- In top block change “Logout” to “Log Out” please.
- All labels except “From amount” in “Search my invoices” form are missing the colon.
- In “Search my invoices” form “Invoice number” field is missing the default focus.
- In “Search my invoices” form the purpose of the icon next to “Purchase order” field is unclear.
- In “Search my invoices” form the icon next to “Purchase order” field has no tooltip.
- In “Search my invoices” form replace label “From amount:” to “Amount From:”
- In “Search my invoices” form the “From amount” input is not restricted to numbers.
- In “Search my invoices” form the “to” input next to “From amount” is not restricted to numbers.
- The date format in “Search my invoices” form in “Invoice date” fields and in the Search result in “Inv.Date” column, “Due Date” column is inconsistent.
- On top of Search result instead of “Showing 1-10 from 422 invoices” it is showing “Showing 422 invoices”.
- On top of Search result tooltip shows only “Download” instead of “Download list”.
- On top of Search result it says “Showing 422 invoices” which is impossible if there are 32 pages each with 10 rows of data in it.
- The Search result displays 11 rows instead of 10.
- The 11th row in Search result does not have button “Actions”.
- In the header of Search result please change name of first column “Invoce #” to “Invoice #”.
- In Search result it looks like the values of columns “Due Date” and “PO #” are mixed up.
- In Search result in row 1 column “Status” replace “rejcted” with “rejected”.
- In Search result row 7 the invoice dated “1-Oct-2011” is out of range specified in Search form “Invoice date” field.
- The icon in the “Amount” column suggests that the column should be sorted in descending order but it is sorted in ascending order.
- The sorting in the “Amount” column is off - “$22,409.37” comes before “$22,376.00”.
- In Search result row 4 column “Status” tooltip shows “Approved” instead of “Paid”.
- In Search result remove “Type” column as it is redundant.
- The pagination of Search result misses page 5.