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SU5 Energy-Telecom bug reports

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  • SU5 Energy-Telecom bug reports

    Please, post SU5 Energy-Telecom bug reports in that topic

  • #2
    #1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
    #2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
    #3. "Street Address:" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 per requirement
    #4. "State:" list box: remove "BC" since it is a Canadian state
    #5. Remove "Other" from the "State" list box since the list is complete
    #6. "State" list box: State of Nevada is missing
    #7. "State" list box: State of Hawaii is missing
    #8. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
    #9. "Contact Information" section - TAB order violation. From "First name" the input focus moves to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
    #10. Sales lead email: the "email" info is missing
    #11. Sales lead email: the "Referred by" info is not present on the email
    #12. "Referred by" field inconsistency: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required field
    #13. Misleading/confusing error message pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
    #14. ZIP code field accepts non-digits
    #15. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box is missing "AT&T"
    #16. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box "Other" option is needed
    #17. Cell Phone Service: "Months left on current contract:" should offer choices from 0 to 24 month, not 10 month
    #18. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept digits only
    #19. High Speed Internet Service: "Provider:" list box not working
    #20. Local/Long Distances/International Service: "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" field has a mistake, "?" was meant to be placed instead of ":"
    #21. "Gas and Electric Services": replace "opento" with "open to"
    #22. Inconsistency between GUI implementation in between "Submit" and "Clear" buttons
    Last edited by Mariyam; 11-01-2023, 10:39 PM.


    • #3
      All page:

      1. No <h2> header tag in DOM (h1 and h2 only)
      2. Remove empty <p> tag beetween all sections
      3. Remove all "spaces" before every text field (use CTR-A to highlight it) (выравнивание сделано при помощи пробелов перед инпутами)
      4. The "Clear" and "Submit" buttons are different sizes
      5. Distance between section "7. Gas and Electric Services" and "6. Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" smaller between another sections
      6. Add a left-padding before the text in the titles of each section
      7. Checkboxes/radio buttons should be set in default values
      7a. "My monthly bill is approximately:" fields in all sections accepts past non-digits
      7b. No mobile version (no responsive design)

      Section Contact Information :

      8. "First Name", "Last Name", "Street Address", "City" , "ZIP", "Phone" fields has RED asterisk, "State" and "Email" has BLUE asterisk if submit empty form
      9. "Referred by" field must be marked with as a"required field" with asterisk.
      10. When submitting a form with an invalid value, focus should be set to the first invalid field
      11. After submitting form, fields with non acceptable value should be highlighted
      12. Text fields should have placeholders
      13. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters, but requarement is 31 character as a maximum
      14. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters, but requarement is 31 character as a maximum
      15. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters, but requarement is 255 character as a maximum
      16. Add in "State" list 2 US states variants (NI, HI)
      17. "State" list should be in alphabetical order
      18. Remove "BC" and "Other" variants from "State" list (if it for US customers)
      19. "ZIP" field allows non-digits
      20. "ZIP" field allows past more then 5 digits
      21. "Email" field allows more then one "@" speciial character
      22. "Email" field allows values without "domain name" ending (.com, .net etc)
      23. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
      24. "Phone" field allows past non-digits characters
      25. Different distance to the left and right of the symbol "-", between first, second and third "Phone" fields (слева от знака "тире" один пробел, справа два)
      26. No requarements for "Referred by" field

      Section #2:

      27. if "Bundled with" radio buttons set value, same "Current Provider" name should be set in #3 and #4 sections (если выбрать провайдера и установить переключатель tv или Internet или оба -> в остальных секция соответственно должно устанавливаться тоже самое имя провайдера или это поле должно быть disable ведь провайдер тот же)
      28. Different distance to the left and right of the symbol "-", between first, second and third "Primary Phone Number" fields (слева от знака "тире" один пробел, справа два)
      29. "Total Bill" field allows past non-digits characters

      Section #3:

      30. Move "Provider" label to the next line (now it looks like a part of text "Wireless Aircard Provider")

      Section #6:

      31. Left and top padding for text content in section less than another sections


      • #4
        Please see attached document, I couldn't to upload text in here
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Kat-23; 10-31-2023, 10:13 PM.


