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Online Class March 3, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #31
    “Contact information” section: TAB order violation: from “First name” field the input focus moves to “Referred by” field instead of “Last Name Field”.
    • “First Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    • “Last Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    • “Street address” text field accepts 100 characters instead of 250
    • “State” dropdown list contains “BC” – there is no state in US with such initials.
    • “State” dropdown list contains “Other” – inappropriate in this list
    • “State” dropdown list contains IND – wrong initial for state Indiana, should be IN
    • “State” dropdown list doesn’t contain HI
    • “ZIP” field excepts letter symbols- inappropriate function, allows only digits
    • After pushing “SUBMIT” button appear massage “* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by”. “Referred by” text field is not require.
    “Cell phone service” section:
    • “Current provider” dropdown list doesn’t contain “other” option;
    • Further checkboxes ”I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” choose both, instead of only one should be checks
    • “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letter symbols, should be digits only
    “High Speed Internet Service” section:
    • “Type of service”- radio-button “Wireless Aircard” has checkbox button
    “CLEAR” button doesn’t work. “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” massage appear after pushing it.
    Last edited by OlgaVashchyshyn; 03-12-2020, 04:49 PM.


    • #32
      Energy-Telecom Web App. Functional Bug Report

      1. “First Name” and “Last Name” text field; Field accepts only 30 characters

      2. “Email” text field; Field accepts 300 characters (above 255 limit)

      3. “Street Address” and “Referred by” text fields; Field accepts only 100 characters

      4. “Referred by” text field; Field is not marked with an asterisk even though the form cannot be submitted without it filled out.

      5. “Email” text field; Field is required, but the form can be submitted without the field filled out. The asterisk remains blue when form is submitted with the “Email” text field empty, while other required fields are indicated with a red asterisk when not completed.

      6. “ZIP” text field; Field allows more than five digits to be pasted into it.

      7. “ZIP” text field; Field accepts letters (typed or pasted) and special characters (pasted).

      8. “Phone” text field; Field allows all characters (non digits) to be pasted into it.

      9. “Contact Information” section; All text field (except “Phone” ) accept clearly invalid data. The form should have a warning and not allow user to submit until all data is relatively valid.

      10.“State” list box; Hawaii and Nevada options are missing. “BC” and “Other” options should be removed.

      11. Form is missing default button.

      12. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Current Provider” list box; List is missing “Other” selection

      13. “Cell Phone Service” section, “My monthly bill is approximately” text field; Field accepts letters (typed and pasted) and special characters (pasted)

      14. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Number of phones on plan” list box; List is includes unreasonable large numbers (10-100)

      15. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Months left on current contract” list box; List is too short (minimum should be up to 12 for 12 months in a year) and does not include “Other” option

      16. “High Speed Internet Service” section, “Provider” text field; User unable to type into that field

      17. “Gas and Electric Services” section; check box at the bottom of the section has a typo (opento instead of open to)

      18. System crash after "Comments" text field maxed out.
      Text field in "Comments" section has a max limit (which was never specified). Reaching the limit causes the page to crash/freeze. After waiting a while, Chrome (not application itself) showed two "unresponsive page" messages.

      19. “Clear” button does not work. Misleading error message appears when button is pressed.

      20. Visual inconsistency between “Submit” and “Clear” button.

      21. Page is not scaleable when minimized according to GUI standards. Instead of adapting, the page allows horizontal scrolling.

      22. “Contact Information” section; tab order is illogical

      23. “Comment” section can be altered by clicking on the bottom right corner on the text field and moving the field with mouse. This function is unnecessary.
      Last edited by Nicolette Kov; 03-15-2020, 12:53 PM.


      • #33
        1. “Referred by” field is not marked with asterisk, however it is required upon submitting the form
        1.1.”Referred by” field containing just 1 character allows to “submit “ the form successfully

        2. List box related to “State” field contains 49 states, “HI, “DC” missing
        2.1. List box related to “State” field contains “BC” , “IND” which are wrong options
        2.2.”other” option from the “State” listbox should be listed at the end of the list

        3. “ZIP” field while populated with “00000” , “11111”, “00001”, “00009”, “99999” values accept them as correct and the form can be “submitted “

        4. “Email” field accepts any random string of characters, and the form can be successfully send without mandatory “@————.com” format

        5. “Current Provider” list box doesn’t include “other” option
        5.1 “Current Provider” list boxes don’t contain “none” option

        6. List boxes should not contain “select” field in their lists upon opening the actual options

        7.”Clear” button is inactive, displacing “error 17896” while pushing it

        8. Once the radio boxes were checked, they cannot be unchecked back

        9. “ energy telecom service review “ form does not come up as a new/ blank form upon refreshing the page in Safari browser

        10. “Submit “ button freezes while performing “go back” task
        Last edited by SorinaArapu; 03-12-2020, 06:43 PM.


