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Online Class March 3, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #16
    Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

    Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom
    #1. “Firs name” accept 30 characters, but it must accept 31 characters.
    #2. “Last name” accept 30 characters, but it must accept 31 characters.
    #3. “Street address” should accepts no more than 255 characters, but it accepts just 102 characters.
    #4. “State” has “Other” in the middle of list; it is not consistent. It could be not comfortable for users, “Other” could be in the end of list.
    #5. “State” must have list of all 50 states, but it has only 49 states.
    #6. “ZIP”: requirements say that here we can field only digits, but it accepts letters too.
    #7. “Email”: accepts ALL characters, but it should accept digits, letters and SOME special characters.
    #8. “Email”: have to be required field, but it does not error about this, when we did not field in “Email”.
    #9. “Me”: does not have “Other”/”Non”.
    #10. “Referred by” is not in specific data requirements, but it is showing up like “required field” when we did not field it.
    #11. Cell Phone Service, “Current Provider” has a list “Select one”, but it is not complete. It should have more providers.
    #12. Cell Phone Service , “Current Provider”: list “Select one” does not have “Others”.
    #13. Cell Phone Service: users have to choose, “are they happy with current provider” or “they are open to different one” and put check mark. But here we can put check marks in both variants.
    #14. “My monthly bill is approximately”: box for field have to accepts digital only and have to be limited to 4 numbers.
    #15. Months left on current contract: select list should have 24 months for choosing, but it has only 10.
    #16. “Number of phones on plan”: it could be 5 phone numbers on a plane max.
    #17. All “My monthly bill is approximately” and “Total Bill”: the number of digits should be limited to 4.
    #18. TV Service, “Months left on plan”: the list does not have option “More”.
    #19. Home Security Service, “Current Provider”: the list is not complete.
    #20. “Digital Phone Service with Video Phone” does not have options to choose, if users HAVE digital phone with video phone.
    #21. Gas and Electric Services, “I am opento using different provider”: here is no space between words “open to”.
    #22. Buttons “Submit” and “Clear” have to look the same, be the same size.


    • #17
      1. Contact Information: "Referred By" has not red asterisk as an indicate of required field.
      2. Cell Phone service: "Current Provider" list box does not contain "Other".
      3. Contact Information: "Street Address" text box accepts 100 characters instead 255.
      4. Contact Information: "ZIP Code" text box allow to insert letters and special characters by Copy Past.
      5.Contact Information: "E-mail" text field accepts more than 255 characters
      6. Contact Information: "Phone Number" text field allow to insert text and special characters by Copy Past.
      7. Contact Information: "ZIP Code" text box allow to insert more than only 5 characters by Copy Past.
      8. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "Phone Number" text field allow to insert text and special characters by Copy Past.
      9. Gas and Electric Services: no space in "Opento"
      10. "Clear" button does not clear the form
      11. Size discrepancies between "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
      12. Error message after pushing "Clear" button
      13. Cell Phone Service: "Months left on current contract" missing "Other"


      • #18
        energy-telecom Bug report

        Report: ID#2
        Report Date: 12 March 2020
        Fixed Date: March 2020
        Enviroment: Windows 10, PC Google Chrome Browser Version 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)
        Tester QA (reported by): Yury Mukhin
        Attachments: Yes
        Notes: Negative testing

        #0. After default input there showed "Refered by:" as Required input. But the "Referred by: field is not marked by asterisk as a required.
        #1. Wrong passing executing with TAB key operating while filling in information. After "First Name:" it mooves to "Referred by:" string (row). Then there will be the returning to wright next step with a TAB key pushing on the 2nd row as "Last Name:".
        #2. There is a possibility for filling in letters in the row "ZIP:" instead of allowing the digits only.
        #3. The form successfully submits with pair of ZIP index 94022 from California and any state abbreviation chosen.
        #4. The "Email:" input field is marked as requierd field with asterisk character (sign) but in reality it after inputing in all the information besides E-mail field all the information will be accepted withot E-mail info.
        #5. The web page of the site accepts inputings succesfuly and does not warnings for additioning "Email:" info even if we choose "Best Way To Contact Me:" is an Email. The page accepts entering information without any e-mail.
        #6. In the "1. Cell Phone Service part of the page Months" with dropdown info there is "left on current contract:" is given to us only till 10 months but should be at least up to "24 months left" and even MORE.
        #7. In the part of the page "1. Cell Phone Service" in the dropdown, there is no "Other provider" option string to select in "Current Provider:". No alternative.
        #8. There is no any alternative selection as "MORE" in "Months left on plan:" at "4. TV Service" row.
        #9. After input canceling by pushing "clear" button the web page return us an error message on the screen insted of canceling the input information to the default state. See attached screenshot.
        #10 "Clear" button does not clear nothing at the page.
        #11. "Energy-Telecom" application has Wrong URL istead of there is LOL )))
        #12. Contact Information PART: "*First Name:" field accepts no more than 30 charachters instead of 31.
        #13. Contact Information PART: "*Last Name:" field accepts no more than 30 charachters instead of 31.
        #14. Contact Information PART: "*Street Address:" field accepts no more than 100 charachters instead of 255.

