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taulia bug reports - H2
Taulia bug reports:
#1. "Actions" button missing in the 11th row.
#2. Link to the page "5" is missing in the search results pagination.
#3. Data in table columns needs to be adjusted properly.
#4. 11 search results are provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox.
#5. "Type" column is redundant since the search relates to invoices only.
#6. "Search my invoices": inconsistency in labels having/not having a colon ":" at the end.
#7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
#8. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices.
#9. "Status" column, 4th row: icon's tooltip shows "Approved" instead of "Paid".
#10. "Amount" column: sorted in ascending order instead of descending order (as shown by title triangle).
#11. Violation of sort order: observe values in rows #7 and #8.
#12. In the title "Amount" column the icon "arrow" shows descending order instead of ascending.
#13. "Search my invoices": label "From amount" change to "Amount from".
#14. "Search my invoices": label "Invoice date" change to "Invoice date from".
#15. "Due Date" column and "PO #" column are reversed.
#16. All column's titles needs ascending/descending "arrow" for sorting.
#17. "Search my invoices": replace label "Invoice date" with "Invoice date from"
#18. "Search my invoices": add label "Due Date from" + list box + "to" + list box.
#19. 1st column, title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
#20. "Status" column, 1st row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
#21. Pagination: replace ".." with ellipsis "...".
#22. "Download List": icon's tooltip shows "Download" instead of "Download list".
#23. "Download List": inconsistency in icon and title.
#24. "Inv. Date" column: change the date input format to numeric according to format of lable "Invoice date".
#25. "Inv. Date" column: month october is redundant according the selection showing with label "Invoice date" list boxes.Last edited by Evgeniia Bubenkova; 03-01-2024, 04:19 PM.
#1. "Search my invoices": binocular`s icon has no tooltip
#2. "Showing 422 invoices", each row: when the cursor hovers over the button "Action" the cursor changes to "text" instead of "pointer"
#3. Pagination: the size of space between links to the the pages "1" and "2" is bigger than between others
#4. "Showing 422 invoices": inconsistency in height of 11th row and 1st-10th rows
#5. Date format mismatch between "Search my invoices" - "mm-dd-yyyy" and "Showing 422 invoices" - "dd-mm-yyyy"
#6. Pagination: button "Next" is missingLast edited by dudnann; 03-02-2024, 07:01 AM.
#12. The values in the “PO#” and “Due date" columns should be reversed.
#13. Columns values should be aligned in the center relative to their names.
#14. Incorrect date format in the ”Payment“ column.
#15. “Status” column: The tooltip does not match the status in the 4th row.
#16. Column “Inv. Date”, line #7: the date does not belong to the range set in the "Invoice date" filter.
#1. Column "Status" in first row replace word "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
#2. Column "Invoce" title replace word "Invoce" with "Invoice".
#3. In search results, row 11 no have "Actions" button.
#4. Pagination: no link to page "5".
#5. Column "Due Date" wrong date format.
12 "main banner" company logo must start with a capital letter
13 "search my invoice" inconsistency in lable "invoice date" need change to "invoice date"
14 "the column "due date" and "PO#" inconsistency , neef to switch places
15 "search my invoice" need add label "due date"
16 "status" column 1st row icon's tooltip "redjcted" need to change "rejected"
17 "invoce#" column need to change name column "invoice"
18 "download list" tooltip display is wrong title
19 "download list" inconsistency title
20 "search my invoice" inconsistency in label "from amount", need change to "amount from"
Last edited by KirillKorin; 03-04-2024, 07:07 AM.
#1 "Inv. Date" column, 7th row : incorrect date as per "Invoice date" text field
#2 Replace the " Rejcted" to " Rejected" , "Status" column 1th row
#3 incongruity in tooltip, the "Status" column 4th row
#4 Error in the column name, "Invoce #" column
#5 Redundant results in the page, according to "Results per page" listbox
#6 Inconsistency colon character ( : ) in label's "Search my invoices"
#7 Inconsistency ascending order in 7th and 8th row, "Amount" column
#8 Disabled title triangel, "Amount" column
#9 To accomodate button "Actions", in 11th row search results
#10 Missing 5th page in pagination
#1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
#2. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
#3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
#4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices"
#5. "Type" column is redundant (избыточный) since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
#6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
#7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
#8. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
#9. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
#10 Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
#11 "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
#12. "Amount" column: alignment should be on the right side.
#13. "Inv. Date" column: inconsistency between the payment date in the line 7 and the specified time period in the "invoice date" in ''Search my invoices".
#14. The column title "Due date" and "PO#" inconsistency the data in that columns.Last edited by ShamilHani; 03-04-2024, 10:43 AM.
