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  • #16
    #1. "Search my invoices" section: in 8 out of 9 labels there are missing the colons ":"
    #2. "Binocular" icon does not give search info while navigating mouse pointer.
    #3. Inconsistency in "Status" column: in the 4th row the tooltip on the "Paid" icon reads "Approved" instead of "Paid"
    #4. No header in "Actions" column
    #5. Unclear format of date output in the column of "Payment"
    #6. "From amount" label has inconsistent formatting compared to the "Amount" column (100 vs.$100.00)
    #7. The maximum amount in the search column is 10.000.00 but actual found amount is more than 10.000.00
    #8. The currency icon in front of the "From amount" box is missing


    • #17
      TAULIA bug report.
      Session #2. Jan.18, 2024

      #1. No "Actions" button in the last row
      #2. "Invoce#" column: the word is misspelled
      #3. "Status" column, first row: The word "Rejected" is misspelled
      #4. The date range in the "Inv. Date" column does not correspond to the selected range "Invoice date": data "1-Oct-2011"
      №5. Does not match date format between "Invoice date" fields and "Inv. date" column
      #6. Pagination: link to page "5" is missing
      #7. In "PO #" column does not correspond to the selected range "Invoice date": "13-Oct-2011"; "31-Oct-2011"
      #8. "Results per page" listbox 10 pages, but in serch result 11
      #9. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column. "$22,409.37" should be after "$22,376.00"
      #10.The indicated total amount of invoices (in the blue field of the interface) does not correspond with the number of lines. 422 invoises/10 lines = 42 pages. Pagination: 32 pages indicated, should be 42 pages. Or should it say "320 invoices" instead of 422
      #11.Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected" in first row of "Status" column
      #12. "Due Date" column do not correct date format
      #13. Date format in "Payment" column does not look correct
      #14. The header of the leftmost column is misspelled
      #15. Pagination between numbers 10 and 32 symbol should be "..." not ".."
      #16. No name of the last column
      Last edited by AnnaTS; 01-21-2024, 08:21 PM.


      • #18
        Bug reports Taulia 01/21/24
        #1. Icon "Binocular" is missing tooltip
        #2. Mismatch: icon "discet" is not common icon for the "Download list" link
        #3. Fourth row in the "Status" column: replace tooltip "Approved" for "Paid"
        #4. Inconsistency: all labels in the "Search my invoices" section sould be have a colon character at the end
        #5. "Invoice date" field: add label "From:" for the "Invoice date" field
        #6. "From amount:" label: recall label "From amount:" for "Amount:"
        #7. "From amount:" field: add label "From:" for the "From amount:" field
        #8. "Amount" column: data is non aligned on the right side
        #9. Mismatch: "1122339546" invoice is not for Invoice date requirment
        #10. Suggestion: Add a financial characters for digits in the "From amount:" fields
        #11. Suggestion: Add "$" icon for the "From amount:" fields


        • #19
          1. The “Amount” column should be in descending order, but it shows ascending order
          2. In the “Inv.Date” column the date “1-Oct-2011” is out of the search range
          3. Pagination shows 32 pages, but there are 422 invoices in the “Showing 422 invoices” row. They will not fit in 32 pages.
          4. In the pagination row the space between “1” and “2” page is inconsistent.
          5. “From amount” label has colon, the other labels don’t
          6. “Due Date” column shows no date information.
          7. “PO #” column shows dates, not actual PO numbers
          8. Discrepancy between the date format in the “Invoice date” label and the “Inv. Date” column


          • #20
            1. Range "Invoice date" is from "6/5/2011" till "9/30/2011" should avoid to show resalt "1-Oct-2011".
            2. "From amount:" field better to have $ singe before "100".
            3. Labels: "Invoice number"; "Customer"; "Purchase order"; "Invoice date"; "Invoice status"; "Results per page" should have colon.
            4. "Invoice date" field have different format than resalts in "Inv. Date" and "PO #".
            5. Data in columns "Due Date" and "PO #" most probably should be swap.
            6. There is enough space to write "Invoice date" instead of "Inv. Date".
            7. There is enough space to write "Purchase order #" instead of "PO #".
            8. In Label "Purchase order" better ro add "#".
            9. There is enough space to write "Invoice number" instad of "Invoce #".
            10. Label "Amount" sorting is set in descending order but the result is the opposite.
            11. Resalts "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00" does not match the sorting.
            12. "Results per page" set on 10. But in resalts 11.
            13. Resalt "Showing 422 invoices" does not match with calculation: 11 multiply to total pages in resalts "32". Should be 352.
            14. Pagination counting missing page 5.
            15. Pagination counting should be ellipsis before "32".
            16. Last invoice "1122338095" does not have "Actions" buttom.
            17. "Payment" resalts does not match with date format.
            18. First row in "Status" column misprint "Rejcted". Should be "Rejected".
            19. There is missing letter in column "Invoce #". Should be "Invoice #".
            20. TAB order doesn't follow logic after "Purchase order"


