Email" text field accepts more than 255 characters.
          #9. "Contact Information" section: "Email" text field is marked as required but not required.
          #10. "Contact Information" section: "Phone" text fields allow to paste characters of any type.
          Last edited by MaratK; 10-25-2020, 10:45 AM.


          • #6
            1. Tab function is not in logical order.
            2. Tab function skips check boxes positions.
            3. “First name” and “Last name” fields allow to input digital values.
            4. Required field “Email” accepts empty field.
            5. “Referred by” is not marked as required but it is required field by default.
            6. List box “State” gives wrong states abbreviation options.
            7. “Zip” code field accepts inappropriate characters.
            8. “My monthly bill” dollar amount field accepts letters.
            9. “Months left in current contract” list box menu is incomplete, “11” and “12” or “More” months value options are missing.
            10. Cell phone services “Current provider” list box elements don’t have “other” option.
            11. Pushing “Clear” button gives an error message.
            12. “Clear” button has smaller size and font than “Submit” button.


            • #7
              1. A required text field "Email:” in Contact Information is not actually required.
              2. Email or Database does not retain data: “Email” text field is returned empty by the email and “Referred by” text field disappears completely.
              3. “First Name:” text field does not accept 31 characters as per requirement, only 30.
              4. “Last Name:” text field does not accept 31 characters as per requirement, only 30.
              5. “Street Address:” text field does not accept 255 characters as per requirement, but only 100.
              6. Wild cards (*, #, ?) are accepted in “First Name:” and “Last Name:” on Safari Version 13.0.5 for MacOS Catalina. Check what record it sends.
              7. Format agreement for labels (First word starts with a capital letter, remaining - with lower case) is not satisfied for most of them: for example, in Contact Information “First Name” should be “First name”, “Street Address” - “Street address”, “Best Way To Contact Me” - “Best way to contact me” and so on.
              8. Space is needed in a check box in Section 7: “opento” vs “open to”.
              9. Button “Clear” should be disabled initially, because there is nothing to clear.
              10. "Clear'' button at the end does not clear the form.
              11. “Clear” button on Safari Version 13.0.5 for MacOS Catalina gives a misleading error message: “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
              12. Inconsistencies between “Submit” and “Clear” buttons according to GUI guidelines: shapes, fonts are different.
              13. No default input focus specified.
              14. Tab order problem: the cursor jumps from "First Name:'' to "Referred by'', which is from 1st to 12th text field in the form.
              15. If left blank a non required text field "Referred by:'' in Contact Information becomes required.
              16. Dropdown listbox "State:'' in Contact Information has 48 US States instead of 50. Add missing states HI and NV.
              17. In listbox "State:" remove "BC" and "Other" items.
              18. “State” listbox: Replace IND with IN.
              19. "ZIP:" field in Contact Information should not accept letters.
              20. "ZIP:" field accepts more than 5 characters if pasted.
              21. “Current Provider:” drop-down list in Section 1 misses “Other”.
              22. "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field in Section 1 should not accept letters.
              23. "Months left on current contract:'' in Section 1 either should offer the options 11-24 or "More".
              24. “Provider” text field does not allow to enter any information on Safari Version 13.0.5 for MacOS Catalina.
              25. Suggestion: probably “DVR” and “HDTV” in Section 4 are mutually exclusive, because functions of “DVR" make a subset of “HDTV”: change checkboxes to radio buttons.
              26. Suggestion: Change blue color in survey sections to not make impression they are clickable.
              27. Suggestion: Reduce repetition of "Current Provider:'' (asked 6 times: Sections 1- 5, 7) to reduce possibility of repeating the answer.
              28. Suggestion: Reduce space between Labels and textfields: “Current Provider:'', "My monthly bill is approximately:'', "Months left on current contract:'', "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:'', and so on in Sections 1 - 5 and 7.
              29. Suggestion: Create a drop down list for “City:” in Contact Information, so that the answer for the “State:" is inserted first, such that suggestions for the city are specified to that state only.
              30. Suggestion: redundant checkbox before "Wireless Aircard'' in Section 3.
              31. Suggestion: create a label "Wireless Aircard Provider:'' in Section 3 instead.
              32. Suggestion: mark asterisks in red instead of blue in Contact Information to make a visual impression.
              Last edited by anastasiya2402; 10-22-2020, 02:14 PM.


