May 14, 2024 TALIA bug reports
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May 14, 2024 TALIA bug reports
#1. Switch the positions of labels "Due Date" and "PO#" between each other.
#2. The seventh row "1-oct-2011" of "Inv. Date" column is inconsistent with date interval of "Invoice date" label.
#3. Provide a text equivalent for "binoculars" image in "Search my invoices" table.
#4. Provide frame titles for "User Manager", "Profile", "Help", "Logout" labels in the upper right corner.
#5. The dates in "Inv. Date" column aren't in the right sequence as per "Invoice date" data.
#10. The "Type" column showing "Invoice" is redundant since the "Invoice" menu item is selected.
#11. The "Invoice number" field should not accept non-numeric values.
#12. The "Purchase order" field should not accept non-numeric values.
#13. Invoice #1122339546 dated 1-Oct-2011 is outside the requested date range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011).
#14. Replace the column name "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
#15. The "Due Date" column contains elements that are not in date format.
#16. The "PO #" column contains elements that are not in number format.
#17. When hovering over the site logo in the top left corner, the cursor should change to a pointer (hand) cursor.
#18. Mismatch in the status of order #1122339044 - "Paid" and its tooltip "Approved".
#19. Sorting by the "Amount" column did not work for orders #1122339546 and #1122339134 ($22,409.37 > $22,376.00).
#20. Replace the label "From amount:" with "Amount from:".
#21. Replace the label "Invoice date" with "Invoice date from:".
Taulia bugs:
1) "Status" column, first row: The word "Rejected" is misspelled. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
2) Invoice dated "1-oct-2011" is out of date range "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"
3) Pagination: link to page "5" is missing
5) "Due date" column date format is wrong. Should be: mm/dd/yyyy
6) "Inv date" column date format is wrong. Should be: mm/dd/yyyy
7) Data in columns "Due date" and "PO #" switched
8) No "Action" button in the last row (not consistent with other rows)
9) The name of column "Invoce#" is misspelled. Should be "Invoice"
10) Sorting order violation in "Amount" column. "$22,376.00" should go before "$22,409.37", not after
11) Column "Amount": data is sorted in ascending order instead of the descending order as per title arrow direction
12) 11 search results provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box
13) "Showing 422 invoices": 32 pages is not enough to accommodate that many search results (32x11 < 422)
14) Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
15) Row #4 tool tip shows "Approved" status instead of "Paid" status. Change tool tip to "Paid" status
16) Provide colon character at the end of "Invoice number" label. Do the same with "Customer" label, "Purchase order" label, "to" label, "Invoice date" label, "Invoice status" label, "Results per page" label
17) Row "Purchase order": binoculars symbol has no tool tip
18) Main logo in top left corner is not active(doesn't lead to the home page)
#1."Search my invoices" field: Replace "From amount:" label with "Amounts from" label
#2."Search my invoices" field: Replace "Invoice data" label with "Invoice Date from" label
#3."Search my invoices" field: Replace "Invoice status" label with "Invoice Status" label
#4."Search my invoices" field: 8 of 9 labels are missing their column characters
#5."Showing 422 invoices" field: 32 pages per 10 results per page is not enough to accommodate 422 showing results
#6.Inconsistency in date format between "Search my invoices" field - "6/5/2011" and "Showing 422 invoices" table - "29-Aug-2011". Ensure consistency in date format
#7."Showing 422 invoices" table: leftmost column header - replace word "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
#8."Showing 422 invoices" table: Remove the redundant "Type" column
#9."Showing 422 invoices" table: "Inv. Date" column header is not consistent with "Invoice Date" label in "Search my invoices" field
#10."Showing 422 invoices" table: "Due Date" column - data is not provided in common date format
#11."Search my invoices" field: Suggestion - Replace "Purchase order" label with "Purchase Order"
#12."Search my invoices" field: "Invoice date" label is not consistent with "Inv. date" column
#13."Showing 422 invoices" table: "PO #" column - verify that data in the "PO #" column is in the correct format
#14."Showing 422 invoices" table: "Amount" column - number "$22,409.37" is out of ascending order
#15."Showing 422 invoices" table: "Amount" column - arrow points downwards and data should be provided in descending order instead of ascending
#16."Showing 422 invoices" table: "Status" column - replace word "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#17."Showing 422 invoices" table: 11th row is missing "Actions" button
#18."Showing 422 invoices" table: Replace the "Floppy disc" icon with "Download" icon next to the "Download list" label
#19."Showing 422 invoices" table: there are 11 rows instead of 10 as per results per page chosen in "Search my invoices" listbox
#20."Showing 422 invoices" table: Add a link to the 5th page in the pagination