            • #21
              #1. In the column "Search my invoices” there is no colon: “Invoice number”;” Customer”;” Purchase order”;” Invoice date”;” Invoice status”;” Results per page”
              #2. "Results per page" 11 lines of search results are displayed instead of 10.
              #3.In the first leftmost column "Invoce #" change “Invoice”.
              #4. Page number 5 is missing in pagination.
              #5. In the last line №11 missing "Actions" button.
              #6.Data in "PO #" column.
              #7. In the “Due Date” column, number instead of the date.
              #8. "Amount" column: order is broken in the "$22,409.37" goes before "$22,376.00".
              #9. The last line with page numbers "10..32" is missing ellipsis.
              #10. First row in column ”Status” misprint “Rejcted” should be “Rejected”.
              #11. In the second column from the left "" misprint “Type”.
              #12.There is no need column ”Type” since we already know that we work with ”Invoices”.
              #13.”Inv. Date” there is no point in abbreviating, you can write ”Invoice Date”.


              • #22
                #1. In left column of search results replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”

                #2. In first row of “Status” column in search results replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”

                #3. Search results display 11 rows when requested 10

                #4. 11th row is missing “Action” button, inconsistent with the rest of rows.

                #5. “Showing 422 invoices” to be replaced with correct amount of “results per page”

                #6. In ”Search my invoices” section most of the labels are missing colons

                #7. Date format is inconsistent in “Invoice date” and “PO#” in “search results” with “Invoice date” in “Search my invoices” section

                #8. Pagination is missing link to page “5”

                #9. “Due date” in “search results” is not a “date format”

                #10. Second word in “search results” labels should start with lower case letter to maintain consistency with labels format of “Search my invoices” section

                #11. In “Inv. Date” of "search results” word Invoice needs to be spelled out to maintain consistency

                #12. To maintain consistency, arrow should point up next to “amount” label in “search results” section to indicate ascending amount order

                #13. In the “amount” column of “search results” “$22,409.37” should follow “$22,376.00”


                • #23
                  Project: Taulia
                  Reported name: Yurii Lavrenchuk
                  Assigned developer: Mikhail Portnov
                  Submit date: 1/21/2024
                  Due date: 1/22/2024

