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SU5 Energy-Telecom bug reports

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  • #16
    1. "First Name" field accept 30 characters instead 31 as requirements
    2. "Street Address" field accept just 100 characters instead 255 characters
    3. "State" list box has option "Other". Remove "Other"
    4. "ZIP" field accept letters
    5. "ZIP" field accept more than 5 digits (copy/paste)
    6. "Email" field accept more than 255 characters
    7. "State" list box States is not in alphabetical order
    8. "State" list box "Hawaii" state is missing
    9. The buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have different size


    • #17

      Section “Contact Information”
      #1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
      #2. “Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
      #3. The "Name" and the "Last name" fields allowed numbers and special characters
      #4. “Street address” text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255
      #5. "Tab" not working correctly : after the “First Name” cursor goes over to “Referred by” instead of “Last Name”
      #6. “ZIP” text field accepts input and pasting of letters and special symbols instead of digits.
      #7. “ZIP” text field accepts pasting of more than 5 symbols.
      #8. "Email" field has the blue asterisk.
      #9. "State” list has “Other” option from the list
      #10. “State” list should 50 states instead of 49
      #11. "State" is not in alphabetical order
      #12. "State" list box: Replace "IND" with "IN"
      #13. “State” listbox “NV” state missed.
      #14. “State” listbox “HI” state missed.
      #15. “State” listbox remove “BC”.
      #16. “State” listbox, replace “IN” instead “IND”.
      #17. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Current Provider" listbox is missing the "Other"
      #18. "7. Gas and Electric Services" misspelling "opento" instead of "open to"
      #19. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons: inconsistent look


      • #18
        1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
        2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
        3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255.
        4. "State" listbox: "BC" should be removed.
        5. "State" listbox: "Other" should be removed.
        6. "State" listbox: "IND" should be replaced by "IN".
        7. "State" listbox: "HI" should be added.
        8. "State" listbox: "NV" should be added.
        9. "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 pasted characters.
        10. "ZIP" field accepts non-digits (typed letters and pasted special characters).
        10.* Error message: "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" - means that functional is correct. It is not a bug?
        11. "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead of 255.
        12. "Email" field is not implemented as required field.
        13. "Phone" field accepts pasted letters and special characters.
        13.* Error message: "Please enter a valid Phone Number" - means that functional is correct. It is not a bug?
        14. Field "Phone": no auto switching of fields within typing by keypad.
        15. Suggestion for "Phone" field: Implement auto switching of fields (3->2->1) within characters deletion by BACKSPACE button on keyboard.
        16. Remove "required field" status for "Referred by" field.
        17. No default input focus.
        Last edited by Evgenii Makarov; 11-13-2023, 02:13 AM.


