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Online class March 3, 2020 - GUI Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #61
    Energy-Telecom Bug report

    Mac OS 10.13.6, Safari v.12.1.2
    1. “Email” is not working as a required field, but it should per requirements.
    2. “Referred by” is working as a required field, but it should’t per requirements.
    3. No default button
    4. Place default input focus into “First Name” field.
    5. TAB order violation in “Contact Information” section: from “First Name” field input focus moves to the “Referred by” field instead of “Last Name” field.
    6. “First Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    7. “Last Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    8. “Street Address” field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
    9. “ZIP” field accepts input letters, but it should’t per requirements.
    10. “ZIP” field accepts pasting characters more than 5, but it should’t per requirements.
    11. “ZIP” field accepts pasting characters and special characters.
    12. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters.
    13. “Email” field accepts prohibited special characters, instead of accepting only @ . -
    14. “Phone” field accepts pasting characters, instead of digits only.
    15. In “Cell Phone Service” section “My monthly bill..” field accepts input/pasting letters.
    16. In “Cell Phone Service” section “Months left on current contract:” drop down menu no “11” and “12”
    17. In “Local/Long Distance/International Service” section “Primary Phone Number:” field accepts pasting characters instead of digits only.
    18. In “Local/Long Distance/International Service” section “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts pasting characters instead of digits only.
    19. In “Local/Long Distance/International Cervices” section “Total Bill:” field accepts pasting characters instead of digits only.
    20. In “Local/Long Distance/International Cervices” section “Current Provider:” drops down menu is not in alphabet order.
    21. In “High Speed Internet Service” section “Current Provider:” drops down menu is not in alphabet order.
    22. In “High Speed Internet Service” section “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts pasting characters instead of digits only.
    23. In “TV Service” section “Current Provider:” drop down menu is not in alphabet order.
    24. In “TV Service” section “My monthly bill is approximately” field is accepting characters pasting instead of digits only.
    25. In “Home Security Service” section “My monthly bill is approximately:” field is accepting characters pasting instead of digits only.
    26. In “Gas and Electric Services” section “Current Provider” drop down menu is not in alphabet order.
    27. In “Gas and Electric Services” section “My monthly bill (summer)” field is accepting characters pasting instead of digits only.
    28. In “Gas and Electric Services” section “My monthly bill (winter)” field is accepting characters pasting instead of digits only.
    29. In “Gas and Electric Services” misspelled word “open to” in “I am open to using different provider” check box.
    30. “Clear” button does not clear anything. Instead user gets confusing/misleading error message


    • #62
      Energy-Telecom Bug Report

      "Contact Information" block

      1.No default input focus
      2.Pushing "tab" does not follow a logical order> 'First name' to 'Referred by'.
      3.When pushing "State" list box the results are not in aplphabetical order "BC" before "AL", also, BC is not an US state.
      4."Phone" section text field allows to add special characters when by using 'copy/paste' method.
      5.Label "ZIP", the text field box allows to "copy/paste" more than 5 characters.
      6.We are allowed to push "submit" button without filling any other section.

      "Cellphone Service" block

      1. "Mothly bill is approximately" label, the text field allows to introduce letters when should be numbers.
      2. "Minutes on plan" label, the list menu does not have "0" as an option.
      3. "Minutes on plan"label, the list menu values do not follow an specific logic (increments in 50, 100, 1000).
      4. "Months left on current contract" label only allows to select up to 10 months in the drop down box.
      5. "Current provider" lable does not offer "Other" as an option in the drop down box.

      "Local/Long distances/International Service" block

      1. When pushing "tab" after reaching "Bundled with" the selection does not follow a logical order and only selects values on the left column.
      2. "Primary Phone Number" label, the text field allows to add alphabetical characters when using "copy/paste" method.
      3. "My monthly bill is approximately" label, the text field allows to add alphabetical characters when using "copy/paste" method.
      4. "Total Bill" label, the text field allows to add alphabetical characters when using "copy/paste" method
      Last edited by Baldrich; 03-09-2020, 07:54 PM.