#21."Search my invoices" field: Implement number formatting with group separators. For example, display the number 1000000 as 1,000,000
#22."Showing 422 invoices" table: "Inv.Date" column - 3 of 11 search resalts must not be their because of "invoice date" label data frame till "9/30/2011":
3th row "22-Oct-2011", 7th row "31-Oct-2011" and 10th row "13-Oct-2011"
#23.Suggestion: make a $ (dollar sign) a part of the "From Amount" label
#24."Search my invoices" field: Tooltip is missing in the Binocular button
#25."Showing 422 invoices" table: “Status” column, fourth row: replace tooltip from “Approved” to “Paid”
#26.Table header "Showing 422 invoices": Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
#1. Please change "Logout" to "Log Out"
#2. "Type" coloumn is redundant due to its searh in "Invoice" tab
#3. "Invoce #" misspelld in #1 colomn should be "Invoice #"
#4. in "Search my invoices" Provide column (at the end of all labels
#5. In "Search my invoices" icon of "Binoculars" needs to add tooltip |
#6. In "Search my invoices" "Invoice status" add in dropbox status: "Rejected"
#7. In "Search my invoices" "Invoice status" add in dropbox status: "In process"
#8. In "Search my invoices" "Invoice status" add in dropbox status: "Paid"
#9. In "Search my invoices" "Invoice status" add in dropbox status: "Approved"
#10. "Download list" please capitalise "Download List"
#11. Please add in tooltip word "Download List" instead of "Download"
#12. In "Showing 422 invoices" is missing "1-10 Showing 422 invoices"
#13. Link to the page "5" is missing in pagination
#14. "32" pages is not enough to contain 422 invoices "32x11=352"
#15. Page contains 11 "Results per page" instead of 10 "32x10=320"
#16. The "Inv. Date" is inconsistency due to "Invoice date" in date format
#17. Row #7 "1-Oct-2011" must not show date more than "9/30/2011"
#18. The "Inv. Date" is inconsistency between format of dates "29-Aug-2011" "6/5/2011"
#19. In "Status" row #1 label is misspeld "Rejcted" please fix to "Rejected"
#20. In "Status" row #4 tooltip shows "Approved" insted of "Paid"
#21. Row #11 "Action" button is missing
#22. Violation of sort order: "Amount" Row #7 and #8
#23. The "Amount" is Ascending order insted of Descending order
#24. Please fix the tab order
Since we don't have specific "requirements," it could also be bugs.
#25. Add labels and sort fields for "Due Date"
#26. Add labels and sort fields for "Status"
#27. Add labels and sort fields for "Payment"
#28. In "Search my invoices" field "Invoice number" accepts all characters
#29. In "Search my invoices" field "Purchase order" accepts all characters
#30. In "Search my invoices" the lowest field "From amount:" accepts all characters
#31. In "Search my invoices" the highest field "From amount:" accepts all characters
#1. In "Search my invoices" "From amount:" add word "From" next to the first field
#2. In "Search my invoices" fix "From amount:" label to "From Amount:"
#3. In "Search my invoices" "Invoice date" add word "From" next to the first field
#4. In "Search my invoices" fix "Invoice number" label to "Invoice number"
#5. In "Search my invoices" fix "Purchase order" label to "Purchase Order"
#6. In "Search my invoices" "Invoice date" capitalise "Invoice Date:"
#7. In "Search my invoices" "Invoice date" capitalise "Invoice Date:"
Last edited by Bratanat; 05-18-2024, 03:37 PM.
________________Taulia Page bug report____________________
#1. First row, "Status" column": The word "Rejcted" is misspelled.
Replace Word "Rejcted" with "Rejected" in First row, "Status" column"
#2 The header of the leftmost (Invoce #) column is misspelled
Replace Word "Invoce" with "Invoice"
#3. Pagination: link to page "5" is missing
#4. 11 results are provided on page instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
#5. Values in "Due Date" column does not look like they are in common date format
#6. Date formats in "Invoice date" fields different from "Inv. Date" and "PO #" column
#7. Values in "Payment" column does not look like they are in common date format
#8. There no "Actions'' button at the last row (not consistent with other rows)
#9. Values in "PO #" column look like they are dates - is that what we need?
#10. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column that amount "$22,409.37" should go after "$22,376.00" not before
#11. Search dates range is from June to September and we have October in results
#12. "Type" column is not necessary because all search results have same “Invoice” type
#13. "Amount" column in descending mode but results are ascending
#14. Tab order does not switch to or does not highlight binocular button after “Purchase order”
text field
#15. Tab order does not switch to or does not highlight “Search”button after “Results per page”
text field
#16. Add colon after “User” in “User Manager” button in the Taulia page header
#1. “Actions” column, last row: “Actions” button is missing.
#2. “Invoice” column, the main header: The word “Invoice” is misspelled.
#3. Remove column “Type” because it is unnecessary.
#4. Values of column “Due Date” need to interchange with values of column “PO#”.
#5. There is no field near the “Search” button.
#6. Column “Amount”: line 7 needs to interchange with line 8.
#7. Column “Status”, the first row: The word “Rejected” is misspelled.
