Graphic User Interface Tests
Requirements (assumptions):
Valid combination of user login and password lets the user in
Any other combination will be rejected
Password displays in bullet points on the screen
Cut menu on the password is disabled
Copy menu on the password is disabled
Pre-condition: The user has registered and has a valid account for test execution.
Test Data Valid:
Password: password
Test Data Invalid:
Name: admin
Password: passqord
Test cases
Bug reports
Functional tests:
Pre-condition: User has a valid registered account with the website. The user has logged in and opened tab “Admin/User Management/ Users”
Test data: Testing Boss, bobboss, admin
Test cases:
Functional tests:
Pre-condition: User has a valid registered account with the website. The user has logged in and opened tab “PIM/Employee List”
Test data: 635919, Taylor Adams
Test cases:
Bug reports:
Requirements (assumptions):
- Login and Password:
Valid combination of user login and password lets the user in
Any other combination will be rejected
Password displays in bullet points on the screen
Cut menu on the password is disabled
Copy menu on the password is disabled
Pre-condition: The user has registered and has a valid account for test execution.
Test Data Valid:
Password: password
Test Data Invalid:
Name: admin
Password: passqord
Test cases
ID | Description | Instruction | Expected result | Actual |
Valid password/valid login | admin/password | User is logged in | The message”Invalid credentials is revealed on the screen”. | |
Valid login/invalid password | admin/passqord | Error: Invalid credentials | The message”Csrf token validation failed”. | |
Masking password | Type password | Password is shown in bullets | Password is shown in bullets | |
Copy menu on password is disabled | n/a | Disabled | Disabled | |
Cut menu on password is disabled | n/a | Disabled | Disabled |
- Login page: misleading and ambiguous message when input invalid password with valid password.
Functional tests:
- Field “User name” accepts letters only
- The user can look for registered in the system admins using the button “Search”
- “User Role” list box allows the admin to select from the list either admin or ess on the registered admins or employees in the system
Pre-condition: User has a valid registered account with the website. The user has logged in and opened tab “Admin/User Management/ Users”
Test data: Testing Boss, bobboss, admin
Test cases:
ID | Description | Instruction | Expected result | Actual |
1 | Field User name accepts letters only | Type: Testing Boss in the User name field | Testing Boss | As expected |
2 | The user can use button “Search” to look for registered admins | Type bobboss in the user Name field. Press “Search button”. |
bobboss | As expected |
3 | The admin can use User Role list box | Type bobboss in the User Name field. Select “admin” in the User Role list box. Press “Search button”. |
Bobboss account is displayed on the screen under the orange Tab “User Name” | As expected |
Functional tests:
- Field “Id” accepts digits only
- Field “Employee Name” accepts letters only
Pre-condition: User has a valid registered account with the website. The user has logged in and opened tab “PIM/Employee List”
Test data: 635919, Taylor Adams
Test cases:
ID | Description | Instruction | Expected result | Actual |
1 | Field Id accepts digits only | Type 635919 in the Id field. Press button “Search”. |
635919 | As expected |
2 | Field ID do not accept letters | Type:Taylor Adams in the Id field | Error message: digits only | Message: No records found |
3 | Field employee name accepts letters | 1. Type Taylor Adams in the Employee Name Field 2 .Select Past and Current Employees from the list box “Include” 3. Other list boxes choose “All” 3. Press “Search” button. |
Taylor Adams is found in the system | As expected |
4 | The admin is able to find existing employee by name | 1. Type Taylor Adams in the Employee Name Field 2.In the ID field type: Tylor Adams 3.Select Past and Current Employees from the list box “Include” 4. Other list boxes choose “All” 5. Press “Search” button. |
Taylor Adams is found in the system | There is a message: No records found |
- ID field in the tab PIM/Employee list accepts letters.
- ID field in the tab PIM/Employee list does not reveal the message: Digits only, but displays the message that no records are found for the existing in the system employee: Taylor Adams.
- PIM/Employee list tab. When we input in the field ID the invalid data: Taylor Adams and in the Employee Name field input valid data: Taylor Adams, the system does not find the registered employee in the system.