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Online class March 3, 2020 - GUI Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #46
    1. TAB order does't work logically, after field "First name" tab we going to "Referred by" field instead "Last name"
    2. In the "First name" and "Last name" field allow to type the symbols and numbers
    3. ZIP field allow to type letters
    4. "$" field in section "1. Cell Phone Service" allow to type letters
    5. Clear button at the end of page doesn't work (Error #17896)
    6. "Email" field allow write without "@" symbol
    7. Default button to "Submit"dosnt work


    • #47
      Energy-Telecom Bug Report
      #1 Tab order not work logically , after “First Name ” field skip on “Referred by” field (suppose skip on “Last name” field)
      #2 Button “Submit” supposed to be disabled, before you fill out any fields.
      #3 Button “Clear” does not work. Show “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
      #4 When pushing “Submit” button without filling out required fields, “Email” field have blue color asterisk instead red
      #5 When pushing “Submit” button without filings out required fields, “Referred by” supposed to have asterisk
      #6 “State” field missing state “HI” (Hawaii)
      #7 Field "ZIP" allows to input letters
      #8 “Current Provider” field have only 4 provider (no ATsT and others)
      #9 “Months left on current contract” have no line “11 and 12”
      #10 “Current Provider” field at this section and “Current Provider” field in cell phone section have different providers

      Taulia Bug report:
      #1 Tab order do not work properly, after “Purchase order” field missing
      #2 “Due date” column and “PO#” column need swap
      # 3 In search was asked only 10 row “Results per page” in fact them 11
      #4 In search was asked show results from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, in reality shows result of 1-Oct-2011( 7th row)
      #5 In column “Amount” asked search from button to top, in fact row 7 and row 8 need switch
      #6 Suppose showing 422 invoices, but show 32 page and 11 results per page, that mean that in fact shows 352 invoices
      #7 Page 5 missing, as we can see pages go out of order 1,2,3,4,6,7….
      #8 Inconsistency in date formats used in "Invoice date" fields vs cells of "Inv. Date" column


      • #48
        Sorry. I did not create a separate topic for Taulia. I will write my report here.

        Taulia Bug Report
        1. In section “Search results” in line 11 does not show in button “Actions”.
        2. In section “Search results” shows 11 lines. In section “Search my invoices” label “Results per page” 10 lines.
        3. In section “Search results” Column “Amount” sorting data does not work. The amount of $ 22,409.37 should be below $ 22,376.00.
        4. In section “Search my invoices” label “From amount” has “:” Other labels do not have “:”
        5. In section “Search results” missing link to page “5”.
        6. In section “Search results” 32 pages with 10 lines (11 lines) of the search result do not give the final result 422.
        7. In section “Search results” between 1 active result page and inactive result page 2 there is double space.
        8. In section “Search my invoices” label “Invoice date” show results from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. In section “Search results” column “Invoce #”, invoce – 1122339546 we can see 1-Oct-2011.
        9. When entering the page there is no active window for entering data
        10. In section “Search my invoices” label “Purchase order”, TAB does not work correctly.


        • #49
          ENergy Telecom Bug Report

          Contact Information
          1 - from “First Name” field after Tab command pressed, “Referred by” field activated instead of expected “Last Name”.
          2 - “State” field: only 49 states listed. "Other" must be at the end of the list
          3 - Contact Information section has autofill option. Once activated, phone number also show-up in “My monthly bill is approximately” field as a whole number.
          4 - “Best Way to Contact me”: preferably one line label.
          5 - Tab function moving cursor from “Best Way To contact Me” field to the next segment “Current Provider” field. Should be “Referred by” field instead.

          Cell Phone Service
          5 - “Current Provider”: limited list of providers given, has to be extended and option “Other” added.

          Local/Long Distances/International Service
          6 - “Current Provider”: list is different form item 5 here, it is not sufficient and has to be extended.
          - once option “Other” chosen, might be good to have a field to indicate that other option.

          High Speed Internet Service
          7 - “Type of Service”: Wireless Aircard option is in box format vs other 3 circle options
          8 - Once select “Type of Service” indicated with the circle, can’t unselect it.

