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Taulia bugs - su6
Taulia bugs: exploratory testing - User Interface - Bug report:- “Status” Column, first row: Replace “Rected” with “Rejected”
- Column header “Invoce” is misspelled
- Search results table provide 11 rows instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox
- Format of invoice date in the search is different to the format of invoice date in the result of the search
- Invoice date in the search is within range of 6/5/2011 and 9/30/2011. Invoice number 1122339546 is out of the range.
- Replace Column “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
- In the column amount the data is not centered but is placed to the left.
- Search result table: 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
- Replace showing “422” with “1-10 of 422 results”
- “Amount” column sorting order is not consistent: "$22,409.37" should go after "$22,376.00", not above
- "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order instead of descending order as specified by the triangle in the column’s header
- "Search my invoices": provide all the labels with the colon character at the end
- Pagination: link to page “5” is missing
- Provide a tooltip for "Binocular" button in "Search my invoices" section
- Alternative to 15 "Search my invoices" section/"Binocular" button: tooltip is missing
- The "Type" column in search results table is redundant since the type is already defined in the "Invoice" folder TAB
- Home page header: Taulia Company logo in top left corner shall be linked to the home page
- Rearrange labels to Amount fields in the "Search my invoices" section: Amount from: to:
- "Download list" is a button, so please capitalize both words and spell them "Download List"
- Table columns/titles are not adjusted same way (left vs center)
- Row #4, column "Status": icon "Paid" should have "Paid", not "Approved" tooltip
- “Actions’” button is missing in the row 11
- Inconsistency in date format used: “Invoice Date” text field vs “Inv. Date” column
- “Due date” column: the data does not look like it is not in the common date format
- Search my invoices section: make sure all the labels have a colon character : at the end of every label
- Invoice date column 1 Oct 2011 is outside the the range provided in the “Invoice date” fields
Bug reports for TAULIA- In “Search My Invoices” section all the labels should have a colon at the end
- Showing invoices table: invoices dated "1-Oct-2011" (and 13 Oct, 22Oct,31 Oct) are out of range (out of scope). The search parameters defined as "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011".
- Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (as per "Results per page" listbox).
- Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs Invoice Date Column (22-Aug-2011)
- First cell in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
- Data in the "Due Date" column does not look like being in any common date format
- Data in the "PO #" column looks like being in date format rather than PO# format
- Amount" column: ascending order is incorrect: $22,409.37 goes before $22,376.00
- Amount" column: Data is sorted in ascending order while the arrow in the column title points to descending order.
- Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
- Search Results Table: Link to Page 5 is missing
- "Invoice" column name is misspelled ("Invoce")
- Search Results section: the bottom line does not have an “Actions” button
- “Showing 422 invoices”: 422 is larger than 32 pages time 10 (or even 11)
- "Invoices" Folder/Search Results: "Type" column is redundant since all records are invoices
- "Status" column/row 4 icon: the tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid"
UI Testing of the TAULIA page -
---------Writing bug reports on Taulia--------
1. In the "Search my invoices" section, the "Invoice number" and "From amount" input fields accept letters instead of only numbers.
2. In the "Search my invoices" section, clicking "Hide search parameters" does not collapse the parameters.
3. "Search my invoices" section: "Invoice date" the input fields aren't allowing any data to be entered.
4. In the header of the "Taulia™ Pay Early. Pay Less." page, the logo isn't clickable and doesn't link to the main page.
5. "Amount" column": Arrow for ordering isn't clickable and doesn't function.
6. Pagination at the bottom of the search results: When any number link is clicked, nothing happens, and when hovering over any number link, the cursor doesn't indicate it's clickable.
7. In the "Search my invoices" section, the 'Results per page' dropdown has only one option: '10'.
8. In the header of the page, the links to other pages aren't working.
Bug reports for TAULIA 6/24/2024
#1. "Status" column, first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#2. Column header "Invoce #" is misspelled
#3. Search results table provides 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
#4. "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order instead of descending order (as specified by the triangle in the column's header)
#5. "Amount" column: sorting order is not consistent. "$22,409.37" should go AFTER "$22,376.00"
#6. Search results table: 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
#7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
#8. Inconsistency date format used: "Invoice date" text field VS "Inv. Date" column fields
#9. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing
#10. "Due Date" column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format
#11. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character : at the end
#12. "Inv. Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
#13. Column 2 "Type" is not needed, this table only shows documents of the same type
#14. “Logo” company does not move to the main page of the site
#15. "Invoice" first column, rows are not listed in numbers order
#16. "Columns" are visually shifted to the leftLast edited by Areon_ua; 06-24-2024, 10:44 PM.
TAULIA Webpage Bug Reports:
1. The "Search my invoices" section in the "Invoices" tab should display 10 results per page, but 11 results are displayed.