        • #19
          1. The asterisk of the "Email" field is not highlighted in red in the "Contact Information" section after pushing the "Submit" button with empty "Email" field.
          2. The error message "* Please enter your Email" is not shown after pushing the "Submit" button with empty "Email" field.
          3. The "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements in the "Contact Information" section after typing the data in it.
          4. The "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements in the "Contact Information" section after pasting the data in it.
          5. The "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements in the "Contact Information" section after typing the data in it.
          6. The "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements in the "Contact Information" section after pasting the data in it..
          7. The "Street Address" field accepts less then 255 characters as per requirements in the "Contact Information" section after typing the data in it.
          8. The "Street Address" field accepts less then 255 characters as per requirements in the "Contact Information" section after pasting the data in it.
          9. The abbreviation of Hawaii "HI" is missed in the "State" drop down list in the "Contact Information" section.
          10. The abbreviation of Nevada "NV" is missed in the "State" drop-down list in the "Contact Information" section.
          11. Suggestion: To provide the data in the "State" drop down list in alphabet order in the "Contact Information" section.
          12. The "Other" is not applicable in the "State" drop down list in the "Contact Information" section.
          13. The "ZIP" field accepts letters in the "Contact Information" section after typing the letters in it.
          14. The "ZIP" field accepts letters in the "Contact Information" section after pasting the letters in it.
          15. The "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 characters in the "Contact Information" section after pasting the characters in it.
          16. The default field is not shown on the page.
          17. The "Email" field accepts Cyrilic characters in the "Contact Information" section after typing the data in it.
          18. The "Email" field accepts Cyrilic characters in the "Contact Information" section after pasting the data in it.
          19. The "Email" field accepts email address without special character "@" in the "Contact Information" section after pushing the "Submit" button.
          20. The "Email" field accepts email address without domain in the "Contact Information" section after pushing the "Submit" button.
          21. The error message "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" is shown after pushing the "Submit" button with empty "Referred by" field that doesn't match the requirements.
          22. The cursor is not moved to the next field in the "Phone" field in the "Contact Information" section after typing the digits using numeric keypad.
          23. The cursor is moved to the "Referred by" field from "First Name" field in the "Contact Information" section after using "Tab" keyboard key.
          24. Inconsistency in the "Submit" and "Clear" buttons format.
          25. The misleading error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" is shown after pushing the "Clear" button.
          26. The "ZIP" field accepts non-existent postal code in the "Contact Information" section.
          27. There is no "Other" option in the "Current Provider" drop down list in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          28. Suggestion: It is better to use radio buttons instead of check boxes "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" in the the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          29. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters in the "Cell Phone Service" section after typing the letters in it.
          30. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters in the "Cell Phone Service" section after pasting the letters in it.
          31. Suggestion: The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for monthly payment in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          32. Suggestion: To provide information in ranges rather than specific values in the "Minutes on plan" drop down list in the in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          33. The values from "11" to "24" are missed in the "Months left on current contract" drop down list in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          34. Suggestion: Too many options to choose are shown in the "Number of phones on plan" drop down list in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          35. The "Primary Phone Number" fields accept letters in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section after pasting the letters in it.
          36. The "Phone" fields accept letters in the "Contact Information" section after pasting the letters in it.
          37. The cursor is not moved to the next field in the "Primary Phone Number" field in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section after typing the digits using numeric keypad.
          38. Suggestion: The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for monthly payment in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section.
          39. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field does not accept special character "." in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          40. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section after pasting the letters in it.
          41. The "Total Bill" field accepts letters in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section after pasting the letters in it.
          42. Suggestion: The "Total Bill" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for the payment in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section.
          43. Suggestion: Provide "Current Provider" drop down list with the "None" option in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section.
          44. Suggestion: Provide "Current Provider" drop down list with the "None" option in the "High Speed Internet Service" section.
          45. Suggestion: The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for monthly payment in the "High Speed Internet Service" section.
          46. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters in the "High Speed Internet Service" section after pasting the letters in it.
          47. Suggestion: The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for monthly payment in the "TV Service" section.
          48. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters in the "TV Service" section after pasting the letters in it.
          49. Suggestion: Provide "Current Provider" drop down list with the "None" option in the "TV Service" section.
          50. Suggestion: Provide "Current Provider" drop down list with the "None" option in the "Home Security Service" section.
          51. The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters in the "Home Security Service" section after pasting the letters in it.
          52. Suggestion: The "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for monthly payment in the "Gas and Electric Services" section.
          53. Suggestion: The "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for monthly payment in the "Home Security Service" section.
          54. Suggestion: The "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field accepts 11 characters, can be too much for monthly payment in the "Gas and Electric Services" section.
          55. The "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field accepts letters in the "Gas and Electric Services" section after pasting the letters in it.
          56. The "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field accepts letters in the "Gas and Electric Services" section after pasting the letters in it.
          57. Replace "Opento" with "Open to" in the "Gas and Electric Services" section.
          58. Suggestion: To provide the data in the "Current Provider" drop down list in the alphabet order in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
          59. Suggestion: To provide the data in the "Current Provider" drop down list in the alphabet order in the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section.
          60. Suggestion: To provide the data in the "Current Provider" drop down list in the alphabet order in the "TV Service" section.
          61. Suggestion: To provide the data in the "Current Provider" drop down list in the alphabet order in the "Home Security Service" section.
          62. Suggestion: To provide the data in the "Current Provider" drop down list in the alphabet order in the "Gas and Electric Services" section.
          Last edited by Olesia_Vulf; 02-04-2024, 07:34 PM.