          TV Service
          9 - “Bundled with” options indicated with circles, “I currently have” with boxes. Inconsistency.

          Home Security Service
          10 - “I do not have home security…” end with period, while previously in the document similar choices don’t have period. Inconsistency.

          Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
          11 - Option ends without period: make consistent thought document.

          Gas and Electric Services
          12 - “I am opento using different provider”: space needed between open and to.


          • #50
            Energy-Telecom Service Review Bug Report:

            1) the Form is missing the Default Focus;

            2) the "Submit" and Clear" buttons appear to be active before any data input;

            3) after we submit an empty form and the page displays the messages about the required fields, when we refresh the page in the browser, those messages do not disappear, like they technically should;

            4) inconsistency in the dimensions of the "Submit" and "Clear" buttons;

            5) "Required Fields" indicator problems:

            - the asterisk (*), which indicates the "Email" as a required input field, doesn't turn red when we press "Submit" button while leaving the "Email" input field empty;
            - the "Referred by" input field is not indicated as required, while we do receive an error message saying "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" when we try to Submit the form with that field being empty.

            6) the "Clear" button doesn't erase the data from the Form, but instead it gives an error message saying "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!";

            7) the Tab problems:

            - after we enter the "First Name" it takes us to enter "Referred by" instead of "Last Name";
            - after we tab out from the "Best Way To Contact Me:" list-box, it takes us to "Current Provider" input field under in "1. Cell Phone Service" section instead of taking us to "Referred by" label input field;
            - in the "2.Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, if one of the radio buttons is selected under "Bundled with:" label, pressing the Tab key on the keyboard wont take us from "My monthly bill is approximately:" input box to unselected "Internet" radio-button, but would take us to selected "TV" radio-button instead.

            8) "State" list-box problems:

            - the states are not listed in alphabetical order(the list starts with "BC" instead of "AL");
            - Hawaii ("HI"), Washington DC ("DC") and Nevada ("NV") states are missing from the list;
            - Indiana state abbreviation is spelled "IND" instead of "IN".

            9) the "Phone" label problem: after entering the first 3 digits of the phone number, the cursor doesn't automatically take us to enter the following 3 digits in the next box;

            10) the word "Me" in the "Best Way To Contact Me" label is separated from the whole sentence and is located on the line 2 of the label;

            11) the "Email" label doesn't warn us that we missed the "@" character in the email we typed;

            12) Inconsistency with capitalizing the first letter of certain words in label names throughout the form (example of words "by", "with", "am", "bill" etc.);

            13) section "1. Cell Phone Service" problems:
            - the "Current Provider:" list-box doesn't include neither the list of all possible cell phone providers in the United States nor the option "Other", which limits the customer's options;
            - the "My monthly bill is approximately:" input box doesn't allow to put "." character (for example, if the customers bill is $35.50, they may be hesitating to put $35 or $36 as an approximate amount);
            - the "Months left on current contract:" list-box has a maximum number of months as "10" instead of giving more options up to 24 or even 36 months.

            14) section "3.High Speed Internet Service" problems:
            - after we tab out from the "Cable" radio button it brings us to the "Wireless Aircard" checkbox instead of going in order to "Dial-up" radio button, and same thing when we Shift-tab out from the "DSL" radio-button, it brings us to the "My monthly bill is approximately: $" input field instead of "Dial-up" radio-button;
            - inconsistency between the selection method under "Type of service:" label (a mix of radio-buttons and a checkbox may confuse the customer).

            15) the check box "I am opento using different provider" needs a space between the "open" and "to".
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Nesterenko_95; 03-08-2020, 12:11 AM.