        • #5
          Contact information field:

          1. First name must accept 31 characters, but it accepts only 30.
          2. Last name must accept 31 characters, but it accepts only 30.
          3.Street address text field, accepts all characters and more than 255, but it accepts only 100 characters.
          4. City text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50, but it accepts more than 50 characters.
          5. There are less than 50 states in State listbox.
          6. Zip code and phone number should not accept letters.
          7. Copy and Paste should be disabled for Zip code.
          8. Zip code should not accept more than 5 digit numbers.
          9. Email address must contain at least one and no more than 1 @ symbol.
          10. Phone number must conatain of 10 digit numbers
          11. Email address must be filled out, because it's accepting form withoud email address.

          Cell Phone Service:

          1. Only one checkbox should be checked in Current Provider section.
          2. All the bills textboxes must not accept letters when you copy and paste.

          Local/Long Distances/International Service:

          1. Primary Phone Number textbox must not accept letters when copy/paste.
          2. All "Service" words should be changed to "Services", because there are more than one providers.
          Last edited by Azik; 11-01-2023, 12:18 PM.


          • #6
            There are some problems with writing the text here. Bug report attached.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              1 "Contact Information" section "First name" data field accept 30 characters instead of 31
              2 "Contact Information" section "Last name" data field accept 30 characters instead of 31
              3 "Contact Information" section "Street Address" data field accept 100 characters instead of 250
              4 "Contact Information" section "State" list box offers 48 states instead of 50
              5 "Zip" text field is accepting non-digits as well as digits
              6 "Email" text field accept more than 250 characters
              7 "Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" line accept non-digits
              8 After pushing "submit" button error message suggest to Gil "Referred by" but there is no asterisk on "Referred by"
              9 "Clear" button is giving an error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
              10 GUI Inconsistency between "Submit" and "Clear" Buttons
              11 "Email" text field is marked as required field
              12 "Contact Information" Tab order is broken after name it goes to "Referred by" instead of Last name
              13 "ZIP" field accept input (by paste) of over 5 characters
              14 "ZIP" field accept input of special characters (by pasting them)
              15 "State" list box: remove others from the list box
              16 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Current Provider"list box add others to the list box
              17 "Home Security Service" section "Current Provider:" remove "select one" from the listbox
              18 "High Speed Internet Service" tab cannot select "Wireless Aircard"
              19 High Speed Internet Service" using tab cannot go to "Provider: " textfield
              20 "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section using tab cannot select "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone"
              21 "Gas and Electric Services" section using tab cannot select "I am opento using different provider"
              22 "Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract:"label checklist should offer choices up to 24 months, not 10
              23 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "International calls included?" has "?" symbol instead of column
              24 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Long distance included?" has "?" symbol instead of column
              25 "Gas and Electric Services" section "I am opento using different provider"line replace "opento" to "open to"
              26 "Comments" section window should not be changeable with size it is inconsistent with rest of the sites GUI
              27 "High Speed Internet Service" section "Wireless Aircard" is a checkbox which is inconsistent with others radiobuttons
              28 "High Speed Internet Service" section "Provider:" should have listbox instead of textfield
              29 "TV Service" section "I currently have:" line has checkboxes which is inconsistent with others radiobuttons
              30 Page has no default button
              31 "Local/Long Distances/International Service " section "My monthly bill is approximately:" texfield should be replaced with listbox
              32 "Local/Long Distances/International Service " section "Total Bill:" texfield should be replaced with listbox
              33 "TV Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" texfield should be replaced with listbox
              34 "High Speed Internet Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" texfield should be replaced with listbox
              35 "Home Security Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" texfield should be replaced with listbox
              36 "Gas and Electric Services" section "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" texfield should be replaced with listbox
              37 "Gas and Electric Services" section "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):"texfield should be replaced with listbox
              38 "Contact Information" section "State" listbox remove BC option
              39 "Clear" button does not clear the form
              40 "Contact Information" section "State" list box : IND should be replaced whith IN
              41 "Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is appoximately " limit input of digits
              42 "Cell Phone Service" section "Number of Phones on the plan" listbox should be limited
              Last edited by Evgeniya Basharan; 11-01-2023, 08:38 AM.


