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Energy-Telecom - May 14, 2024

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  • #16
    Energy-Telecom test cases derived from the requirements:

    First Name:
    • Text field
    • Accepts all characters
    • No more than 31
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Ab2@Їж Accepted Accepted 0
    #2 31 characters Accepted 30 chars accepted 1
    #3 Required field (left empty) “Required field” msg “Please enter…”msg 1
    Total: 2

    Last Name:
    • Text field
    • Accepts all characters
    • No more than 31
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Ab2@Їж Accepted Accepted 0
    #2 31 characters Accepted 30 chars accepted 1
    #3 Required field (left empty) “Required field” msg “Please enter…”msg 1
    Total: 2

    Street Address:
    • Text field
    • Accepts all characters
    • No more than 255
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Ab2@Їж Accepted Accepted 0
    #2 255 characters Accepted 100 chars accepted 1
    #3 Required field (left empty) “Required field” msg “Please enter…”msg. 1
    Total: 2

    • Text field
    • Accepts all characters
    • No more than 50
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Ab2@Їж Accepted Accepted 0
    #2 50 characters Accepted Accepted 0
    #3 51 characters 50 accepted 50 accepted 0
    #4 Required field (left empty) “Required field” msg “Please enter…”msg. 1
    Total: 1

    • List box offering the list of all 50 states
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Required field (left --) “Required field” message “Please select…”message 1
    #2 “BC” Not exist Exist 1
    #3 “Other” Not exist Exist 1
    #4 50 US state (real) 50 48 1
    #5 State “IND” IN IND 1
    Total: 5

    • Text field
    • Accepts 5 characters (digits only)
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Type 5 digits, real 60611 Accepted Accepted 0
    #2 Type 6 digits 606119 60611 accepted 60611 accepted 0
    #3 Paste 6 606119 60611 accepted 606119 accepted 1
    #4 Type 4 digits 6061 Error message Error message 0
    #5 Type letters 6O611 Letter is not accepted Letter accepted 1
    #6 Paste letters 6O611 Letter is not accepted Letter accepted 1
    #7 Type sp char 606!! Sp char is not accepted Same as expected 0
    #8 Paste sp char 606!! Sp char is not accepted Sp char is accepted 1
    #9 Type 5 digits, not real 00000 Error message 00000 accepted 1
    #10 Paste 5 digits, not real00000 Error message 00000 accepted 1
    #11 Required field (left empty) “Required field” message “Please enter…”message 1
    Total: 7

    • Text field
    • Accepts digits
    • Letters
    • Some special characters
    • 255 characters
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Type digits 12345 Digits accepted Digits accepted 0
    #2 Type letters AbЇж Letters accepted Letters accepted 0
    #3 Type sp characters !@#$._- Sp char accepted Sp char accepted 0
    #4 255 characters Accepted Accepted 0
    #5 256 characters 255 accepted 256 accepted 1
    #6 Required field (left empty) “Required field” message Accepted 1
    Total: 2

    • 3 text field
    • Accepting 3-3-4 charts (digits only)
    • Required field
    Test cases:
    ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
    #1 Type 123-456-7890 Accepted Accepted 0
    #2 Type 12345-12345-12345 123-123-1234 accepted 123-123-1234 accepted 0
    #3 Paste 12345-12345-12345 123-123-1234 accepted 123-123-1234 accepted 0
    #4 Type !sE-!sE-!sEЇж Letters and sp chars not accepted Letters and sp chars not accepted 0
    #5 Paste !sE-!sE-!sEЇж Letters and sp chars not accepted Letters and sp chars not accepted 0
    #6 000-000-0000 non real Error msg Error msg 0
    #7 Required field (left empty) “Required field” msg “Please enter…” msg 1
    Total: 1

    Energy-Telecom Functionality Testing (Bug Reports):