      • #63
        GUI Bug Report on Energy Telecom
        1. "First Name" text field allows to type Numbers and non alphanumeric characters
        2. "Last Name" text field allows to type Numbers and non alphanumeric characters
        3. "City" text field allows to type Numbers and non alphanumeric characters
        4. "Referred by" text field allows to type Numbers and non alphanumeric characters
        5. “Referred by” field has no asterisk, however error message provided if no input in the text field.
        6. "State" list box provides 49 states instead of 50.
        7. Error message provided when “Clear” button pushed.
        8. Fields not being cleared if “Clear” button pushed.
        9. In "Cell Phone Service" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type letters.
        10. In the check box 7, space missing between words “open” and “to”.
        11. List box “Moths left on current contract” contains only 10 months, consider adding more.
        12. In the "Minutes on plan" list box the gap between 30 and 200 is too big, add more minutes in between.
        Last edited by IrinaLakoeva; 03-11-2020, 03:42 AM.


        • #64

          #1."Contact information": "Email" field should be included in required field.
          #2. "Contact information": "Email" field has blue asterisk instead of red.
          #3."Contact information": "Email" field accepts information without some special character-@
          #4. Error message "*Please select your state": does not disappear after correctly filling in the field "State".
          #5."Contact information": "State" field has 48 states instead 50.
          #6. "Contact information": "State" field has "Other" and "BC" -it is not a name of state.
          #7."Contact information": "ZIP" accepts letters.
          #8. Error message "*Please enter a valid ZIP code": does not disappear after correctly filling in the field "ZIP".
          #9. "Contact information": "Best way to contact me" drop-down list should have "Other"/"Both".
          #10. "Contact information": "Referred by" field need to have an asterisk.
          #11. "Cell Phone Service": "Current provider" drop-down list should have "Other".
          #12. "Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letter.
          #13. "Cell Phone Service": "Minutes on plan:" drop-down list counts minutes not correctly.
          #14. "Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract:" drop-down list should have 12 months instead of 10.
          #15. "Gas and Electric Services": "I am opento using different provider" button has grammatical mistake. Should be "open to" instead of "opento" (GUI)
          #16. Button "Clear" does not work correctly. Do not clear form.
          #17. Button "Clear" does not fit the button "Submit" according to GUI rules.


          • #65
            Energy-Telecom Bug Reports
            1. In the “Contact Information” section TAB order is not logical: First Name > Refferd by > Last Name
            2. In the “Contact Information” section "First Name" field accepts digits and special characters
            3. In the “Contact Information” section "Last Name" field accepts digits and special characters
            4. In the “Contact Information” section "Street Address" field accepts special characters
            5. In the “Contact Information” section "ZIP" field accepts letters
            6. In the “Contact Information” section "ZIP" field accepts invalid ZIP code
            7. In the “Contact Information” section "Referred by" field accepts digits and special characters
            8. In the “Contact Information” section "State" drop box list has unlogical options as: “Other”, “BC”, “IND”.
            9. In the “Contact Information” section "State" drop box list has missing these states: IN, DC, HI, NV.
            10. Pushing "Clear" triggers the following error: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!", does not clear the form.


            • #66
              Energy-Telecom Service test
              #1. Section "Contact Information"
              1. "First Name:" field do not accept more 30 symbols, as written in the requirements. (Must be no more than 31).
              2. "Last Name:" field do not accept more 30 symbols. (Must be no more than 31).
              3. "Street Address:" field do not accept more 100 symbols. (Must be no more than 255).
              4. "Email:" accept over than 255 symbols. (Must be no more than 255).
              5. "State" list box added wrong states "BC"(not American state) and "Other"(not a state).
              6. "State" list box missed two states "NV" and "HI".
              7. "State" list box wrong name of state "IN". Added "D" in the end.

              #2. Section 1 "Cell Phone Service"
              1. "Current Provider" list box no choice to provider. Missed "AT&T", "Comcast" and "Other".
              2. "Months left on current contract" list box no choice more than 10 month. Missed "11", "12" and "More".

              #3. Section 2 "Local/Long Distances/International Service"
              1."Current Provider" list box no choice to provider. Missed "T-Mobile" and "Nextel".

              #4. Section 3 "High Speed Internet Service"
              1. "Current Provider" list box no choice to provider. Missed "T-Mobile", "Nextel","Direct TV" and "Sprint".

              #5. Section 4 "TV Service"
              1. "Months left on plan" list box no choice more than 24 month. Missed "More".

              #6. The button "Clear" after pushing doesn't clear the form (Error 17896 - Invalid data request).
              Last edited by Ben_Shihiyev; 03-13-2020, 08:07 AM.


