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Online class March 3, 2020 - GUI Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #16

    Energy-Telecom. GUI Bug Report

    1.Default input focus doesn't work when loading the page

    2.Tab order doesn't work when pressing the Tab button when in field - First name

    3.The button "Clear" when pressed brings out an error message:
    "Error 17896 - invalid data request"

    4. The field "Zip" allows letters to be entered, Zip codes are only numeric

    5. E-mail address can be submitted without @

    6. the field "Referred by" is not marked with a * to show that it is required field, but when submitting the form, it turns out to be a required field
    * needs to be placed next to the 'Referred by'

    7. "My monthly bill is approximately" - allows to enter letters, we should only be able to enter numbers

    9. "Months left on current contract" -10 month is maximum option, needs to be up to 24 months

    10. High Speed Internet Service, Current provider - no choice to enter a provider if 'Other' is chosen in list

    11. "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" - Text field accepts pasted letters

    12. "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" - Text field accepts pasted letters

    13. 'Total Bill:' - Bill should be written with lower case b in line with the rest of the form

    14. 'Local/Long Distances/International Service ' - there should be a space between Local and / - the sentence becomes more readable

    15. 'Best Way To Contact Me:' - needs an option 'Post'

    16. 'Current Provider:' - drop down box - needs a field - "Other"
    And another field underneath named 'Name of provider if other'


    • #17
      Energy-Telecom Bug Report

      1) Default input focus is not working.
      2) TAB order is not logigal : after "First Name" field it drops in "Reffered by" instead of "Last Name" field.
      3) "ZIP" field allows pasting more than 5 digits, but it allows typing only 5.
      4) "Clear" pushbutton is not working. After clicking on it error message appears.
      5) "City" field accept typing digits without any letter.
      6) In section 2 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" labels "International calls included" and "Long distance included" dont have the colon at the end.
      7) In section 2 TAB order after "Internet" radio button drops down istead of going right.
      8) In section 7 spece between words "open" and "to' is missing.


      • #18
        GUI Bug Report for "Energy-Telecom", web address "".

        "Contact Information" section:
        1. TAB order is not logical: First name->Refferred by->Last Name
        2. "State" field has option "other"
        3. "State" field has incorrect name "IND" instead "IN"
        4. "State" filed has unknown name "BC"
        5. "Email" field act as not required
        6. "ZIP" field except printing letters
        7. "ZIP" field except special character from commands(copy -> paste)
        8. "Referred by" field act as required instead not required
        9. "City" field except to write digits and special symbols
        "1.Cell Phone Service" section:
        10. "Current Provider" field option "Other" is missing
        "3. High Speed Internet Service" section:
        11. "Provider" field is duplicate for "Current Provider" field
        "7. Gas and Electric Services" section:
        12. " I am opento using different provider" label has incorrect spelling for words "opento"

        13. "Clear" button doesnt work correct. When user push a "clear" button, he receive error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
        14. GUI difference between "Clear" and "Submit" buttons
        15. All fields can be filled with letters, digits, special symbols, when u use "copy->paste" commands


        • #19
          Energy-Telecom GUI Bug Report

          1. No default input focus in the Web app.

          2."Email" field does have asterisk next to it, but it is not required field.

          3. "Referred by:" field does not have asterisk that indicates required field. When you push submit button it asks you to fill out this field.

          4.Tab order is not logical.

          5. No disable control for any buttons.

          6."First name", "Last name", "Street Address" fields accept digits and symbols instead of letters.

          7."Email" field accepts e-mails without "@" symbol.

          8."Referred by" section is misspelled. "b" should be capitalized

          9. "Gas and Electric Services" section has typo. Check box " I am opento using different providers". "Opento" instead of "open to"

          10. Clear button doesn`t work properly. Pushing it leads to error #17896

          11. "Cell Phone service block", "Months left on current contract" check box does not allow you to choose 11 or 12 months

          12. "Contact information" section, "ZIP" should be corrected to "ZIP CODE"

          Last edited by Tomasidze; 03-05-2020, 09:27 AM.