        #15. The field "*Email:" is not required in fact. The form submits witout entering any input.
        #18.Contact Information PART: "*Email:" field accepts 1063 charachters instead of 255.

        #17. Contact Information PART: "State" input field starts with "default" value in comparison with "Best Way To Contact Me:" starts with "Select" value.
        #16. Contact Information PART: "State" input field contain 51 positions instead of 50 states + DC: there is an excess option "OTHER".
        #21. Contact Information PART: Wrong order of states AK & AL; AZ & AR; MS & MT; etc in "State" dropdown.
        #21. Contact Information PART: Misspel of states for: BC instead of DC in "State" dropdown.

        #19. Wrong page layout. There is a frong allignment of input fields according to imaginative guide. See attached screenshot. It should be much more to the left, than it is now. Otherwise it should be mush more to the right.

        STRING #1. Cell Phone Service
        "My monthly bill is approximately:"
        "Months left on current contract:"
        "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:"

        STRING #7. Gas and Electric Services

        #19.1. Not correct alignement to guiedes in 1st Info section. See attached screenshot.
        #20. It is preffer to write "Please fill IN this form and....." insted of "fill OUT this form" in the subtittle of the form.
        #21. The size of the "Cancel" button in lowest part of the web page is different opposite to left button "Submitting".
        #22. "Number of phones on plan" in the "1. Cell Phone Service" row should be no more than 5 value.
        #23. A misspel in the phrase I am opento in 7. Gas and Electric Services section.
        screen 3.jpg
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Yury Mukhin; 03-12-2020, 11:39 AM.


        • #19
          #1. Section “Contact Information: ”The tab key button goes in wrong order from the “First name” to the “Referred by’ instead of going to the “ Last name”
          #2. Section “Contact Information: “First name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
          #3. Section “Contact Information: “Last name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
          #4. Section “Contact Information: “State” list box: BC has to be removed, since is not a US state
          #5. Section “Contact Information: “State” list box goes not by alphabet (AL goes first and then AK)
          #6. Section “Contact Information: “State” list box: “Other” in the list of states needs to be removed
          #7. Section “Contact Information: In “State” list box 49 states instead of 50
          #8. Section “Contact Information: In “State” list box we have state IND instead of state ID
          #9. Section “Contact Information: ZIP code accepts letters
          #10. Section “Contact Information: “Best way to contact me” field brakes down to 2 lines
          #11: Section 1: In “Cell phone service” section the Current Provider box doesn’t have option “other”
          #12. Section 1: Possible to select both options “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider”
          #13. Section 1: Field “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows me to put letters, not only numbers
          #14. Section 1: “Months left on current contract” field has 10 months instead of 12
          #15. Section 1: Wrong words order in field “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:” and after selecting an option it should say “months ago” instead on just “months”
          #16. Fields "Minutes on plan" and "Number of phones on plan:" are not aligned
          #17. Section 3: Can’t type anything in field “Provider”
          #18. Section 7: In the label "I am open to using different provider" No space between words OPEN and TO
          #19. Button “Submit” and “Clear” are different sizes and the fonts are different size as well
          #20. “Clear” button doesn’t clear anything
          #21. “Clear” button shows an error when pressed


          • #20
            Energy Telecom Bug Report (Requirements)

            1."First Name:" field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31.
            2. "
            Last Name:" field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31.
            3. "
            Street Address:" field accepts no more than 100 characters, instead of 255.
            4. "
            State:" list box has states not in alphabetical order.
            5. "
            State:" list box has BC (British Columbia), it shouldn't be there( Canada).
            6. "State:" list box has 48 states instead of 50.

