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  • #31
    #1. "Search my invoices" section, all labels should have ( : ) at the end of text.
    #2. "Results per page" there is a selection for 10 but total rows there is 11.
    #3. row 11, the "Actions" button is missing.
    #4. there is an error in the word replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"
    #5. the column "Due Date" data of the column "PO" needs be switched.
    #6. In the seventh column of the second row, replace "Rejcted" with "Rejcted".
    #7. "Payment" column, rows where "Approved" is not "Payment"
    #8. "Page selection" row, the number 5 is missing
    #9. 32 sheets cannot hold 422 results


    • #32
      “TAULIA” page BUG REPORT, January 22, 2024:

      #1. The following labels have no colon character at the end (as requested by UI rules list). They are: 'Invoice nuber', 'Customer', 'Purchase order', 'Invoice date', 'Invoice status', 'Results per page'.

      #2. The tabulation order after Results per page label is disrupted. It's unclear where the cursor jumps to on pressing TAB in 'Results per page' input box.

      #3. The date of Invoice# 1122339546 from 1-Oct-2011 in the 7th row does not match the criteria set in 'Invoice date to 9/30/2011' filter.

      #4. Column labels 'Due Date' and 'PO #' are mixed up between each other.

      #5. The sorting arrow in the 'Amount' column incorrectly shows the sorting order in descending instead of ascending order.

      #6. 'Results per page' listbox incorrectly manages the actual number of the displayed rows. In this case, it's set to 10, but actually, 11 rows are displayed.

      #7. Numbers in 'Payment' column look inconsistent and need to be checked.

      #8. The header of the table 'Showing 422 invoices' indicates the wrong number of the filtered invoices, way more than maximum 11 lines by 32 pages as shown in the UI (10 Results per page x 32 page links)

      #9. The button is missing at the end of row 11, unlike there is 'Actions' button in the previous 10 rows. It might be related to the wrong number of displayed rows as reported in bug #6.

      #10. There is inconsistency between date formats used in 'Invoice date' and 'to' select boxes and those displayed in 'Inv. Date' and 'PO #' columns.

      #11. Purchase Order Numbers need to be checked for consistnency. Some numbers look out of range 100444 (row 1) and 101302 (row 10).

      #12. 'Invoce #' column label is misspelled.

      #13. Link to the 5th page in the left bottom of the table is missing, instead page'4' jumps to page '6' missing page '5'.

      #14. The 'Amount' column selects the sum in the wrong order logic. For instance, in the 7th row, the sum is $22,409.37, while in the 8th row it's $22,376.00. The ascending filtering of the column is violated there.

      #15. Column label is missing in the 9th column of the table.

      #16. Actual 'Save' icon in the table header misrepresent 'Download list' functionality.

      #17. The "Binoculars" search button next to the Purchase Order must be redundant, as there is a general Search button with the same functionality.


      • #33
        Taulia bug report:

        1. 1st column "invoce #" should be "invoice".
        2. 3rd column "Due Date" doesn't seem to be in a date format.
        3. 4th column "PO #" doesn't seem to be a PO #.
        4. 6th column "Amount" the results are not in completely correct order. "$22,409.37" should be under "$22,376.00".
        5. We are showing 11 results and we are supposed to see only 10.
        6. Link for 5ht page result at bottom is missing.
        7. "Invoice date" at the top part "search my invoices" format for date is different than the date format in the results.
        8. "From amount:" has ":" and the rest dont.


        • #34
          1. The spaces between the folders' names on top of the page ("User Manager", "Profile", "Help", "Logout") are different.
          2. Only "From amount" label name has colon mark at the end. All other labels should have colon mark as well.
          3. The word "amount" should be in parentheses. "From (amount):".
          4. It should say "To (amount):", following the pattern of "From (amount):" instead of just "To".
          5. If the total amount of invoices is 422 there should be 43 pages in search results instead of 32.
          6. Some columns' names are right-aligned with the data in those columns, while some others are centrally aligned. There is no consistency. It would be better to make everything left-aligned.
          7. In order for the search results to look more aligned it is better to add a zero digit ("0") in front of single digit dates in the third column (for example, "05-Jun-2011" instead of "5-Jun-2011").