          • #20
            Energy-Telecom bug report
            #1. “Email” field accept empty field instead the system complaining with error massage “Please enter your Email”
            #2.”Cell Phone Service” section. “Months left on current contract” dropdown lists add number “11” and “12” of numbers of months.
            #3. “Contact Information” section – in “ZIP” field use calculation for auto filling in “State” and “City” field instead ask for input this information.


            • #21
              its just test


              • #22
                #1. "Referred by" field behaves as a required field even thou it has no asterisk
                #2. "Email" field behaves as a not required field even thou it has an asterisk
                #2'. User is able to submit the form with required "Email" text field empty
                #2''. Error message is not shown when a user submits the form with "Email" field empty
                #3. "State" listbox should not have "BC" item as it is Canadian province
                #3'. "State" listbox has a wrong "BC" item as it is a Canadian province
                #4. "State" listbox should not have "Other" item
                #5. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters
                #6. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters
                #7. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters
                #8. "State" field: replace "IND" with "IN"
                #8'. "State" field: "IND" should be replaced with "IN"
                #9. "State" field doesn't have "DC" item for District of Columbia
                #10. "State" field doesn't have "HI" item for Hawaii state
                #11. "State" field doesn't have "NV" item for Nevada state
                #12. "ZIP" field accepts non digit characters
                #13. "ZIP" field allows user to paste more than 5 characters
                #14. "Email" field accepts non-valid email address (without @ character)
                #15. "Phone" field allows user to paste non-digit characters
                #16. "Cell Phone Service" section: Add "Other" item to "Current Provider" listbox
                #17. Suggestion: Replace "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" checkboxes with radio buttons
                #18. "Cell Phone Service" section: Limit "My monthly bill is approximately" field with 5 characters
                #19. "Cell Phone Service" section: Replace "My monthly bill is approximately" field with listbox with monthly bill ranges
                #20. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: Add default "None" radiobutton to "Bundled with" field
                #21. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: Replace "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" radiobuttons with one checkbox
                #22. "Comments" text field allows user to paste text with any lenght
                #23. Inconsistency: "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different height and font size
                #24. Suggestion: "First Name" text field should have autofocus
                #25. Suggestion: Make "Submit" button as a default button


                • #23

                  #1. “Contact Information” section - TAB order violation. From “First Name” the input focus moves to “Referred by” instead of “Last Name”

                  #2. “First Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per the requirement

                  #3. “Last Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per the requirement

                  #4. “Street Address” field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per the requirements

                  #5. Remove “BC” from the “State” list box - it is not a US state

                  #6. Remove “Other” from the “State” list box since the list is complete

                  #7. “State” list box: “NV” State of Nevada is missing

                  #8. “State” list box: “HI” State of Hawaii is missing

                  #9. “State” list box: replace “IND” with “IN”

                  #10. “ZIP” field accepts Letters

                  #11. “ZIP” field accepts to Paste more than 5 characters

                  #12. “ZIP” field accepts to Paste Sp. Char.

                  #13. “ZIP” field accepts Non-existent ZIP 00000

                  #14. “ZIP” field: weird double-click behavior. Not allowed to edit text

                  #15. “Contact Information” misleading: allowed to accept NOT matched “State” and “ZIP”

                  #16. “Email” field: it has an asterisk, but it is not a required field as it must be

                  #17. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255 as per the requirement

                  #18. “Email” field does not accept sp. char. Underscore “_”

                  #19. “Phone” all 3 fields accept to paste letters

                  #20. “Phone” all 3 fields accept to paste sp. char.

