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May 14, 2024 TALIA bug reports

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  • #16

    TAULIA bugs
    1. In top block change “Logout” to “Log Out” please.
    2. All labels except “From amount” in “Search my invoices” form are missing the colon.
    3. In “Search my invoices” form “Invoice number” field is missing the default focus.
    4. In “Search my invoices” form the purpose of the icon next to “Purchase order” field is unclear.
    5. In “Search my invoices” form the icon next to “Purchase order” field has no tooltip.
    6. In “Search my invoices” form replace label “From amount:” to “Amount From:”
    7. In “Search my invoices” form the “From amount” input is not restricted to numbers.
    8. In “Search my invoices” form the “to” input next to “From amount” is not restricted to numbers.
    9. The date format in “Search my invoices” form in “Invoice date” fields and in the Search result in “Inv.Date” column, “Due Date” column is inconsistent.
    10. On top of Search result instead of “Showing 1-10 from 422 invoices” it is showing “Showing 422 invoices”.
    11. On top of Search result tooltip shows only “Download” instead of “Download list”.
    12. On top of Search result it says “Showing 422 invoices” which is impossible if there are 32 pages each with 10 rows of data in it.
    13. The Search result displays 11 rows instead of 10.
    14. The 11th row in Search result does not have button “Actions”.
    15. In the header of Search result please change name of first column “Invoce #” to “Invoice #”.
    16. In Search result it looks like the values of columns “Due Date” and “PO #” are mixed up.
    17. In Search result in row 1 column “Status” replace “rejcted” with “rejected”.
    18. In Search result row 7 the invoice dated “1-Oct-2011” is out of range specified in Search form “Invoice date” field.
    19. The icon in the “Amount” column suggests that the column should be sorted in descending order but it is sorted in ascending order.
    20. The sorting in the “Amount” column is off - “$22,409.37” comes before “$22,376.00”.
    21. In Search result row 4 column “Status” tooltip shows “Approved” instead of “Paid”.
    22. In Search result remove “Type” column as it is redundant.
    23. The pagination of Search result misses page 5.