            • #51
              TAULIA (UI-focused) Bug Report:

              1) most of the labels in the "Search my invoices" and search results sections are missing colon characters (":") at the end;
              3) missing the tool tip when hovering over the binoculars image next to the "Purchase order" input box;
              4) the "Results per page" is displaying the number "10" while there are "11" results that are actually displayed;
              5) the title of the search results section displays "Showing 422 invoices" while there are only 32 pages (32 pages * 10 results/page = 320 invoices, or even if we had 11 results per page: 32 pages * 11 results/page = 352 invoices);
              6) the "Invoice#" column label is misspelled: "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #";
              7) the "Due Date" column includes data that is not in the date format, instead it looks like it could be a "PO #" data;
              8) the "PO #" column includes data in a format of the date, which is most likely belongs to the "Due Date" column;
              9) the "Amount" column includes the ascending order indicator (the triangle pointing down), but there are two amounts, which are out of order (we have $22,409.37 followed by $22,376.00 instead of vice versa);
              10) the label "Rejected" in the "Status" column is misspelled (displaying "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected");
              11) there are inconsistencies in the tool tips design in the "Status" column (some of the tool tip boxes are missing the right side border, and some of them just have a different weight of the border outline withing one box);
              12) there is an "Action" button missing in the 11th result row (but, at the same time, it will not be needed there if we make the number of results per page correspondent with the number indicated in "Results per page" input box ("10"));
              13) search results pagination: missing the link to page number "5";
              14) consider adding sorting indicator to the "Inv.Date" and "Due Date";
              17) consider making the "Payment" column label more specific by adding the "#" character to the label name (making it "Payment #" instead of just "Payment"), as it is unclear what exactly that column indicates;
              18) data appears to be missing in the "Payment" column lines 1, 3, 6, 7, 9 and 10;
              19) in the search results section consider improving the alignment between the label names and the actual data in the columns;
              20) inconsistency in using the words "My" and "Your" in the "My Details" and "Your Customer" tabs, consider changing "Your Customer" to "My Customer";
              21) search results pagination: consider making the size of the space between the digits "1" and "2" the same as the size of the space between other digits; ;
              22) consider having all links on the page changing color when we hover over them (for example, when we hover over the page number in the pagination, change color from orange to some other color, same with links on the right upper corner "User Manager", "Logout" etc.);
              23) consider adding a filling (changing a color from white to some other color) to the line that displays the labels "Invoice #", "Type", "Inv. Date" etc. to make it stand out instead of fusing with the white color of the line of the first result;
              24) consider adding a filling (changing a color from white to some other color) to the line that displays pagination to make it stand out instead of fusing with the white color of the line of the last result;
              25) consider improving the spacing (size of the space in particular) between the links "User Manager", "Profile", "Help", "Logout" and the divider characters ("I") in the right upper corner of the web page;
              26) the "Invoice Date" parameters indicate to search from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, but in the search results section, we are seeing the invoice date outside of those parameters, which is "1-Oct-2011";
              27) consider having a comma character "," automatically added to the format of the "From amount" input box (for example, it would be better to display "1,000,000" instead of "1000000").


              • #52
                Bug Report Energy-Telecom Service

                1. Field "First name" accept to input numbers, symbols instead letters only.
                2. Field "Last name" accept to input numbers, symbols instead letters only.
                3. Wrong state: BC.
                4. Incorrect state IND instead IN.
                5. List has a 49 state instead 50.
                6. State HI is missing.
                7. State NV is missing.
                8. Wrong State "Other".
                9. Field "Zip" accept input letters instead numbers only.
                10. in part #1 "Cell Phone Service" Current provider 4 providers only: AT&T miss
                11. in part #1 My monthly bill is approximately: accepted letters
                12. in part #1 My monthly bill is approximately does not accept to input period.
                13. in part #1 Months left on current contract wrong Prepaid
                14. in part #1 Months left on current contract 10 month only.
                15. in part #2 My monthly bill accept more than 2 numbers after period, for example 454.8888
                16. in part #2 International calls included? -"?" instead ":"
                17. in part #2 Long distance included? -"?" instead ":"
                18. in part #3 Current Provider "AOL" wrong.
                19. in part #3 Current Provider accept to input numbers.
                20. in part #4 Months left on plan "Prepaid" is wrong
                21. in part #7 mistake "opento" instead "open to"
                22. in Contact Information field "email" as required but It accept to submit empty field .

