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Denis Dragutsan Taulia bug reports
1) Labels should end up with colon. In the folder "Invoices", in the block "Search my invoices", from all the list of Labels, just one has colon
2) The showing invoices should be under 6/5/2011 and 9/30/2011. One of the lines is from 11/1/2011.
3) It is showing 11 lines of invoices instead of 10.
4) In the 11th line is missing the button "Actions"
5) In the column "Due Date" is a mismatch regarding showing data
6) In the column PO№ is a mismatch regarding showing data
7) In the column "Amount" is a mismatch, 22,376,00$ is showed after a bigger amount
8) Showing amount of results is 422, but showing amount of pages is 32. Is a mismatch
Bug report for Jan 19, 2024
1#. The "Invoice date" text box date format is inconsistent with the "Inv. Date" column date format.
2#. The "Results per page" combobox is set to 10, and the results showing are 11.
3#. The column header left "Invoce # " is misspelled. needs to be replaced with "Invoice #"
4#. Container header left " show 422 invoices". They can't be more than 320.
5#. The "Due Date" column does not show the date format.
6#. The "PO #" column looks like it shows dates, and needs to show PO numbers.
7#. The "Amount" column is set to descending, but it is ascending.
8#. The "Amount" column shows inconsistent ascending; the amount of "$22,376.00" is showing below "$22,409.37"
9#. "paginate buttons" needs button number 5 to be added.
10#. "Actions" button is missing in the last row.
11#. The column header last on the right is missing the header name for column "Actions "
12#. Label "From amount:" has a colon ( : ). not sure if we need it; if we do, then a colon needs to be added to every label or at least to the label "Invoice date" because they share the same textbox style.
13#. Next to the "Purchase Order" textbox, the image icon "binoculars". Hovering over reveals a pushable button. It makes you think it's for a file search. This is duplicating the function of the "search button".
14#. Invoice date range is set from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011,"Inv. Date" column shows the invoice for 1-Oct-2011 ,its out of the date range.
Last edited by cecones; 03-01-2024, 11:36 AM.
- In “Status” column, fourth row replace pop-up window from “Approved” to “Paid”
- Need to swap the values in the columns “Inv. Date” and “Due Date”
- Date values should not include “October”, invoice rate from 6/5/2011 till 9/30/2011
- 422 invoices cannot fit into 32 pages
- In “Search my invoice” field we have a colon only after “From amount” phrase. If we need it we should add a colon after all the phases in the “Search my invoice” field
- The results in “Amount” column should be descending
- #1. Icon operation is incorrect displayed when you navigate mouse pointer. 4 row of search results, “Status” column, Replace “Approved” with “Paid”.
- #2. Incorrect information about payment with status “approved” in column “payment”: 4 row of search results, “Status“ column
- #3. Different distances between 1 and 2 pages of pagination.
- #4. Results of searching are incorrect displayed from amount 100 to 1000000: The 7 row of search results, “Amount” column
#1. In the "Search my invoices" section, all labels must have a ( : )at the end of them
#2. In the "Search my invoices" section, in the last line "Results per page" there is a selection for 10 row positions in table 11.
#3. In line 11 the "Actions" button is missing.
#4. In the table in the first row of the first column, there is an error in the word replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"
#5. In the section "Search my invoices" in the line "Invoice date" period is specified from July to September, it is necessary to edit in the table the column "Inv. Date" to remove "January" and "October"
#6. In the column "Due Date" the data of the column "PO" should be changed.
#7. In the "PO" column the data of the "Due Date" column should be changed.
#8. In the sixth column of the first row "Amount" remove the selection button
#9. In the sixth column make sure that all amounts are rounded to cents.
#10. In the sixth column make sure that all amounts have the same signs (.) separating thousands, hundreds and cents.
#11. In the seventh column of the second row, replace "Rejcted" with "Rejcted".
#12. In the "Payment" column, in the rows where "Approved" is not "Payment"
#13. In the "Pagination" row, the number 5 is missing
#14. In the line "Pagination" between numbers 10 and 32 change the symbol (..) to (...)
#15. 32 sheets cannot hold 422 results
1.Add a colon charecter ":" to the all labels at the end.
2.User name need to be displayed on side of "Logout" button.
3."Invoice number" text field dont need to accept letters and cpecial characters only numbers.