                  #1 Column 1, row 1 we got a grammatical mistake the word "Invoice" was wrote "Invoce".
                  #2 Column was called wrong, "Invoice date" is better.
                  #3 In the checkbox "From amount:" we have two vertical dots, another rows doesn't have these dots, these rows shoud has the same style.
                  #4 We got 11 results per page instead 10 expected.
                  #5 In the row 1, Column 1 we got "Invoice #", that's incorrect, should be "Invoice number", or "Invoice num." etc.
                  #6 We lost page number 5 in pagination.
                  #7 In columns: Inv.Date, PO#, Payment, Due Date, we should use the same date format.
                  #8 Checkbox "Invoice date" date interval doesn't match with some values in columns Inv.Date, PO#, Payment,
                  time filter doesn't work correct.
                  #9 Column "Payment" spelling doesn't correct, should be "Payment date"
                  #10 Column "PO#" spelling doesn't correct, should be "Purchase order number"
                  #11 Column "Ammount" amounts in rows 7 and 8 were sorted wrong, amount in row 8 should be bigger then amount in row 7.
                  #12 Pagination shows like we got a 32 pages, but it's doesn't match with 422 Showing invoices.
                  #13 In the row "Amount" sorting should going from bigger to smaller (following sorting triangle).
                  #14 The icon of download should be on the right side of "Download list".
                  #15 The icon of refreshing should be on the right side of "Refresh".
                  #16 In the header of the page we got an active button "Invoices", in the same time we should got active options for "Invoice" column.
                  #17 In row number was missed "Actions" button.
                  #18 In column "Due date" we used wrong data format.
                  #19 Invoice date format doesn't have the word "from"
                  #20 In window "From amount" we got different numbers format then in the column "Amount".
                  #21 In row "From amount" to the right side "to" we got different numbers format then in the column "Amount".
                  #22 First row in "Status" should write "Rejected".
                  #23 Column "Type" doesn't have any sense.
                  #24 We doesn't have any sorting options for Column "Invoice"
                  #25 We doesn't have any sorting options for Column "Invoice date"
                  #26 We doesn't have any sorting options for Column "Due date"
                  #27 We doesn't have any sorting options for Column "Purchase order"
                  #28 We doesn't have any sorting options for Column "Payment"
                  #29 Binocular icon against list box "Purchase order" doesn't needed.
                  #30 The column "Invoice number" adjusted to the right side of underneath rows.
                  #31 The column "Type" was adjusted to the right side of underneath rows.
                  #32 The column "Inv.Date" was adjusted to the right side of underneath rows.
                  #33 The column "Due Date" was adjusted to the right side of underneath rows.
                  #34 The column "PO#" was adjusted to the right side of underneath rows.
                  #35 The column "Amount" was adjusted to the right side of underneath rows.
                  #36 The column "Payment" was adjusted to the right side of underneath rows.
                  #37 "Download list" should has a look like a button.
                  #38 "Refresh" should has a look like a button.
                  #39 In column "Amount" first value is $100.10 bigger then 100.00, sorting by "From amount" doesn't working correct.
                  #40 The button "Refresh" as usual is located close to "Showing invoices"
                  #41 "Hide search parameters" should has a look like a button.
                  #42 In a row "Invoice date", we got a different formats dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy.


                  • #24
                    #1. Pagination : page "5" is missing
                    #2. 32 pages of search results is not enough to accommodate "422" invoices
                    #3. Misspelled word Invoice in the title of the leftmost column
                    #4. 11th row : the "actions" button is missing
                    #5. " Invoice" column , 7th row : "1-Oct-2011" is outside the range specified in " Invoice date" fields
                    #6. Remove 11th row of search results to comply with " Results per page " value of 10


                    • #25
                      1. Result per page is 10, but it shows 11.
                      2. Columns "Due date" and "PO#" are mixed up
                      3. Number 5 is missing on the list of pages
                      4. On column 1, row 1 is a mistake "Invoce" instead of "Invoice"
                      5. On column 7, row 2 is a mistake "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected"
                      6. In "search parameters" invoice date is from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, but results show to October
                      7. The rows from 2 to 11 of each column are not under the 1st row of each column.
                      8. 32 pages are not enough to show 422 results.


                      • #26
                        #1. Add colon ":" after each labels: "Search my invoices", "Customer", "Purchase order", "to", "Invoice date", "to", "Invoice status", and "Results per page"
                        #2. In "Search my invoices" tab name, make sure to capitalize "Invoice"
                        #3. In "Invoice number" label make sure to capitalize "Number"
                        #3. In "Purchase order" label make sure to capitalize "Order"
                        #4. In "From amount" label make sure to capitalize "Amount"
                        #5. In "Invoice date" label make sure to capitalize "Date"
                        #6. In "Invoice status" label make sure to capitalize "Status"
                        #7. In "Results per page" label make sure to capitalize "Page"
                        #8. In "Showing 422 invoices" tab make sure to capitalize Invoice"
                        #9. Date format inconsistent in "Invoice date" label, "Inv. Date", "Due Date" and " Payment", make sure all same format.
                        #10. "From amount" displays numerical format instead of currency similar to "Amount" column.
                        #11. The header "Invoce " is misspelled, replace with "Invoice"
                        #12. The header "Inv. Date" replace with "Invoice Date"
                        #13. Missing Header for the left most column
                        #14. "Due Date" column doesn't look like a date
                        #15. "PO #" column looks like a date instead of a number
                        #16. "Rejcted" in status column is misspelled, replace with "Reject"
                        #17. The pagination is missing page number "5"
                        #18."Actions" button is missing in the row 11th row of the search results
                        #19. In "Search my Invoice" items there is inconsistency in a format some boxes had drop down list and on menu item has Binocular icon.
                        #20.User should view invoices dated till 9/30/2011 however the results table display an invoice from "1-Oct-2011"
                        #21. The column "Amount" is selected to be in descending order, however the table display it ascending order
                        #22."Results per page" should display 10 but user can view 11 pages
                        #23. Sorting order violation in " Amount" column "$22376" should be before "$22409.37", not after.
                        #24 "Showing 422 invoices" replace with " Invoices 1-11 of 422"
                        #25. 32 Pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
                        #26. Binocular Icon is missing tooltip