    • #17
      #1 Inconsistency in names "Invoice date" between label name and the column name in the table. Replace "Inv. Date" with "Invoice Date" in the third row of the table column name.
      #2 Inconsistency in names "Purchase order" between label name and the column name in the table. Replace "PO#" with "Purchase Order" in the fifth row of the table column name.
      #3 Inconsistency in names "Invoice Status" between label name and the column name in the table. Replace "Status" with "Invoice Status" in the seventh row of the table column name.
      #4 Inconsistency in names "Invoice number" between label name and the column name in the table. Replace "Invoice #" with "Invoice Number" in the first row of the table column name.
      #5 The Label "From amount:" has lower case letter in the word "amount". Change the lower case letter "From amount:" to upper case letter "From Amount:".
      #6 The Label "Results per page" has lower case letter in the words "per page". Change the lower case letter "Results per page:" to upper case letter "Results Per Page:".
      #7 The Label "Invoice number" has lower case letter in the word "number". Change the lower case letter "Invoice number" to upper case letter "Invoice Number:".
      #8 The Label "Purchase order" has lower case letter in the word "order". Change the lower case letter "Purchase order" to upper case "Purchase Order:".
      #9 The Label "Invoice date" has lower case letter in the word "date". Change the lower case letter "Invoice date" to upper case "Invoice Date:".
      #10 The Label "Invoice status" has lower case letter in the word "status". Change the lower case letter "Invoice status" to upper case "Invoice Status:".
      #11 In "Inv. Date" table column date values fonts look all different. Bring table fonts to consistency.
      #12 The date formats in the table columns values do not look like "Invoice date" date format. Bring date formats to uniformity.
      #13 In "PO #" column date value fonts look all different.
      #14 The date formats in the column "PO #" do not look like "Invoice date" date format. Bring to uniformity.
      #15 Put the colon mark after the Label "Invoice number".
      #16 Put the colon mark after the Label "Customer".
      #17 Put the colon mark after the Label "Purchase order".
      #18 Put the colon mark after the Label "Invoice date".
      #19 Put the colon mark after the Label "Invoice status".
      #20 Put the colon mark after the Label" Results per page".
      #21 Add calendar icons to both text fields with dates of the "Invoice date" selection.
      #22 All table column headings are formatted to the right, and the values inside are formatted to the left. Bring all table data in consistency.
      #23 The second column "Type" does not have any information and is not asked in a search. Delete the column "Type" from the table.
      #24 The fourth table column "Due Date" and the fifth table column "PO#" are mixed up together. Rename the fourth column "Due Date" to "Purchase Order" and rename the column "PO#" to "Due Date".
      #25 Add the title arrow to the first table column "Invoice Number" to sort values due to invoice numbers.
      #26 Add the title arrow to the table column "Invoice date" to sort values due to invoice dates.
      #27 Add the title arrow to the table column "Due Date" to sort values due to due dates.
      #28 Add the title arrow to the table column "Purchase Order" to sort values due to purchase orders.
      #29 Add the title arrow to the table column "Status" to sort values due to statuses.
      #30 Add the title arrow to the table column "Payment" to sort values due to payment numbers.
      #31 Invoice Number 1122339546 has the date "1-Oct-2011" out of the search range of the Invoice dates. Delete the seventh line data from the table.
      #32 Invoice Number 1122339302 has the date "13-Oct-2011" out of the search range of the Invoice dates. Delete the tenth line data from the table.
      #33 Invoice Number 1122339302 has the date "22-Oct-2011" out of the search range of the Invoice dates. Delete the third line data from the table.
      #34 The list box of "Invoice number" does not have the list of characters arrow as the other fields to select the number of invoice.
      #35 Wrong pagination. Page #5 is missing.
      #36 The quantity of "Showing 422 invoices" do not accommodate in 32 pages with 10 results per page. Replace 32 pages of results with 43 pages.
      #37 11 results on the page#1 instead of 10 results per page as it is in the search parameters. Delete extra 11th line for showing from the table.
      #38 Add the "Action" button for Invoice Number "1122338095" in the last bottom line of the table.
      #39 The Column "Payment" is not asked in Search. Delete the eighth column "Payment" from the table.
      #40 The TAB order is disrupted on the page.
      #41 The "Amount" column has ascending order instead of descending as it shows the title arrow direction.


      • #18
        1. it is necessary to add a colon at the end of the headers

        2. The "Due Date" column contains data that is not a date

        3. The "PO #" column contains data that is not a number

        4. Paging does not contain page 5

        5. The "Inv. Date" column contains the date 1-Oct-2011, which does not match the search range

        6. The "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order, but the sort flag indicates descending

        7. The list of invoices contains 11 lines instead of 10

        8. The last line in the list of invoices does not contain the "Actions" button

        9. The "Status" column contains the "Rejcted" status, a typo needs to be corrected

        10. In the "Amount" column, sorted in ascending order, the value "$22,409.37" appears before the value "$22,376.00"

        11. The number of pages with search results does not correspond to the number of invoices found and the number of invoices on the page

        12. Incorrect order of switching controllers using the "TAB" button


        • #19
          Bug report of the home page of the site

          #1. The header has a frozen dynamic frame on the “Invoices” navigation link;
          #2. There is no colon after the names of all “search my Invoices” condition variables except “From amount”;
          #3. There should be 10 search results on one page, but 11 are shown;
          #4. There is no page number 5;
          #5. The total number of submitted lines (invoices) is incorrect; 422 invoices cannot fit on 32 pages of 11 invoices.
          #6. There is no action button for the latest invoice #1122338095;
          #7. The sorting order by the “amount” column is broken (one invoice is not sorted);
          #8. Navigation is broken when using the keyboard (without a mouse);
          #9. The title of the column “Invoice date” is incorrect; it should be without abbreviations;
          #10. The submitted invoices should not contain an invoice for October 1, 2011;
          #11. The status of the first invoice is indicated with the error “Rejcted”; you need to write “Rejected”