              • #8
                #1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                #2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                #3. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                #4. Remove "BC" from the "State" list box - it is not a US state
                #5. Remove "Other" from the "State" list box since the list is complete
                #6. "State" list box: State of Nevada is missing
                #7. "State" list box: State of Hawaii is missing
                #8. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                #9. "Contact Information" section - TAB order violation. From "First name" the input focus moves to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
                #10. Sales lead email: the "email" info is missing
                #11. Sales lead email: the "Referred by" info is not present on the email
                #12. "Referred by" field inconsistency: it has no asterisk, but it is processed as a required field
                #13. "ZIP" field accepts no more than 900 characters when paste instead of 5 as per requirement
                #14. "ZIP" field accepts all types of characters when paste instead of digits only as per requirement
                #15. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" section - TAB order violation. From "Internet" the input focus moves to "Total Bill:" instead of "TV"
                #16. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" section - TAB order violation. From "International calls included? YES" the input focus moves to "Long distance included? YES" instead of "International calls included? NO"
                #17. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" section - TAB order violation. From "Long distance included? YES" the input focus moves to "I am interested in Unlimited Calling: YES" instead of "Long distance included? NO"
                #18. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" section - TAB order violation. From "I am interested in Unlimited Calling: YES" the input focus moves to Next section "3. High Speed Internet Service" instead of "I am interested in Unlimited Calling: NO"
                #19. "3. High Speed Internet Service" section - TAB order violation. From "Type of service: Cable" the input focus moves to "Wireless Aircard" instead of "Dial-up"
                #20. "3. High Speed Internet Service" section - TAB order violation. From "Wireless Aircard" the input focus moves to "Bundled with: TV" instead of "Provider"
                #21. "3. High Speed Internet Service" section change check box "Wireless Aircraft" to radio-button
                #22. "3. High Speed Internet Service" section - TAB order violation. From "Bundled with: TV" the input focus moves to next section "4. TV Service" instead of "Phone"
                #23. "4. TV Service" section - TAB order violation. From "Bundled with: Internet" the input focus moves to "Number of receivers:" instead of "Phone"
                #24. Misleading/confusing error message pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
                #25. The "Submit" and "Clear" buttons should be same sizes
                #26. The font on the "Submit" and "Clear" buttons is different size
                Last edited by Bagdat.Iltuzirov; 11-01-2023, 05:52 PM.


                • #9
                  #1. "First Name" field accepts no more then 30 characters instead of 31.
                  #2. "Last Name" field accepts no more then 30 characters instead of 31.
                  #3. "Referred by" field is considered as required field by the app, while it shouldn't.
                  #4. "Street Address" accepts no more then 100 characters instead of 255.
                  #5. "State" field offering the list of 49 states and "other" option instead of just all 50 states.
                  #6. "State" drop down menu contains "BC" state, which is in Canada.
                  #7. Replace "IND" state in the "State" drop down menu with an "IN".
                  #8. "ZIP" field allows typing of letters.
                  #9. "ZIP" field accepts invalid ZIP code (00000).
                  #10. Application is submitted with an empty "Email" field despite it being a required field.
                  #11. "Email" field accepts more then 255 characters.
                  #12. Application is submitted with an invalid Email format (without an "@" symbol and a domain name).
                  #13. "Phone" field accepts pasting of letters and special characters.
                  #14. "Comments" field allows to copy and past of infinite number of characters.
                  #15. Wrong "Tab" order: upon pressing "Tab" button when navigated to "First Name" field the next field that gets navigated is "Referred by", instead of "Last Name". After that the right order resumes starting from "Last Name" thought.
                  #16. In case of pushing "Clear" button a pop-up message appears with "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" text in it instead of clearing the form.


