#1. Section "Contact Information": when required fields has no input error message identify "Referred by" as a required although it is not such in Safari and Chrome browsers
#2. Section "Contact Information": "First Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#3. Section "Contact Information": "Last Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#4. Section "Contact Information": "Street Address" accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#5. Section "Contact Information": "State" remove BC (British Columbia) from the list box, it is Canadian, NOT the US state as required
#6. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box AZ (Arizona) should be under the AR (Arkansas)
#7. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box Hawaii state (HI) is missing
#8. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box misspelling of postal abbreviation Indiana state "IN" instead of "IND"
#9. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box Nevada state (NV) is missing
#10. Section "Contact Information": "State" remove "Other" (between OR and PA) from the list box
#11. Section "Contact Information": label "ZIP" text field accepts non-digit values in Safari and Chrome browsers
#12. Section "Contact Information": label "ZIP" text field doesn't accept digit values in Crome browser
#13. Section "Contact Information": "Email" accepts 1063 characters instead of 255 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#14. When push the the button "Clear" misleading error arise in Safari and Chrome browsers
#15. Section "Cell Phone Service" label "Current Provider" add "AT&T" in the list box
#16. Section "Cell Phone Service" label "Current Provider" add "Other" in the list box
#2. Section "Contact Information": "First Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#3. Section "Contact Information": "Last Name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#4. Section "Contact Information": "Street Address" accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#5. Section "Contact Information": "State" remove BC (British Columbia) from the list box, it is Canadian, NOT the US state as required
#6. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box AZ (Arizona) should be under the AR (Arkansas)
#7. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box Hawaii state (HI) is missing
#8. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box misspelling of postal abbreviation Indiana state "IN" instead of "IND"
#9. Section "Contact Information": "State" list box Nevada state (NV) is missing
#10. Section "Contact Information": "State" remove "Other" (between OR and PA) from the list box
#11. Section "Contact Information": label "ZIP" text field accepts non-digit values in Safari and Chrome browsers
#12. Section "Contact Information": label "ZIP" text field doesn't accept digit values in Crome browser
#13. Section "Contact Information": "Email" accepts 1063 characters instead of 255 as required in Safari and Chrome browsers
#14. When push the the button "Clear" misleading error arise in Safari and Chrome browsers
#15. Section "Cell Phone Service" label "Current Provider" add "AT&T" in the list box
#16. Section "Cell Phone Service" label "Current Provider" add "Other" in the list box