Online class March 3, 2020 - Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT
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Online class March 3, 2020 - Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT
Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT
#1. Section "Search my invoices": all labels should end up with the colon character ":"
#2. Section "Search my invoices" label "Invoice date": missing word "from"
#3. Section "Search my invoices" label "From amount:": word "from" put to the text field by analogy with label "to" to the appropriate text field
#4. Search results showing 11 invoices instead of 10 according to "Results per page"
#5. In case its remains 11 invoices at search results, add 11th button "Actions" by analogy with previous ten invoices
#6. Misspelled word: "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected" on the first line of column "Status''
#7. Search result table column "Due Date": showing results column "PO #"
#8. Search result table column "PO #": showing results column "Due Date"
#9. Misspelled word column ''Invoce #": "Invoce" instead of "Invoice"
#10. Search result table: Inconsistency in quantity of invoces "Showing 422 invoices" and quantity of pages "32"
#11. Incorrect sorting column "Amount": "$22,409.37'' should be lower than "$22,376.00"
#12. Search results paginations: page "5" is missing
#13. Column "Inv. Date": Visually unaligned page elements of whole column
#14. Column "Due Date": Visually unaligned page elements of whole column
#15. Column "PO #": Visually unaligned page elements of whole column
#16. Column "Inv. Date": "Inv." must be defined in order to be understood by all users
Taulia web app. (GUI - Hands off testing).
#1. The header of the application (right side): Inconsistency of spacing between labels “User Manager” “Profile” “Help” “Logout”;
#2. The header of the application (right side): The colons between “User” and “Manager” missed in “User Manager” label;
#3. “Search my invoices” section: Labels do not end by colons (exc. “From amount” label);
#4. Taulia application main page: No default input field indicated by text pointer;
#5. “Purchase order” label line: The search icon (binoculars) does not accompanied with any text description (to clarify that it is an active button), compared to “Download list” and “Refresh” buttons in the header of “Search results” section;
#6. “Search results” section: An “Invoce #” label located in header of “Search results” section has misspelling;
#7. “Search results” section: Columns “Inv. Date”, “Due Date”, “PO #”, “Amount” supposedly should have right side alignment, as it is numerical amounts;
#8. “Search results” section: “Amount” column sort order does not match the “triangle” sort indicator.
#9. “Search results” section: Inconsistency in the sort order of “Amount” column - “$ 22,409.37” value should follow “$ 22,376.00” value;
#10. “Search results” section: A “Rejcted” label of the “Status” column has misspelling;
#11. “Search results” section contains 11 lines result instead of 10 specified in “Results per page” list box of “Search my invoices” section;
#12. “Search results” section: The list of result links in the bottom of the section miss “5” link;
#13. “Search results” section: “Showing 422 invoices” label: The lable amount does not match multiplying of quantity of result pages per number of results per page (32 X 11 = 352, not 422);
#14. “Search results” section: The lowest result line has no “Actions” button, compared to 10 previous lines.
Taulia- In Search my invoices section labels do not end with the colon
- In the list of invoices section in the header of the section observe “Showing 422 invoices”, but there are only 32 pages with 10 invoices per page.
- In the list of invoices section the name of “Invoice” column is misspelled
- In the list of invoices section in the “ due date” column it has incorrect data
- in the list of invoices section in the “ PO#” column there is a date, should be po number. The “due date” and the “PO#” columns data should be switched
- In the list of invoices section in the invoice number 1122339225 in the “Status” column “Rejected” is misspelled
- In the list of invoices section the “Amount” column is not sorted from smallest to largest.
- In the list of invoices section in the “PO#” column the numbers are not aligned to the left as the rest of the form.
- In the list of invoices section in the search results the October month invoice is outside of search parameters.
- In Search my invoices section in the Invoice date input field the data format is 6/5/2011 and in the list of invoices section in “Inv. Date column” the date format is 29-Aug-2011.
- In the pagination of the web page the page number “5” link is missing.
- In the list of invoices section the last “Actions” button is missing.
1. Colon character is marled only near the "from amount"
2. Invoice date field is from 6/5/2011 till 9/30/2011 - in the searched list one of the invoiced dated 1-Oct-2011
3. Results per page should be 10 (as in the field)-actual result is 11 invoices on the page.
4. Result "showing 422 invoices" in total. There are 32 pages and if 11 results on each page it gives us total of 352, not 422.
5. Word 'invoice' spelled incorrectly - 'invoce'
6. Word 'rejected' spelled incorrectly - 'rejcted'
7. Invoice #1122338095 - there is no option for 'actions', this line is missing it.
8. In the list of pages number fife is absent.
9. 'PO#' and 'Due Date' results are missed placed. 'PO#' shows date and 'Due Date' shows the PO number.