            7. "State:" list box has IND instead of IN (Indiana).
            8 "
            State:" list box option "Other" shouldn't be in the middle of the list.
            9. "Zip:" field accepts non digits only, instead of digits only.
            10. "
            Email:" field accepts all special characters, instead of some special characters.
            11. "
            Email:" field accepts more than 255 characters, instead of 255.
            12. "
            Email:" is not a required field (no required error message) after the form was submitted, instead of to be a required field.


            • #21
              Session 05. Energy-Telecom requirements and functionality testing

              #01. "Email" text field has asterisk assigned but input is not actually required
              #02. "Referred by" text field acts as a required field when form submitted without input
              #03. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider" drop box is missing option "AT&T"
              #04: Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider" drop box is missing option "Other"
              #05. Default button not assigned to form
              #06. "First Name" text field accepts only 30 characters when max is 31
              #07. "Last Name" text field accepts input over 31 character limit
              #08. "Street Address" text field accepts only 100 characters when max is 255
              #09. "State" drop box remove "BC" not on of the 50 us states
              #10. "State" drop box replace "IND" to "IN" for Indiana state abbreviation
              #11. "State" drop box remove "Other" from selection
              #12. "ZIP" text field accepts non digit input
              #13. "Phone: text field accepts pasted non digit input
              #14. TAB order is not logical - after "First name" field it selects "Referred by" field


              • #22
                1. "First Name" field accept special characters.
                2. "Last Name" field accept special characters.
                3. "First Name" field accept only 30 characters.
                4. "Last Name" field accept only 30 characters.
                5. In the field "State" "BC" needs to be removed, not part of US.
                6. In the field "State" misspelled state "IND", change for "IN".
                7. In the field "State" only 48 states when should be 50, missing Nevada and Hawaii.
                8. Field "State" not in alphabetic order.
                9. Field "ZIP" accept characters, must be only digits.
                10.Field "Email" not required field, while marked with asterisk and should be required.
                11.Field "Referred by:" required field but not marked with asterisk.
                12."Current Provider:" list box doesn't have option "Other".
                13."Current Provider:" missing carrier "AT&T".
                14.In the "Cell Phone Service" field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accept characters, should be digits only.
                15.In the "Cell Phone Service" field "Months left on current contract:" has only 10 months, should be 12 or 24 months.
                16.In the "Cell Phone Service" field "Number of phones on plan" there is offered 100, when maximum is 5.
                17.In the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" in the field "Primary Phone Number:" not focusing on the next field after typing the first 3 digits.
                18.In the "Comments" text box can be scaled in to not proportional size.
                19.Button "Clear" not working and giving misleading error message.
                20.Button "Clear" has different size than button "Submit".


                • #23
                  Energy-Telecom Service Review Functionality Bug Report

                  1. “First Name:” text field accepts digits and special characters instead of letters only.
                  2. “First Name:” text field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                  3. “Last Name:” text field accepts digits and special characters instead of letters only.
                  4. “Last Name:” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                  5. Tab order is not logicalwhen tab key is pressed, from the first text field it moves directly to the last one.
                  6. "State:" drop-down list box: BC is not an US state. Delete
                  7. "State:" drop-down list box: has to list all 50 US states. Only 48 actual US states were listed.
                  8. US states have to be listed in alphabetical order for user's convenience. Start with AL.
                  9. "State:" drop-down list box: HI is missing from the list. Has to be listed between GA and ID
                  10. "State" drop-down list box: NV is missing from the list. Has to be listed between NE and NH
                  11. "State:" drop-down list box: correct “IND” to ”IN”.
                  12. "State:" drop-down list box: consider removing the option menu “Other” if all 50 US states were listed.
                  13. Consider replacing "ZIP:" with "Zip Code:".
                  14. In the second line, on top of the online form “Please fill out...”Consider correcting the requirements textfrom " saving offer" to"money-saving offer"
                  15. “Email:” text field has an asterisk, but the user is able to submit the form without filling it in.
                  16. “Email:” text field accepts Emails without "@" character
                  17. “Referred by:” text field behaves as a required field, but actually doesn't have an asterisk character (*).
                  18. “Referred by:” text field accepts digits instead of letters only
                  19. There is no default Default Button assigned
                  20. “Clear” button: does not clear information. Instead, it produces the following error: “Error 17896-Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!”
                  21. “1.Cell Phone service” section: “Current Provider:” in “drop down list box is missing the option “Other”. Has to be included, since not all providers were listed
                  22. “My monthly bill is approximately:” accepts 11 digits, which is not a typical number for a monthly bill