1. The site logo on the page is not linked to the main page of the site.
2. Replace "logout" with "Log out" in the Page Header.
3. The date format in the "Invoice Date" field does not match the date format in the "Inv. Date" and "Due Date" columns.
4. When hovering over an element with the image of binoculars, the tooltip does not appear.
5. When navigating through the search fields using the TAB key, the focus on the element with the image of binoculars and on the "Search" button is not working.
6. Tab navigation does not work in a table with search results that include "Download List", "Refresh", "Action" buttons, and pagination.
7. The text "Showing 422 invoices" in the search results table is incorrect. Replace it with "Showing 10 of 422 invoices."
8. The "Due Date" column does not display dates.
9. The "PO#" column does not display the corresponding data.
10. The letter "i" is missing in the "Invoice" column title.
11. There is a missing letter "e" in the status "Rejected" in the "Status" column.
12. The search filter for the displayed quantity is showing 11 results instead of 10.
13. The 11th row of search results does not contain the "Action" button like the rest of the results.
14. The search results page list is missing page 5.
15. When hovering over the status column in the 4th row, the tooltip displays "Approved" instead of "Paid".
More Taulia bugs:1. Column names are not centered.
2. Hovering mouse cursor over page numbers, "Actions" buttons and column names changes it to text cursor instead of hand pointer.
3. When the mouse cursor is over the button represented by "binoculars", user doesn't get a pop-up description of button's function.
4. Change "Purchase order" label to "Purchase order #" or "Purchase order (PO #)" for better usability (see "PO #" column name).
Bug reports "TAULIA"
#1. Site logo on the header "taulia": Must to be a link
#2. Site header "Invoices": Must to be not select
#3. In section "Search my invoices": "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice data", "Invoice status", "Results per page", "to" and "to" ---- Provide colon character at the end for that labels
#4. In section "Search my invoices": Binoculars icon is missing a tooltip
#5. In section "Search my invoices": "to: 1000000" - the number format entry is not correct
#6. "Invoce #" column: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
#7. In section "Showing 422 invoices": Replace icon "Download" with "Download list"
#8. Icon "Download list" its about icon "Save or Save us", make sure that is correct
#9. Row #4, column "Status": must to write icon "Paid" when hovering the mouse
#10. In section "Showing 422 invoices": column "Invoice #", "Type", "Inv. Date", "Due Data", "PO #", "Amount", "Status", "Payment" ---- make sure that these headers are centeredLast edited by Kateryna Gomon; 05-20-2024, 01:48 PM.
Bug reports "TAULIA" :
#1. The column "Due Date" and "PO#" : does not mutch the description;
#2. In the first row at the column "Status" : misspelled word "Rejcted" missing letter "e" ;
#3. Logo in the left corner on the header "Taulia" : when clicked it shoud send to the official website;
#4. Column "Amount": the arroe next to it doesn't work;
#5. Row "Purchase order": binoculars symbol does not work;
#6.The invoice # 1122339500 : on the 3 row 22 Oct 2011 does not match the search criteria 06/05/2011 -09/30/2011;
#7. The invoice #1122339546 : on the 7 row 31 Oct 2011 does not match the search criteria 06/05/2011 -09/30/2011;
#8. The invoice #1122339302: on the 10 row 13 Oct 2011 does not match the search criteria 06/05/2011 -09/30/2011;
#9. The 11 row of search results should not be displayed, we have Request per page 10;
#10. In row " Invoice number" in search area when entering the number of Invoive and click on "Search" nothing happens;
#11. "Search" button : the button does not highlight when hovered over;
#12. In the column "Status" : it is recomended to replace "Approved" to "Paid".
1) Remove the “Type” column. It is the same thing as the “Invoices” tab.
2) For "Status" column, row 4 invoice #1122339044, the tool tip shows "Approved," instead of "Paid"
3) Replace "From Amount" label with "Amount From: "
4) The data in the "PO #" column is in common date format. This data should be switched with the "Due Date" column.
#1. The data in the "PO#" column looks like a date. Our filter should display invoices up to September 30, 2011. Here we see that invoices for October are also shown on the page (rows 3, 7, 10)
#2. “Payment” column for the "Paid" invoices is not consistent with date formats used in “Invoice date” and “Inv. Date”
#3. Change the label "Invoice date" to "Invoice date from" in the "Search my invoices" section
#4. Add a calendar to the "Invoice Date" label in the "Search my invoices" section so that a user could select the date they want instead of typing it manually
#5. Labels "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status" and "Results per page" do not have a colon at the end
#6. The "Invoice Status" label in the menu item only has the "All" option. Include statuses such as "Paid", "Approved", "In progress" and "Rejected"
#7. The 'floppy disk' icon next to the "Download list" label needs to be replaced with the 'Download' icon - arrow to down
#8. 4th line, column “Status” - the tooltip does not correspond to the current status. Status is “Paid”, tooltit shows “Approved”. Please adjustLast edited by Leila Dyussenova; 05-20-2024, 07:19 PM.