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Online Class March 3, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #46
    #1. Section "Contact Information": when required fields has no input error message identify "Referred by" as a required although it is not such in Safari and Chrome browsers
    #2. Section "Contact Information": "First Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
    #3. Section "Contact Information": "Last Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
    #4. Section "Contact Information": "Street Address" accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
    #5. Section "Contact Information": "State" remove BC (British Columbia) from the list box, it is Canadian, NOT the US state as required
    #6. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box AZ (Arizona) should be under the AR (Arkansas)
    #7. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box Hawaii state (HI) is missing
    #8. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box misspelling of postal abbreviation Indiana state "IN" instead of "IND"
    #9. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box Nevada state (NV) is missing
    #10. Section "Contact Information": "State" remove "Other" (between OR and PA) from the list box
    #11. Section "Contact Information": label "ZIP" text field accepts non-digit values in Safari and Chrome browsers
    #12. Section "Contact Information": label "ZIP" text field doesn't accept digit values in Crome browser
    #13. Section "Contact Information": "Email" accepts 1063 characters instead of 255 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
    #14. When push the the button "Clear" misleading error arise in Safari and Chrome browsers
    #15. Section "Cell Phone Service" label "Current Provider" add "AT&T" in the list box
    #16. Section "Cell Phone Service" label "Current Provider" add "Other" in the list box
    Last edited by Denis O; 03-13-2020, 01:21 AM.


    • #47
      #1 Section "Contact information": "First Name:" accept numbers and special characters.
      #2 Section "Contact information": "Last Name:" accept numbers and special characters.
      #3 Section "Contact information": "Referred by" not specified as required field(*)
      #4 Section "Contact information": "State" Non alfabetica order ( start with the BC).
      #5 "Clear" button does not working.
      #6 Section1 "Cell phone service" "Months left on current contract" drop field is missing "other" ( if months left are more than 10).
      #7 Section 1 missing "other" provider option in the selection.
      #8 Section 3
      Check Tab order. High Speed Internet Service.


      • #48
        #1. "Contact information" section, "First name" field: allows just 30 characters instead of 31
        #2. "Contact information" section, "Last name" field: allows just 30 characters instead of 31
        #3. "Contact information" section, "Street Address" field: allows just 100 characters instead of 255
        #4. "Contact information" section, "State" list box: not in alphabetic order
        #5. "Contact information" section, "State" list box: one state missing, should be all 50 state
        #6. "Contact information" section, "ZIP" field: make input only digits
        #7. "Contact information" section, "ZIP" field: add checking on actual USA zip codes
        #8. "Contact information" section, "Email" field: add checking inputting email address at least on mask *@*.*
        #9. "Contact information" section, "Email" field: allows to input up to 1063 characters, should be decreased to 255
        #10. "Contact information" section, "Email" field: to be consistent, in case of empty field asterisk symbol should be changed on red color
        #11. "Contact information" section, "Email" field: allows to input russian letters at now moment, should be allow to input only english letters
        #12. "Contact information" section, "Email" field: missing message if field no input
        #13. "Contact information" section, "Referred by" field: cannot be required field
        #14. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" list box: require to add "Other" provider choice
        #15. "Cell Phone Service" section, "My monthly bill..." field: should be limit 5 digits only capacity
        #16. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Minutes on plan" list box: be better makeshorter list box with ranges choice
        #17. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Months left on..." list box: missing choice of "11" monthes
        #18. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Number of phones..." list box: should be no more than "5" phones
        #19. "Cell Phone Service" section, "I last upgraded..." list box: be better make shorter list box with ranges choice
        #20. "Local/Long..." section, "My monthly bill..." field: should be limit 5 digits capacity
        #21. "Local/Long..." section, "Total Bill" field: should be limit 5 digits capacity
        #22. "High Speed Internet Service" section, "My monthly bill..." field: should be limit 5 digits capacity
        #23. "TV Service" section, "Current Provider" list box: not in alphabetic order
        #24. "TV Service" section" section, "My monthly bill..." field: should be limit 5 digits capacity
        #25. "Home Security Service" section, "Current Provider" list box: not in alphabetic order
        #26. "Home Security Service" section" section, "My monthly bill..." field: should be limit 5 digits capacity
        #27. "Gas and Electric Services" section" section, "My monthly bill..." 2 fields: should be limit 5 digits capacity
        #28. "Gas and Electric Services" section" section, " I am opento..." checkbox: syntax fault in text "opento"
        #29. "Clear" button doesnt clean fields and recommend false advise message "Invalid data request..."