                  • #10
                    1. “Contact Information” section: “First Name” entry field can contain no more that 30 characters (req is no more than 31)
                    2. “Contact Information” section: “Last Name” entry field can contain no more that 30 characters (req is no more than 31)
                    3. Tab order: from text field “First Name” it moves to “Referred by” field instead of “Last Name”
                    4. “Contact Information” section: inconsistency: “Phone” automaticly changes input focus field, while typing, but do not automaticly changes input focus field, while deleting
                    5. “Contact Information” section: “ZIP” allows to paste special characters
                    6. “Contact Information” section: “ZIP” allows to enter letters
                    7. “Contact Information” section: “ZIP” allows to paste 6 digits
                    8. “Contact Information” section: “ZIP” allows to paste letters
                    9. “Contact Information” section: “State” dropdown list contains “IND” for Indiana instead of “IN”
                    10. “Contact Information” section: “State” remove BC (it’s Canada state)
                    11. “Contact Information” section: “State” add Hawaii (HI)
                    12. “Contact Information” section: “State” add Nevada (NV)
                    13. “Contact Information” section: “State” dropdown list remove “other”
                    14. “Contact Information” section: “Referred by” field: either give asterisk to the field OR it should not behave as a required field (inconsistency)
                    15. “Contact Information” section: “Phone” field visual inconsistency - entry fields have different space between each other
                    16. “Contact Information” section: “Email” can contain more that 255 characters (req is no more than 255)
                    17. Dropdown lists all over the page contains different size of font
                    18. No default submit button
                    19. No deafult input focus field
                    20. “Contact Information” section: “Email” do not marked as a required field in a “required fields banner” (should be required according to the reqs)
                    21. Clear button leads to the cofusing and misleading error warning
                    22. Contact Information” section: “Street Address:” fields accept no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                    23. Section 1: “Current Provider” drop-down list box is missing “Other” item
                    24. Section 1 “Cell Phone Service”: “I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop” is consistent checkbox for this section
                    25. Section 1: “Minutes on plan” dropdown list should contain ranges instead of exact values
                    26. Section 1: “Months left on current contract:” should contains values from 0 to 24 (industry standard)
                    27. Section 1: “Months left on current contract:” add “other”
                    28. Section 1: “Number of phones on plan:” should contain no more than 5 (industry standard)
                    29. Section 1: “Number of phones on plan:” add “other”
                    30. Section 1: “My monthly bill is approximately:” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    31. Section 1: “My monthly bill is approximately” entry field can contain letters
                    32. Section 1: “My monthly bill is approximately” entry field allows to paste special characters
                    33. Section 1: “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:” dropdown list should contain ranges instead of exact values
                    34. Section 1: “Minutes on plan:” should be aligned to the first letter with other label
                    35. Section 2: “Primary Phone Number:” visual inconsistency - entry fields have different space between each other
                    36. Section 2: inconsistency: “Primary Phone Number:” automaticly changes input focus field, while typing, but do not automaticly changes input focus field, while deleting
                    37. Section 2: “Primary Phone Number:” allows to paste letters
                    38. Section 2: “Primary Phone Number:” allows to paste special characters
                    39. Section 2: “My monthly bill is approximately:” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    40. Section 2: “Bundled with:” do not have reasonable initial value “Nothing”
                    41. Tab order: “Section 2” do not select “Bundled with”; “International calls included”; “Long distance included”; “I am interested in Unlimited Calling:” radio buttons (Safari browser Version 16.6 18615.; macOS 13.5.2)
                    42. Section 2: “Total Bill:” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    43. Section 2: “Total Bill:” allows to paste special characters
                    44. Section 2: “Total Bill:” allows to paste letters
                    45. Section 2: miscalculation - “Total Bill” can be less than “My monthly bill is approximately”
                    46. Section 2: “International calls included” contain question instead of colon
                    47. Section 2: “Long distance included” contain question instead of colon
                    48. Tab order: Section 3: from text field “My monthly bill is approximately” it moves to “Current provider” in Secition 4 instead of “Type of service” (Safari browser Version 16.6 18615.; macOS 13.5.2)
                    49. Section 3: “My monthly bill is approximately:” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    50. Section 3: “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows to paste letters
                    51. Section 3: “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows to paste special characters
                    52. Section 3: “Wireless Aircard” allign to the left for visual consistency
                    53. Section 3: “Provider” entry field not active and already exist in current section
                    54. Section 3: “Bundled with:” do not have reasonable initial value “Nothing”
                    55. Section 4: “My monthly bill is approximately:” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    56. Section 4: “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows to paste letters
                    57. Section 4: “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows to paste special characters
                    58. Section 4: “Bundled with:” do not have reasonable initial value “Nothing”
                    59. Section 5: “My monthly bill is approximately:” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    60. Section 5: “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows to paste letters
                    61. Section 5: “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows to paste special characters
                    62. Section 7: “My monthly bill is approximately (summer):” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    63. Section 7: “My monthly bill is approximately (summer):” allows to paste letters
                    64. Section 7: “My monthly bill is approximately (summer):” allows to paste special characters
                    65. Section 7: “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):” limit entry field with 4 digits
                    66. Section 7: “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):” allows to paste letters
                    67. Section 7: “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):” allows to paste special characters
                    68. Section 7: Replace “opento” with “open to”
                    69. Section 8: remove resize option in entry field
                    70. The application does not generates an email (sales leads) with all the information available in the form upon the form being submitted
                    71. “Submit” and “clear” buttons are active, while there is nothing to submit or clear. Disable them.
                    72. Visual inconsitency: “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are different size
                    Last edited by Sergei Korneev; 11-02-2023, 08:47 AM.