          • #20
            Bug Report for Taulia Website - Invoices Tab/Page
            Report ID: 20240520

            Reported by: Arthur
            Date: May 20, 2024
            Affected URL:

            The Taulia website has multiple issues on the invoices tab/page that need addressing, including security, UI/UX inconsistencies, missing functionalities, and typographical errors.
            Detailed Findings:

            #1 the link should be secured as .
            #2 the invoices page should be reflected in the link as
            #3 there is no defined favicon on this url/page/tab.
            #4 the top left logo from the header dosn't have a url of the homepage set for when clicking on it.
            #5 "Logout" button on the top right corner of the header is misspelled. should be "Log out"
            #6 the colon ":" is missing after the "Invoice number" from the search parameters of "Search my invoices" section/field.
            #7 the colon ":" is missing after the "Customer" from the search parameters of "Search my invoices" section/field.
            #8 the colon ":" is missing after the "Purchase order" from the search parameter of "Search my invoices" section/field.
            #9 the colon ":" is missing after the "Invoice date" from the search parameters of "Search my invoices" section/field.
            #10 the colon ":" is missing after the "Invoice status" from the search parameters of "Search my invoices" section/field.
            #11 the colon ":" is missing after the "Results per page" from the search parameters of "Search my invoices" section/field.
            #12 the functionality of "Invoice date" selection from the "Search my invoices" section/field is showing results past the desired selected date.
            #13 at the "From amount" row of "Search my invoices" section/field should be specified the currency sign: $.
            #14 the "From amount" row of "Search my invoices" section/field is missing the commas "," of the amount number selections for example 1,000,000 instead of 1000000.
            #15 the "From amount" row of "Search my invoices" section/field is missing "from" description of the first dropdown selection.
            #16 at the "Search my invoices" section/field, the "Hide search parameters" is not expandable or colapsable.
            #17 at the "Search my invoices" section/field, the "Hide search parameters" it's missing a small arrow icon that can indicate that action.
            #18 when using tab key to change to the next selection after "purchase order" the "binoculars icon" should not be selected but skipped.
            #19 the "Alt text" of the search icon represented by the binoculars is not present, therefore it dosn't call for action.
            #20 "Hide search parameters" should indicate possible click to action either through a margin color or total color change when hovering the cursor on them.
            #21 the button "Search" should indicate possible push to action either through a margin color or total color change when hovering the cursor on them.
            #22 at the "Customer" dropdown selection row of the "Search my invoices" section/field, the dropdown selection dosn't show any other options (ex: other customers).
            #23 at the "Invoice status" dropdown selection row of the "Search my invoices" section/field, the dropdown selection dosn't show any other options (ex: "Rejected, Paid, Approved, In process").
            #24 at the "Results per page" dropdown selection row of the "Search my invoices" section/field, the dropdown selection dosn't show any other options (ex: 10, 25, 50, 100).
            #25 the dropdown list (white) of "Customer" dropdown selection from "Search my invoices" section/field should not be showned when only one item in the dropdown list is present which is highlighted with blue when is selected.- this makes it looks unprofessional as it has 2 frames/margins close to each other.
            #26 the dropdown list (white) of "Invoice status" dropdown selection from "Search my invoices" section/field should not be showned when only one item in the dropdown list is present which is highlighted with blue when is selected.- this makes it looks unprofessional as it has 2 frames/margins close to each other.
            #27 the dropdown list (white) of "Results per page" dropdown selection from "Search my invoices" section/field should not be showned when only one item in the dropdown list is present which is highlighted with blue when is selected.- this makes it looks unprofessional as it has 2 frames/margins close to each other.
            #28 using the same date format everywhere either american or european: "Invoice date" row in "Search my invoices" vs the columns "Inv. Date" and "Due Date" in the invoices results table "Showing 422 invoices".
            #29 "Showing 422 invoices" - the word invoices should be written with capital I.
            #30 "Inv. date" to be properly written as "Invoice date"
            #31 functionality of the "Results per page" being 10 but actually showing 11 results.
            #32 misspelling of "Invoce" instead of "Invoice" in the first column of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field.
            #33 "Due Date" and "PO #" columns needs to be reversed with each other as the results are the opposite.
            #34 "Amount" column sorting functionality is showing the results order wrong. From ascending instead of descending as indicated by the small "sortarrow" icon next to the "Amount" title.
            #35 The sorting functionality should be present on all columns of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field.
            #36 misspell of "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected" in the "Status" column of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field.
            #37 missing call to action while hoverign the cursor on the button "Actions" from the last extra row of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field.
            #38 missing to show the step/page number "5" in the left bottom corner "paginatebuttons" of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field.
            #39 "Showing 422 invoices" title of the invoice results table doesn't reflect what can actually be seen (11 results) on the first page of the invoices table. Instead it should say "Showing 1-11 results out of 422".
            #40 missing navigation buttons or paginatebuttons for the invoices table pages/steps of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field.
            #41 at cursor hover over "Actions" button from the last column of the of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field there is no link attribution or no clickable class attribution.
            #42 at the "Payment" column from invoices table the results are not clear for example "2011-1248". It should indicate the date when it was paid.
            #43 undefined title name for the "Actions" column of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field.
            #44 missalignment between column title names and actual columns of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field. Either all to the right or all to the left.
            #45 the "Download list" icon of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field should not be a save icon but a download icon.
            #46 both "Download list" and "Refresh" of the invoice results table "Showing 422 invoices" section/field should be alligned with other columns for a professional visual appeareance.
            #47 missing the footer information, menu, copyright information, maybe another small logo, breadcrumbs, back to top or previous page butoons if needed.
            Last edited by inhalexhalehigh; 05-22-2024, 09:32 AM.