          • #20
            Telecom-Energy GUI Bug Report

            Customer Information
            No default input focus specified in the form
            Tab order is not logical - after "First name" field it selects "referred by" field
            "State" list box: None alphabetical order
            "Email" field: does not require valid email address
            "Referred by" field: blue asterisk missing from mandatory field

            Cell Phone Service -
            "My monthly bill is approximately" field: accepts letters and pasted special characters
            "Monthly left on current contact" list box: 10 months is the maximum option

            Local/Long Distances/International Service -
            "Primary Phone Number" field: accepts letters and pasted special characters
            "My monthly bill is approximately" field: accepts letters and pasted special characters
            "Total Bill" field: accepts letters and pasted special characters
            Radio Buttons: cannot be unselected once pushed

            High Speed Internet Service -
            "My monthly bill is approximately" field: accepts pasted special characters and letters
            Radio Buttons: cannot be unselected once pushed

            TV Service -
            "My monthly bill is approximately" field: accepts pasted special characters and letters
            Radio Buttons: cannot be unselected once pushed

            Home Security Service -
            "My monthly bill is approximately" field" accepts pasted special characters and letters

            Gas and Electric Services -
            "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field" accepts pasted special characters and letters
            "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field" accepts pasted special characters and letters

            "Clear" button: does not work. Pushing button results in Error: 17896


            • #21
              Energy-Telecom Service Review
              1. TAB order is not logical, 'Referred by:' field drops out of logical sequence.
              2. "Contact Information" section: "First Name" field allows to enter numbers, symbols
              3. "Contact Information" section: "Last Name:" field allows to enter numbers, symbols
              4. "Contact Information" section: "Street Address:" field allows to enter numbers, symbols
              5. "Contact Information" section: "City:" field allows to enter numbers, symbols
              6. "Contact Information" section: "Referred by:" field allows to enter numbers, symbols
              7. "Contact Information" section: "Referred by:" field is not marked with an asterisk if the field is not filled, the system requires filling this field after the form is submitted.
              8. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" field is perplexing, replace to "ZIP Code"
              9. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" field has 5 digits instead of 6 ones
              10. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" field allows to enter numbers and letters, but the system requires filling this field correct after the form is submitted, but not give advice. Allowed filling the numbers only
              11. "Contact Information" section: "State:" field non-alphabetic
              12. "Contact Information" section: "State:" field, Word "Other" is not at the end of the drop-down list
              13. "Contact Information" section: "Email:" field allows entering more than one symbol @ and "dot"
              14. "Contact Information" section: "Email:" field if do not fill out this field, the system does not give an error
              15. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field does not allow the introduction of a dot to indicate cents
              16. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:$" field allows to enter the letters
              17. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Current Provider:" field non-alphabetic
              18. "High Speed Internet Service" section: Checkbox "Wireless Aircard" is shifted to the right
              19. "High Speed Internet Service" section: Label "Provider:" and Input box are shifted to the right
              20. "Home Security Service" section: "Current Provider:" field non-alphabetic
              21. "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section: Checkbox is shifted to the left
              22. "Gas and Electric Services" section: Input boxes are shifted to the right
              23. "Gas and Electric Services" section: Labels and Checkbox are shifted to the left
              24. "Submit" button doesn't change after filling the form
              25. "Clear" button gives an error 17896
              Last edited by Alyona N; 03-05-2020, 09:56 AM.


              • #22
                1."First Name" and "Last Name" fields accept digits and specilal characters
                2. Field "Email" address accepts several special character @
                3. ZIP code field accepts not only digits, but and letters
                4. In ZIP code field enter only 5 items, but when copy/paste some sort of symbol "Application/Site" it accepts
                5. State name of states not by alphabet in the "State" field
                6. After the message "Thank you for your participation!" the page is not updated, only go to the back
                7. Open the page wuth form again-the required field are still filled in
                8. Push the "Clear" button the required fields are not empty, still retain old information


                • #23
                  Energy-Telecom Bug Report
                  #1 Tab order not work logically , after “First Name ” field skip on “Referred by” field (suppose skip on “Last name” field)
                  #2 Button “Submit” supposed to be disabled, before you fill out any fields.
                  #3 Button “Clear” does not work. Show “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
                  #4 When pushing “Submit” button without filling out required fields, “Email” field have blue color asterisk instead red
                  #5 When pushing “Submit” button without filings out required fields, “Referred by” supposed to have asterisk
                  #6 “State” field missing state “HI” (Hawaii)
                  #7 Field "ZIP" allows to input letters
                  #8 “Current Provider” field have only 4 provider (no ATsT and others)
                  #9 “Months left on current contract” have no line “11 and 12”
                  #10 “Current Provider” field at this section and “Current Provider” field in cell phone section have different providers