2. There is a misspelling in the "Invoice" header of the first column.
3. The "Due Date" column contains incorrect data.
4. The data in the "Inv. Date" column are not sorted chronologically.
5. The page link for page #5 is missing at the bottom of the page.
6. The "PO#" column contains incorrect data.
7. The word "Rejected" is misspelled in the "Status" column.
8. The search results include an invoice from 10/1/2011, although the filter is set from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011.
9. The date format in the "Search my invoices" section is mm/dd/yyyy while in the "Results" section it is dd-MMM-yyyy.
10. There are 422 invoices spread across 32 pages, with 11 invoices per page, but page #5 is missing.
11. The links to other pages are inactive.
UI Testing of theTulia page -
Bug report:
#1 When hovering over the site logo on the header "taulia" the button is inactive. When I click on it, must send me to the home page;
#2 The button name "Your Customer" looks incorrect. Needs to be replaced with "Your Customers"
#3 Misspelling "logout" botton on the header of the WEB page. Please replace it with "Log out";
#4 The field "Customer" looks incorrect. Needs to be replaced with "Customer name:"
#5 The field "From amount:" looks incorrect. Needs to be replaced whith "Amount: From"
#6 The field "Purchase order" looks incorrect and needs to be replaced with "Purchase order #:" or "PO #"
#7 The field "Invoice date" looks incorrect. Needs to be replaced with "Invoice date: From"
#8 "PO #" column: the data does not looks like it is a PO#. Please make sure that it is correct name for this column VS column "Due Date"
#9 The button with the image of a floppy disk usually indicates the save function. Please replace the image of the specified button with the corresponding image that indicates the download.
#10 The column named "Type" looks unnecessary in this list. The "Type" column must be deleted, since there's no other type of documents can be displayed in this list by default.
#11 Column named "Paymant" looks incorrect, needs to be replaced with "Payment Date".
#12 Collumn "Payment" doesn't consist proper date format.
#13 In column "Status" row #4 tooltip shows "Approved" insted of "Paid".
#14 The pagination button's aren't selectable, so user can't choose or change the page.
#15 The symbol ellipsis ".." designated incorrect, must be replaced with"...".
#16 Column's names are not centered.
GUI Testing of theTulia page -
Bugs found in the class:
#1. "Status" column, first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#2. Column header "Invoce #" is misspelled
#3. Search results table provides 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
#4. "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order instead of descending order (as specified by the triangle in the column's header)
#5. "Amount" column: sorting order is not consistent. "$22,409.37" should go AFTER "$22,376.00"
#6. Search results table: 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
#7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
#8. Inconsistency date format used: "Invoice date" text field VS "Inv. Date" column fields
#9. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing
#10. "Due Date" column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format
#11. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character ( : ) at the end
#12. "Inv. Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
Bugs found by me:
#13. "Type" column is redundant, because all search results are invoices
#14. "Due Date" and "PO#" columns look like replaced between each other
#15. "Amount" column is aligned left instead of right
#16. "Status" column, fourth row: icon "Paid" has "Approved" tooltip
Last edited by Yermek Nurumov; 06-25-2024, 04:40 AM.
Tulia page Bug report:
#1 Logo "taulia" does not have home Access to the Homepage,
#2 "Showing invoices" table does not have a single centering for all labels,
#3 The "Results per page" parameter indicates 10, has an incorrect number of results in the table "Showing invoices",
#4 The "type" column is not needed, it has no information value, this parameter is not changed,
#5 "Invoice date" format differs from the given format in Table,
#6 The "PO#" header contains an invalid "#" character,
#7 "Purchase order" parameter is not correct abbreviation in "PO#" header,
#8 "Purchase order" contains an incorrect search pattern.
#9 The Invoice Display table does not use the specified date format,
#10 In the "search my accounts" section, the "Hide search parameters" button does not hide the parameters.
Tulia page Bug report:
We find in a class:
#1. "Status" column, first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#2. Column header "Invoce #" is misspelled
#3. Search results table provides 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
#4. "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order instead of descending order (as specified by the triangle in the column's header)
#5. "Amount" column: sorting order is not consistent. "$22,409.37" should go AFTER "$22,376.00"
#6. Search results table: 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
#7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
#8. Inconsistency date format used: "Invoice date" text field VS "Inv. Date" column fields
#9. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing
#10. "Due Date" column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format
#11. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character ( : ) at the end
#12. "Inv. Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
#13 Pagination: When hovering over the page-turning area, the cursor does not change its appearance to an arrow as expected
#14 Row #4, column "Status": icon "Paid" should have "Paid", not "Approved" tooltip
#15 Check the alignment in the columns and headers of the table, whether all the information is aligned in the same style
Taulia bug reports that were not discussed in the class:- Discrepancy between the “Purchase order” label and the “PO #” column header.