                        • #27
                          Michael Libin

                          Bug Report

                          #1 Replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected” in the first row of the “Status” column
                          #2 Pagination: link to page “5” is missing
                          #3 11 search results are provided on the page instead of 10 as per the “Results per page” list box
                          #4 Data in the “Due Date” column and data in the “PO#” column are switched
                          #5 Inconsistency between the “Invoice date” list box date format and the “Inv. Date” column
                          #6 There is no “Actions” button in the last row inconsistent with previous rows
                          #7 The header of the leftmost column is misspelled
                          #8 Sorting order violation in the “Amount” column
                          #9 “Invoice date” label range is set from “6/5/11 - 9/30/11” but several Invoice dates in October are displayed
                          #10 “From amount:” label next to the list box has a “:” inconsistent with other search labels which do not have a “:”
                          #11 Mismatch “Amount” at the top of the column does not have a “:” mismatch with the “From amount:” label in the list box
                          #12 Next to the “Purchase order” label search field is an icon with no clear purpose
                          #13 States “Showing 422 invoices” displays 11 on the page, 32 pages listed which would be 352 results, a mismatch
                          #14 At the top of the screen the “Invoices” tab has a square surrounding it, none of the other links do, this is a mismatch
                          #15 “Type” column is redundant all items are invoices


                          • #28
                            #1 Column "Amount" is sorted in ascending order, but it does not apply for the amounts 22,409.37 and 22,376.00.
                            #2 Pagination link to page 5 is missing
                            #3 "Action" button in the last row is missing
                            #4 The results per page must be 10, shows 11
                            #5 Wrong spelling “Invoice” in column name “Invoce #”. It needs to replace "Invoce #" to "Invoice #".
                            #6 Not all of the labels have colon at the end
                            #7 Data in the "Due Date" column and data in the "PO" column are switched
                            #8 Wrong spelling "Rejcted" in the status column, needs to replace to "Rejected"
                            #9 Data does not look like date in column "Due Date". Data does not look like PO number in column "PO #".


                            • #29
                              TAULIA BUG REPORT

                              1. On " Search my Invoices'' section " Invoice Date'' format does not match with 3rd column " Inv. Date in "Showing 422 Invoices " section.
                              2. Misspelling in word '' Rejcted'' in first row of Column " Status"
                              3. ''Amount'' Column has filter, but other Columns do not have that option
                              5. The numbers in Column '' Amount'' are filtered to be in ascending order, but after amount '' $22,409.37 comes '' $22, 376.00.
                              6. ''PO #'' Column and ''Due Date Column'' are mixed up, should be switched, so the Content corresponds the Heading.
                              7. Pagination:'' 5th Page is missing''.
                              8. ''Payment'' Column has wrong format for numbers
                              9. Last row of Invoice # 1122338095 does not have ''Actions'' Button
                              10. '' Results per page" does not correspond to right pages quantity, ''10''-instead of ''32''.
                              11. $ character is missing from row " From Amount'' in Search my Invoices Section.
                              12. Invoce# Column is misspelled in ''Showing 422 Invoices Section
                              13. The icon for ''Download List'' does not match.


                              • #30
                                TAULIA Bug Reports 01/22/2024
                                #1. Inconsistency in "search my invoices" section: add colon characters to all the labels
                                #2. "Search my invoices" section: Do we need binoculars emoji ?
                                #3. Remove "Type" column completely
                                #4. "Inv.Date" column: replace the name of the column to "invoice date"
                                #5. "Payment" column: replace the name of the column to "payment date"
                                #6. "Payment" column: dates in front of paid invoices don't look like dates
                                #7. Pagination: 422 invoices with 10 results per page should be shown in 42 pages
                                #8. "Search my invoices" section: replace "From amount" to "Amount from"
                                #9. Inconsistency in "search my invoices" section, second column: should tabs be different shape?
                                #10. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: should be in ascending order

