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Su6 - energy-telecom

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  • Su6 - energy-telecom

    Energy-Telecom bugs for SU6 class - English only

  • #2

    Energy-Telecom Bug Reports /Functionality Testing ========Homework

    #1 “First name” field accepts 30 characters max instead of 31 characters as per requirements

    #2 “First name” field: replace “Please enter your First Name” with “First Name field cannot be empty”

    #3 “Last name” field accepts 30 characters max instead of 31 characters as per requirements

    #4 “Last name” field: replace “Please enter your Last Name” with “Last Name field cannot be empty”

    #5 “Street address’’ field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 characters as per requirements.

    #6 ‘“State” field accepts two dashes “--’” to be chosen. Please replace ”Please enter your state” with ‘“State” field cannot be empty”.

    #7 “State” list box “HI” and “NV” are missing

    #8 "ZIP" field accepts typing of alphabetic characters (letters) instead of being digits-only

    #9 “ZIP” field accepts typing of special character instead of being digits only

    #10 “ZIP” field accepts pasting 6 and more characters

    #11 “ZIP” field accepts pasting special characters

    #12 ‘’E-mail’’ field accepts 250 characters instead of 255 as per requirements

    #13 Please replace “Please enter your email address’’ with “Email address cannot be empty” (solution bug report)

    #14 3rd field for digits for “Phone number” field accepts 3 digits instead of 4

    #15 “Phone number” field accepts special characters instead of digits only as per requirements.

    #16 Phone number field: replace “Please enter your phone number” with “Phone number cannot be empty”.

    #17 "State" list box: remove canadian "BC" from the list of US States

    #18 "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN”

    #19 All 3 fields of the phone field accept letters instead of digits only as per requirements

    #20 Confusing/misleading error message when push the Clear button “error message:Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”.

    #21 Clear function does not work

    #22 Remove “Other” from the “State” list box since the list is complete

    #23 “Contact information” section - TAB order violation. From ‘’First name” the input focus moves to “Referred by” instead of “Last name”

    #24 Sales lead email: the ‘Email’ info is missing

    #25 Sales lead email: the “Referred by” info is not present on the email

    #26 Incomplete requirements” there is no info on the “Referred by” field

    #27 “Submit” and “Clear” buttons have inconsistent look (problem bug report)


    • #3
      Energy Telecom bug report.
      1. The three checkboxes at the ending of the "Cell Phone Service" form are inconsistent and different from other checkboxes in other forms.
      2. The textarea in the "Comments" section can be resized.
      3. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field in the "Cell Phone Service" section allows letters to be entered.
      4. Each field with dollar sign allows to paste other characters not only numbers.


      • #4
        Energy-Telecom Bug Reports
        #1 Input to the "First name" field is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements
        #2 Input to the "Last name" field is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements
        #3 Input to the "Street Address" field is limited to 100 characters, not 250 as per requirements
        #4 "Contact Information" section "State" listbox: "NV" is missing
        #5 "Contact Information" section "State" listbox: "HI" is missing
        #6 "Contact Information" section "State" listbox: replace "IN" instead of "IND"

        #7 "Contact Information" section "State" Listbox - Remove 'BC' from the list
        #8 "Contact Information" section "State" Listbox - Remove 'Other' option from the list
        #9 "ZIP:" field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters limit (by requirements)
        #10 "ZIP:" field accepts copy-paste special characters instead of digits only (by requirements)
        #11 "ZIP:" field accepts copy-paste letters instead of digits only (by requirements)
        #12 Input to the "Email:" accepts more than 255 characters, not 255 as per requirements
        #13 Input to the "Email:" accepts all characters without special character "@" required for emal address
        #14 Input to the "Email:" accepts more than one special character "@"required for emal address
        #15 "Email:" field has no validation for multiple"@" characters
        #16 “Phone” field accepts copy-paste letters and special characters instead of digits only (by requirements)
        #17 "Referred by" field: Either provide an asterisk to the field, OR it should not behave as a required field
        #18 “Cell Phone service” section “Current provider” listbox add ‘Other’ option in the list
        #19 “Cell Phone service” section “My monthly bill is approximately:” accepts input letters instead of digits
        #20 “Cell Phone service” section “My monthly bill is approximately:” accepts copy-paste special characters instead of digits
        #21 “HighSpeed Internet service” section “My monthly bill is approximately:” accepts copy-paste special characters and letters instead of digits
        #22 Buttons “Submit” and "Clear" have different size
        #23 Button "Clear" is not in operation
        #24 TAB order violation: From "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name"
        #25 TAB order violation: “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section From "Internet" it goes to "Total Bill" instead of "TV" and “Both”
        #26 TAB order violation: “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - "International calls included?" field From “Yes” it goes to "Long distance included" field instead of “No"
        Last edited by LoraK; 07-02-2024, 07:13 AM.