        • #49
          GUI Bag Report "Energy-Telecom Service Review"
          #1 Tab order works incorrect (inconsistency) "Contact Information" input fokus goes down insted of left-right
          #2 "Street Address" lets fill out without number of house
          #3 All "Contact Information" should begin with a capital letter
          #4 "Contact Information" - "State"list box includs incorrect State abbreviation:BC, IMD, other and enter the current number of states
          #5 "Contact Information" - "Best Way To Contact Me:" needs include "Text"
          #6 List box "1. Cell Phone Service" includ 10 months instead of 12
          #7 All filds with "$" allow entering information starts 0
          #8 All filds with "$" allow entering information letter characters
          #9 "Contact Information" - "Email:" allow e-mail adress without standart form with @ and .
          #10 Button "Clear" doesn't work technically -"Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
          • Edit
          • Quo


          • #50
            sorry some problem with connecting
            #11 "Months left on current contract:" the input should be number rate 1-24
            #12 No default button in the form
            #13 "Current Provider:" needs option Other in a list box provider
            #14 "First Name" field accepts less then 31 characters
            #15 "Last Name" field accepts less then 31 characters
            #16 "My monthly bill is approximately:" should be consist 5 digital no more
            #17 "Street Address" field accept less than 255 characters


            • #51
              Bug reports on Energy Telecom-Service Review web-application:
              1) Default Input focus has not been defined on the "Energy Telecom-Service Review" application when it starts.
              2) Section "Contact Information": Tab order is incorrect when push "Tab" button. Expected tab order: from "Fisrt Name:" input field to "Last Name:" input field but actually tab order comes to "Referred by:" input field.
              3) Section "First Name": "City:" input field allows to input digits instead of letters.
              4) Section "Last Name": "City:" input field allows to input digits instead of letters.
              5) Section "Contact Information": "City:" input field allows to input digits instead of letters.
              6) Section "Contact Information": "State:" menu item doesn't contain "HI" and "Washington D.C." selections when menu opens and contains incorrect abbreviation "IND" instead of "IN".
              7) Section "Contact Information": "ZIP:" input field allows to input letters instead of digits.
              8) Section "Contact Information": "Phone:" input fields doesn't allow to tab when entering full phone number by using numeric keypad.
              9) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "Current Provider:" menu item doesn't contain other providers name or "Other" selection.
              10) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input letters.
              11) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field doesn't allow to input dot to indicate cents.
              12) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract:" menu item doesn't contain "11", "12" and "Others" selections.
              13) Section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input more than 2 digits after dot.
              14) Section "3. High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input more than 2 digits after dot.
              15) Section "4. TV Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input more than 2 digits after dot.
              16) Dialog box with alert "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" apears when push "Clear" button.


              • #52

                #1."Contact information": "Email" field should be included in required field.
                #2. "Contact information": "Email" field has blue asterisk instead of red.
                #3."Contact information": "Email" field accepts information without some special character-@
                #4. Error message "*Please select your state": does not disappear after correctly filling in the field "State".
                #5."Contact information": "State" field has 48 states instead 50.
                #6. "Contact information": "State" field has "Other" and "BC" -it is not a name of state.
                #7."Contact information": "ZIP" accepts letters.
                #8. Error message "*Please enter a valid ZIP code": does not disappear after correctly filling in the field "ZIP".
                #9. "Contact information": "Best way to contact me" drop-down list should have "Other"/"Both".
                #10. "Contact information": "Referred by" field need to have an asterisk.
                #11. "Cell Phone Service": "Current provider" drop-down list should have "Other".
                #12. "Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letter.
                #13. "Cell Phone Service": "Minutes on plan:" drop-down list counts minutes not correctly.
                #14. "Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract:" drop-down list should have 12 months instead of 10.
                #15. "Gas and Electric Services": "I am opento using different provider" button has grammatical mistake. Should be "open to" instead of "opento" (GUI)
                #16. Button "Clear" does not work correctly. Do not clear form.
                #17. Button "Clear" does not fit the button "Submit" according to GUI rules.