10. Invoice #1122338089 - invoice date and due date is the same date.
11. Given instructions to organize results by amount giving an error on the line of invoice #1122339546 and #1122339134. Amount of $22,376.00 should not be after $22.409.37.
1. Default state is not available
2. “Search my invoices” section: all labels, but “From amount” label, are missing “:” Add “:”.
3. “Invoice number” data field accepts letters and special characters entry. Provided below invoice numbers only show numerical values.
4. “Purchase Order” data field accepts letters and special characters entry. Provided below PO# only show numerical values.
5. “Customer” data input field: drop-down button available, but no list of options. Only one choice is available. Extend the list and add an option “Other”
6. “Invoice status” data input field: drop-down button available, but no list of options. Only one choice is available. Extend.
7. “Results per page” data input field: drop-down button available, but no list of options. Only one choice is available. Extend.
8. Results table: results per page selected as 10, actually listed results equal 11.
9. Results table: Due Date column format is numerical, not date format. Probably misplaced with PO# column.
10. Results table: PO# column is date format. Correct.
11. Invoice #1122339546 / 8th row in the table is outside of the set up range for the Invoice date requirements. The range end on Sep 30, invoice is Oct-1.
12. “Actions” button is missing for the last invoice/bottom row of the results table.
#1. 'Invoice number' label accept letters and charecters.
#2. 'Purchase order' label accept letters and charecters.
#3. 'From amount' label accept letters and charecters.
#4. Only 'From amount' label has the colon character.
#5. No default input focus.
#6. Mistake in the word of column 'Invoce'. missing letter 'i'.
#7. Mistake in word 'Rejcted' under column 'Status'. Missing letter 'e'.
#8. There are 11 results per page, should be 10.
#9. Date 1-oct-2011 is invalid in 'Invois #' 1122339546 due to 'Invoice date' label search result.
#10. The columns under section 'Showing 422 invoices' looks askew. Move tabs 'Invoce #', 'Type', 'Inv. Date' etc. to the left.
#11. PO# and 'Due date' vice versa.
#12. Mismatch between number of invoices and numbers of page. (Explanation: There are 422 inv. and 32 pages. On one page should be 10 inv, 422/10=42.2, so have to be 43 pages.)
#13. Missing page #5 on the page list.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
This gallery has 2 photos.Last edited by Khrystyna Znak; 03-09-2020, 03:29 PM.
1. The field labeled “Invoice search” accepts letters.
2. The labels “Invoice number”, ”Customer”, ”Purchase order”, ”Invoice date”, ”Invoice status”, ”Result per page” do not end up with column (.
3. There is no default input focus.
4. The drop down menu labeled “Customer” should be replaced with a date entry field since there could be thousands of customers.
5. The field labeled “Purchase order” accepts letters.
6. Both fields labeled “Invoice date” should be replaced with drop-down boxes for date selection.
7. There are 11 results shown in search result.
8. The search result list is inconsistent and needs to be sorted by a criteria.
9. No drop down menu to choose a criteria to get the search result sorted.
10. The due date of invoices in result shows a number instead of a date.
11. The tab order does not work properly.
12. The “search” button is not disabled.
13. In drop down list labeled “Invoice status” there is no other menu item other than of “All”.
14. In drop down list labeled “Results per page” there is no other menu item other than “10”.
15. The tab “Your customer” should be labeled “My Customers”.
1 Search results table show 11 results instead of 10.
2 Search results under "PO#" column and "Due Date" are mismatch.
3 "Payment" column have unclear descriptions.
4 "Amount" column doesn't sort right (Amount $ 22,409.37 is above 22,376.00).
5 Word "Invoce" on the search results table is misspelled.
6 Word "Rejcted" is misspelled in "Status" column.
7 Invoice number 1122338089 have the same "Due Date" and "Inv. Date".
8 Invoice number 1122339546 shouldn't be on search results table.
(Search parameters were different).
9 Search results table show wrong number of invoices.
(Showing 422 invoices, which is wrong because, there are 32 pages.
32 pages and 11 invoices per page gives us 352 invoices).
10 Page count at the bottom of the table missing page 5.
11 In search parameters only "From amount" label has " : " symbol.
12 In search parameters "Invoice date" label. should have drop down boxes.
Taulia Bug Report
#1. Search my invoices. All labels should end with a " : " (colon character).
#2. Status column. Misspelled word "Rejcted". Missed "e".
#3. "Results per page" listbox allows 10 results, but Search results showing 11 results.
#4. "Invoice #" column. Misspelled word "Invoce". Missed "i".
#5. Missing link to page "5" on the page list.
#6. "Amount" column. Sort order problem: $22,376.00 should be above $22,409.37.
#7. "Invoice number" label allows to fill in letters, numbers and special characters, but invoices contain numbers only.
#8. "Invoice #1122338095": no button "Actions".
