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  • #46
    Viktoriia Chudaieva.

    Bug Reports. Taulia

    #1. Search results per page should display 10, not 11.

    #2. Button
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    Last edited by Chudaeva; 02-29-2024, 11:29 AM.


    • #47
      #1. Column “Type” in search results table is redundant;
      #2. The values in all cells of the search results table are not aligned to the center of the cell;
      #3. Missing colon symbol under “Search my invoice” section in all column except “From amount”;
      #4. Value “From amount:” fix to “Amount from:”;
      #1. Values in “Due Date” column are incorrect values are displayed (not in date format);
      #2. Values in “PO #” column are incurred values are displayed (it looks like a date format);
      #3. Missing “Actions” button in the last row of search table;
      #4. In search table 11 lines are displayed instead of 10;
      #5. Info message “Showing 422 invoices” in title of results table contains false information about the number of objects found’
      #6. Check the sort order of the array in the result table in ascending order. For example, now the values in lines 7 and 8 are swapped;
      #7. In “Payment” column some values are missing and looks like incorrect format;
      #8. Link to the page “5” is missing at the bottom of the result table;
      #1. Make an usable calendar icon in “Invoice date” field;
      #2. Make an unusable binoculars icon near “From amount” field;
      #3 Change or remove “Floppy Disk” icon in title of result table;


      • #48

        1. Column "Due date" contains PO numbers instead of due dates
        2. Column "PO #" contains due dates instead of PO numbers
        3. Remove column "Type" because we are in "Invoices" tab, so all the rows will have "Invoice" type
        4. Misspelled first column name: "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice #"
        5. Counterintuitive icon in the "Download List" button
        6. Letter "L" of "Download list" button should be capitalized
        7. Page contains 11 rows instead of 10 declared in "Results per page" dropdown list
        8. Page contains a row with Inv. Date "1-Oct-2011" despite the filter "Invoice date 6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011"
        9. Different date format in Search Parameters and Search Results
        10. Add colons after label names in "Search my invoices" parameters
        11. Results should be sorted by "Amount" for descending order (an arrow next to the column "Amount" pointing down). However, results are sorted by ascending order
        12. A row contains "Amount: 22,409.37" goes before "Amount: 22,376.00" despite the ascending order
        13. Misspelled Status name in the first row: "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected"
        14. Searching results panel says "Showing 422 invoices" instead of "Showing 10 invoices"
        15. 32 pages with 10 results per page can't contain 422 invoices
        16. Binocular icon next to the "Purchase order" field doesn't have any tooltip
        17. Pagination doesn't contain page 5
        18. Different invoices with different Due Date have the same PO # (?)
        19. Replace column name "Inv. Date" with "Invoice Date"
        20. First letters of words "Search" and "Parameters" of "Hide search parameters" button should be capitalized
        Last edited by Sia_Lab; 03-15-2024, 10:51 PM.


        • #49
          1. Replace "Logout" to "Log out" in user mananger row
          2. "Search my invoices" is missing coloumns ( at the end of labels
          3. "Search my invoices" icon of "binoculars" needs to add tooltip
          4. "Showing 422 invoices" is missing "1-10 Showing 422 invoices"
          5. In "Showing 422 invoices" label "Invoce #" is misspelled
          6. Showing date in "Amount" colom needs to be adjusted in correct order
          7. Page contain 11 "Results per page" instead of 10
          8. Сolumn "Type" is redundant since its choose "Invoices"
          9. Violation of sort order: column "Amount" row #7 and #8
          10. Column "Inv. Date" shoudn't show date of October as in row #7
          11. "Actions" button is missing in row #11
          12. "5" is missing in the search results on paganation
          13. "32 pages" is not ehough to contain "Showing 422 invoices"
          14. "Rejcted" label is misspelled in "Status" row #1
          15. In column "Status" row #4 the labels shows "Approved" insted of "Paid"
          16. The "Amount" is going Ascending order insted of Descending order
          17. Implement "Download icon" to download list
          18. Button "Search" is disabled