                  • #24
                    Required Fields
                    #1. Error message is not provided when is no input in "Email" required field.
                    #2. "Referred by" field doen't have an asterisk, but required field error message is displayed when there is no input.
                    Data Retained in Database - test for each field
                    #3. "First Name" and "Last Name" text fields accept no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                    #4. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 char instead of 255.
                    #5. "State" list box has 49 states instead of 50. Missing HI (Hawaii).
                    #6. "ZIP" fild accepts letters when typed and special characters when pasted.
                    #7. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters.
                    #8. "Email" field accepts all special characters(except underscore) instead of some characters.
                    #9. "Phone" fileds accepts letters when pasted.
                    Values in lists
                    #10. "State" list box has inconsistency in country name abbreviation, one of them has two letters, and others three.
                    #11. "Current Provider" list box from "Cell Phone Service" should have option "Other".
                    ?#12. "Minutes on plan" list box has inconsistent option "2100"
                    #13. "Months left on current contract" list box should have options "11" and "12" or option "Other".
                    #14. "My monthly bill is approximately" text filed from "Cell Phone Service" section accepts letters and do not accepts "dot" char, comparing to the same field in other sections.
                    Default Button Assignment
                    #15. Their is no default button assiged. After pressing Enter, nothing happens.
                    #16 Pushing "Clear" button always returns an error: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


                    • #25
                      Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

                      #1. ”Contact information” section “First name” accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                      #2. “Contact information” section “Last name” accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                      #3. “Contact information” section “State” list box is missing “HI”, “NV”, “DC”
                      #4. “Contact information” section “ZIP” allows to put more than 5 digits
                      #5. “Contact information” section “Referred by” field behaves as required one but it doesn’t mark as required
                      #6. ”Contact information” section “Email” allows to put 1063 characters instead of 255
                      #7. Button “Clear” doesn’t work properly. Error message 17896 - invalid data request
                      #8. “Contact information” section “Street address” accepts 100 characters instead of 255
                      #9. Field “Email” marked as required but there is no error message if the field is empty
                      #10. “Contact information” section “ZIP” accepts invalid zip code
                      #11. ”Contact information” section “Email” accepts invalid email address (without @)


                      • #26
                        date: Mar-12-2020

                        #1. The form was submitted with empty data. All "*" marked mandatory fields changed color on red, but near "Email" stays blue color.
                        #2. The button "clear", after a click on it, a window was come up an information "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" - looks like an inappropriate reaction on this command.
                        #3. The button "clear". After a click on it, it doesn't clean a form.
                        #4. The mandatory fields list doesn't show the Email field is mandatory. (but should be there as per requirements)
                        #5. The mandatory fields list shows that a referred by is mandatory, but it shouldn't be there. (as per requirements)
                        #6. The field "First Name" can be entered 30 characters only, not 31. Allowed not more 31
                        #7. The field "Last Name" can be entered 30 characters only, not 31. Allowed not more 31
                        #8. The field "Street Address" field can be entered 100 characters only. Allowed not more 255.
                        #9. The ZIP field accepts letters but should be digits only.
                        #10. The best way to contact is written on two lines, preferable to locate on one
                        #11. The "Referred by" accepts savings of not valid emails. Without "@"
                        #12. The Field "Email:" can be entered most 250 characters. But allowed not more 255.
                        #13. In a section: 1. Cell Phone Service: The field "Monthly bill", doesn't permit entering digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.
                        #14. In a section: 1. Cell Phone Service: The field "Monthly bill", possible to enter letters, instead of numbers
                        #15. In a section : 3. High-Speed Internet Service: "Type of service", the field "Provider" doesn't have a list of providers to choose from.
                        #16. In a section: 4. TV Service: the field "Months left on plan:" doesn't have the option "more". Suppose it should be there.
                        #17. In a section: 7. Gas and Electric Services, last row, "I am opento using different provider" - typo : now is "opento" should be: "open to"


