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Online class March 3, 2020 - Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #16
    Bug Report Taulia

    1. Invoice date 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 shows until October 1.
    2. It shows 11 invoices on page instead 10 as required.
    3. Text "Showing 422 invoices" incorrect, need "Showing 10 invoices".
    4. "Due date" locate on top column with numbers instead dates.
    5. "PO#" locate on top column with dates.
    6. Misspelling "Invoce#".
    7. Button "Action" miss on 11 line.
    8. Inconsistently "".
    9. Number "5" miss on number of pages


    • #17
      10 March 2020
      TAULIA Bug report at
      Enviroment: Windows 8, PC

      1. Not simmetrical showing of the columns "Invoce #", "Type", "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "PO #", "Amount", "Status", "Payment" relative to its content .
      Alignment should be more ordered See screenshot #1

      2. The buttons in the header are not active

      3. All the labels:
      Invoice number
      Purchase order
      Invoice date
      Invoice status
      Results per page

      in upper block of dropdowns must end with ":" symbol
      except "From amount:". It has already ":" symbol

      4. Misspelled "Invoce #" in the 1st column.
      4.1. Misspelled Rejcted" in the 1st string as variant of statuses
      5. There are no variations in dropdowns "Invoice status" and in the "Results per page" and "Customer" as it is provided.
      6. Anaproprtiate icon of floppy disk in Download list.
      7. Missing link 5th page in bottom of the web page.
      8. Missing BUTTON "Actions" in 11th string of search results.
      9. There are 11 search results instead of 10 results on page while Results per page parameter set as 10.
      10. Apsent datas in format "2011-XXXX" in 1,3,6,9,10 strings. When at the same time there are parameters in other strings: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11.
      11. Anaproprtiate centring alignment of the action button "Search" regarding to coloumn of "Actions" buttons (Not simmetrical showing). See attached screenshot.
      12. Showing 422 invoices is not correct search result because even 35 pagegs at site multily to 11 string is equal to 385 invoices.
      13. The logotype in header of the site is not active by pointing the mouse arrow on it.
      14. The string in upper side of the web site User ihas unlogical order of links Manager Profile HelpLogout. At least the "HELP" should be in the bottom. It is expected by users to be there.
      15. Inappropriate use the binoculars icon.


      • #18
        Bug report on Taulia
        1. 11 invoices showing per page, however only 10 are specified in “results per page” list box
        2. In “Invoice date” text field is specified the following time interval: from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, however the results show invoice from 1-Oct-2011 to 31-Oct-2011
        3. Word “Invoce” spelled in the results instead of “invoice”


        • #19

          In the search bar:

          The 1 field has to be 'Customer'. (More logical)

          The 2 field has to be 'Invoice number'

          The 3 field has to be 'Invoice date'. (Change format to MM/DD/YYYY)

          The 4 field has to be 'Due date'. (Create this field - it doesn't exist in the search bar)

          The 5 field has to be 'Purchase order number'. (Add the word 'number')

          The 6 field has to be 'Amount from: 100 to 1,000,000'. (Swap words 'from' and 'amount'. Separate million by two commas)

          The 7 field has to be 'Invoice status'

          The 8 field has to be 'Results per page'

          No field has an asterisk '*'. There must be at least 1 field marked with an asterisk

          In the showing/result bar:

          The column 'Invoice #' is misspelled. Add the letter 'i' and change '#' sign into word 'number'.

          The column 'Invoice #' has to be renamed into 'Invoice number"

          The column 'Type' should be deleted. This is a repeat of the obvious information

          The column 'Inv. Date' has to be renamed - 'Invoice date' and be in the right format MM/DD/YYYY

          The column 'Due Date' has wrong values. Has to be in the right format MM/DD/YYYY

          The column 'PO #' has to be renamed as 'Purchased order number' and be in the right forman MM/DD/YYYY

          The column "Amount" starts with the smallest amount, however the sign of amount (triangle) is upside down. Change the triangle sign.