                • #53
                  1. "Contact Information" section, "First Name" text field accepts to type 30 characters.
                  2. "Contact Information" section, "Last Name" text field accepts to type 30 characters.
                  3. "Contact Information" section, "Street Address" text field accepts to type 100 characters.
                  4. "Contact Information" section, dropdown listbox "State" represnts only 47 States.
                  5. "Contact Information" section, dropdown listbox "State" ther's no BC state in US.
                  6. "Contact Information" section, "ZIP" text field accepts to type letters, not only digits.
                  7. "Contact Information" section, "Email" text field accepts to type 1063 characters.
                  8. "Contact Information" section, "Email" text field doesn't accept underline "_" symbol.
                  9. "Cell Phone Service" section, allows to tick exclusive checkboxes " I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider".
                  10. "Cell Phone Service" section, dropdown listbox "Current Provider" should have "Other".
                  11. "Cell Phone Service" section, dropdown listbox "Months left on current contract" should have "24" months, not 10.
                  12. "Cell Phone Service" section, dropdown listbox "Number of phones on plan" shouldn't have that many.
                  13. Wrong Tab switch order. After "First Name" it goes to "Reffered by" and than back to "Last Name".
                  14. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Bundled with" label. Tab doesn't switch between checkboxes "Internet", "TV", "Both".
                  15. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "International calls included?" label. Tab doesn't switch between checkboxes "Yes" and "No".
                  16. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Long distance included?" label. Tab doesn't switch between checkboxes "Yes" and "No".
                  17. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" label. Tab doesn't switch between checkboxes "Yes" and "No".
                  18. "High Speed Internet Service" section, "Type of service" label. Tab doesn't switch between checkboxes "Cable", "Dial-up", "DSL".
                  19. "High Speed Internet Service" section. Wireless Aircard should be new label, not a check box.
                  20. "TV Service" section, "Bundled with" label. Tab doesn't switch between checkboxes "Internet", "Phone", "Both".
                  21. "Cell Phone Service" section, Tab doesn't switch between checkboxes "I like my handset", "I am interested in updating my handset", "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop".
                  22. "Gas and Electric Services" section, mistake in the checkbox "I am opento using different provider". "opento" should be separeted.
                  23. "Contact Information" section, "ZIP" text field. Not able to delete marked text when writing new.
                  24. "Cell Phone Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" text field. Accepts to type letters, not only digits.
                  25. Button "Clear" is not consistent to "Submit' button.
                  26. "Contact Information" section, "Email" text field. Doesn't verify e-mail address input.
                  27. Misspelled word E-mail in all app.


                  • #54
                    #1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters, when it must be 31 as required.
                    #2. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters, when it must be 31 as required.
                    #3. "Email" field has blue asterisk instead of red one.
                    #4. "Email" field accepts empty input when it is required.
                    #5. "Email" field accepts incorrect format of email addresses.
                    #6. "State" drop down box is missing HI and NV states.
                    #7. "State" drop down box is not in the alphabetical order.
                    #8. "State" drop down box has not applicable "other" option.
                    #9. "State" drop down box has a typo in Indiana state abbreviation, must be IN.
                    #10. Required "Referred by" field is missing red asterisk.
                    #11. "ZIP" field accepts non-digit characters.
                    #12. Form doesn't have a default assignment.
                    #13. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have inconsistent dimentions.
                    #14. Form displays a misleading error message upon pushing the "Clear" button.


                    • #55
                      #1. “Referred by” field acts as required, but doesn’t have asterisk
                      #2. “Email” field is not required to submit the form, but it should as it specified in requirements
                      #3. “First Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                      #4. “Last Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                      #5. “Street Address” field accepts 100 characters instead of 255
                      #6. “ZIP” field accepts typing of letters and pasting of any number of letters, digits and special characters
                      #7. “Email” field accepts 1063 characters instead of 255
                      #8. “Phone” labeled text boxes accept pasting of letters and special characters
                      #9. Email validation is not implemented
                      #10. “Email” does not accept typing of underline (_) character
                      #11. Zip code “00000” accepted as valid after form submission
                      #12. “Clear” button does not clear the form fields. Instead it throws confusing/misleading error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
                      #13. “State” listbox does not have all 50 US states (NV and HI missing)
                      #14. Remove “BC” and “Other” items from “State” listbox
                      #15. “Current provider” listbox under “Cell Phone Service” section does not have other item
                      #16. There is inconsistency in sorting items in “Current provider” listboxes: under sections 3 and 4 items are sorted alphabetically, but under other sections they are not
                      Last edited by Konata17; 03-18-2020, 10:15 AM.


                      • #56
                        ========Energy Telecom Functional====== Bugs
                        -Last Name field: accepts only 30 characters instead 31
                        -Street Address field: accepts only 100 characters instead not more than 225
                        -Zip code field accepts 5 leather characters NOT only digits
                        -email field accepts more that 255 characters
                        - state drop down list box-contains foreign country states
                        - state drop down list box- is missing US states "DC and NV"
                        Last edited by Dylan; 03-25-2020, 05:06 PM.