        • #34
          Energy-Telecom Functionality bug report

          #1. "Contact Information" - "First Name" field does not accepts 31 characters - only 30
          #2. "Contact Information" - "Last Name" field does not accepts 31 characters - only 30
          #3. "Contact Information" - Email - is required field, but it does not marks as a required when it is empty when push "Submit"
          #4. "Contact Information" - Email field accepts information without a character "@"
          #5. "Contact Information" - Reffered by - is not requared field but marks as a required when push "Submit"
          #6. "Contact Information" - Email - is marked blue star instead if red
          #7. "Contact Information" - State field - List box is not at alfabetical order
          #8. "Contact Information" - ZIP - accepts not only digits but letters
          #9. "Contact Information" - TAB order does not work correct- after field "First Name" it down to "Reffered by" instead of "Last Name"
          #10. "Cell Phone Service" - at provider's list -AT&T is absent
          #11. "Submit" and "Clear buttons at the end of the page has different sizes
          #12. When we push "Clear" button it is the error message instead of clearing oll forms.
          #13. "Gas and Electric Services" at field "I am open to using different provider" - "opento" is incorrect - should be "open to"


          • #35
            Energy-Telecom functionality bug report
            MacOS Catalina 10.15.3
            Chrome Browser

            1. The default button is not assigned

            2. "Contact Information" table: "Email" field is not indicated with an asterisk

            3. "Contact Information" table: "Referred by" not supposed to be a required field

            4. "Contact Information" table: "Tab order" is wrong. After "First Name" field it jumps to the "Referred By" field

            5. "Contact Information" table: All fields (except "ZIP" and "Phone") allow special characters

            6. "Contact Information" table: "First name" and "Last name" fields allows to input 30 characters, instead of 31

            7. "Contact Information" table: "Street Address" field allows to input 100 characters instead of 255

            8. "Contact Information" table: "State" list box offering 48 states instead of 50

            9. "Contact Information" table: "State" list box has 2 wrong values "BC" / "Other"

            10. "Contact Information" table: "ZIP" field allows to type in letters / paste special characters

            11. "Contact Information" table: "Phone" field allows to paste letters and special characters

            12. "Contact Information" table: "Email" field not limited by 255 characters

            13. All list boxes: "Select" or "Select one" are not supposed to be valid

            14. All radio buttons: user can mark, but can't unmark them

            15. "Comment" table: if the user will try to scale the input field, it can do over the page limit

            16. "Clear" button causes the crash (Error 17896)

            17. "
            Gas and Electric Services" table: "I am opento using different provider" checkbox. Marked word is misspelled
            Last edited by Ilya Rynin; 03-12-2020, 06:08 PM.


            • #36

              1. “First Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31;

              2. “State” listbox offers 49 States and Listbox out of order alphabetically;

              3. “ZIP” field accepts letters and non-existent ZIP codes;

              4. “Email” field accepts all special symbols, must accept only “@“ “.” “-“ “_” ;

              5. In Section 1:

              - “My monthly bill is approximately:’ field accepts letters;

              - “Month left on current contract:” Listbox should have “11” “12” and “More” options;

              6. In Section 4, “Month left on plan:” Listbox should have a “More” option;

              7. When press TAB keyboard button in “First Name:” text field after entering Name, it goes to “Referred by:” text field instead of going to “Last Name;” text field.

              In Section 1, when you press TAB keyboard button after choosing “Current Provider:” Listbox, it goes to “My monthly….:” text field instead of going to “I am happy…:”.

              In general, it is not possible to use the TAB and SPACE keyboard buttons on the page. And after writing comments in Section 8, when press TAB it goes to url text field.

              You can enter all your information only if you have mouse.

              8. After entering all correct informations, webpage successfully accepts them;

              9. After pushing SUBMIT button without filling "Referred by:" text field, it gives error message on top of page in red fonts "*Please enter the name of the person you referred by, even though "Referred by:" text field has no asterisk and is not required field;

              10. After pushing CLEAR button, in a separate window it gives error message "Error 17896 - ....".
              Last edited by Navruz80; 03-12-2020, 06:56 PM.