            • #21
              #1. Search results table: 11 rows are shown instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox;
              #2. Search results table: 11 row is missing the "Actions" button;
              #3. Link to the page 5 is missing under the Search results table;
              #4. Miscalculation in "Showing 422 invoices": 422 is larger than 32 pages times10 (or even 11);
              #5. Inconsistency in date format used in "Invoice date" fields vs "Inv. Date "column;
              #6. "Due Date" column: values are provided not in a common date format;
              #7. "PO #" column: values are provided in a common date format. Is that how we want to enumerate POs?;
              #8. Tooltip conflicting with with its corresponding icon on "Invoices" page;
              #9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices";
              #10. The "Type" column in search results table is redundant since the type is already defined in the "Invoice" folder;


              • #22

                #1. The colon character at the end of the "Invoice number" label is missing;
                #2. Pagination under the search results table: Link to page #5 missing;
                #3. "Status" column, first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected";
                #4. "Download list" is a button, both words should be capitalized;
                #5. Search results are given in 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox;
                #6. Inconsistency in date format between "Invoice date" fields and "Inv. date" column data.


                • #23

                  May 14. Taulia bug reports

                  #1. “Pay early.Pay less” low quality

                  #2. “Invoices” selected when it is not navigated mouse pointer

                  #3. “PO #” , “Due Date” switch place

                  #4. “Search my invoices” must be colon after every row

                  #5. “Showing 442 invoices” 11 rows per page

                  #6. “Showing 442 invoices” is not correct (10 x 32 = 320)

                  #7. “Type” point between “Ty” and “Pe”

                  #8. “Inv. Date” replace with “Invoice Date”

                  #9. Incorrect sign with “Amount” (From bigger to smaller sum of money).

                  #10. Column “Amount” - “$22.409.37” before smaller sum of money “22.376.00”


                  • #24

                    #1. Data in the "Amount" column is sorted from low to high instead of high to low as title arrow indicated.

                    #2. Wrong sorting order in the "Amount" column: row #7 $22,409.37 is bigger than row #8 $22,376.00.