              • #67
                GUI BUG REPORT for Energy Telecom

                1. “Indicates required field” should have black letters;

                2. In “Contact Information” Section, “Best Way To Contact Me” - should not be with capital letters except “Best”;

                3. In Section 1, “Number of phones on plan:” should be on par with “Minutes on plan:”;

                4. In Section 2:

                - “International calls included?” - must be ended with column;

                - “Long distance included?” - must be “Long distance calls included:”;

                - “I am interested in Unlimited Calling:” - word “Calling” must be changed to “Calls”;

                5. In Section 6, “Unlimited Calling” - must be changed to “Unlimited Calls”;

                6. In Section 7, “I am opento using different provider” - words “open” and “to” must be separated.


                • #68
                  Energy-Telecom GUI Bug Reports

                  #1. "State:" list box should not contain item "BC".
                  #2. "State:" list box should not contain item "Other".
                  #3. "State:" listbox contains misspelling in item "IND".
                  #4. "State:" listbox missing two items: "HI" and "NV".
                  #5. Application doesn't have default input focus.
                  #6. Application has wrong tab order: after "First Name:" field input focus moves to "Referred by:" field instead of "Last Name:" field.
                  #7. Incorrect spelling of "opento" in "I am opento using different provider" label under "7. Gas and Electric Services" section.
                  Last edited by Konata17; 03-18-2020, 08:27 AM.


                  • #69
                    Energy-Telecom Bug Report
                    #1 Tab order not work logically , after “First Name ” field skip on “Referred by” field (suppose skip on “Last name” field)
                    #2 Contact Information. Field “First Name” accepts digits
                    #3 Gas and Electric Services. Menu items of “Current provider” are not in alphabetical order
                    #4 When pushing “Submit” button without filling out required fields, “Email” field have blue color asterisk instead red
                    #5 When pushing “Submit” button without filings out required fields, “Referred by” supposed to have asterisk
                    #6 “State” field missing state “HI” (Hawaii)
                    #7 Contact Information. Field “State” NV (Nevada) is missing
                    #8 Field "ZIP" allows to input letters
                    # 9 Button “Submit” supposed to be disabled, before you fill out any fields.
                    #10 Local/Long Distances/International Service. Menu items of “Current provider” are not in alphabetical order


                    • #70
                      Energy-Telecom Bug Report
                      1. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are not disable
                      2. Default button is missing
                      3. Default input focus is missing
                      4. There is no logic in Contact Information In the section "Contact information" TAB order is not logical: First name->Referred by->Last Name * Indicates required field
                      5. After pushing the button “Clear”, system error notification pops up: Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!
                      6. If I open web-page: and don’t texting in the fields and push the “Submit button” it gives the information that I didn’t texted the required fields. And it indicates that the field “Referred by:” is required (* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by). Moreover, the elements “*” opposite required fields changed color to red, except field “name”
                      7. All web elements have to be aligned in certain order.
                      8. Contact Information> Field “First Name” accepts digits and special characters
                      9. Contact Information> Field “Last Name” accepts digits and special characters
                      10. Contact Information> Field “City” accepts digits and special characters
                      11. Contact Information> Menu items in the field “State” are not alphabet ordered
                      12. Contact Information> Field “State” contains OTHER and doesn’t contain BC, DC, HI, NV
                      13. Buttons “SUBMIT” and “CLEAR” have different height
                      14. Cell Phone Service> Field “Months left on current contract” doesn’t contain 11 and 12.
                      15. Cell Phone Service> Field “My monthly bill is approximately” allows letters
                      16. High Speed Internet Service> Margin “Wireless Aircard” is not aligned
                      17. Digital Phone Service with Video Phone. Left margin is not aligned.
                      18. Gas and Electric Services> Field “I am opento using different provider” hasn’t space between “open” and “to”.
                      19. Gas and Electric Services> There aren’t monthly bills for spring and autumn


                      • #71
                        Energy-Telecom Bug Report

                        1. "State" list box giving chooise from 50 states, but have one non-existing in USA "BC" which is part of the Canada.
                        2. "Contact information" section: List box "State" should not have "Other" as the choise of the USA states.
                        3. "Contact information" section: "ZIP" code accepts special characters and letters in the required field.
                        4. Section 1 "Cell Phone Service". Item "Other" is missing from the "Current Provider" list box.
                        5. "Contact Information" section: accepts 30 characters instead of 31 required.
                        6. When you push button "Clear" it does not clear anything, instead in shows misleading "error 17896".
                        7. "Contact Information" section: remove item "Other" from "State" list box.

