“Contact information” section: TAB order violation: from “First name” field the input focus moves to “Referred by” field instead of “Last Name Field”.
- “First Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
- “Last Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
- “Street address” text field accepts 100 characters instead of 250
- “State” dropdown list contains “BC” – there is no state in US with such initials.
- “State” dropdown list contains “Other” – inappropriate in this list
- “State” dropdown list contains IND – wrong initial for state Indiana, should be IN
- “State” dropdown list doesn’t contain HI
- “ZIP” field excepts letter symbols- inappropriate function, allows only digits
- After pushing “SUBMIT” button appear massage “* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by”. “Referred by” text field is not require.
- “Current provider” dropdown list doesn’t contain “other” option;
- Further checkboxes ”I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” choose both, instead of only one should be checks
- “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letter symbols, should be digits only
- “Type of service”- radio-button “Wireless Aircard” has checkbox button