                Bug Report Taulia

                1. Invoice date 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 shows until October 1.
                2. It shows 11 invoices on page instead 10 as required.
                3. Text "Showing 422 invoices" incorrect, need "Showing 10 invoices".
                4. "Due date" locate on top column with numbers instead dates.
                5. "PO#" locate on top column with dates.
                6. Misspelling "Invoce#".
                7. Button "Action" miss on 11 line.
                8. Inconsistently "".
                9. Number "5" miss on number of pages

                Last edited by Greguar; 03-09-2020, 02:32 PM.


                • #53
                  Bug reports on Energy Telecom-Service Review application:

                  1) Default Input focus has not been defined on the "Energy Telecom-Service Review" application when it starts.
                  2) Section "Contact Information": Tab order is incorrect when push "Tab" button. Expected tab order: from "Fisrt Name:" input field to "Last Name:" input field but actually tab order comes to "Referred by:" input field.
                  3) Section "First Name": "City:" input field allows to input digits instead of letters.
                  4) Section "Last Name": "City:" input field allows to input digits instead of letters.
                  5) Section "Contact Information": "City:" input field allows to input digits instead of letters.
                  6) Section "Contact Information": "State:" menu item doesn't contain "HI" and "Washington D.C." selections when menu opens and contains incorrect abbreviation "IND" instaed of "IN".
                  7) Section "Contact Information": "ZIP:" input field allows to input letters instead of digits.
                  8) Section "Contact Information": "Phone:" input fields doesn't allow to tab when entering full phone number by using numeric keypad.
                  9) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "Current Provider:" menu item doesn't contain other providers name or "Other" selection.
                  10) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input letters.
                  11) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field doesn't allow to input dot to indicate cents.
                  12) Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract:" menu item doesn't contain "11", "12" and "Others" selections.
                  13) Section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input more than 2 digits after dot.
                  14) Section "3. High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input more than 2 digits after dot.
                  15) Section "4. TV Service": "My monthly bill is approximately:" input field allows to input more than 2 digits after dot.
                  16) Dialog box with alert "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" apears when push "Clear" button.
                  17) Diemensions and label font sizes of buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are different.


                  • #54
                    Energy-Telecom Service Review bug report

                    1. Disable "Clear" button. Open the Review, don't do any input into the fields. It shows active.
                    2. Error message doesn't remind to enter required field "Email". Open the Review, don't do any input into the fields. Push "Submit" button.
                    3. Remove indicator Required field from "Referred by" input field.
                    4. Assign indicator required field to "Email" input data field. Review can be submitted without inputting data in required field "Email".
                    5. Make "Clear" button the same format as "Submit" button.
                    6. Assign Default input focus to the field "First Name"
                    7. Fix Tab Order. Tab Order goes from "First Name" to "Referred by".
                    8. Field "First Name" allows entry of digits and special characters.
                    9. Field "Last Name" allows entry of digits and special characters.
                    10. Field "City" allows entry of digits and special characters.
                    11. Drop down field "State" misses HI (Hawaii).
                    12. Drop down field "State" misses NV (Nevada).
                    13. Drop down field "State". Fix abbreviation for Indiana state. Review shows IND, change to IN.
                    14. Drop down field "State". Remove state "Other".
                    15. "Email" input data field allows to enter email without special symbol @.
                    16. Put in alphabetical order drop down field "Current Provider" in section 1.Cell Phone Service
                    17. Put in alphabetical order drop down field "Current Provider" in section 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service.
                    18. Put in alphabetical order drop down field "Current Provider" in section 3. High Speed Internet Service.
                    19. Put in alphabetical order drop down field "Current Provider" in section 7. Gas and Electric Services.
                    20. Put space between open and to in section 7. Gas and Electric Services., check box "I am opento using different provider".
                    21. "Clear" button doesn't clear data entry fields. Fill out required fields, push "Clear" button, "Error 17896 - Invalid data request" shows.