          • #35
            1."Search my invoices" section: labels ##1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 have no colons.
            2. Pagination: link to page "5" is missing
            3.No name of the last column
            4.Pagination counting should be ellipsis before "32".
            5.Sorting order violation in the “Amount” column


            • #36
              Taulia bug report

              #1. Labels under "Search my invoices" is not consistency. Label "From amount:" contains ":" the others do not.
              #2. In the "Purchase Order" line, the tooltip does not appear when hovering over the "Binoculars" icon. This behavior is inconsistent with other buttons.
              #3. Replace the "From amount" label with "Amount from".
              #4. In the numeric fields following the "From Amount:" label, it is desirable to include the dollar sign "$" before the numbers "100" and "1000000".
              #5. Replace the label "Invoice date" with "Invoice date from".
              #6. The format of the dates in the "Invoice date" row is inconsistent with the format of the resulting table.
              #7. The "Results per page" row is set to "10" and the resulting table displays 11 rows.
              #8. The table header shows the entry "Showing 422 invoices" which is inconsistent with the number of pages 32*10=320 or 32*11=352.
              #9. The "Diskette" icon in front of "Download List" is usually used for "save" or "save as" actions.
              #10. Replace the word "Invoce #" in the table header (misspelling) with "Invoice".
              #11. In the table header, the "#" icon at the end of "Invoce #" and "PO #" is inconsistent with the display format of other column names.
              #12. The "Type" column, which displays the document type, is meaningless as it contains the same value "Invoice".
              #13. The column name "Inv. Date" in the table is inconsistent with the label name "Invoice date".
              #14. The data in the "Due Date" column does not appear as a date.
              #15. The column title "PO #" is inconsistent with the label "Purchase order".
              #16. The data in the "PO #" column looks like a date instead of the "Purchase order" data format.
              #17. The icon in the "Amount" column is not displayed according to the column's sorting order.
              #18. In the table, the sortable column "Amount" in row 7 _"$22,409.37" and row 8 _"$22,376.00" is out of sort order.
              #19. The "Amount" column in the table is not sorting correctly. When sorting in ascending order, in row 7, the amount is "$22,409.37" and in row 8, the amount is "$22,376.00".
              #20. In the "Status" column, in row 4, when hovering over the transaction status icon, the tooltip displays "Approved," which is inconsistent with both the icon type and the actual status text value "Paid".
              #21. There is no "Actions" button on line 11.
              #22. The bottom line with page links "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32" is missing a link to page "5".
              #23. The bottom line with page links is missing navigation.
              #24. Suggestion. Optimal alignment for date columns is right-aligned in reports. This enhances the visual clarity and tidiness of the content.

              A test outside of the assignment.
              #25. There is no indication when tabbing through the sequence that the "Binoculars" icon has been selected.
              #26. There is no indication when tabbing through the sequence that the "Download" icon has been selected.
              #27. The "Search" button is not present in the tab order sequence.
              #28. After tabbing through the "Download" button in direct order, the tab order stops at the value in the "9/30/2011" field and unexpectedly exits to the browser's "Search" menu.
              #29. When reversing the tab order after the "Invoice number" field, the tab order unexpectedly goes to the browser menu.
              Last edited by EvgeniiAb; 01-23-2024, 09:58 PM.


              • #37
                1. In the "Search my invoices" field, there are missing colon characters at the end of all labels besides "From amount:".
                2. The "Invoice number" text field shouldn't include any letters or special characters, only numbers.
                3. The "Purchase order" text field shouldn't include any letters or special characters, only numbers.
                4. The "From amount:" field should be changed to "Amount," and then "from:" should be displayed before the text field in the same way as it is with "to:".
                5. The "Invoice date:" field is missing "from" before the first text field.
                6. On the "Showing invoices" page, there are 11 results per page instead of the 10 we selected.
                7. There is a mismatch between the number of showing invoices at the top of the table ("Showing 422 invoices") and the number of pages in the page list on the bottom2. 32 pages * 10 inv. = 320, or even 32 pages * 11 inv. = 352.
                8. There is a misspelling in the word "Invoce#" in the header of the first column. Replace it with "Invoice#."
                9. There is no need to display the column "Type" since this entire page only displays information about invoices.
                10. There is an inconsistency between data types ("Invoice date") in the "Search my invoices" (6/5/2011) and "Showing invoices" (5-June-2011).
                11. There is a missing "Action" button in the 11th row.
                12. In the "Amount" column, all the results should go in ascending order, but the amount in row 7 is bigger than in row 8, so they should be swapped.
                13. There is a mismatch on the "Amount" column: the header of the 5th column "Amount" indicates that the results should be displayed in descending order, but the results are displayed in ascending order.
                14. There is a misspelling in the 1st row of the "Status" column; "Rejcted" should be replaced by "Rejected."
                15. In the bottom in the page list, there is a missing page 5.