                  • #24
                    1. Default button is missed
                    2. Default input focus is missed
                    3. “Submit” button is not disabled when the page is not filled in
                    4. Fields “First name” and “Last Name” accept digits
                    5. Field “City” accepts digit 0
                    6. “Zip code” field doesn’t accept more than 5 digits
                    7. “Zip code” field accepts wrong number as 00000
                    8. “Email” field accepts addresses without @
                    9. “Email” field accepts random digits without @
                    10. When the “Enter” key accidentally pressed on the keyboard the website was deactivated, it became just an empty page with no information at all. “Refresh” button didn’t help, the page remained deactivated.
                    11. In Section 2 “Local/Long Distances/International Service” label “International calls included” ends up with question mark instead of colon.
                    12. In Section 2 “Local/Long Distances/International Service” label “Long distance included” ends up with question mark instead of colon.
                    13. In Section 3 “High Speed Internet Service” field “Type of service” different type of check boxes is used (round and square).
                    14. In Section 4 “TV Service” different type of check boxes is used (round and square).


                    • #25
                      Energy-Telecom Bug Report
                      1:Contact Information

                      1. TAB working not logical, instead of switching to "Last Name" going to "Refferd by".
                      2. In the field "State" wrong state "BC".
                      3. In the field "State" misspelled "IND" instead of "IN".
                      4. In the field "State" missing state Hawaii.
                      5. In the field "State" missing state Nevada.
                      6. In the field "State" "Other" is not in the end of list.
                      7. All fields except "Phone" and "ZIP" allowing special characters.
                      8. Field "State" not in alphabetic order.
                      9. Field "Refferd by" misspelled.

                      2:Cell Phone Service

                      1. In the field "Current Provider" no option "Other".
                      2. Field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allowing letters.
                      3. Field "Months left on current contract:" has only 10 months.

                      3:Local/Long Distances/International Service

                      1.Field "Primary Phone Number:" not focusing on next field after putting numbers in the first field.

                      4: Comments

                      1. "Clear" button not working "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!".
                      2. "Comments" text field allowing scaling outside of the screen.


                      • #26
                        CONTACT INFORMATION:
                        1. Text fields 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'City', 'Referred by' allow to put numbers.
                        2. 'Best Way To Contact Me' label has transferred a piece of sentence 'Me' under 'Best Way To Contact'.
                        3. Text field 'ZIP' allows to put letters.

                        (STATES LIST BUGS)
                        4. State 'BC' doesn't exist.
                        5. Hawaii (HI) state is missed.
                        6. Indiana state 'IN' wrote incorrectly 'IND'.
                        7. Nevada state 'NV' is missed.
                        8. Washington D.C. is missed.
                        9. Select 'Other' shouldn't be there.

                        CELL PHONE SERVICE:
                        10. Text field 'My monthly bill is approximately' allows to put letters.
                        11. 'Months left on current contract' select menu has 10 months instead of at least 24 months.
                        12. 'Minutes on plan' select menu shouldn't be here. Put manual numbers of minutes option should be instead.
                        13. 'Current Provider' select menu doesn't keep alphabetical order.
                        14. 'I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop' check box is inappropriate.

                        15. The labels in the section suppose to start every single word from capital letter.

                        1. The Tab field doesn't have an established icon.
                        2. The web-site doesn't adapt to a window size changes.
                        3. Tab order jumps from 'First Name' to 'Referred by' and only after this follows logical order.


                        • #27
                          Energy-Telecom Bug report

                          Contact Information
                          1. Missing default input focus.
                          2. Tab order doesn't work properly (part 1). After pressing TAB key the cursor moves from "First name" field to "Reffered by" instead of "Last name" field.
                          3. Tab order doesn't work properly (part 2). After pressing TAB key the cursor moves from "Reffered by" field to "Last name" instead of "Curent provider" menu.
                          4. The field "ZIP" allows to type letters.
                          5. State menu contains incorrect abbreviations: BC, IND, Other
                          6. The EMAIL input field has an asterisk sign. However if the user don't fill out the EMAIL field and click the submit button, an error notification shows the EMAIL input field is not mandatory required.

                          Cell Phone Service
                          7. Lack of AT&T in "Current Provider" listbox.
                          8. Possibility to put a tick on two checkboxes "I am happy with my current provider" and
                          "I am open to using different provider" at the same time. There should be radio buttons instead of check boxes.
                          9. The field "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type letters and characters.
                          10. "Minutes on plan" and "Number of phones on plan" fields are not aligned properly.
                          11. The "Months left on current contract" listbox contains only 10 months instead of 12.
                          12. Lack of "Others" in "Current Provider" listbox.
                          13. An additional field does not appear after choosing "Other" in "Current provider" menu.