                    • #55
                      #1 Tab order does not work correctly after "First name"should goes to "Last name" instead that comes to "Referred by"
                      #2 "ZIP" allows to type letters instead digits
                      #3 "States'' option ''Other'' should comes in the end of the list and list has 49 states instead 50
                      #4 Incorrect states
                      #5 "City" field accept digits
                      #6 "Best Way to Contact Me" is written on 2 lines
                      #7 In the field "Cell Phone Service" dose not option "Other" AT&T provider miss
                      #8 In section "Gas and Electric Services" mistake on "'opento" instead open to
                      #9 Button " Submit" and "Clear" are not similar they are different
                      #10 The button "Clear'' does not work when you push the button shows Error 17896 invalid data request
                      #11 In section #2 in the field "International calls included" mistake "?" instead ''':'
                      #12 In section #2 in the field "Long distance included" mistake "?" instead ''':'


                      • #56
                        Taulia bug reports.
                        Section ”Search my invoices “
                        #1. ” Hide search parameters” is not working (not hiding)
                        #2. All labels exept ” From amount” missed “:” character in the end.
                        #3. “ Invoice number” field allows entering not only digits (letters and symbols)
                        #4. “ Purchase order” field allows entering not only digits (letters and symbols)
                        #5. “ From amount – to ” field allows entering not only digits (letters and symbols)
                        #6. “Invoice date - to” doesn’t allow to select another date.
                        #7. “Invoice status” dropdown list has no choice exept ”All”
                        #8. “Result per page” dropdown list has no choice exept ”10”
                        #9. “Search” button has no any reaction(results) after it was pushed.
                        Section “ Showing invoices”
                        #1. Showing wrong results per page. Should be 10, showed 11.
                        #2. Wrong result pages count. Showing 422 result in 32 pages, should be 43.
                        #3. “Invoce#” label of column missed a letter ”i”.
                        #4. “Due date” and ”PO#” label of columns switched the place.
                        Last edited by Ben_Shihiyev; 03-09-2020, 01:17 PM.


                        • #57
                          1. The form looks inconsistent – the text “Contact Information” is not formatted in accordance to the whole form;
                          2. Tab is not consistent and not working after fields contain an input;
                          3. The whole form is accepted with only “contact information” completed;
                          Contact Information.
                          4. The drop down menu labeled “State” has non-existent states and 3-letter state abbreviations;
                          5. Field labeled “First name” accepts numbers;
                          6. Field “Last name” accepts numbers;
                          7. Field “street address” accepts an input with no letters;
                          8. Field “City” accepts numbers;
                          9. Field “Referred by” not labeled as a required field;
                          10. Field “Referred by” accepts numbers;
                          11. Field “e-mail” accepts input with number-only input and an input with no “@” sign.
                          Cell Phone Service.
                          12. Current provider: no “other” option in “current provider” drop down menu;
                          13. Both “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using a different provider” enabled at the same time or should be replaced with radio buttons;
                          14. “Month left on current contract” drop down menu should contain up to 35 month;
                          15. Missing the word “Ago” in “I last upgraded my phone approximately: (drop down menu) month”;
                          16. The check boxes “I like my handset”, “I am interested in updating my handset” and “I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop” has no logical connection to questions about cell phone service and should be either removed or moved to a separate section such as “additional services”;
                          17. “Monthly bill” accepts letters;
                          Local/Long Distance/International Service.
                          18. The radio buttons labeled “Bundled with” should be replaced with a check list with additional options of “High Speed Internet”, “TV Service”, “Home security service” and “Digital home services”;
                          High Speed Internet Service.
                          19. The radio buttons labeled “Bundled with” should be replaced with a check list with additional options of “Cellphone Service”, “Local/Long Distance/International Service”, “TV Service”, “Home security Service” and “Digital Home Services”;
                          TV Service.
                          20. In the drop down menu labeled “Current Provider” there is no “none” option and the choice is very limited;
                          21. Month left on plan should be increased to up to 35;
                          22. Should be “Other” check box added to “HDTV” and “DVR”.
                          Home Security Service.
                          Digital Phone Service with Video Phone.
                          23. There in option to input any information for users who actually have this service.
                          Gas and Electric Service.
                          24. “Gas and electric services” section has nothing to do with cell phone service, long distance, high speed service, TV, home security and Digital phone services.