                  #21. “Referred by” field has no asterisk, not mentioned as a required field in the requirements. But it is processed as a required field

                  #21.1 “Referred by” field remove from the required field “Please enter the name of the person you were referred by” as per requirements

                  #22. “1. Cell Phone Service” section - “Current Provider” list box: add “AT&T”

                  #22.1 “1. Cell Phone Service” section - “Current Provider” list box: add “OTHER” option

                  #22.2 “1. Cell Phone Service” section - “Current Provider” list box: ascending order is broken

                  #23. “Current Provider” list box in all sections is NOT adjusted by the states as it should be per requirements (•State specific adjustment should be made.).

                  #24. “1. Cell Phone Service” - “My monthly bill is approximately”field: accepts letters

                  #25. “1. Cell Phone Service” - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accepts to paste sp. char.

                  #26. “1. Cell Phone Service” - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: should NOT accepts more than 4 characters ($:9999)

                  #27. “Months left on current contract” list box: remove “Prepaid”

                  #28. “Months left on current contract” list box: add months from “11” to “23”

                  #29. “Number of phones on plan” list box: leave the list from “1” to “5”

                  #30. “Number of phones on plan” list box: add “Other” option

                  #31. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “Primary Phone Number” fields: accept to paste letters

                  #32. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “Primary Phone Number” fields: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #33. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste letters

                  #34. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #35. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: should accept no more than 4 characters

                  #36. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “Total Bill” field: accept to paste letters

                  #37. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “Total Bill” field: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #38. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “Total Bill” field: should accept no more than 4 characters

                  #39. “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” section - “Current Provider” list box: ascending order is broken

                  #40. “3. High Speed Internet Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste letters

                  #41. “3. High Speed Internet Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #42. “3. High Speed Internet Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: should accept no more than 4 characters

                  #43. “4. TV Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste letters

                  #44. “4. TV Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #45. “4. TV Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: should accept no more than 4 characters

                  #46. “5. Home Security Service” section - “Current Provider” list box: ascending order is broken

                  #47. “5. Home Security Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste letters

                  #48. “5. Home Security Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #49. “5. Home Security Service” section - “My monthly bill is approximately” field: should accept no more than 4 characters

                  #50. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section - “Current Provider” list box: ascending order is broken

                  #51. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section - “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” field: accept to paste letters

                  #52. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section - “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” field: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #53. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section - “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” field: should accept no more than 4 characters

                  #54. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section - “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” field: accept to paste letters

                  #55. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section - “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” field: accept to paste sp. characters

                  #56. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section - “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” field: should accept no more than 4 characters

                  #57. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section: change “opento” with “open to”