    #1. “First Name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
    #2. “First Name” field: replace “Please enter your First Name” with “First Name is required”.
    #3. “Last Name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
    #4. “Last Name” field: replace “Please enter your First Name” with “Last Name is required”.
    #5. “Street Address” field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
    #6. “Street Address” field: replace “Please enter your Street Address” with “Street Address is required”.
    #7. “City” field: replace “Please enter your City” with “City is required”.
    #8. “State” list box shouldn't contain “BC” since it is not a state of the USA.
    #9. "State" listbox: "HI" and "NV" are missing.
    #10. "State" listbox: replace "IND" with "IN"
    #11. "State" listbox: remove "Other" since it is not a state.
    #12. “State” list box: replace “Please select your State” with “State is required”.
    #13. “ZIP” code field accepts PASTING 6 and more characters.
    #14. “ZIP” code field accepts letters.
    #15. “ZIP” code field accepts PASTING letters.
    #16. “ZIP” code field accepts PASTING special characters.
    #17. “ZIP” code field accepts non-existing zip codes.
    #18. “ZIP” code field accepts PASTING non-existing zip codes.
    #19. “ZIP” field: replace “Please enter your ZIP” with “ZIP is required”.
    #20. “Email” field accepts 256 and more characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
    #21. Empty “Email” field was accepted.
    #22. “Phone” field: replace “Please enter your Phone number” with “Phone number is required”.

    Forgot Password Feature

    • e-mail must match your member email already on record
    Test cases:
    ID Description Expected results
    #1 Valid username/valid email Confirmation msg: Password was sent to your email
    #2 Valid username/invalid email Error msg: Provide valid combination
    #3 Invalid username/valid email Error msg: Provide valid combination
    Last edited by Oleksandr Bl; 05-30-2024, 09:36 PM.


    • #17
      #1. "First name" field accept up to 30 characters insted of 3.
      #2. "Phone" fields should fix due to clear its fields not jumping on the previous field.
      #3. "Zip:" lets to put any amount of digits by pasting.
      #4. "State:" listbox: "IND" state should be as "IN".
      #5. Please provide the minimum amount of charaters for instruction "Street Address" field.


      • #18

        Energy-Telecom test cases derived from requirements=========
        First Name:

        • text field
        • accepts all characters:
        • no more than 31 characters
        • required field

        Test cases:

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result…….Actual Result…..Bugs

        #1… tY4$..............................Accepted ……………...Accepted……………….................….0

        #2…..31 characters input…..….Accepts 31……………….Accept 30………………….……1

        #3…..required field(left empty)……Required field message….Please enter your First Name….1

        #4(alternative writing of test case)

        ……..required field……………First name cannot be empty…Please enter your First Name…..

        Total …………………………………………………………………………………………………….2

        Last Name:

        • text field
        • accepts all characters:
        • no more than 31 characters
        • required field

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result…….Actual Result…..Bugs

        #1…jU5#..................................Accept ed… ……………….Accepted………………………..0

        #2…31 characters input………Accepts 31 character……Accepts 30 characters………….1

        #3…required field(left empty)..Required field message….Please enter your Last Name….1


        Street Address:

        • Text field
        • Accepts all characters
        • No more than 255
        • Required field

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result…….Actual Result…..Bugs

        #1…jU5#..................................Accept ed… ……………….Accepted……………………………...0

        #2…255 characters input…….Accepts 255 characters…..Accepted 100 characters……….….1

        #3…required field(left empty)..Required field mssg……….Please enter Your Street Address…1



        • Text field
        • Accepts all characters
        • No more than 50
        • Required field

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result…….Actual Result…..Bugs

        #1…jU5#..................................Accept ed… ……………….Accepted……………………………...0

        #2…50 characters input……….Accepts 50 characters…..Accepted 50 characters……….……0

        #3…required field(left empty)..Required field mssg……….Please enter Your City………………1

        Total ………………………………………………………………………………………………………1


        • Text field
        • List Box offering the list of all 50 states

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result……………….Actual Result…..Bugs

        #1…Input 2 dashes ……………Please select your state message…Allows to input 2 dashes.......1

        #2…50 us states………………..50 us states…………………………..50……………………………..0

        Total …………………………………………………………………………………………………………1


        • Text field
        • Existing US ZIP code
        • Accept 5 characters
        • Digits only
        • Required field
        • Real existing ZI

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result……………….Actual Result…..Bugs

