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Taulia UI Bugs - September 10

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  • Taulia UI Bugs - September 10

    Report your findings here:

  • #2
    Daniel Sarksyan TAULIA BUG REPORTS


    1. Next to "purchase order", in the search in search my invoices, has a binocular button next to it ( remove it )

    2. In search my invoices, the orientation of the day, month, and year different ( no consistence )

    3. The "Invoice" the is highlighted in orange is spelled incorrectly. ( spelled it the right way )

    4. The "Invoice Date", that is highlighted in orange, is abbreviated. ( not consistent with the orange highlighted, spell it out)

    5. Under "Invoice Dates and Due Date" , the months are spelled ( replace it with the number of the month)


    • #3
      1. Line "From amount:" has mismatched symbol ":"
      2. Results per page more than 10
      3. Column name "Invoce" has missing letter "i"
      4. "Inv. Date" collumn has another type of date then filter "Invoice date"
      5. Column name "Due Data" and "PO #" are swapped with each other
      6. Ordering by column "Amount" at line 7 and 8 does not work
      7. Line 11 has missed button "Actions"
      8. Missed page "6" in page navigator
      9. Page navigator has 32 pages, instead 43 as in title of table "showing 422 invoices"


      • #4
        1.The invoice date format in search parameters section with the invoice date format in search results table.
        2. Results table contains 11 results instead of 10 which is set in search parameters.
        3. The contents of "Due Date" and "PO#" columns are mixed up.
        4.The "Amount" column is set to be descending, but the content is ascending.
        5.There is inconsistency in ascending order in "Amount" column. invoices 1122339546 and 1122339134 are mixed up.
        6. Lest line in result table doesn't have "Action" button.
        7. There is no 5th page in pagination.
        8. The header of the result table shows 422 invoices ,but there are only 32 pages
        9. Invoice column title "invoice" has misspelling.
        10. Invoice status "Rejected" in the first line has misspelling.


        • #5

          1. Row 7 is redundant. Invoice date should display "range 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" not 10/01/2011

          2. Column 4 "PO #" has a wrong a data format "d/m/y". Format of data should be "m/d/y"

          3. Column 4 "Due Date" has a wrong name. Need to change the name to "PO #"

          4. Column 5 "PO #" has a wrong name. Need to change the name to "Due Date"

          5. Column 8 "Payment" has a wrong date format "y/something". Format of data should be "m/d/y"

          6. Button "binoculars" is redundant. It is double button "search". Remove button "binoculars"

          7. The column headers are aligned to the right. The all columns headers should aligne to the left.

          8. The button "Hide search parameters" has a wrong name.The button "Hide search parameters" sould rename to "clear search parameters"

          9. The button "search" is on wrong place. Movie this button "search" just to the left to the button"Hide search parameters"


          • #6
            1. Replace “Invoce #” to “Invoice #” on the left first column of the header.
            2. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” to “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
            3. Replace column header “Due Date” to “PO #”.
            4. Replace column header “PO #” to “Due Date”.
            5. Add characters ( : ) at the end of all labels under “Search my invoices” section.
            6. Pagination: page 5 is missing.
            7. Change “Due Date” column format to a common data format (dd/mm/yyyy) using 8 digits.
            8. “Amount” column should be sorted to decreasing instead to increasing based on triangle in the column’s header.
            9. First column provides 11 rows instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox.


            • #7

              #1. The word 'Rejcted" in the "Status" column in first row is misspelled
              #2. Link to the page 5 is missing
              #3. Column "Amount": The arrow suggests the descending order vs. the actual ascending order.
              #4. There are 11 lines of search results displayed instead of 10 as in the "Results per page" list box
              #5. "Actions" button is missing in the row#11
              #6. Need to replace to "Showing 1-10 of 422 Invoices" instead of "Showing 422 Invoices"
              #7. 422 Invoices cannot fit on 32 pages with 10 bills per page
              #8. Replace "Invoce" with "Invoice" in the first column, first row
              #9. Invoice dated "1-Oct-2011" should not be in the range specified in "Invoice Date" fields : from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011"
              #10. "Search my invoices"section : There are two options : 1)Remove the colon in the raw "From amount"; or
              2) Add a colons to all other parameters in that section.
              #11. Sorting order is broken in the column "Amount" : "$ 22, 376.00" goes before "$22,409.37"
              #12. "Invoice status" has a button with descending arrow, involves choices, but there is a button "All". Variations need to be made
              #13. "Results per Page" has a button "10" with descending arrow, involves choices . Variations need to be made with numbers
              #14. There is no option to select date in the line with "Invoice date". Variations need to be made with numbers, months and years.
              #15. In the "Customer"(Generic Electric) line there is a downward directional arrow with the option to select the customer name. There are two options 1) Add variations with customer names; 2) Remove the downward directional arrow so that you can enter a search by name manually.
              #16. "Due Date" column must be swapped with the "PO#" column.
              Last edited by AnnaLevitskaya; 2 weeks ago.