4."From amount" and "to" text fields dont need to accept letters and cpecial characters only numbers.
5.In "Purchase order" binocular icon do not show up a explaining text box when hold pointer on it.
6.Misspeling character in 1st column title "Invoce #" replace with "Invoice#".
7.Inconsistency between date format in search and list.
8.The search result exceeds the query, it shows 11 results per page when it mention 10.
8.Misspeled character in "Status" column 1st row ("Rejcted" replace with "Rejected").
9.Decrease arrow need to be replaced witd Increase arrow in "Amount" column.
10.Values in "Due Date" column need to Be interchanged with values in "PO#" column.
11.Inconsistency between ordered date in "Search my onvoices" and actual result in list.(October exceeds the request).
12.List displayed 11 rows when you ordering 10 in "Result per page"
13.The 32 pages that are displayed cannot contain 422 invoices.
14.Page list have missing page number "5"
15.Remove colonm "Type" from the lits(Anyway you searching for Invoices).
TAULIA bug report for class of January 18, 2024 Sesion 2
#1. All the labels exept 1 (From amountdoes not have a colon character ( : )at the and.
#2. The date format is in the Label "Invoice date" and the column "Inv. Date" are diferend.
For example: first one is 6/5/2011 and other one is 29-Aug-2011
#3. Results per page are diferent from what it says in the label. it is 11 insted of 10.
#4. The word in the column "Invoice" is misspelled
#5. Column "Status" the word (rejected) in the first row is misspelled.
#6. Column "PO #" and "Due Date" are mixed-up.
#7. Filter in the Column "Amount" in incorect. sorting should be done from biger amout to a smaller.
#8. In the column "Amount" the sorting has been done incorrectly. "$22,409.37" should be after "$22,376.00"
#9. Notice: Double check column "Paymet" If it is a date's ( witch is incorect) or it is a numbers of something else.
#10. In the last row (invoice 11) missing a button "Actions" (not consisten with other rows)
#11. Link to page 5 is missing (1234 ? 6...).
#12. result of showing invoices are incorrect. there is to many results (422) compare to the pages that we have(32 pages)
32*10=320 invoices. but we have 11 invoices per page than it should be no more than 352 invoices total.
#13. In the lable of "Invoce date" ( date format is: mm/dd/yy) and in the columns of "Inv. Date" and "PO #" (date format is: dd/mm/yy).
#14. Range of searching by the "Invoice date" is from Jun-September and we have 1 result showin from 1-Oct-2011.
#15. There is no field near the "Search" button where we can input our data.
#16. pages # are not active when you navigate your mouseLast edited by Skyline; 01-22-2024, 08:00 PM.
- In the line “Hide search parameters” words “search” and “parameters” must be written with uppercase in the beginning.
- Word “manager” in the line “User Manager | Profile | Help | Logout” must be written without uppercase in the beginning.
- In the menu “From amount” button “to” must be 100 000 instead of 1 000 000.
- Invoice date are chosen from 6/5/2011 but the closest date is 6/6/2011.
- Invoice date are chosen to 9/30/2011 but here’s date 10/1/2011. Also in the column PO# here’s date 10/13/2011, 10/22/2011, 10/31/2011.
- The word in the title of the column “Invoce #” misspelled. We have to change it to “Invoice #”.
- The date in columns are not centered below the titles of columns.
- The amounts in the column (line 7 and 8) must be replaced.
- There’s no button “Actions” in the last line.
- The title PO # have to be written without short cuts (there’s enough space for doing that).
- The button “Inv. Date” probably can be written without shortcuts.
- The word “Date” on the button “Inv. Date” has to be written without uppercase.
- The word “Date” on the button “Due Date” has to be written without uppercase.
- The number of page 5 is missed.
- It’s impossible to show 422 invoices on 32 pages with 10 results on each page.
- The word “Rejcted” in the first line in the column “Status” is misspelled.
- There’s no active links on the pages 2,3,4…32.
- There’s no active links on the buttons “Invoice #”, “Type”, “Inv. Date”, “Due Date”, “PO #”, “Amount “, “Status”, “Payment “.
- The numbers in the column “Amount” have to shown in the opposite order (from biggest to smallest instead of from smallest to biggest).
- The numbers in the first and ninth line in the column “Due Date” look completely different from others.