              • #37
                BUG REPORT (web form testing)

                1. "Email" field marked with the asterisk, but after submitting with empty the "Email" field it is not required.
                2. "Referred by" field is required, but the asterisk is missing
                3. "Clear" button gives the error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                4. "Clear" button doesn't clear the application form
                5. "State" listbox: states DC, HI, NV are missing.
                6. "State" listbox: the state "IN" spelled "IND". It is incorrectly.
                7. "State" listbox: "Other" option should be removed
                8. "State" listbox: The state "BC" does not belong to USA
                9. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" listbox is not complete. "AT&T", "MetroPCS" providers are missing
                10. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" listbox: "Other" option is missing.
                11. No default botton assigned
                12. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" checkbox doesn't have initial values. ( All of sections don't initial values for checkboxes)
                13. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                14. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                15. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters instead of 255
                16. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
                17. "ZIP" field accepts letters. Should be digits only.
                18. "Cell Phone Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters. Should be digits only.
                19. "City" field should be listbox for each state
                20. "Cell Phone Service" section, "Months left on current contract" listbox include 10 months instead 24


                • #38
                  1. Field “Street address” . Not able to put more than 100 symbols instead of intended 255.
                  2. Field “State” does not have all 50 states as was intended. It has “British Columbia” and “other” instead of 2 of them.
                  3. Field “Zip” accepts letters, not only digits.
                  4. Field “Referred by” . Doesn’t let you to submit application without entering of a person who you were referred by.
                  5. Field “First name” only accepts 30 letters, instead of intended 31.
                  6. Field “last name” accepts 30 characters instead of intended 31.
                  7. Button “submit” enabled even if nothing has been typed.
                  8. Button “clear” does not work. Error pops up.


                  • #39
                    1. Eror message is not provided for required field "Email" if it has no input.
                    2. "Referred by " field should be indicated as a required field. ( " Referred by" is a required field but doesn't marked with an asterisk.)
                    3. There is 48 US states in the " State " list box instead of 50.
                    4. "BC" and "Other" remove from "State " list box. These are nit the US states.
                    5. " ZIP" field accepts Not digits only.
                    6. " Current Provider" list box is Not complete . There is No "other " or "None of the above" option in the list box.
                    7. The " Clear " button is not working.


                    • #40
                      Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom
                      #1."Contact information" section, "First Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      #2."Contact information" section, "Last Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      #3."Contact information" section, "Street Adress" text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
                      #4."Contact information" section, "State" dropdown listbox: "BC" is not US state.
                      #5."Contact information" section, "State" dropdown listbox: is missing "HI" and "NV" states.
                      #6."Contact information" section, "State" dropdown listbox: "IND" should be replaced by "IN".
                      #7."Contact information" section, "State" dropdown listbox: "Other" should be removed from the list.
                      #8."Contact information" section, "ZIP" accepts letters, must be digits only.
                      #9."Contact information" section, "ZIP" could paste more than 5 characters (letters, special characters included), must be 5 digits only.
                      #10."Contact information" section, "Email" coud be fill without “@“ special character.
                      #11."Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" dropdown listbox is missing "Other".
                      #12."Cell Phone Service" section, check boxes "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" can be chosen both together.It is not logical.
                      #13."Local/Long Distances/International Service section, "Total Bill" allows to type more than 5 digits.
                      #14."Home Security Service" section, select for label "Current Provider" the options are not sorted in alphabetic order.
                      #15."Gas and Electric Services" section, the select for "Current Provider" is not sorted in an alphabetic order of options.
                      #16."Clear" button is not working.