                • #38
                  #1. "Search my invoices": add to all labels the colon character;
                  #2 Incorrect "Invoice date" format between the filter and search results;
                  #3. Search reuslts gives 11 rows but in the filter is set "Results per page = 10";
                  #4. Button "Actions" is missing in the #11 row;
                  #5. Column #1 of search results, 1st table header replace "Invoce #" with "Invioce #";
                  #6. Search results swap columns: "Due Date" and "PO #";
                  #7. Incorrect sorting in column "Amount":"22,409.37" shoud go below "22,376.00" not above;
                  #8. Incorrect sorting by the direction given by the arrow in column "Amount";
                  #9. "Status" column 4 row the icon "Paid": incorrect tooltip, the icon is "Paid" but the tooltip is "Approved";
                  #10. Column "Status" of search results row #1: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejcted";
                  #11. The page pagination: the page #5 is missing;
                  #12. Incorrect search results in the #7 row, column:"Inv. Date", the "Invoice date = 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" but in search results have "1-Oct-2011";
                  #13. 32 pages will not accommodate 422 results;


                  • #39
                    1) Date format in "Search my invoices" section is different from date format "Showing invoices" section (columns "" and "PO№"). Date format should be the same.
                    2) In the label "From amount:" in "Search my invoices" section the words should go in order "Amount from"
                    3) Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422" (Sorry for the plagiarism but don't know how to tell it another way)
                    4) In the header in the leftmost column from section "Showing 422 invoices" is misspelled
                    5) Inconsistency between "Invoice date" label and "" column header
                    6) Icon "Floppy disc" usually means "Save/Save as" action, not "Download"
                    7) Dropdown box button in the header of "Amount" column is not needed. Check if it is needed in the header of "Status" column
                    8) Check the inconsistency under data showed in column "Due date" and the header name, also the inconsistency under data showed in column "PO№" and its header name. Probably is needed to replace the headers
                    9) Check the pagination, link to page 5 missing
                    10) First row from column "Status". The word "Rejcted" is misspelled


                    • #40
                      1. "Search my invoices Hide searkh parameters " column of labels, special character missing in all rows expect fourth.

                      2. "Shouwing table " first colomn: misspelled letter in the first word (invoce)
                      3. first row the special character "#" inconsistency.
                      4. first row the lable word has N/A character of function.
                      5. the eleventh row missing button of action.
                      6. irst row, name of column fourth and fifth inconsistency.
                      7. row number 12 missed page number 5.
                      8. row number 12 lack of enough pages to display all invoces.
                      9. firsr row lable of column four inconsistency.
                      10. first row lable of column fifths inconsistency.
                      11. firsr row lable of column nuber six inconsistency.
                      Last edited by Niklolai @152; 01-25-2024, 07:53 PM.


                      • #41
                        Chidi Okpara Taulia Bug Reports

                        #1. "Invoice date" is not on ascending or descending order.
                        #2. "Invoice Due date" in first column "100444" has six digits and inconsistent with other lines that has 5 digits.
                        #3. First column "Invoice #" is inconsistent and not on ascending or descending order.
                        #4. "PO #" column, dates are inconsistent and not in ascending or descending order.
                        #5. First left column "Invoce" is mis-spelled.
                        #6. On status column, the word "Rejcted" is mis-spelled.
                        #7. On status column words, "paid", "in progress", "approved" are inconsistent and not in ascending or descending order.
                        #8. Payment column lines "1", "3", "6". "7","9","10" does not has dates.
                        #9. Results per page is "11" instead of "10"


                        • #42
                          Session 2: Home Work, TAULIA bugs.
                          1. Upper right corner - The "User Manager" and "Profile" menu items are not aligned horizontally with respect to the dividing line, such as the "Help" menu item.
                          2. In the search results window, all column names are not aligned horizontally with respect to the contents of the columns.
                          3. On the right side of the search results window, the column with the "Actions" buttons has no name.
                          4. In the search results window, the names of the columns "Due Date" and "PO#" do not correspond to the contents of the columns.
                          5. In the search results window in the last row of the table in the last column there is no "Actions" button.