                    • #11
                      #1. Please provide the minimum amount of characters for "Street address" field
                      #2. "First name" text field should accept up to 31 characters , not 30 as it accepts now.
                      #3. "Last name" text field should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as it accepts now.
                      #4. SUGGESTION. Unable to refresh the page by pushing the "Reload this page" button in the google chrome browser after the user has filled in at least one text field and pushed "Submit button" (Field data is not deleted)
                      #5. "Street address" field accept no more than 100 characters instead of up to 255 as per reguirements.
                      #6. The "State" listbox displaying 49 short name of States instead of 50 as per reguirements
                      #5. If the "State" listbox is reguired "- -" (special characters) should be removed from "State" listbox (Inconsistancy)
                      #7. SUGGESTION.For information accuracy "Other" should be changed to the 50th State short name because of in listbox 49 states are listed and 1 is not.
                      #8. "ZIP" field: according to the reguirements "ZIP" field does not available for input letters as it available now.
                      #9. Suggestion. "ZIP" field: when user try to input/paste any characters to "ZIP" field except digits, "Digits only" message should appear.
                      #10."ZIP" field: User can Paste (Copied data) more than 5 digits to "ZIP" field instead of "Only 5 digits" as it specified in reguirements
                      #11."ZIP" field: User can Input to "ZIP" field 5 letters instead of "Only 5 digits" as it specified in reguirements
                      #12."ZIP" field: User can Paste (Copied data) more than 5 letters to "ZIP" field instead of "Only 5 digits" as it specified in reguirements
                      #13."ZIP" field: User can Paste (Copied data) more than 5 special characters to "ZIP" field instead of "Only 5 digits" as it specified in reguirements
                      #14. Suggestion for reguirements."ZIP" User should specify number in the "ZIP" field according to the information which specified in "State" field.
                      #15. "Mail" field: "Error message" not appears when user typing email without "@" special character (which does not meet to email standards) and submit the form.
                      #16. "Mail" field: "Error message" not appears when user typing email without "domain zone" (.com.;.ru; and etc) (which does not meet to email standards) and submit the form.
                      #17. "Mail" field: "Error message" not appears when user typing email without "." special character (which does not meet to email standards) and submit the form.
                      #18. "Mail" field: User can input more than 255 characters to the "email" field instead of reguirements as it accepts only 255.
                      #19. "Mail" field: User can Paste (copied data) more than 255 characters to the "email" field instead of reguirements as it accepts only 255.
                      #20. Mail "Reguired field": "*" special character displays as blue color instead of "mail field" is empty. "*" special character should displays as red color as others if the field is empty.
                      #21. "Reguired field" message should appear if user submit the form without filling out the "Email" field, this feature is not active.
                      #22. "Phone" (field 1):User can Paste (copied data) to the 1 field 3 letters instead of the reguirements where specified that field support "Only 3 digits"
                      #23. "Phone" (field 1):User can Paste (copied data) to the 1 field 3 special characters instead of the reguirements where specified that field support "Only 3 digits"
                      #24. "Phone" (field 2):User can Paste (copied data) to the 2 field 3 letters instead of the reguirements where specified that field support "Only 3 digits"
                      #25. "Phone" (field 2):User can Paste (copied data) to the 2 field 3 special characters instead of the reguirements where specified that field support "Only 3 digits"
                      #26. "Phone" (field 3):User can Paste (copied data) to the 3 field 4 special characters instead of the reguirements where specified that field support "Only 4 digits"
                      #27. "Phone" (field 3):User can Paste (copied data) to the 3 field 4 special characters instead of the reguirements where specified that field support "Only 4 digits"
                      #28. "Referred by" field: Reguired field appears if "Refferred by" stay empty isntead of it's not reguired field.
                      #29. "TAB" Incorrect logical order in "Contact information" table: Tab key should move wireframe from 'First Name' to 'Last Name', not to "Referred by"
                      #30. "Contact information" Reguirements: no information about "Reffered by" in reguirements
                      #31. "Contact information" Reguirements: Please specify , are the fields should support only English character set ?
                      #32. "Energy telecom Service review" form: Confusing/Mialeading pops up when upon pushing the "Clear" button
                      #33. "Listbox": All states specified in listbox are with 2 Uppercase Letters only "IND" (Indiana state) specified with 3 letters it should be replaced to the "IN"
                      #34. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" in "Bundled with:" raw "TAB" Incorrect logical order from "Internet" radio button wireframe should move right to the "TV" radio button and "Both" radio button but it moves to the "Total bill:" raw in "$" field
                      #35. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" in "Bundled with:" raw TAB Incorrect logical ordter from "Both" radio button by Pressing SHIFT+TAB keys frame should move to the "TV" radio button , but it moves to the "$" field in "My monthly bill is approximately:" raw
                      #36 "Referred by" text field in "Contact information" behaves as a reguired field but it has not * sign.
                      #37 "Contact information" section: "ZIP" text field supports Letters input
                      #38. "Contact information" section : "State" dropdown list contains 49 states instead of 50
                      #39. Inconstistancy in "Contact information": "State" dropdown list "IND" short state name has 3 letters when it should be only 2.
                      #40. "Contact information" section: "ZIP" text field accepts more than 5 digits when user use "paste" operation
                      #41. "Contact information" section: "ZIP" text field accepts non-digits when user use "paste" operation
                      #42. Suggestion "Cell Phone Service" section: "Current provider" dropdown list should have "Other" option
                      #43. "Contact information" section : "State" dropdown list has "BC" which is not comply to USA territory (BC British Colombia state should be removed)
                      #44. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Bundled with" radio buttons field should have "Not bundled" option
                      #45. "State" dropdown list: Nevada state is missing
                      #46. "State" dropdown list: Hawaii state is missing
                      #47. "State" dropwdon list inconsistancy: "IND" abbreviation of state should be replaced to the "IN"