        #1input 5 digits (95336)………….Accepted…………………………Accepted…………………….0

        #2 input 6 digits (953360)...............Accepted 95336………………..Accepted 95336………..….0

        #3 type 4 digits (9533)................Please enter a valid ZIP………… Please enter valid ZIP…...0

        #4.type letters (9533O)...............not accepted……………………….accepted…………………..1

        #5 copy and paste letters (9533O) not accepted………………………accepted…………………1

        #6 type special character (95#33) not accepted………………………..accepted…………………1

        #7 paste 6 digits (953366)............accepted 95336…………………….accepted 95336………...0

        #8 paste special letters (95#33)....not accepted………………………..accepted…………………1

        #9 required field…………………..Fill out message…………………….Please fill out your ZIP code….1

        #10 non existent ZIP (00000)......Non existent ZIP…………………….Invalid ZIP………………………1



        • Text field
        • Accept digits
        • Accept letters
        • Accept some special characters
        • 255 characters
        • Required field

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result……………….Actual Result…..Bugs

        #1 type digits 12345………………….accepted………………………accepted……….…. ……….0

        #2 type letters asdfg………………….accepted………………………accepted…………………….0

        #3 type special charact #$%..............accepted………………………accepted…………………… ..0

        #4 paste digits 1224………………….accepted……………………….accepted………………………0

        #5 paste special charact #$%...........accepted……………………….accepted…………….………. .0

        #6 255 characters input………………accept 255 characters…………accepted 250 characters…...1

        #7 required field (left empty)..............Fill out message………………..Please enter your email address.1



        • 3 text fields
        • Accepting 3-3-4 chars
        • Accepting digits only
        • Required field.

        Id…Title_Description ……Expected Result……………….Actual Result……………..Bugs

        #1..type 123-123-4567……123-123-4567…………………..accepted 123-123-4566…….0

        #2 ..paste 123-123-4567……accepted……………………….123-123-547…………………1

        #3..type 1234-1234-1234……123-123-1234…………………123-123-1234……………….0

        #4 type lets and spec chars…not accepted…………………not accepted………………….0

        #5 type sp charc $%#-#$%-#$%#...not accepted………….accepted $%#-#$%-#$%#.......1

        #6 required field(left empty)...Fill out message……….Please entry your phone number….1


        Energy-Telecom Bug Reports========

        #1 “First name” field accepts 30 characters max instead of 31 characters as per requirements

        #2 “First name” field: replace “Please enter your First Name” with “First Name field cannot be empty”

        #3 “Last name” field accepts 30 characters max instead of 31 characters as per requirements

        #4 “Last name” field: replace “Please enter your Last Name” with “Last Name field cannot be empty”

        #5 “Street address’’ field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 characters as per requirements.

        #6 ‘“State” field accepts two dashes “--’” to be chosen. Please replace ”Please enter your state” with ‘“State field cannot be empty”.

        #7 "ZIP" field accepts typing of alphabetic characters (letters) instead of being digits-only

        #8 “ZIP” field accepts typing of special character instead of being digits only

        #9 “ZIP” field accepts pasting 6 and more characters

        #10 “ZIP” field accepts pasting special characters

        #11 ‘’E-mail’’ field accepts 250 characters instead of 255 as per requirements

        #12 Please replace “Please enter your email address’’ with “Email address cannot be empty”

        #13 3rd field for digits for “Phone” number field accepts 3 digits instead of 4

        #14 Field “Phone number” accepts special characters instead of digits only as per requirements.

        #15 Phone number field: replace “Please enter your phone number” with “Phone number cannot be empty”.


        • #19
          1) First Name text field accepts only 30 characters maximum, instead of 31 per requirement
          2) Last Name text field accepts only 30 characters maximum, instead of 31 per requirement
          3) Street Address accepts maximum 100 characters, instead of 255 per requirement
          4) "State" listbox includes "Other" as a state option, instead of an actual State
          5) Email text field accepts all characters when it should only accept some special characters
          6) "Referred by" field is required but does not have an asterisk
          7) When "Clear" button is pushed, an error message appears to call technical support, instead of clearing all of the data
          8) "Submit" and "Clear button are not the same size
          9) "Email" field has an asterisk but it is not a required field