                          Local/Long Distances/International Service
                          14. Lack of T-Mobile in "Current Provider" listbox.
                          15. The word "Distance" is misspelled in the title "Local/Long Distances/International Service".
                          16. An additional field does not appear after choosing "Other" in "Current provider" menu.

                          High Speed Internet Service
                          17. "Wireless Aircard" should be a radio button instead of check box.
                          18. Text is shown in the "Wireless Aircard -> Provider" field after removing the checkmark from the "Wireless Aircard" check box.
                          19. An additional field does not appear after choosing "Other" in "Current provider" menu.

                          TV Service
                          20. Possibility to paste text in a "My monthly bill is approximately" field. Also the same issue was observed in previous and next blocks.
                          21. An additional field does not appear after choosing "Other" in "Current provider" menu.
                          22. According on "Bundled with" menu bar, the "HDTV" and "DVR" should be radio buttons instead of check boxes. Also there is lack of "Both" radio button in "I currently have" menu bar.

                          Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
                          23. "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" check box is not aligned properly relative to other check boxes.

                          Home Security Service
                          24. An additional field does not appear after choosing "Other" in "Current provider" menu.

                          Gas and Electric Services
                          25. Possibility to paste text in a "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" and "My monthly bill is approximately (winter) fields.
                          26. An additional field does not appear after choosing "Other" in "Current provider" menu.

                          27. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not disabled when there is no information in fields.


                          • #28
                            Energy-Telecom Bug Report

                            1. In Block "Contact Information":
                            - Field "First Name", "Last Name", "Street Address", "City", "Email", "Referred by": May input infinite number of any characters.
                            ***(that may be dangerous for databases on the server side).

                            2. In Comments - may input infinite number of any characters
                            ***(that may be dangerous for databases on the server side).

                            3. Button "clear" doesnt work. have 2 variants to solve this problem:
                            1) This button can damage to user, if he accidentally clicks. Her need hide;
                            2) Change button metod "onclick" on document.getElementByName('NAME_of_FORM').reset();
                            Last edited by nBruce; 03-05-2020, 02:58 PM.


                            • #29
                              1. Default input focus doesn't work.
                              2. Tab order doesn't work.
                              3. There are 49 states instead of 50.
                              4. In Field 'State' other option from the list is not needed.
                              5. BC is not USA state.
                              6. Missing HI state.
                              7. Wrong abbreviation of Indians state. Should be IN instead of IND.
                              8. Missing NV state.
                              9. No need to have empty slot on 'State' field.
                              10. System accept invalid email address.
                              11. System accept invalid zip code.
                              12. System accept mismatches between text fields 'Street address', 'City', 'Zip Code', 'State'.
                              13. In Cell Phone Service section in 'Current Provider' field there is no AT&T provider.
                              14. In Cell Phone Service section in 'Current Provider' field there is no sequence in alphabet order.
                              15. In Cell Phone Service section better to use radio button. It's not logical to check both: I am happy with my current provider and I am open to using different provider.
                              16. Able to submit the form without all fill out information.
                              17. 'My monthly bill is approximately' field accept letters.
                              18. 'Minutes on plan' field has option 'other'. It would be good to have additional field where you can write needed info.
                              19. In 'Months left on current contract' field there are 10 months, should be 12.
                              20. In 'I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" should be radio buttons.
                              21. In section ' Local/Long Distances/International Service' in 'Current Provider' field there is no T-Mobile provider.
                              22. In section 'TV Service' in 'Current Provider' there is no sequence in alphabet order.
                              23. In section 'Home Security Service' in 'Current Provider' field there is no sequence in alphabet order.
                              24. In Section 'Gas and Electric Services' in checkbox there is a mistake. Should be 'I'm open to...'
                              25. In the end of the form there is a 'Clear' button. There is an Error 17896 - Invalid data request.


                              • #30
                                GUI Bug Report for Energy-Telecome

                                1. "Comments section" size of the input field can be changed.


                                2. The site does not adapt to the changing window size.


                                3. Default input focus is not assigned.

                                4. "TAB" order does not work logically it goes from the "First name" to the "Referred by".

                                5. "TAB" order does not work logically it does not go from "Comments" section to "Submit"

                                6. "We will keep your Information strictly confidential" - should be highlight text. To bring attention to necessary content that information will be saved by GUI rules.