              • #8
                Taulia UI Bugs - September 10:
                1. Under “Search my invoices” not all filter labels have a colon ( : ) after them.
                2. Under “Search my invoices”, “Invoice date” range 6/5/2024 to 9/30/2024 is inconsistent with the date range that is populated in the table.
                3. Under “Search my invoices”, “Invoice date” date format is inconsistent with
                  “Inv. Date” date format in the table.
                4. Under “Search my invoices”, filter labels do not have every word starting with capital letter which is an inconsistent style from the rest of the page.
                5. Not every word in “Search my invoices” is capitalized which is inconsistent styling from the rest of the page.
                6. “Purchase order” filter label isn't an available column in the table.
                7. Under “Search my invoices”, “Results per page” text field indicates 10, whereas the table has populated 11 results per page.
                8. Top of table reads. “Showing 422 invoices” which is inconsistent with how many invoices are actually being shown. It should probably read, “Showing 1 - 10 of 422 invoices”.
                9. Top of table reads. “Showing 422 invoices”, table incorrectly populating 11 results, while bottom table indicates that there are 32 pages available. Number of pages available is inconsistent with the number of invoices.
                10. Column “Invoce #” is misspelled.
                11. Column “Type” is redundant.
                12. “Due date” and “PO #” search results need to be swapped.
                13. Column “Amount” down arrow indicates that the results will populate in descending order; this is inconsistent with populated results.
                14. “Payment” column results are in an undefined format.
                15. Pressing the Tab key while the cursor is in the “Purchase order” text field does not move the cursor down to the “From amount” left-most text field as expected.
                16. Mouse pointer changes to cursor when hovering over “Action” button, while upon hovering over other action items on the page the mouse pointer changes to a pointing hand.
                17. Under “Search my invoices”, “from amount” text fields do not auto-populate the “$” symbol, while the results under the “Amount” column have a “$” symbol. Inconsistent formatting.


                • #9
                  Taulia bug report:

                  1) All links on the page don't work.
                  2) Links with the page numbers at the bottom of the page are not clickable.
                  3) The list of results shows 11 items though the "Results per page" parameter is set to 10.
                  4) The page says "Showing 422 invoices" while the last page number is 32, therefore there are only 352 invoices found.
                  5) When travelling through search fields using the Tab keyboard button the next focused object after the "Purchase" order field is "binoculars" icon. Not sure if it's supposed to be like this.
                  6) Search parameters don't include Type, Customer (in case we don't specify customer) and Payment.
                  7) Type column is redundant if this page only returns invoices.
                  8) Download list URL may be incorrect.
                  9) The list of results shows invoices with Invoice Dates that are out of bounds of the searched criteria.
                  10) It seems that column names "Due Date" and "PO #" are mixed up.
                  11) You can't sort the results except sorting by Amount. Probably related to the sage of designing UI.
                  12) Amount column is not sorted correctly.
                  13) The Actions column isn't labeled.
                  14) There is no "Actions" button in the last result.
                  15) Clerical / typo bug: in search parameters the only field name ending with a colon is "From amount:".


                  • #10
                    #1. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #" in the column title
                    #2. "Search my invoices": Ensure consistency in the use of the colon ( : ) at the end
                    #3. Table columns need to be properly aligned
                    #4. The "Type" column is redundant as the search is specific to invoices only
                    #5. The "Amount" column is not sorted in descending order as specified
                    #6. 11 search results rows are shown instead of the 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
                    #7. In the "Inv. Date" column, the 7th row of search results shows October, even though it is not present in the "Invoice Date"
                    #8. The link to page 5 is missing in the search results pagination
                    #9. Replace the word "Rejcted" with "Reject" in the first row of the "Status" column
                    #10. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                    #11. Align the date format in the "Search my invoices" the "Invoice Date" and "Inv. Date" column to be consistency
                    #12. Change the column names 'Due Date' and 'PO #' so that they are swapped


                    • #11

                      1. In the left most column title replace “Invoce” with “Invoice”.
                      2. It doesn’t match the specified quantity “Result per page” of 10, it shows 11.
                      3. “Action” button is missing in the last row (row №11)
                      4. Misspelled word in the first row/ “Status” column (Rejcted)
                      5. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page 5 is missing.
                      6. Incorrect values in the columns : “Due Date” and “PO#”.
                      7. “Amount” column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order.
                      8. Incorrect date sorting in the column “” the maximum value should be 9/30/2024.
                      9. “Download list” icon (diskette) is not consistent with tooltip download.
                      10. “Type” column is redundant.