- The second words on the buttons “”Purchase Orders “, “My Details “, “Cash Planner “, “Your Customer “ have to be written without uppercases.
- Probably would be better not to write “dot” at the end of slogan “Pay early. Pay less.” on the company’s logo.
- The titles of the buttons “PO #” and “Due Date” are mixed up.
Zoriana Banakh
TAULIA Bug report- Console errors
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) header_bg.jpg
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) nav_hover.jpg
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) content_bg.jpg
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) shadow_divider.png
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) thead_gray_bg.jpg
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) ui-bg_highlight-soft_45_f89841_1x100.png
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
- Label "customer" does not match the id of the associated element.
- Label "Invoice date" (invoiceDateLower) doesn't match id of the associated element
- Tag Label "Invoice status" (invoiceDateLower) doesn’t match id of the associated element
- Label "Invoice status" (invoiceDateUpper) doesn't match id of the associated element
- The form hasn't action attribute, and the form will be sent to the current page (address)
- The column header "Invoce # " is misspelled- needs to be replaced with "Invoice #"
- The name of the last column is missing.
- The columns names "Due Date" and "PO#" don’t correspond to the content -to need to swap them.
- Amount "$22,409.37" and amount "$22,376.00" need to swap them to confirm the ascending order.
- The showing invoices should be from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. There is one invoice from 11/1/2011.
- 3) It is showing 11 rows of invoices instead of 10.
- 4) In the 11th row is missing the form "Actions"
- Pagination - 5th page is missing
- The button isn’t needed in the last column if the invoice is paid- just my opinion.
- An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
- Attribute “charset” is not allowed on element “style” at this point.
- Legacy encoding “windows-1252” used. Documents should use UTF-8.
- The “align” attribute on the “div” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
- Bad value “true” for attribute “readonly” on element “input”.
- Element “div” is not allowed as a child of element “a” .
- The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
- Element “style” is not allowed as a child of element “tr”.
- Found a couple of unclosed tags (eg img, meta) Actual: <img ...> Expected: <img ... />
- Tag "a" doesn’t have attribute "href"
- Button "User Manager"
- Button "Profile"
- Button "Help"
- Button "Logout"
- Button "Home"
- Button "Invoices"
- Button "Purchase Orders"
- Icon "Binocular"
- Button "Payments"
- Button My Details"
- Button "Cash Planner"
- Button "Your Customer "
- Button "Hide search parameters"
- Button "Download List"
- Button "Refresh"
- Button "Invoice #"
- Button "Type"
- Button "Inv.Date"
- Button "Due Date"
- Button "PO#"
- Button "Amount"
- Button "Status"
- Button "Payment"
- All buttons "Actions"
Last edited by Zoriana Banakh; 01-21-2024, 04:22 PM.
- Console errors
Mark Dykovchenko
Bug reports for Taulia. 01/18/2024
#1. The “Actions” button is missing in the line with the invoice #1122338095
#2. The number 5 is missing when going to pages with invoices 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
#3. Swap the “Due Date” and “PO #” columns
#4. The request was placed on 10 search results on the page, but 11 were displayed
#5. The total amount of 422 invoices is shown, and 32 pages of 10 are 320 maximum
#6. The dates for selecting invoices are indicated from June 5 to September 30, the 7th row is extra, the date October 1, 2011 is indicated there
#7. In the status column, the letter “e” in the word Rejcted is missing
#8. In the “Amount” column 7, the line should be lower than 8, so the amount in the 8th line is less than in the 7th
#9. In the column “Inv. Date" and "Due Date" date order is incorrect, need to be changed to month/date/year
#10. In the “Payment” column there is no colon indicated in the time after the year
#11. The last column “Actions” is not labeled at the top what it refers to
#12. In the “Payment” column the time is 14:88, error
#13. The letter “i” is missing in the “Invoce #” column
#14. In “Search my invoices” in the “From amount:” line, remove the colon
#15. In the “Amount” column the distribution from smallest to largest is incorrectly indicated, but it should be the other way around from larger
#16. In the “Payment” column in the “Approved” status, the time of payment is not indicated, although this is a completed transaction
Dmytro Prime
Graphic User Interface BUGs
#1. In the section "Search my invoices" all labels end up without a colon character. Except "From amount:"
#2. In the table The label "Invoce #" with mistake. to need replace with "Invoice #"
#3. In the table The label "Due Date" not looks like Date
#4. In the table The label "PO #" looks like Date. Its OK?