                                7. "We will keep your Information strictly confidential" - should be before the "Contact information section" not before Cell Phone Service.

                                8. In the "Contact Information" section, input "First Name" allows you to type 30 symbols instead of 35 suggestive.

                                9. In the "Contact Information" section, input "Last Name" allows you to type 30 symbols instead of 35 suggestive.

                                10. In the "Contact Information" section, input "First name" field allows to type digits, should be characters only.

                                11. In the "Contact Information" section, input "Last name" allows to type digits, should be characters only.

                                12. In the "Contact Information" section, field "Street address" allows to type 100 symbols, most character limits tend to range between 30-35 symbols.

                                13. In the "Contact Information" section, select "State" should also have "NV' and "DC and "HI".

                                14. In the "Contact Information" section, from select "State" should be removed BC and Other. It does not belong to USA.

                                15. In the "Contact Information" section, from select "State" there is no "IND" state instead it should be "IN" Indiana.

                                15. In the "Contact Information" section, field "ZIP" field allows to type characters. Should be digits only.

                                16. In the "Contact Information" section, select "Best Way To Contact Me", "Email" should be logically before "Phone"

                                17. In the "Contact Information" section, select "Best Way To Contact Me" should be one the same line.

                                18. In the "Contact Information" section, label "Referred by" should be like "Referred By" with capital B.

                                19. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "Current provider" missing "AT&T"

                                20. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "Current provider" missing option "Other"

                                21. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type characters should be digits only.

                                22. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type 10 digits should be 5 instead.

                                23. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "Minutes on plan" should be done not like select but manually, even as select it's just random numbers not logically structured.

                                24. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "Months left on current contract" should be allow to choice up to "24" months with option "More" instead of just 10.

                                25. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "Months left on current contract" option "Prepaid" should be removed.

                                26. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, select "Number of phones on plan" cannot be more than 5 because thats usually providers requirements.

                                27. In the "Cell Phone Service" section the checkbox "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" is not supposed to be there.

                                28. In the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, there is a mistake in the title name and section structure because It is nearly free to call anywhere in the world. Most US-based voice carriers actually dump their POTS traffic into the Internet and no longer maintain dedicated voice circuits. All of those coast-to-coast microwave towers went dark long-ago.

                                29. In the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, input box for label "My monthly bill is approximately:" is allows to type 10 digits instead of 5.

                                30. In the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, label question and label "Long distance included?" is not needed becauseIt is nearly free to call anywhere in the world. Most US-based voice carriers actually dump their POTS traffic into the Internet and no longer maintain dedicated voice circuits. All of those coast-to-coast microwave towers went dark long-ago.

                                31. In the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, label question and label "I am interested in unlimited calling" should not be there.

                                32. In the "High Speed Internet Service section", input for label "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to type 10 digits instead of 5.

                                33. In the "High Speed Internet Service" section, label "Type of service:" the check box "Wireless Aircard" should have a circle checkbox symbol.

                                34. In the "High Speed Internet Service" section, input box for "Provider" should not be there because it is a duplicate.

                                35. In the "TV Service" section, select for label "Months left on plan:" the "Prepaid" select option should be removed.

                                36. In the "Home Security Service" section, checkbox "I do not have home security services today, but I am interested in getting more information." should be in the end of the section,

                                37. In the "Home Security Service" section, select for label "Current Provider" the options are not sorted in alphabetic order.

                                38. In the "Home Security Service" section, input box for "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to input 10 digits instead of 5 max.

                                39. In the "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section, there is a mistake in a title section "with Video Phone" should be deleted.

                                40. In the "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section, the checkbox for "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" is not fit properly and designed wrong compared to other fields.

                                41. In the "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section, the checkbox for"I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" the "Unlimited Calling" should be deleted.

                                42. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section, the select for "Current Provider" is not sorted in an alphabetic order of options.

                                43. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section, the input box for label "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" is allowed to type up to 10 digits instead of 5.

                                44. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section, the input box for label "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" is allowed to type up to 10 digits instead of 5.

                                45. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section, the checkbox for "I am opento using different provider" has a mistake and needs a space " I am open to using different provider".

                                46. In the "Comments" section, the text should be bigger by having an appropriate width and length from the requirements.

                                46. The Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are enabled without any information in, it should be disabled.

                                47. The Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" contains a different size. They should be the same size.
                                You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                                This gallery has 2 photos.
                                Last edited by ArtemAngel; 03-05-2020, 03:04 PM.