Taulia bug reports
#1. Lines of search parameters haven't colon character
#2. The text field "Invoice number" allows enter text
#3. Line "Customer" dropdown list has one item
#4. Line "Invoice" dropdown list has one item
#5. Line "Results per page" dropdown list has one item
#6. Button"Search" in the search parameters disabled
#7. The name columns "Due Date" and "PO #" in invoices are mixed up in places
#8. The columns with the name in the invoices are not on the same line as the row
#1 the word “rejected” is misspelled in “status” column
#2 the 9th column title is missing
#3 the date type in the column “due date” doesn’t match the column title
#4 the date type in the column “PO #” doesn’t match the column title
#5 the number format is incorrect in rows from 5th to 11th
#6 the search results table doesn’t have a column with row numbers
#7 the name of the 1st column “invoce #” is misspelled
#8 the label of “binoculars” is redundant to the right of the text field “purchase order”
#9 the text in the column “payment” in the 2nd, 4th, and 11th rows don’t have link
Taulia’s bug reports
#1. “Actions” button missing in the 11th row
#2. Link to the page “5” is missing in the search results pagination
#3. Data in table columns need to be adjusted properly
#4. 11 search results are provided instead off 10 as per “Results per page” list box
#5. "Type” column is redundant since the search relates to invoices only
#6. “Search my invoice”: inconsistency in labels having/not having a colon at the end
#7. Replace “Showing 422 invoice “ whith “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
#8. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 invoices
#9. “Status” column, 4th row: icon’s tooltip shows “Approved” instead of “Paid”
#10.“Amount” column: sorted in ascending order instead of descending order (as shown by title triangle)
#11. Violation of sort order: observe values in rows 7 and 8
#12. "PO#" colomn inconsistensy between the actual sorting order
#13. “Status” column, 1th row: replace "Rejcted" to "Rejected"
#14. The text field "Invoice number" allows enter text
#15. The label "binocularis" near the cell "Purchase order" is redundant
#16. "PO#" colomn values mismatch the request
#17. Missing header of 9th colomn
#18. "Status" colomn 1th row: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”
#19. In colomn "Amount" title triangle disable
#20. Colomn “Due Date” has incorrect date format
#21. Replace colomn title "Inv.Date" with "Invoice Date"
#22. Incorrect format date in colomn "Inv.Date", in label "Invoice date" declared as "6/5/2011"
#23. Replace colomn title "Invoice#" with "Invoice"
#24. Replace colomn title "PO#" with "PO"
#25. The text fields "From amount" "to" allows enter text
#26. The title "Hide search parameters" iz not relevant
#27. Website logo is fuzzy
#28. Replace the name of 1th colomn "Invoce" with "Invoice"
#29. In the text field "Invoice status" in submenu limitations in choice selection, only "All"
#30. In colomn "Inv.Date" discrepancy with the specified period for the search in the "Invoice date"
- 1 like
#1."Actions" button missing in the 11th row
#2. Link to the page "5" is missing in the search results pagination
#3. Data in table columns needs to be adjusted property
#4. 11 search results are provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
#5. "Type" columns is redundant since the search relates to invoices only
#6. "Search my invoices" incinsistency in label having/not having a colon ":" at the end
#7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Show 1-10 of 422 invoices"
#8. 32 paged is not enought to accomodate 422 invoices
#9. "Status" column: 4th row: icon's tooltip shows "Approved" instead of "Paid"
#10. "Amount" column: sorting in ascending order instead of descending order (as shows by title triangle)
#11. Violation of sort order: observe values in rows #7 and #8
#12. Pagination: "Next" button is missing
#13. Column "Status" in first row replace word "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
#14. Column "Invoce #" title replace word "Invoce" with "Invoice"
#15. Incorrect format date in columns "Inv.Date" and "PO #" replace with "mm/dd/yyyy"
#16. Columns "Due Date" and "PO#" is reversed
#17. Date exceeds selected period for the search in row #7
#1 Error in the column name, "Invoce #" column
#2 Redundant results in the page, according to "Results per page" listbox
#3 Inconsistency colon character ( : ) in label's "Search my invoices"
#4 Inconsistency ascending order in 7th and 8th row, "Amount" column
#5 Disabled title triangel, "Amount" column
#6 To accomodate button "Actions", in 11th row search results
#12. Hand mouse pointer don't show on "Actions" buttons.
#13. Column "Invoce#". Searsh rezults is out of range "From amount: 100 to 1000000".
#14. Invoice date "1-Oct-2011" is out of range "Invoice date 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011'.
#15. All columns except "Amount" don't have sorting button "Descending/Ascending order".