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Online Class October 13, 2020 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #76
    1. “Contact Information” section: remove “BC” state from the “State” listbox as it is not the state of America.

    2. “Contact Information” section: state of Hawaii “HI” is missing in the “State” listbox.

    3. “Contact Information” section: state of Nevada “NV” is missing in the “State” list box.

    4. “Cell Phone Service” section: provide “Other” to the “Current Provider” list box.

    5.“Cell Phone Service”: provide “None” to the “Months left on current contract” list box instead of “0”.

    6. Replace “opento” with “open to” in the checkbox in the “Gas and Electric Services” section.

    7. “Contact Information” section: the “Phone” text fields accept special characters when pasted.

    8. “Contact Information” section: the “Phone” text fields accept letters when pasted.

    9.” Contact Information” section: “First Name” text field accepts less than 31 characters.

    10. “Contact Information” section: “Last Name” text field accepts less than 31 characters.

    11. “Contact Information” section: “Street Address” text field accepts less than 255 characters.

    12. Notification about required “Phone” field in the “
    Contact Information” section are confusing:
    1. Open Energy-Telecom Service
    2. Fill out the “Contact information” fields with data.
    3. Provide invalid phone number 641-522-921 into the “Phone” text field.
    4. Push the “Submit” button.
    5. Observe: 2 notifications appears:
    * Please enter a valid Phone Number
    * Please enter a valid Primary Phone Number for Local/Long Distances/International Service.”


    • #77
      #1 The text field "Street Address" accepts no more 110 char instead of 255 char
      #2 Missing validation required text field "Email" validation
      #3 There is no validation of the entered email address
      #4 List Box "State" does not contain all 50 states - missing "HI", "NV"
      #5 List Box "State" contains wrong value "BC"
      #6 List Box "State" contains wrong value "Other" after "OR"
      #7 The text field "ZIP" accepts not only digits
      #8 Missing code check in text field "ZIP" for the selected value in List Box "State"
      #9 Missing calculate State by ZIP code
      #10 The Text field "Last Name" and "Street Address" are not right aligned
      #11 Values of List Box "Minutes on plan" does not consistent with the rest of the list
      #12 List Box "Months left on current contract" contain max value "10" instead of "12"
      #13 Values of List Box "Months left on current contract" does not consistent with the rest of the list - contains value "Prepaid"
      #14 Error message "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" if not required field "Referred by" has no input
      #15 Ability to resize the text field "Comments"
      #16 The buttons "Submit" and "Clear" has various size


      • #78
        1- The “Zip” field accepts letters instead of numbers as the requirements stated
        2- In the “State” field first option is “BC” which is not in alphabetical order
        3- “clear “ button doesn’t work appropriately displays error message
        4- “clear “ button is smaller in size compared to the “submit” button
        5- asterisk is required for the “Referred by “ field as stated in the requirements list
        6- Tab function not in logical order
        7- Tab function not in left to right order
        8- “First name “ field allows numbers as opposed to letters
        9- “Email” label contains an asterisk but it is not in the requirement list/rules.
        10- “Minutes on plan” option box is in a different line


        • #79
          1. Default input focus does not operate and requires implementation
          2. Tab order skips from “First Name” (the first text field in the Contact Information, located at the left-top) to “Referred by” (the last text field in the same section), then to “Last Name” (the text field next to “First name”)
          3. The text fields asking to provide Identity/location names are Alphanumeric, not Alphabetic
          4. The Section State’s drop list provides name “BC” which is not an acronym of the US state
          5. The Section State’s drop list does not provide the selection of the states: “NV” and “HI”
          6. In the same Section’s drop list provides the acronym for state Indiana as “IND” instead of “IN”
          7. In the same Section’s drop list provides “Other” in the middle, which is not required as all states will be listed if add missing” NV” and “HI”
          8. “Zip code” text field is Alphanumeric instead of Digits, accepts more than 5 required characters
          9. Referred by:" Label not marked with a star, although it is a required field
          10. Drop list next to “Current Provider” is limited with 4 Cell Phone Service’s providers’ names, not listing all Cell Services providers
          11. The drop list in “Current Provider” is not in alphabetical order
          12. “My monthly bill is approximately” is Alphanumeric instead of Digits
          13. “Months left on current contract” drop list does not have selection “Other”
          14. In Section “High Speed Internet Service” “Type of Service” below the radio buttons “Wireless Aircard”’s Provider text box/field is Alphanumeric and special signs also can be entered
          15. In “TV Service” in “Current Provider drop list is not in alphabetical order
          16. In “TV Service” in “Months left on plan” drop list does not have option “More”
          17. In “Home Security Service” “Current Provider” drop list is not in alphabetical order
          18. In “Gas and Electric Services” “Current Provider” drop list is not in alphabetical order
          19. When pressing The Button “Clear” an error message “Error 17896- Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!” pops up
          20. “Submit" and "Clear" buttons are of different sizes


          • #80
            1. Field "Referred by". According to requirement this is not a required field. But If the field does not have input an error message appears: "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by". There should be no misleading error message.
            2. Field "Email". This field has no validation for multiple "@" characters.
            3. Field "Email". This field has no validation for Email address whit out "@" character.
            4. Field "My monthly bill is approximately". This field accepts digits and letters.This field should accept digits only.


            • #81
              1.“Firs Name” accepts 30 characters instead of 31

              2.“Last Name” accepts 30 characters instead of 31

              3."Referred by" behaves as a required field.

              4."State" list is in wrong order.

              5.“State “ list missing state of “NV’ .

              6.“State” doesn’t offer all 50 states.

              7."State" list change IND to IN.

              8. In “State” list remove word “Other”.

              9. "Zip" doesn’t match with the correct State.

              10. Zip' cod accepts letters.

              11."Zip" field accepts more then 5 characters if copy and paste.

              11.”Email “ doesn’t have a red asterisk, so it behaves like not required field.

              12."Email" field accepts all special characters.


              • #82
                1. 'First name" filed accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                2. "Last name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                3. "State" field is missing state of NV
                4. "State" field is not alphabetical order
                5. "State" field remove word "other"
                6. "State" field has list of 49 states instead of 50 as per requirements
                7. 'Zip code" field accepts letters
                8. "Zip code" field does not match with correct state
                9."Reffered by" field has no red asterisk but behaves as a required field
                10. "Email" field accepts all special characters