                      • #12
                        n “Search My Invoices” section all the labels should have a colon at the end

                        Binocular icon doesn’t need - we have already button “Search”

                        Column header “Invoce” is misspelled

                        Replace Column “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”

                        Search results table provide 11 rows instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox

                        Replace showing “422” with “1-10 of 422 results”

                        Invoice date : from 6/5/2014 to 9/302024 ,(invoice :


                        out of the range )

                        Invoice number 1122339546 $22,409.37 and 1122339134 $22,376.00 need to be changed exchange places with each other

                        "Download list" is a button, capitalize both words as”Download List"

                        All columns information is not centered but is placed to the left

                        “Invoice date” column does not match American standard ,change for (mm/dd/yyyy)

                        Column “Status” -Change button approved for paid

                        Text field” Showing 422 invoices” wrong

                        Amount of the page show that the last page 32

                        That means it is around 320 invoices

                        suggestion change amount of pages for 43

                        In page order “Page number 5” is missing

                        Page order suggestion put … instead of ..

                        The “Rejcted” is misspelled, Replace it with “Rejected “

                        The invoice number 11 doesn’t have “action” button

                        Column “PO#” purchase order, does not match American standard ,change for (mm/dd/yyyy)or it need to have number that much order

                        Column “Amount” supposed to show resold following by arrow ( in. This case from big to small)

                        Column “Due Date” doesn’t contain any date ( probably “PO” and “Due Date” need to be changed places )


                        • #13
                          #1 Unable to access the website on Google Chrome, running Windows 11, from Kazakhstan. The website cannot be found.
                          #2 Unable to access the website on Microsoft Edge, running Windows 11, from Kazakhstan. The website cannot be found.
                          #3 Incorrect header label "Invoce #" should be corrected to "Invoice #"
                          #4 Wrong label "Due date" above purchase order numbers column should be changed to "PO#"
                          #5 Wrong label "PO#" above due dates column should be changed to "Due Date"
                          #6 Invalid sequence of invoices sorted by amount from highest to lowest
                          #7 Incorrect status "Rejcted" should be corrected to "Rejected"
                          #8 The invoice date in the list is shown in the DD/MM/YYYY format, which is inconsistent with the search section where its shown in MM/DD/YYYY format
                          #9 Wrong month format in search results columns “Inv. date” and “Due date”, should use numerical format instead of text.
                          #10 There is no "Actions" button in the last row in search results
                          #11 Page 5 is missing in paginator
                          #12 Missmatching amount of showing invoices 422 and search results (32pages*10=320 invoices)
                          #13 Search results content invoices outside specified date range (6/5/2011-9/30/2011)
                          #14 Missing colons after the label names in search section
                          #15 Unnecessary column "Type" in search results list
                          #16 Misaligned columns and labels in search results table
                          #17 Rows 1,2 and 6 in the "Amount" column contain an unnecessary space between the currency symbol and the amount
                          #18 11 rows in search results instead of 10
                          #19 Inconsistent shapes of text fields and dropdown menus in the search section (iPadOS 17.5.1 21F90, Safari)
                          #20 Columns in a search results section are misaligned

                          more findings after 3d sesson

                          #21 "Showing 422 invoices" should be replaced with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                          #22 In "Payment" column some payment results appear as active, clickable links whereas other payment results are displayed as text or numbers without any hyperlink (found on iPadOS 17.5.1 21F90, Safari)
                          #23 Unclear purpose of binocular image after "Purchase order" label
                          #24 Binocular image has a function of refreshing page
                          #25 In the pagination control, there are two dots when there should be three dots
                          #26 Purchase Order (PO#) numbers in the 1st and 10th rows are displayed as 6-digit numbers, while all other PO numbers have only 5 digits. This inconsistency appears under the "Due Date" label by mistake
                          Last edited by anastasia_zyrianova; 2 weeks ago.


                          • #14
                            1. The page number 5 is missed in the line of founded pages

                            2. The word „rejected” was written with a spelling mistake in the list of results, status column

                            3. Amount column - The rows 7 and 8 are sorted not in increasing order

                            4. The fields „Invoice date” are not accept any characters

                            5. In the list-box „Results per page” I cannot choose any value apart from 10

                            6. In the list-box „Invoice status” I cannot choose any value apart from „All”

                            7. The button „Search” is not working. The searching is not exist

                            8. The button „Actions” is missed in the row number 11

                            9. The row number 11 is not so high like previous

                            10. The button „Download list” doesn’t do any activities

                            11. The button „Refresh” doesn’t do any activities

                            12. The user cannot click and see the pages with invoices

                            13. The parameter „From amount:” contains „:”, however any another parameter doesn’t contain this

                            14. The column with Actions buttons are not note in the header

                            Environment: MacOs 14.6.1; Chrome 128.0.6613.138 (Oficjalna wersja) (arm64)


                            • #15
                              1. In List Box Column (invoce #) is misspelled correct spelling is (Invoice #)

                              2. In List Box Column (Due Date) And (PO #) Should be swapped around

                              3. In List Box (Invoice #) (1122338095) Is missing a (Action Prompt)

                              4. In List Box Page 5 is missing in line of pages

                              5. In (search my invoices) (Results per page) Says its 10 but in the List box its shows 11 ( Change Results per page to 11 instead of 10)

                              6. In List Box Column (PO #) Dates are all inconsistent