                      • #41
                        #1. Default input focus is missing (GUI issue)
                        #2. Default button is missing (GUI issue)
                        #3. "Clear" button is not working, misleading error message appears after pushing "Clear" button
                        #4. "Clear" button has smaller scale instead of being the same with "Submit" button (GUI issue)
                        #5. "Email" field is required, but error message is not provided if "Email" field has no input
                        #6. "Referred by" field is not required, but error message is provided if "Referred by" field has no input
                        #7. "State" field does not offer data retained in database
                        #8. "State" list box is not consistent with the requirement of including all 50 states
                        #9. "State" list box is not complete, while it doesn't include Hawaii (HI), Nevada (NV)
                        #10. "State" list box: the abbreviation for Indiana is incorrect - IND instead of IN (typo - GUI issue)
                        #11. "State" list box includes an option "Other" while it is not applicable (unless "Other" means "District of Columbia" that is not a state)
                        #12. "State" list box includes an option "BC" that is not an American state, but Canadian province
                        #13. "Email" field accepts all special characters: "" (quotation mark), '' (a single quote), ? (a question mark), ! (exclamation mark)
                        #14. "First name" and "Last name" fields accept wild cards
                        #15. "First name" field maximum capacity is 30 characters instead of 31
                        #16. "Last name" field maximum capacity is 30 characters instead of 31


                        • #42
                          Energy-Telecom Functionality bug report

                          1. The field "First name" accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                          2. The field "Last name" accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                          3. The field "Street Adress" accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
                          4. The field "State" doesn't have all 50 states.
                          5. The field "ZIP" accepts not digits.
                          6. The field "Email" is not required, but it has an asterisk.
                          7. The field "Email" accepts more than 255 characters.

                          8. The field "First name" is wild cards accepted.
                          9. The field "Last name" is wild cards accepted.
                          10. The field "Referred by" is required, but it has not an asterisk.
                          11. The field "Email" accepts the wrong format. It doesn't ask you to put @ and domain.
                          12. Field "My monthly bill is approximately" in any section allows typing 11 digits.
                          13. Button "Clear" shows misleading error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data..."
                          Last edited by AnastasiiaMikhailova; 03-12-2020, 06:56 PM.


                          • #43
                            Some of the fields are not completed as I am still trying to understand some things, so will still be working on the document moving forward
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              Energy-Telecom Service Review
                              Windows - Internet Explorer

                              1- No default button set.
                              2- "Submit" button should be disabled when the form has no data.

                              Contact Information Section:

                              1- "Email" label is listed as required, however, it allows you to submit the form without this data.
                              2- "Referred by" lable is not marked as a mandatory field, however, we can not submit the form without it.
                              3- Pushing "Tab" does not follow a logical order. It goes from "First Name" to "Referred by".
                              4- When pushing "State" list box, the results are not displayed in aplhabetical order. "BC" and then "AL".
                              5- When pushing "State" list box, the results display states outside the US and more than 50 states.
                              6- When pushing "State" list box, the option "other" should not appear since it is mandatory.
                              7- "City" input field accepts more than 31 characters.
                              8- "First Name" input field accepts up to 30 characters, it should be 31.
                              9- "Last Name" input field accepts up to 30 characters, it should be 31.
                              10- "ZIP" text field accepts more than 5 digits.
                              11- "ZIP" text field accepts special characters when using copy/paste method.
                              12- "Phone" text field accepts special characters when using copy/pasted method.

                              "Cellphone Service" section:

                              1- "Current Provider" list box does not offer all major carriers.
                              2- "Current Provider" list box should offer the option "Other".
                              3- Under "Current Provider" the system should not allow us to check both options at the same time "I am happy with my current provider" + "I am open to using different provider".
                              4- "My monthly bill is approximately:" input box allows to use alphabetical characters.
                              5- "My monthly bill is approximately:" input should not allow 11 characters, should be less.
                              6- "My monthly bill is approximately:" input is allowing to paste special characters.
                              7- "Minutes on plan:"list box values do not follow the same incremental value
                              8- "Months left on current contract:" list box has up to 10 months, should be 12 months.
                              9- "Number of phones on plan:" list box should offer less than 100 units as an option.


                              • #45
                                Energy-Telecom Service Verification
                                1. No confirmation page displayed to verify or edit user data before going to the “Thank you” page.
                                2. “ZIP” text field accepts characters, should be digits only
                                3. “ZIP” label should be named “ZIP Code”
                                4. In Safari “ * Indicates required field “ label should be in red font color to be consistent with the rest of the required fields labels asterisks.
                                5. “Email” asterisk label should be in red color
                                6. “Clear” button displays error message and form is not cleared.
                                7. “Clear” button calls/invokes error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” which is misleading and confusing.
                                8. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are not disabled when form is empty.
                                9. Pressing “Enter” on the keyboard does not produce any actions.
                                10. "Referred by" should be required field.
                                Last edited by ruslan456; 03-12-2020, 07:12 PM.