                        • #57

                          Bug Report for Energy-Telecom
                          1. Contact information: field "Referred by" does not have an asterisk
                          2. Contact information: "Email" has an asterisk but it's not a required field
                          3. Contact information: "First name", "Last name" fields accept 30 characters instead of 31
                          4. "Street address" field accept 100 characters, not 255
                          5. "ZIP code" field accepts non-digits
                          6. "Email" field accepts 1063 characters, not 255
                          7. "Email" field does not accept underscore (_)
                          8. Field "Email" accepts incorrect email address
                          9. Cell phone service: "Current provider" does not include "Other" option
                          10. Cell phone service: "Months left on current contract" is supposed to be 24, not 10
                          11. Gas and Electric Services: "I am opento using different provider" Put space in bettween "open to"
                          12. TAB order moves from "First name" to "Referred by"
                          13. Buttom of the page: "Clear" button does not work. Error message appears "Invalid data request..."
                          14. Wild cards are accepted for all data input fields
                          15. Contact information: Remove "Other" from "State" list box
                          16. Contact information: "State" list box is not alphabetized
                          17. Button of the page: Inconsistency between buttons "Submit" and "Clear"


                          • #58
                            Energy-Telecom Functionality bug report

                            1. Default Button is not assigned
                            2. Submit and Clear buttons at the bottom of the page are of the different size, It is better to have them of one size for consumers convenience
                            3. Pushing “Clear button” leads to the following error “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!”, but is has to clear the form

                            Section “Contact Information :

                            1.“First name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required
                            2 "Last name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required
                            3."Street address" field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as required
                            4. "State" list box has typo "BC" - state "BC" does not exist
                            5. "State" list box misses HI, NV, DC states
                            6. "Referred by” field acts like required text field but is doesn`t have asterisk, but it must have
                            7. “ZIP” field accepts invalid ZIP codes and allows to put more than 5 numbers when you paste instead of 5 as required
                            8. “Email” label has asterisk but you can submit the form without it. Make “Email” text field act as required field or delete asterisk
                            Section “Cell Phone Service”
                            1. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts any characters instead of only numbers as required
                            2. “Months left on current contract” field must have an option to choose 11 and 12 months, but it is limited by 10 months

                            Section “Local/Long Distances/International Service”
                            1. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accept incorrect amounts (ex. 100.111111111 USD, but not 100.11 USD as it should be


                            • #59
                              Energy-Telecom reqs and functionality testing

                              1. “Contact information” section: you can only enter 30 characters in “First name” field instead of 31.
                              2. “Contact information” section: you can only enter 30 characters in “Last name” field instead of 31.
                              3. “Contact information” section: you can only enter 100 characters in “Street address” field instead of 255.
                              4. “Contact information” section: HI (Hawaii) is missing from “State” list.
                              5. “Contact information” section: NV (Nevada) is missing from “State” list.
                              6. “Contact information” section: Indiana is added in “State” list as IND instead of IN.
                              7. “Contact information” section: BC should be removed from the “State” list as it is a Canadian province.
                              8. “Contact information” section: option "Other" should not be in the “State” list.
                              9. “Contact information” section: “ZIP” field accepts letters.
                              10. “Contact information” section: “Email” field - there is no limit in entering characters.
                              11. “Contact information” section: “Email” field accepts all special characters.
                              12. “Contact information” section: “Email” field – does not ask any valid information when left empty and submitted, therefore does not act as a required field.
                              13. “1. Cell Phone Service” section: “Current provider” listbox – there is no option “Other”.
                              14. “1. Cell Phone Service” section: “My monthly bill is approximately:” field accepts letters.
                              15. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section: “ I am opento using different provider” - there is a missing space between words “open” and “to”.
                              16. “Clear” button: does not clear the form and shows “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”.
                              Last edited by nadine.unt; 04-01-2020, 01:25 PM.


                              • #60
                                Energy-Telecom Functionality bug report

                                1. "Contact Information" section: "Email" field has a blue asterisk instead of red one
                                2. "Contact Information" section: "Email" field - there is no error message provided if required field has no input.
                                3. "Contact Information" section: "Referred by" - error message provided if field has no input. "Referred by" field is not "required".
                                4. "Contact Information" section: "First Name" - accept 30 characters, not 31
                                6. "Contact Information" section: "Last Name" - accept 30 characters, not 31
                                6. "Contact Information" section: "Street Address" - accept 100 characters, not 255
                                7. "Contact Information" section: "State" - doesn't have 50 states
                                8. "Contact Information" section: "Zip Code" - accepts letters, not digits only
                                9. "Contact Information" section: "Email" - accepts all characters
                                10. "Contact Information" section: "Email" - doesn't have email format, accept email without "@"
                                11. "Contact Information" section: "Email" - doesn't have limitation in a characters
                                12. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Current Provider:" miss "AT&T" and "Other" options
                                13. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" accept letters
                                14. "Cell Phone Service" section: all check boxes could be selected at ones
                                15. "High Speed Internet Service" section: "Wireless Aircard" has a check box instead of radio button
                                16. " TV Service" section: "I currently have:" all check boxes could be selected at ones
                                17. " TV Service" section: "Months left on plan" doesn't have "more" option
                                18. " Gas and Electric Services": " I am opento using different provider" has a grammar mistake "opento" instead of "open to"
                                19. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form
                                20. "Refresh" doesn't clear the form