        • #5
          #1." Referred by" field inconsistency: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required field.
          #2. Sales lead email: the "email" is missing
          #3. The message " * Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" after submitting the form
          refers to the field which is not required .
          #4. Incomplete requirements: there is no info on the “Referred by” field
          #5.Confusing/misleading error message when push the Clear button “error message:Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”.
          #6.First name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 characters as per requirements
          #7."Email " field is not processed as a requirement field.
          #8.“Last name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 characters as per requirements
          Last edited by Olga B; 07-07-2024, 03:08 PM.


          • #6
            #1. “Contact information” section: inconsistency between “City”, “State” and “ZIP” is allowed. A form filled with non-existing combinations could be submitted.
            #2. “Contact information” section: The “ZIP” field allows PASTING 6 or more digits.
            #3. “Contact information” section: The “ZIP” field allows PASTING letters and special characters.
            #4. “Contact information” section: The “Phone” field allows PASTING letters and special characters.
            #5. “Contact information” section: The form is successfully submitted when the “Email” field is filled with a combination of characters that do not follow the general structure of an email address (local-part@domain). Other characters could be used instead of @.
            #6. “Contact information” section: The form is successfully submitted when the “Email” field is filled with a combination of characters that do not follow the rules for using special characters in the “local” and “domain” parts of email addresses (local-part@domain). Special characters that are not allowed can be used, dot(.) and hyphen (-) can be used at the places where they are prohibited in real email addresses.
            #7. “Cell Phone Service” section: “other” option should be added to the “Current Provider” list box.
            #8. “Cell Phone Service” section: “more” option should be added to “Months left on current contract” list box.
            #9. Inconsistency between list box options in “Months left on current contract” (“Cell Phone Service” section) and “Months left on plan” (“TV Service” section): the first one allows 0-10 months options to choose, the second one allows 0-24 months to choose.
            #10. “TV Service” section: “more” option should be added to the “Months left on plan” list box.
            #11. All fields in the form that are marked by the “$” sign allow PASTING both letters and special characters. This is inconsistent with the meaning of those fields.
            #12. All fields in all sections that use radio buttons: when TAB is used it skips all options but one. When nothing is chosen, TAB goes through the first option and skips others. When one of the options is chosen, TAB goes through the chosen one and skips others.


            • #7
              Energy-Telecom Bug Reports
              #1. “First Name” field: accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement.
              #2. “Last Name” field: accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement.
              #3. “Street Address” field: accepts only 100 characters instead of 250 as per requirement.
              #4. “State” list box: “BC” should be removed as it is not a US state.
              #5. “State” list box: “HI” is missing after “GA”.
              #6. “State” list box: Change “IND” to “IN”.
              #7. “State” list box: “NV” is missing after “NE”.
              #8. “State” list box: Remove “Other”.
              #9. “ZIP” field: Accepts invalid ZIP codes.
              #10. “Email field”: mismatch between the color of the asterisk symbol denoting the required field (blue for “Email”, red for all other fields).
              #11. “Email” field: Accepts emails with empty domain part.
              #12. “Email” field: Accepts emails with empty local part.
              #13. “Email” field: Accepts data in non-email format.
              #14. “Email” field: Accepts more than 250 characters as per requirement.
              #15. “Email” field: accepts empty input.
              #16. TAB order violation in “Contact information” section: from the “First Name” field the focus moves to the “Referred by” field instead of the “Last Name” field.
              #17. List boxes: inconsistency in “Select”, “Select one”, “--” value names.
              #18. “My monthly bill is approximately:” field: Accepts letters.