                        • #27
                          Energy-Telecom GUI and Functionary testing
                          #1 “Tab ” order does not work in order
                          #2 “First Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                          #3 “Last Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                          #4 “Referred by” field behave as it is required field
                          #5 “Email” field does not show like required field
                          #6”Email” field accept more than 255 characters as per requirement
                          #7 “Street Address” field accept no more than 100 character instead of 255 per requirement
                          #8 “Zip” field accept characters (text) not only digits as per requirement
                          #9 “State” list box: Replace IND with IN for state of Indiana
                          #10 “State” list box: Have “BC” state since it is Canadian state, not US
                          #11 “State” list box: remove “other” option from list
                          #12 “State” list box: HI and NV states are missing
                          #13 Cell Phone Service. “Current Provider” list box: have only four providers, missing AT&T and Comcast
                          #14 Cell Phone Service. “Current Provider” list box: missing “other” option
                          #15 Cell Phone Service. “Month left on current contract” list box: missing 11 and 12 digits
                          #16 Cell Phone Service. “Month left on current contract” list box: suppose have 24 months
                          #17 Cell Phone Service. “Number of phones on plan” list box: can’t be more than 5 phone in plan
                          #18 “Total Bill” field accept 11 digits, 4 digits more than enough
                          #19 Local/Long Distances/International service. “Current Provider” list box: missing “Nextel” provider
                          #20 “Clear” button must be same size, color and type as “Submit” button per requirement
                          #21 “Clear” button do not work properly, when push give error “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”


                          • #28
                            ENERGY TELECOOM BUG REPORT

                            1 In "Contact information" section: "First name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required.
                            2 In "Contact information" section: "Last name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required.
                            3 In "Contact information" section: "Street Address" text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as required.

                            4 In "Contact information" section: "States" list box have "BC" state. There is no such state in US.
                            5 In "Contact information" section: "States" list box don't have "DC", "HI" and "NV" states.
                            6 In "Contact information" section: "States" list box. State name "IND" is inconsistent with the other state names.

                            In "Contact information" section: "Zip" text field accepts letters.
                            8 In "Contact information" section: "Zip" text field acceptscopy-pasting special characters.
                            9 In "Contact information" section: "Zip" text field acceptscopy-pasting more than 5 characters.

                            10 In "Contact information" section: "Phone" text fields acceptscopy-pasting all types of characters.
                            11 In "Contact information" section: "Email" text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                            12 In "Contact information" section: "Email" label is marked as "*" "Required field", but it can be skipped.
                            13 In "Contact information" section: "Referred by" label is NOT marked as "*" "Required field", but it CANNOT be skipped.

                            14 In "Cell Phone Service" section: "Current provider" list missing "AT&T" and "Other" options.
                            15 In "Cell Phone Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts typing letters.
                            16 In "Cell Phone Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts copy-pasting non digits.
                            17 In "Cell Phone Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts typing up to 11 characters. (Should be no more than 4).
                            18 In "Cell Phone Service" section: "Months Left On Current Contract" list box MUST have options from "0-24" Months and "More" option.
                            19 In "Cell Phone Service" section: "Number Of Phones on the plan" list box should have no more than 10 options.

                            20 In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Primary Phone Number" text field accepts copy-pasting non digits.
                            21 In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts copy-pasting non digits.
                            22 In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts typing up to 11 characters. (Should be no more than 4).
                            23 In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Total Bill" label should be removed. There is already "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" label in the section

                            24 In "High Speed Internet Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts copy-pasting non digits.
                            25 In "High Speed Internet Service" section:
                            "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts typing up to 11 characters. (Should be no more than 4).
                            26 In "High Speed Internet Service" section: "Types Of Service" label: options Inconsistency. "Wireless Aircard" is Check Box, not Radio Button.
                            27 In "High Speed Internet Service" section: "Provider" label should be removed. There is already label "Current Provider".