          In the 11th field there is no button 'Actions'

          The total number of results per page must be 10, not 11

          There are 422 showed invoices on 32 pages.The number of pages should be 42, if we select 10 in 'Results per page'

          The page # 5 is missed


          • #20
            1. Only line "From amount:" has symbol":"
            2. Mismatch in "Results per page" showing 11 results instead of 10
            3. Mismatch columns "Due Date" and "PO #"
            4. The extra column "Type" if it showing already on the tab "Invoices"
            5. Inconsistency in writing the date "6/5/2011" and "31-Aug-2011 "


            • #21
              Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT
              1. Links to search page numbers doesn’t consist link for page №5;
              2. The column name "Invoce" is incorrect. Change to "Invoice";
              3. “Due date” column: the values have an inappropriate format. Change to the common date format
              4. Need to consider changing “Invoice date” label to “Invoice date from:”
              5. The 7th line in the result list contains date “1-Oct-2011”, which is outside of the range specified in “Invoice date” fields.


              • #22
                TAULIA BUG REPORT

                1. Status column, row 1: word "Rejcted" is misspelled. Should be "rejected"
                2. Search parameters: Character ( is missing after labels (except for label ("from amount"))
                3. Links to search pages: page number 5 is missing
                4. Amount column, row 7,8: Amount $22,409.37 should be after $22,376.00
                5. Search results: it shows 422 invoices but for 32 pages with 10 (or 11) results per page it's only 320 (or 352)
                6. Search results: 11 results per page instead of 10
                7. Invoice Date column, row 7: Date 1-Oct-2011 is out of range
                8. Search results, row 11: "Action" button is missing
                9. Search results, Due Date column: date format is not common
                10. Search results: space between "Download list" and "Refresh" buttons is hyperlinked


                • #23
                  Taulia Bug Report.

                  Section "Search my invoices" -> Colon character ( : ) are missed at the end of all labels: "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", 'Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Result per page".
                  #2 Section "Search result" -> Misspelled word column "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #".
                  #3 Section "Search result" -> "Status" column -> First result line (Inv. #1122339225 -> Misspelled word "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected".
                  #4 Section "Search result" -> "Amount" column -> Gray triangle sort sign near the "Amount" is not working as ascending. Results are showing as descending.
                  #5 "Page list" at the button of the page-> Page #5 are missed in the list.
                  #6 Section "Search result" -> There are "11" lines of result (11 invoices) although at the "Search my invoices" section user chose "10" at the drop down list of "Result per page".
                  #7 Section "Search result" -> "Due date" and "PO #" should be replaced because lists of "PO #" column are in the date format and lists of "Due Date" are numbers.
                  #8 Section "Search result" -> Results of search "Showing 422 invoices" but there 32 pages by 11 invoices (32*11=352). Discrepancy between the total number of invoices and the total number of invoices in 32 pages.
                  #9 Section "Search my invoices" -> Misspelled label "From amount:" instead of "Amount from".
                  #10 Section "Search result" -> Date of invoice #1122339546 (1-Oct-2011) is out of limits from the section "Search my invoices", "Invoice date" (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).


                  • #24
                    |________GUI Bugs________|

                    I. Summary:
                    In the section "Search my invoices", all labels should be end up colon ":".
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Pay attention on the section "Search my invoices";
                    Observe: First three labels and last three labels don't end up with the colun ( character.
                    II. Summary:
                    In the section "Showing 422 invoices" label "Invoce #" is misspelled.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Pay attention on the section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    Observe: There is label "Invoce#" is misspelled (should be "Invoice #").
                    III. Summary:
                    Word "Rejcted" is misspelled in "Status" column.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4. Pay attention on the section "Showing 422 invoices"
                    5. Look on the label "Status";
                    Observe: In the column "Status" word "Rejcted" is misspelled for invoice# "1122339225" (should be "Rejected").
                    IV. Summary:
                    The button "Actions" is missing.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4. Pay attention on the last row of section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    Observe: Last row (Invoice # 1122338095) doesn't have button "Actions" in last column.

