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May 14, 2024 Test cases for Forgot Password Feature

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  • May 14, 2024 Test cases for Forgot Password Feature

    On page 8 of the "Test documentation" presentation file it is said: "Test Case is 100% derived from requirement". Requirements are not specifically stated.
    Should current task be done from the assumptions of requirements?

  • #2
    #1. Text field,,Last name” accepts 30 characters instead 31. #2. ,,Street Address “ field only permits to input of up 100 characters instead the expected 255. #3.,,Zip” field lets to past more than 5 characters. #4.,,Zip “ field is able to type in letters. #5. Miss spell,,Oneto” below the row 7. #6. The ,,submit” button is enabled without any fields being field. #7. ,,Email” field is not processed as a required field. #8. ,,Phone “ field lets to paste any characters . #9. ,,Current provider” field : in a list box no option ,,other”


    • #3
      Forgot Password test cases

      ID...... Description........Instruction........expected result

      1.username/email......psanchez/ log in: accepted
      2.username/email......Psanchez/ not valid combination
      3.username/email......P@tysanchez/ not valid combination
      Last edited by psanchez; 05-23-2024, 06:52 PM.


      • #4
        For the purpose of writing test cases, let's assume requirements:
        - Valid username and valid email lets the user receive password via email.
        - Any other combination will be rejected.
        Test cases:
        ID Description Expected result Actual result Pass/Fail
        1. Valid username/ valid email user receives password via email same as expected positive
        2. Valid username/ invalid email error: provide valid combination same as expected negative
        3. Invalid username/ valid email error: provide valid combination same as expected negative


        • #5
          Task can be done from the assumptions of requirements as it can be based on industry best practices for study purposes.

          Test cases for "forgot password".

          id / title (description) / instruction / expected result

          #1. correct username and correct email /// username and email entered match the profile information /// accepted, user provided with a link to reset the password via email

          #2. email entered is invalid /// user entered wrong characters in email field, doesn’t match the email format (*@*.*) /// error: please enter a valid email address

          #3. correct username and wrong email /// user entered email that does not match entered username and not in the system /// error: email address does not match the username. please try again.

          Any actual result that is not matching expected result field must be considered as failed.
          Last edited by Yulia_T; 05-23-2024, 07:17 PM.


          • #6
            No requirements provided therefore we can think of some probable requirements:

            ***username and email adress should match
            ***username and email adress should exist in the database and be atributted to each other

            Test cases:

            ID Description / Instruction / Expected Result

            #1 Username/Email are valid / Data entered match the database records / Submission accepted
            #2 Username/Email are invalid / Data entered mismatch error: username or email incorrect /Submission rejected
            #3 Username/Email fields max character limit / Data entered should not exceed specific defined no# / Username/Email fields should not store the characters typed if the defined no# is exceeded

            Actual result and the conclusion of the test pass/fail cannot be concluded in this case due to inexistent functionality of the provided link.
            Last edited by inhalexhalehigh; 05-24-2024, 03:09 PM.


            • #7
              A Page "Forgot your Password" unavailable for testing. It is a picture.
              the application/feature MUST be in testable condition.

              IF the page was available I would use a folowing cases:

              * TELL THEM: for the purpose of writing test cases, lets have some assumptions of reqs - valid login and valid password combination lets user in - any other combination will be rejected - Password field displays input in bullets - "Cut" menu item on "Password" field is disabled - "Copy" menu item on "Password" field is disabled

              Test cases "Forgot Login/Password" functionality:

              ID Tytle\ Instuction\Expected Result

              ID 1.
              Tytle: Request Password reset with valid Username\Email (happy pass)
              Instuction: Type a valid Username\Email address in the provided field. Push a button "Submit your request"
              Expected Result: Valid Username\Email accepted. A confirmation message should appear stating that a password reset link has been sent to the email address provided.
              The user should receive an email with a password reset link.

              ID 2.
              Tytle:Request Password Reset with Invalid Email
              Instruction: type an valid Username and invalid email. Push a button "Submit your request"
              Expected Result: Error message "The email address is not registered" should appear. No email should be sent.