                          • #43

                            BUGS FROM OLEG MOROZOV
                            1. The column “PO#’ contains informations about dates. Column name “PO #” should be replaced with column name “Due date”.
                            2. No need of column “ Type” repetitive informations.
                            3. Page “5” is missing. After page “4” next available page to choose is “6”.
                            4. When selected “Results per page” is 10. We are able to see 11 results in the page.
                            5. In the column “Status” misspelling the word “Rejected”.
                            6. No “actions’ button for the last invoice on the page.
                            7. invoice date set from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. ”Inv. Date" column able to show invoice for 1-Oct-2011. its out of the date set range.
                            8. The "Amount" column shows inconsistent ascending; the amount of "$22,376.00" is showing below "$22,409.37"
                            9. The letter “i” is missing in the column “Invoce #”
                            10. In the section "Search my invoices" all labels end up without a colon. Except "From amount:"
                            11. 32 pages not enough to show 422 invoices, as one page displays 11 invoices.


                            • #44
                              1. Only "From amount" label in "Search my invoices" has colon ":", others doesn't.
                              2. Lable "From amount" should be changed to "Amount from" to be consistent with "to" label
                              3. "Download list" button's icon doesn't match. It should be replaced with arrow pointing down
                              4. In the search results table column "Type" should be removed cause it doesn't make any sence.
                              5. In the search results table column header "Inv.Date" could be written with no shortcut.
                              6. In the search results table column header "Invoce #" is misspelled. The correct is "Invoice #"
                              7. In the search results table the contents of the columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are swapped.
                              8. No link to main page when hovering over the logo.
                              9. In the search results table the "Amount" column is set to be descending, but the content is ascending
                              10. In parameters block "Results per page" parameter is set to show 10 results per page, but the results table contains 11 results.
                              11. The 11 result line doesn't have an "Actions" button.
                              12. In the search results table the "Amount" column's content is ascending, but not consinent. The result "$22,409.37" should be after "$22,376.00".
                              13. In the search results table, in the first line, the status "Rejcted" is misspelled. Correct is "Rejected".
                              14. Pagination is missing page #5.
                              15. Pagination contains only 32 pages, which can't accomodate 422 invoices. This amount should be presented in 43 pages.
                              16. In the search results table all columns should be aligned with headers.
                              17. Date formats in search parameters section and results table are not consistent. It's "6/5/2011" in the search parameters and "29-Aug-2011" in theresults table.
                              18. Binoculars icon in the search parameters section has link to main page.
                              19. The search results shouldn't include October invoices as set in the search parameters.
                              20. In the search results table, in the 4 line, when hovering over Paid icon it shows pop-up "Approved".


                              • #45
                                Rafkat Shakirov, Febr 07, 2024 (Minsk time).
                                My Bug Reports (BRs) In addition to BRs from the Session-2

                                1. Instead of term "User Manager" at top right corner of the page usually it is used "User Settings" (not affects on functionality).
                                2. In section "Search my invoices" 6 labels in utmost left colomn have no a colon symbol ":" at the right end. This labels are: 1) Invoice number, 2) Customer, 3) Purchase order, 4) Invoice date, 5) Invoice status, 6) Results per page.
                                3. In section "Search my invoices", row 3, instead of term "Purchase order" should be used "Purchase order (PO)", because this abbreviation is in use below on the page.
                                4. In section "Search my invoices" 2 labels in utmost right column have no a colon symbol ":" at the right end. This labels are: 1) to, 2)to.
                                5. In section "Search my invoices" value "1000000" in field of second label "to" of fourth raw (it started with "From amount:") is inconsistent with money format of section with searching results (see column "Amount" there) which should be as "$1,000,000.00"
                                6. In section "Search my invoices", 5-th row ("Invoice date"), a date format applied in two corresponding fields not showed for User in direct way.
                                7. Replace "Invoce #" by "Invoice #" in first row (active filters) of section with searching results.
                                8. Replace "Inv. Date" by "Invoice Date" in first row (active filters) of section with searching results.
                                9. Term "Payment" in first row (active filters) of section with searching results should by specified for User, because it's not clear - what values this column contains.
                                10. Format of values in column "Invoice Date" should be consistent with date format of row 5-th in "Search my invoices" section ("Invoice date"). See also my BR #6
                                11. See BR #8 in list of "Bug reports for class of January 16, 2024" above. (#8. Values in "PO #" column look like they are dates - is that what we need?)
                                Last edited by Raf_Smile; 02-08-2024, 04:55 AM. Reason: Put a picture and aligned it