                    #3. "Invoice number" field accepts letters instead of accepting digits only.

                    #4. The "Type" column is not needed since we are in the "Invoices" folder.

                    #5. 32 pages in are not enough to fit 422 invoices.

                    #6. Row #7 should not be displayed as it is out of search range.

                    #7. "Search my invoices" table: not all labels have a colon at the end.

                    #8. The "Amount" column should be right aligned.

                    #9. Row #11 in the search table: button "Actions" is missing.

                    #10. In the search table are displayed 11 row instead of 10, as chosen in the "Results per page" selected box.

                    #11. "Due Date" column doesn’t contain date format data.

                    #12. "Status" column row#4: icon tooltip shows "approved" instead of "paid".

                    #13. Icon tooltip of label "Download list": should show "Download list" instead of "Download".

                    #14. Label "Download list" in the search table. Each word should be capitalized.

                    #15. The label "Invoce #" is misspelled.
                    Last edited by Oleksandr Bl; 05-28-2024, 12:37 PM.


                    • #25
                      #1. “Payment” column for the "Paid" invoices is not consistent with date formats used in “Invoice date” and “Inv. Date”
                      #2. Remove the “Type” column. It is the same thing as the “Invoices” tab.
                      #3. "Search" button : the button does not highlight when hovered over.
                      #4. The 11th row of search results does not contain the "Action" button like the rest of the results.


                      • #26
                        Bug report Taulia:
                        #1. 11 search results provided instead of 10 as per "results per page" listbox.
                        #2. Row #11: "ACTIONS". button is missing (inconsistent with other rows ).
                        #3. Row #4 column "Status" : icon "Paid" not "Approved" tooltip
                        #4. Pagination under the search results table: Link to the page #5 missing.
                        #5. "Status" column first row: Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".


                        • #27
                          #1. Pagination under the search results table: Link to the page #5 missing

                          #2. 11 search results provided instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox

                          #3. “ Amount" column: data is sorted in ascending order instead of the descending order as per title arrow direction

                          #4. “From Amount” is the only search parameter with a colon after it

                          #5. Row #11: "ACTIONS" button is missing (inconsistent with other rows)

                          #6. Showing 422 invoices: 32 pages is not enough to accommodate that many search results (32x11) < 422)

                          #7. Replace “showing 422 invoices” with “showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”

                          #8. “Status” column, first row: replace “rejcted” with “rejected”

                          #9. Inconsistency in date format between “invoice date” fields and “Inv. date” column data

                          #10. “Taulia” logo in top left of page should be a pushable button that is a link to the homepage

                          #11. “PO #” column is showing dates instead of purchase order numbers.

                          12#. “Due Date” column is showing purchase order numbers instead of due dates. Switch with “PO #” column

                          #13. When navigating and hovering mouse pointer over icon next to “paid” in fourth column down, tool tip displays “Approved”. Needs changed to “Paid”

                          #14. Arrow next to “Amount” column title should be pushable sort button

                          #15. “Customer” drop down menu only offers 1 option

                          #16. “Invoice status” drop down menu only offers 1 option

                          #17. “Results per page” drop down menu only offers 1 option

                          #18. Should have sort button for all columns, not just “Amount”

                          #19. Mouse pointer changes to text cursor instead of hand when hovering over “Actions” buttons (inconsistent with other buttons)

                          #20. Mouse pointer changes to text cursor instead of hand when hovering over page number buttons at the bottom of the page (inconsistent with other buttons)

                          #21. “Invoice date” field indicates a search for dates between “6/5/2024 to 9/30/2024”. One search result in “Inv. Date” column is present outside of the desired search field with a date of “1-Oct-2024”

                          #22. Format of dates in search drop down menus differs from format of dates in search result columns. Should be consistent.

                          #23. Should be arrow buttons next to the page numbers at the bottom of the page to push to navigate to next, previous, first or last page.

                          #24. Unnecessary column “type” in search result table. All results will be invoices