#9. Consider changing "From amount" label to "Amount from".
#10. "Due date" and "PO#" columns are misplaced.
#11. Different date format. In the label "Invoice date"- 6/5/2011, in "Invoices" columns- 29-Aug-2011.
#12. Column headers are aligned to the right while the column data aligned to the left.
#13. "Amount" column should be ordered from large to small. The descending order shows ordering from small to large.
Last edited by Yana_I; 03-09-2020, 08:17 PM.
TAULIA bug report
1. In the section "Search my invoices", label "Invoice number", the colon character is missing
2. In the section "Search my invoices", the label "Customer", the colon character is missing
3. In the section "Search my invoices", label "Purchase order", the colon character is missing
4. In the section "Search my invoices", label "Invoice date", the colon character is missing
5. In the section "Search my invoices", label "Invoice status", the colon character is missing
6. In the section "Search my invoices", label "Results per page", the colon character is missing
7. In the results for search is 11 invoices are available instead of 10.
8. One extra result outside the specified period Invoices date. It have to be between 6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011
9. In the search box column "Due date" gives incorrect result (just numbers)
10. In the search box column "PO#" gives incorrect result as a date
11. In the search box -> column "Status"-> word "Rejected" spelled incorrectly (rejcted)
12. In the search box column "Invoice"-> the word "invoice" spelled incorrectly (invoce)
13. In the search box column "DUE date", what suppose to be "PO#" contains the same number for different date
GUI Bugs- Section “Search My Invoice”, label “Invoice number” should end up with a: “:”/colon
- Section “Search My Invoice”, label “Customer” should end up with a: “:”/colon
- Section “Search My Invoice”, label “Purchase order” should end up with a: “:”/colon
- Section “Search My Invoice”, label “Invoice date” should end up with a: “:”/colon
- Section “Search My Invoice”, label “Invoice status” should end up with a: “:”/colon
- Section “Search My Invoice”, label “Result per page” should end up with a: “:”/colon
- Misspelled. Section “Showing 422 invoices”, label “Invoce #”, need to change for “Invoice #”
- Misspelled. Section “Showing 422 invoices”, n first column invoice #1122339225 in label Label “Status” i “Rejcted” need to correct for “Rejected”
- In Section “Showing 422 Invoices” Label “Due Date” and “PO #” all information giving in list box bellow we should all change places with each other.
Function BUgs- In Section “Search my invoices”, label “Results per page” selected 10 invoices per page, but in List Box in section “Showing 422 invoices” we see 11 in stead of 10,
- In Section “Showing 422 Invoices” in list box have problem with sorter order, amount “$22,409.37” should be after amount “$22376.00”.
- In Section “Showing 422 invoice”, in invoice # 1122338095, last one in last column we don’t have push Botton “Actions”
- In search result we have total 422 invoices, but in result of page maximum we have 32 pages, 10 page (even 11), result will be less than 422.
- “Customer” field has a drop down , but doesn’t have any options to choose from.
- Invoice spelled wrong ("invoce"), and rejected ("rejcted") in the invoice #1122339225.
- “Invoice date” field is not adjustable.
- “Invoice status” has a drop down , but does not have any other option except “all”.
- 11 results per page instead of intended 10.
- “Actions” buttons do not work.
- “Download and refresh” buttons are disabled.
- Payment dates arranged wrong (mixed, instead of earliest to the latest, or latest to the earliest).
- “Hide search parameters” button is disabled.
- 422 invoices intended, but there is only 32 pages and 11 invoices on 1 page, which comes to 352 invoices in total.
TAULIA Bug report
Mac OS 10.15.2, Safari v.13.0.4- “Search my invoices” - all labels should end up with a colon (
- Search results showing 11 invoices instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox
- Misspelled word “Rejcted” in the first line of “Status” column
- 32 pages with 11 results per page is less then 422 invoices
- Sort order problems in “Amount” column: “$100.10” should be below “$100.00”, “$22,409.37” should be bellow “$22,376.00”
- Search results: missing link to page “5”
- Consider changing “From amount” label to “Amount from”
- Mixed up column labels “Due date” and “PO #”
- “Search my invoices” - all labels should end up with a colon (
Taulia bug reports
#1 Search results table in serch page consist of 11 rows instend of 10 as in fild "Results per page"/
#2 Search result table in 11 row miising button "Actions"
#3 Search result table has incorrect name "Invoce #" (grammar mistake)
#4 Format date in "Invoice date" "to", "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "Payment" must be of the same
#5 Mismatch information between "Due Date", "PO #"
#6 The page numbering is missing page number 5 under search results table
#7 "Showing 422 invoices" is miscalculation
#8 Search result table has incorrect type of "Status" Rejcted (grammar mistake)Last edited by Ksenia Swan; 03-09-2020, 07:47 PM.