              • #8
                1. In “Contact information” section there is no default input focus.
                2. In “Contact information” section there is wrong Tab order: after “First name” field it goes to the very end to “Reffered by” field.
                3. In “Contact information” section “ZIP code” field allows letters to input.
                4. In “Contact information” section “Email” field allows wrong format (without @).
                5. In “Contact information” section “City” field allows digits without letters.
                6. In “Contact information” section “First name” field allows digits without letters.
                7. In “Contact information” section “Last name” field allows digitswithout letters.
                8. In “Contact information” section “Reffered by” field is not indicated as required but you cannot submit the form without it.
                9. In “#1 Cell phone service” section “My monthly bill is approximately” field allows letters to input.
                10. In “#3 High speed internet service” section “Bundeled with” field should include “None”. If you accidently choose one you cannot undo it.
                11. In “#7 Gas and Electric services” section there is grammar error: “I'm opento using…”

                Last edited by AnnaZ; 10-18-2020, 09:55 PM.


                • #9
                  1. The order of transition with the TAB key is violated - from left to right or from top to bottom (First name, Referred by, Last name )
                  2. Some states are missing in the column "State" (HI, NV)
                  3. State name misspelled (IND, BC)
                  4. Letters are allowed in the column "ZIP"
                  5. "ZIP" field accepted more than 5 symbol
                  6. Email field is not implemented as required field
                  7. Different font and size at the bottom of the page in buttons "Submit" and "Clear"
                  8. Remove "Other" from the list of states
                  9. "Email" information is missing on the emailed sales lead
                  10. "Referred by" information is missing on the emailed sales lead
                  11. "Current provider" for cell phone service is missing

                  12. Remove "required field" status from "Referred by" field
                  13. "First name" field accepts up to 30 characters (31 expected)
                  14. "Last name" field accepts up to 30 characters (31 expected)
                  15. "ZIP" field accepts non-digits
                  16. "Current Provider" for cell phone service is missing on the emailed sales lead
                  17. "I am opento using different provider" is missing on the emailed sales lead
                  18. Misspelled label: "I am opento using different provider - missing space character
                  19. Current Provider (cell phone service) - AT&T is missing in the list
                  20. Current Provider (cell phone service) - "Other" list item is missing
                  21. Confusing error message when user pushes the "Clear" button
                  Last edited by Mariia Tytarenko; 10-22-2020, 10:13 AM.


                  • #10
                    1. Default input focus does not exist.
                    2. Input Focus moves from "Firs name" to "Reffered by" instead of "Last name" field.
                    3. Section # 7 "opento" is misspelled.
                    4. "Contact Information" section, "State" list box:
                    - "BC" is not a state;
                    - "Other" should not be in the list;
                    - "HI" and "NV" states are missing.
                    Last edited by Roman Matviichuk; 10-18-2020, 06:12 PM.


                    • #11
                      1. 'First Name Box' does not go to 'Last Name Box' after pressing TAB KEY, it goes to 'Referred by' box
                      2. Under Heading 'Cell Phone Service' the 'Current Provider' tick box allows both options - contradictory to reason for form
                      3. Under Heading 4. 'TV Service' label 'I currently Have:' tick box allows both options
                      4. Under Heading 4. 'Tv Service' label 'Months left on plan' does not require you to choose and option from 'drop down menu'
                      5. Under Heading 5. 'Home Security Service' once the tick box is chosen, it disables the use of the 'Current Provider' Label drop down menu
                      6. Under Heading 'Gas and Electric Services' it enables you to input data to the 'Monthly Bill' Labels without first selecting the 'Provider' from the drop down menu
                      7. Under Heading 'Gas and Electric Services' the Tick Box 'I am opento' is wrong spelling
                      8. "CLEAR" Button at bottom of page shows 'error'