- Discrepancy between the “Invoice date” label and the “Inv. Date” column header.
- Discrepancy between the “Invoice number” label and “Invoice #” column header.
- Replace the “From amount” label with “Amount from” label.
- Column headers and table elements have different alignment.
- Data under the “Customer” label is not provided in the table.
- Discrepancy between the number format in the “Amount” label section and the “Amount” column.
- All column headers except “Amount” do not allow sorting.
- “PO#” and “Due Date” column headers should be replaced.
- “Inv. Date” column: line 7 features a date that is not within the specified range.
- Pagination: extra space between “1” and “2” page numbers.
1. Font color is different (black, blue, orange).
2. There is no colon in the options in the left upper corner.
3. The “Type” Column is not necessary.
4. Amount ( left upper corner): “From” should be before amount field.
5. Invoice date: no “from”.
6. ”The triangle” symbol is reversed.
7. ”The triangle” symbol is missing from other columns.
8. Amount: 22409.37 and 22376.00 are in descending order.
9. Payment: some fields are empty.
10. Invoice Date: “31-Oct-2011” is higher than choosed interval.
11. The writing ”Inv. Date” doesn’t match “Invoice Date”.
12. The writing “Invoice #” doesn’t match “Invoice number”.
13. The writing “Purchase order” doesn’t match “PO #”.
14. A letter is missing from “Rejcted”.
15. A letter is missing from “Invoice number.
16. Actual “Results per page” (11 items ) doesn’t match choosed “Results per page” (10 items).
17. ”Due date” and “PO #” should be swapped.
18. ”Payment” is not clear what it’s means. Need more information.
19. Ammount (left top corner): integer values are indicated, without zeroes.
20. Invoice number (left top corner): “binocular” symbol is missing.
21. Invoice date (left top corner): “calendar” symbol are missing in fields “from/to”.
22. Pagination: paragraph 5 is missing.
23. Pagination: empty space between 1 and 2.
24. PO # : numbering is duplicated.
25. PO # : the numbering in the chronology relative to the date is broken.
26. Columns are located to the left of the header.
27. The number of invoices calculated through pagination does not correspond to the number of invoices (422 items) indicated in the middle field.
28. Divide the pagination into parts - instead of 1,2...32 indicate 1-10, 11-20…
29. No “Actions” button on the bottom line.
30. Payment: one part of the values is underlined and the other is not.
#1. "Status" column, first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#2. Column header "Invoce #" is misspelled "Invoice"
#3. Search results table provides 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
#4. "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order instead of descending order (as specified by the triangle in the column's header)
#5. "Amount" column: sorting order is not consistent. "$22,409.37" should go AFTER "$22,376.00"
#6. Search results table: 32 pages cannot accommodate 422 search results
#7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
#8. Inconsistency date format used: "Invoice date" text field VS "Inv. Date" column fields
#9. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing
#10. "Due Date" column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format
#11. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon characters : at the end
#12. "Inv. Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
#13. Missing button "Actions" in 11th row
#14. Names of columns "Status" and "Invoice status" in Search don't match
Taulia Bug Report- “Status” Column, first row: Replace “Rected” with “Rejected”
- Column header “Invoce” is misspelled
- Search results table provide 11 rows instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox
- Format of invoice date in the search is different to the format of invoice date in the result of the search
- Invoice date in the search is within range of 6/5/2011 and 9/30/2011. Invoice number 1122339546 is out of the range.
- Replace Column “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
- In the column amount the data is not centered but is placed to the left.
- Search result table: 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
- Replace showing “422” with “1-10 of 422 results”
- “Amount” column sorting order is not consistent: "$22,409.37" should go after "$22,376.00", not above
- "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order instead of descending order as specified by the triangle in the column’s header
- "Search my invoices": provide all the labels with the colon character at the end
- Pagination: link to page “5” is missing
- Provide a tooltip for "Binocular" button in "Search my invoices" section
- Alternative to 15 "Search my invoices" section/"Binocular" button: tooltip is missing
- The "Type" column in search results table is redundant since the type is already defined in the "Invoice" folder TAB
- Home page header: Taulia Company logo in top left corner shall be linked to the home page
- Rearrange labels to Amount fields in the "Search my invoices" section: Amount from: to:
- "Download list" is a button, so please capitalize both words and spell them "Download List"
- Table columns/titles are not adjusted same way (left vs center)
- Row #4, column "Status": icon "Paid" should have "Paid", not "Approved" tooltip
- “Actions’” button is missing in the row 11
- Inconsistency in date format used: “Invoice Date” text field vs “Inv. Date” column
- “Due date” column: the data does not look like it is not in the common date format
- Search my invoices section: make sure all the labels have a colon character (
at the end of every label
- Invoice date column 1 Oct 2011 is outside the the range provided in the “Invoice date” fields