                            28 In "TV Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately"
                            text field accepts copy-pasting non digits.
                            29 In "TV Service" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts typing up to 11 characters. (Should be no more than 4).
                            30 In "TV Service" section: "Months Left On Current Contract" list box MUST have "More" option.

                            31 In "Home Security" section:"My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts copy-pasting non digits.
                            32In "Home Security" section: "My Monthly Bill Is Approximately" text field accepts typing up to 11 characters. (Should be no more than 4).

                            33 In "Gas and Electric Services" section: Should have separate label for "Gas Provider".
                            33 In "Gas and Electric Services" section: Should have separate label for "Electric Provider".
                            34 In "Gas and Electric Services" section: Should have separate label for "Gas Bills".
                            35 In "Gas and Electric Services" section: Should have separate label for "Electric Bills".
                            36 In "Gas and Electric Services" section: Check Box title "I am opento using different provider" has a typo.

                            37 "Clear" button doesn't work. Pressing it at any time displays an error message.
                            38 "Clear" button error message displays misleading information.("Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!").
                            39 Inconsistency in sizes between "Clear" and "Submit" buttons.
                            40 There is no "Default" button, as per GUI guidelines.
                            Last edited by Roman Lazuta; 03-12-2020, 04:16 PM.


                            • #29
                              1. Field "Reffered by" behaves as Required Field.
                              2. Tab is working incorrect.
                              3. Button "Clear" is not working.
                              4 .Field "First Name" accepts no more than 30 characters, instead 31.
                              5. Field "Last Name" accepts no more than 30 characters, instead 31.
                              6. Field "Street Address" accepts no more then 99 characters, instead 255.
                              7. In List box "State" have nonexistent states - BC and IND.
                              8. In List box "State" don't need "Other" .
                              9. In List box "State" need add "IN" and "NV".
                              10. Field "ZIP" accepts letters, but should accepts just digits.
                              11. Field "ZIP" accepts nonexistent ZIP.
                              12. Field "ZIP" accepts more then 5 characters, if make operation Copy - Paste.
                              13. Field "Email" accepts more characters than 255.
                              14. "Cell Phone Service" in list box "Current Provider" needs add "Other"
                              15. "Cell Phone Service" in Field "My monthly bill is approximately" needs add requirements: no more than 5 characters (digits only), instead 11.
                              16. "Cell Phone Service" in Field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters.
                              17. "Cell Phone Service" in field "Months left on current contract" needs change digits on "0" to "24".
                              18. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" in Field "My monthly bill is approximately" needs add requirements: no more than 5 characters (digits only), instead 11.
                              19. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" in Field "Total bill" needs add requirements: no more than 5 characters (digits only), instead 11.
                              20. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" in Field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts more letters, if make operation Copy - Paste.
                              21. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" in Field "Total bill" accepts more letters, if make operation Copy - Paste.
                              22. "Gas and Electric Services" last sentence need wtite "open to" instead "opento"


                              • #30
                                Bug Report Energy-Telecom Service

                                1. Field "First name" accept to input numbers, symbols instead letters only.
                                2. Field "Last name" accept to input numbers, symbols instead letters only.
                                3. Field "Zip" accept input letters instead numbers only.
                                4. Wrong state: BC; incorrect state IND instead IN; states HI,NV and District of Columbia is missing;"Other" need delete.
                                5. Contact Information "Email" doesn`t requested as requirement after "Submit" this form
                                6. Cell Phone Service in listbox "Number of phones on plan:" until 100 cellphones on the one plan
                                7. The form required fill in the field "Referred by:" after "Submit"
                                8. Button "Clear" doesn`t clear input information.
                                9. in part #4 Months left on plan "Prepaid" is wrong
                                10. in part #1 "Cell Phone Service" Current provider 4 providers only: AT&T missing
                                11. in part #1 My monthly bill is approximately: accepted letters
                                12. in part #1 My monthly bill is approximately does not accept to input period.
                                13. in part #1 Months left on current contract wrong Prepaid
                                14. in part #1 Months left on current contract 10 month only.
                                15. in part #2 My monthly bill accept more than 2 numbers after period, for example 454.8888
                                16. in part #3 Current Provider "AOL" wrong.
                                17. in part #3 Current Provider accept to input numbers.

                                Last edited by Greguar; 03-12-2020, 04:45 PM.