                    |___________Function Bugs_________|

                    V. Summary:
                    Wrong sort in amount column.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4. Pay attention on the section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    5. Look on the label "Anount";
                    Observe: "Amount" column doesn't sort right (Amount $ 22,409.37 is above 22,376.00).
                    VI. Summary:
                    User gets 11 search results insted of 10.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4. Pay attention on the section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    5. Look on the total results on first page;
                    Observe: 11 search results are available instead of 10 which is specified in default "Results per page".
                    VII. Summary:
                    Total amount of invoices is not correct.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4. Pay attention on the section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    Observe: There is total amount 422 Invoices isn't correct because 32 pages and 11 invoices per page give us 352 invoices.
                    IIX. Summary:
                    Link to the page "5" is missing at the bottom of search results table.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4. Pay attention on the left bottom of section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    Observe: Missing page #5 in the list of the pages.
                    IX. Summary:
                    Values in the columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are wrong.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4, Pay attention on the section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    Observe: Values in the columns "Due Date" and "PO #" should be swapped with each other.
                    X. Summary:
                    Invoice date filter works incorrectly.
                    1. Run the Taulia application;
                    2. Open the "Invoices" folder;
                    3. Execute search with default values;
                    4. Pay attention on the section "Showing 422 invoices";
                    5. Look on the column "PO#" (Should be "Due Date").
                    Observe: The invoice dates specified by default from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. But in the list we observe invoice # 1122339546 which is until 31-Oct-2011 (10.31.20111).


                    • #25
                      #1. "Status" column, row 4: The "Paid" image come with an "approved" tooltip instead "Paid" tooltip

                      #2. Search result should give bring us 10 invoices on-page, instead 11

                      #3. Search table, row 11 is missing "Actions" button

                      #4. Search result says 422 invoices have been found, but we have a total of 32 pages with 10,11 invoices on page

                      #5. Search table, numbers of pages, button left page: We have 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10... 32, number 5 is missing

                      #6. "Amount" column: The actual order is (ascending) but the direction of the gray triangle next to it, is (descending)

                      #7. Search table, row 7, 1-Oct-2011 is ot of range specified in the "Invoice date" fields

                      #8. "Amount" sort order broken, an invoice with the amount of $22,409.37 should go below, invoice with the amount of $22,376.00, not above

                      #9. Search table, row 1, misspelled word "Invoce #"

                      #10. "Status" 1st row, misspelled word "Rejcted"

                      #11. "Due Date" and "PO #" have mismatch position in the "Table search"


                      • #26

                        1. Search my invoices. All labels should end with a " : " (colon character).
                        2. Status column. Misspelled word "Rejcted". Missed "e".
                        3. "Results per page" listbox allows 10 results, but Search results showing 11 results.
                        4. "Invoice #" column. Misspelled word "Invoce". Missed "i".
                        5. Missing link to page "5" on the page list.
                        6. "Amount" column. Sort order problem: $22,376.00 should be above $22,409.37.
                        7. "Invoice #1122338095": no button "Actions".
                        8. Consider changing "From amount" label to "Amount from".
                        10. "Due date" and "PO#" columns are misplaced.
                        11. Column headers are aligned to the right while the column data aligned to the left.
                        12. Invoice " 1122339500" and "1122339302" are pass the due date
                        13. Invoice " 1122339546" is not with in the date range of the Invoice date.
                        14. 422 invoices intended, but there is only 32 pages and 11 invoices on every page.
                        15. Invoice Status label only shows " All" under label, there should be other options like " Paid", "Rejected"..
                        16. " Invoice number " label should only accept numbers


                        • #27
                          #1 Section “Search my invoices”: all labels should have colons
                          #2 Section “Showing 422 invoices” word “invoce” is misspelled, should be change to “Invoice”
                          #3 In section “Showing 422 invoices” all headers should be align
                          #4 Inconsistent date input, to be consistent
                          #5 In the section “Showing 422 invoices” in column “Status” ward “Rejcted” is misspelled , change to “Rejected”
                          #6 In the list of pages, page number 5 is missing
                          #7 11 results per page instead of 10
                          #8 Column “Amount” "Amount" doesn’t sort right (Amount $ 22,409.37 is above 22,376.00)
                          #9 There is no default input focus
                          #10 "Showing 422 invoices" is miscalculation