                  #58. Inconsistency: buttons “Submit” and “Clear” have different sizes and fonts

                  #59. Misleading/confusing: error message pops up upon pushing the “Clear” button

                  #60. No default button


                  • #24
                    #1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                    #2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                    #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                    #4. Remove "BC" from the "State" list box - it is not a US state
                    #5. Remove "Other" from the "State" list box since the list is complete
                    #6. "State" list box: State of Nevada is missing
                    #7. "State" list box: State of Hawaii is missing
                    #8. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                    #9. "Contact Information" section - TAB order violation. From "First name" the input focus moves to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
                    #10. Sales lead email: the "email" info is missing
                    #11. Sales lead email: the "Referred by" info is not present on the email
                    #12. "Referred by" field inconsistency: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required field
                    #13. Misleading/confusing error message pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
                    #14. "State" list box: Has state name “Other”
                    #15. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box is missing "T Mobile"
                    #16. "State" list box: State of Indiada is misspelled "Ind" should be “In”
                    #17. "State" list box: State of “BC” is wrong
                    #18. Application is submitted with an invalid Email format (without an "@" symbol and a domain name).
                    #19. Gas and Electric Services" section is misspelled "I am opento using different provider" line replace "opento" to "open to"
                    #1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                    #2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                    #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                    #4. Remove "BC" from the "State" list box - it is not a US state
                    #5. Remove "Other" from the "State" list box since the list is complete
                    #6. "State" list box: State of Nevada is missing
                    #7. "State" list box: State of Hawaii is missing
                    #8. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                    #9. "Contact Information" section - TAB order violation. From "First name" the input focus moves to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
                    #10. Sales lead email: the "email" info is missing
                    #11. Sales lead email: the "Referred by" info is not present on the email
                    #12. "Referred by" field inconsistency: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required field
                    #13. Misleading/confusing error message pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
                    #14. "State" list box: Has state name “Other”
                    #15. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box is missing "T Mobile"
                    #16. "State" list box: State of Indiada is misspelled "Ind" should be “In”
                    #17. "State" list box: State of “BC” is wrong
                    #18. Application is submitted with an invalid Email format (without an "@" symbol and a domain name).
                    #19. Gas and Electric Services" section is misspelled "I am opento using different provider" line replace "opento" to "open to"


                    • #25
                      #1 "Please enter Email" error message doesn't appear if "Email" field in "Contact information" section has no input and form submitted.
                      #2 Text field “Referred by:” field in "Contact information" section acts like required field and causing error message if no input provided and form submitted.
                      #3 Needs to be removed “BC” abbreviation from “State” list box in "Contact information" section.
                      #4 Missed “HI” abbreviation in “State” list box in "Contact information" section.
                      #5 Incorrect abbreviation for Indiana in “State” list box in "Contact information" section. “IND” should be changed to “IN”
                      #6 Missed “NV” abbreviation for Nevada in “State” list box in "Contact information" section.
                      #7 Unnecessary value "Other" in “State” list box in "Contact information" section needs to be removed.
                      #8 “Current provider” list box values in “Cell Phone Service” section should be in alphabetical order.
                      #9 “Other” value should be added in “Current provider” list box in “Cell Phone Service” section
                      #10 Overloaded list box is confusing and the values doesn't match with common cell phone service plans on the market
                      #11 Inconsistent gradation of values in “Minutes on plan:” list box in “Cell Phone Service” section
                      #12 “11” and “12” values should be added to “Months left on current contract:” list in “Cell Phone Service” section.
                      #13 “Number of phones on plan:” list in “Cell Phone Service” section should be shrunk to 5 values
                      #14 Broken alphabetical order in the list box “Current Provider:” in section “Local/Long Distances/International Service”. “Verizon” should go after “Sprint”.
                      #15 Values in the list box “Current Provider:” in the section “TV Service” should be placed in alphabetical order.
                      #16 Values in the list box “Current Provider:” in the section “Home Security Service” should be placed in alphabetical order.
                      #17 Values in the list box “Current Provider:” in the section “Gas and Electric Services” should be placed in alphabetical order.
                      #18 In the section “Cell Phone Service” check boxes should be replaced with radio buttons according to content of providing information which is mutually exclusive
                      #19 Typo next to the check box in section “Gas and Electric Services”. Replace “opento” with “open to”.
                      #20 “Submit” and “Clear” buttons in the bottom of the form are disaligned to each other and contain different font size
                      #21 Text field “First Name” in section “Contact Information” accepts only 30 characters instead 31 as required.
                      #22 Text field “Last Name” in section “Contact Information” accepts only 30 characters instead 31 as required.
                      #23 Text field “Street Address” in section “Contact Information” accepts only 100 characters instead 255 as required.
                      #24 “ZIP” text field in section “Contact Information” allows pasting more than 5 characters.
                      #25 “ZIP” text field in section “Contact Information” accepts letters.
                      #26 Text field “Email” in section “Contact Information” accepts more characters than required limit of 255.
                      #27 “Phone” text fields in section “Contact Information” allows pasting letters and special characters.