#5. In the section table there is an image "floppy disc"
near label "Download list" . image "floppy disc" means "save" or "save as"
not means "Download list"
#6. In the table the arrow near label "Amount" indicates sorting
from largest to smallest. Real sorting from smallest to largest.
Except Invoice # 1122339546
#7.In the table Row with labels in the table is not
aligned with respect to the columns
#8. According to the search parameters In the section "Search my invoices"
The date of Invoice # 1122339546 does not match the search query.
#9. Login name is absent on the page
#10. The word "Rejcted" with mistake. to need replace with "Rejected"
#11. Date format In the section "Search my invoices" different with
showing date format in the table.
#12. The button" Actions" is missing for invoice #1122338095
#13. The page #5 is missing on the page list. down side of table.
#14. 32 pages not enough for showing 422 invoices, as one page displays 11 invoices
- The colons after labels are missing.
- The names of columns it the table are shifted.
- “Showing 422 invoices” doesn’t fit 32 links at paging.
- When point mouse at the “Action” button there is symbol for typing instead of arrow.
- “1-Oct-2011” doesn’t have to be shown as a result in “Invoice date” column. “Invoice date” must be only to 9/30/2011.
- When point at “Status” column 4th row “Approved” is shown instead of “Paid”.
- Name of column “Invoce #” doesn’t match the name “Invoice number” in “Search my invoices”.
- The name of “Invoce #” is mispelled.
- Column name “Due Date” and column name “PO #” must be switched.
- “Inv. data” colomn is in different data type than in “Search my invoices”
- The column “Type” in the table is needless/redundant.
- First row in column ‘Status’ is misspelled.
- “Download list” has wrong icon.
- When point at the main picture and name of the wed-site on the top the cursor can’t be activated.
- Period character in “From amount:” field is missing.
- There is no menu that indicated that you are signed in into your account.
- The name for columns “Action” is missing.
- The is no “Payment” field in the “Search my invoices”, but it exists in the table.
- The special character “$” is missing in “From amount:” field.
1. Pagination: missing page 5.
2. Swap column titles "PO #" and "Due Date".
3. Misspelling in first column "Invoice #".
4. "Action" button is missing on last raw.
5. Inconsistency between the expected and actual number of search results per page (10 vs 11).
6. Different date format in search parameters and result page.
7. The binoculars icon does not serve any functional purpose and is also misaligned with the text. The search function is performed by the "Search" button.
8. "Status" column, line 4: when hovering over the word "Paid", an incorrect status is indicated.
9. "Actions" column title is missing.
10. The columns in the result page are not aligned at the center with the column names.
11. "From Amount" line In searching parameters: name of line should be replaced to "Amount".
12. Preview of the total invoice counter in the title of the result page: There is an inconsistency between the actual total counter result of invoices (422) and the actual total pages of the result (32). Additionally, the total counter could be replaced with information like "Shown 1-10 out of 422," etc.
13. Column "Type" in result page could be deleted, cause user already on invoices page and he searching particularly for invoices.
14. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (Ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title.
15. Misspelled word in first row "Status" column.
#1. "Showing 422 invoices" section, first column: misspelled heading "Invoce #".
#2. "Showing 422 invoices" section, seven column, first row: misspelled word "Rejcted".
#3. "Search my invoices" section, "Invoice date" row has US date format mm/dd/yy, and "Showing 422 invoices" section, third column "Inv. Date" has Europe date format dd-month-yy.
#4. Various spellings between "Invoice date" label in "Search my invoices" section, and third column heading "Inv. Date" in "Showing 422 invoices" section.
#5. Various spellings between "Invoice number" label in "Search my invoices" section, and first column heading "Invoce #" in "Showing 422 invoices" section.
#6. "Search my invoices" section, label "From amount:": swap words to "Amount from:".
#7. "Search my invoices" section: labels ##1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 have no colons.
#8. Mismatch between "Showing 422 invoices" section, and search result. It shows 32 pages X 10 results = 320 results.
#9. "Showing 422 invoices" section, pagination has missing page 5 link.
#10. "Showing 422 invoices" section, pagination has to match space between 1 and 2 page links.