                      • #12
                        1. In "Cell Phone Service" section under "Current Provider" both boxes are checkable.
                        2. In "Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accepts letters.
                        3. In "Cell Phone Service" section Under "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" all boxes are checkable.
                        4. In "Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract" dropdown list is missing months 11 and 12.
                        5. In "Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" dropdown menu is missing "Other"
                        6. In "High Speed Internet Service" section "Provider" text field is not clickable.
                        7. In the "Contact Information" section State dropdown menu doesn't display stated in alphabetical order.
                        8. In the "Contact Information" section "City" text field accepts numbers.
                        9. At the bottom of the page "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not the same size.

                        1. "State" list box should not have "Other".
                        2. "Zip" text field accepts letters

                        Last edited by Lilit_M; 10-22-2020, 10:16 AM.


                        • #13
                          #1. "Email" label has an asterisk assigned but it is not required field.
                          #2. "Email" field doesn't accept "_" character as required.
                          #3. "Referred by" behaves as it is a required field.
                          #4. No default button in the form
                          #5. Section "Cell Phone Service"-"Current Provider" list box is missing "Other" option.
                          #6. "Months left on current contract" list box offers 0 to 10 months instead of 0 to 24.
                          #7. Inconsistency between "Clear" and "Submit" buttons.
                          #8. "Clear" button generates error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request..."
                          #9. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                          #10. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                          #11. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
                          #12. "State" list box offers only 49 states.
                          #13. "ZIP" field accepts non digits.
                          #14. "ZIP" field accepts more then 5 characters.
                          #15. "Email" field accepts more then 255 characters.
                          #16. "Phone" field accepts non digits characters.
                          Last edited by socogalina; 10-22-2020, 05:26 PM.


                          • #14
                            1. Missing default input autofocus.
                            2. In "First name” and “Last name” fields allow input of numbers and signs.
                            3. List box “State” contains the wrong list of state abbreviation options.
                            4. Letters input is allowed in the column "ZIP.
                            5. Required field “Email” accepts empty field and input with no "@".
                            6. In the "Referred by” field allows inputting of numbers and signs.
                            7. In the list box "Current Provider" is missing the "Other" option.
                            8. Section "Cell phone service" in the field "My monthly bill is approximate:" allows input of letters.
                            9. Section "Cell phone service" in the list box "Months left on current contract:" are 10 months only instead of 12.
                            10. Section "High-Speed Internet Service " field "Type of service" contains "Option buttons" and "Check box" options.
                            11.Section "High-Speed Internet Service " contains two "Provider" fields.


                            • #15
                              Error message pups out when push "Clear" button.
                              Tab order is not logical Left-Right in Contact Information and Top-Bottom in section 2(radio buttons), 3 (radio buttons and text field), 4(radio buttons).
                              The "First name" and "Last name' fields allow to enter characters and submit the form without error message.
                              The "Street Address" and "City' fields allow to enter only characters without words and submit the form.
                              The " State' field – the order is wrong and abbreviations are incorrect, missing some states.
                              The "Email" field is marked as required, but form can be submitted without it and it allows to enter anything.

                              The “Phone” if first six numbers are valid and the rest 4 are “0000”- form can be submitted.
                              In the "ZIP" field allows to enter 00000.

                              The “Best Way to Contact Me" should fit in one row.
                              The "Referred by" allows to enter digits and submit the form.
                              Section 1 “Current Provider" drop down menu is missing "Other" option.
                              Section 1. "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to enter letters.
                              Section 1 "Months left on current contract" drop-down menu is missing 11, 12 and "more" options.
                              Section 1. Selecting both “I am happy with my current provider" and
                              "I am open to using different provider" allows submitting the form.

                              Section 1 “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:” misaligned.
                              Section 1 in the "I last upgraded my phone (s) approximately" checking all three options allows submit the form.

                              Section 2 "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" is misaligned.
                              Section 7 on line "I am opento using different provider" misspelled "open to"