              ID 3. Tytle:Request Password Reset with Invalid Username
              Instruction: type an invalid Username ans valid email. Push a button "Submit your request".
              Expected Result: A confermation mwssage should be appear "The username has been sent to the provided email address". The user should receive an registered email with a username.


              • #8
                "Forgot Your Password" not in a testable condition and has no test data.

                Test cases:
                ID 1 "Forgot your password"
                Valid Username/valid Email
                Expected results: User logged in

                ID 2 "Forgot your password"
                1.Valid Username/valid Email
                2.E-mail is not match with the member email on record
                Expected results: Error: provide match member e-mail on record

                ID 3 "Forgot your password"
                Valid Username/invalid Email
                Expected results: Error: provide valid e-mail
                Last edited by Marinasamoilova; 05-26-2024, 07:56 PM.


                • #9
                  #1 . Action button is missing in the row #11
                  #2 . 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
                  #3. Search results should display 10 rows , not 11
                  #4. Sorting order violation in “Amount “ colum : $22,409,37 should go below $ 22,376.00 not above


                  • #10
                    ID...... Description...............................Instruct ion............................................... .................................................. .....................................expected result
                    #1 Valid user name/Valid email........ Bratanat/ ............................................ Your password was send on your email
                    #2 Valid user name/Invalid email .....Bratanat/ .................................................. ..Error: please provide valid user name or valid email
                    #3 Invalid user name/Valid email ......Bratаnat/ of the letter A in user name was type in Russian) Error: please provide valid user name or valid email


                    • #11
                      # 1 .In the contact information section in the ZIP code window , it accepts letters , although it should only accept numbers .
                      # 2.In the States section , has the word other , this word shouldn 't be there .
                      # 3 . In the cell phone section the service accepts letters, although it should only accept numbers
                      # 4 . My monthly Bill is in the window , accepts letters , and should only accept numbers


                      • #12
                        TEST DATA:
                        Username account and email address created for use during testing:
                        - Kateryna Gomon

                        TEST CASES:

                        ID....Description................................. ..Instruction..................................... ..................Expected result
                        1. valid Username/valid Email........... .Kateryna Gomon/ accepted
                        2. valid Username/invalid Email..........Kateryna Gomon/ provide valid combination
                        3. invalid Username/valid Email..........Kateryna Gomot/ provide valid combination


                        • #13

                          TEST CASES:
                          ID.......Title............Instruction...........Ex pected result.........................Actual Pass/fail
                          #1. Valid login/valid password.................taras/taras12345....................user logged in
                          #2. Valid login/invalid password...............taras/tarasc12345................error: provide valid combination
                          #3. Masking password...........................type 1234567........................shown in 7 bullets *******
                          #4. "Cut" menu item on Password..................NA...................... ..........disabled
                          #5. "Copy" menu item on Password.................NA....................... .........disabled


                          • #14
                            For the purpose of writing test cases, lets have some requirements:

                            1)Valid Username and valid Email combination allows user to submit their request
                            2) Invalid Username and valid Email will be rejected
                            3) Valid Username and invalid Email will be rejected

                            Test Data:

                            ID Title Instruction Expected Result
                            1 valid Username/valid Email olgab\ User is able to submit their request
                            2 invalid Username/valid Email 0lgab\ User cannot submit their request
                            3 valid Username/invalid Email olgab\ User cannot submit their request


                            • #15
                              Test cases for "Forgot Your Password"
                              * Only basic functional tests are presented without usability testing.

                              ID: 1
                              Description: Valid login / Valid password
                              Instruction: login: Max Petrov / Password: Petrov12345
                              Expected result: User logged in

                              ID: 2
                              Description: Valid login / Invalid password
                              Instruction: login: Max Petrov / Password: Petrof12346
                              Expected result: Error: provide a valid combination

                              ID: 3
                              Description: Invalid login / Valid password
                              Instruction: login: Maks Petrof / Password: Petrov12345
                              Expected result: Error: provide a valid combination

                              ID: 4
                              Description: Masking password
                              Instruction: Type: 1234567890
                              Expected result: Shown in bullets

                              ID: 5
                              Description: Copy the contents of the password field
                              Instruction: NA
                              Expected result: Disabled

                              ID: 6
                              Description: Cut the contents of the password field
                              Instruction: NA
                              Expected result: Disabled