                          • #58
                            Energy-Telecom Bug Report

                            1. In contact Information section tab order is not logical-after "First name field" skips to the bottom to the "Referred by" field.
                            2.In contact Information section fields "First name", "Last name", "Referred by" and "City" allow to input digits.
                            3. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are not disable (If the information is missing).
                            4. In contact Information section referred by” text field is a required field without an asterisk for indication.
                            5. In contact Information section 'Best way to contact me' should be on the same line for visual consistency (suggestion).
                            6. In cell phone service section number of months left on current contract are limited to 10.
                            7.In contact Information" section "ZIP" field should be replaced to "ZIP Code".
                            8. In contact information section State drop down list - states are not listed in alphabetical order, some states are not properly named or extra states.
                            9. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section, the checkbox for "I am opento using different provider" is misspelled and needs to be written " I am open to using different provider".
                            10. Clear” button at the bottom right does not clear the form. Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer .
                            11. Email” text field in the “Contact Information” section is not a required field, but it has an asterisk next to it. When the form is submitted, the asterisk next to the “Email” text field remains blue while other uncompleted required fields have red asterisks.
                            12. Default input focus does not work on this page.
                            13. Some radio buttons can't be unmarked.
                            Buttons SUBMIT and CLEAR are of different sizes.


                            • #59
                              Energy Telecom

                              1. When filing the form using 'tab', cursor is moving from 'first name' to 'referred by' and then to 'last name'. It is not successively

                              Contact information
                              2. Under state field 'BC' is available, which is not part of the USA

                              3. States abbreviation is not in alphabetic order

                              4. Option 'other' in state field should not be in the list under letter "O". It is not necessary to have it at all. Or if it is, then it should be at the end.

                              Cell Phone Service
                              5. Option 'other' should be available under the selection of 'Current Provider'

                              6. Field 'months left on current contract' gives only up to '10' to choose.

                              7. Option 'I like my handset'; 'I am interested in updating my handset' and 'I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop' - do not make sense under this part.

                              Local/Long Distances/International Service
                              8. When multiply options available to choose, Tab is not moving to each of option - 'Bundled with'
                              Pushing Tab, it selects first option and then moving to the next line ---> Pushing Shift+Tab – brings back to the line upper, however just the last option is selected; there is no way to get to the middle one, unless using mouse.

                              9. Same error (as mentioned in line #8) happens in all available selection options.

                              Home Security Service
                              10. Available selection should be splitted in two. For example if client does not have home security services and is not interesting in getting one.

                              Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
                              11. Name of the section does not make sense - "video phone"

                              Gas and Electric Services
                              12. Grammatically incorrect line 'I am opento using different provider' - "open to use"

                              13. All fields under 'select one' - should be in alphabetic order with option 'other' in the end.

                              14. 'Submit' button is larger then 'clear'

                              15. After clicking on 'clear' button error message pups up: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"

                              16. When clicking on 'submit' button it required to submit 'referred by' line (* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by). However this line is not marked with asterisk and should not indicates as required field.


                              • #60
                                GUI Bag Report "Energy-Telecom Service Review"
                                #1 Tab order works incorrect (inconsistency) "Contact Information" input fokus goes down insted of left-right
                                #2 "Street Address" lets fill out without number of house
                                #3 All "Contact Information" should begin with a capital letter
                                #4 "Contact Information" - "State"list box includs incorrect State abbreviation:BC, IMD, other and enter the current number of states
                                #5 "Contact Information" - "Best Way To Contact Me:" needs include "Text"
                                #6 List box "1. Cell Phone Service" includ 10 months instead of 12
                                #7 All filds with "$" allow entering information starts 0
                                #8 All filds with "$" allow entering information letter characters
                                #9 "Contact Information" - "Email:" allow e-mail adress without standart form with @ and .
                                #10 Button "Clear" doesn't work technically -"Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"