                      • #12
                        ENERGY-TELECOM BUG REPORTS

                        Section “Contact Information” .
                        #1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                        #2. “Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                        #3. ”Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                        #4. ”City:" field accepts no more than 51 characters instead of 50 as per requirement
                        #5. "State" list box: Nevada is missing : add “NV”
                        #6. "State" list box: Hawaii is missing: add “HI”
                        #7. "State" list box: "BC" it is not a US state: Remove it
                        #8. "State" list box: Remove "Other" , since the list is complete
                        #9. "State" list box: Remove “- -“ , since the list is complete
                        #10. ”State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                        #11. “State” list box: sort alphabetically abbreviation -SUGGESTION
                        #12. "ZIP:" field accepts 5 letters, but per requirement have to be only digits
                        #13. "ZIP" field: User can Paste more than 5 digits to "ZIP" field instead of "Only 5 digits" as it specified in requirements
                        #14. "ZIP" field: User can Paste more than 5 letters to "ZIP" field instead of "Only 5 digits" as it specified in requirements
                        #15. "ZIP" field: User can Paste special characters to "ZIP" field instead of "Only 5 digits" as it specified in requirements
                        #16. "Email" field: User can Paste more than 255 characters to the "email" field instead of requirements as it accepts only 255.
                        #17. “Email" field: User can type email without "@" special character : NO “Error message” after pushed “Submit” button.
                        #18. “Email" field: User can type email without “.com; ru; yahoo” : NO “Error message” after pushed “Submit” button.
                        #19. “Email" field: User can type email without “. ” : NO “Error message” after pushed “Submit” button.
                        #20. “Email:” field shows "*" special character displays as blue color instead of read when file is empty, have to be same red color o”f special “*” as other required field.
                        #21. “Email” field is a required field, but there is NO error message “* Please enter your Email” pops up upon pushing the “Submit” button without filling email
                        #22. "Phone" field 1:User can Paste 3 letters instead of “3 digits only” according requirement
                        #23. "Phone" field 1: User can Paste 3 special characters instead of “3 digits only” according requirement
                        #24. "Phone" field 2:User can Paste 3 letters instead instead of “3 digits only” according requirement
                        #25. "Phone" field 2:User can Paste 3 special characters instead of “3 digits only” according requirement
                        #26. "Phone" field 3:User can Paste 3 letters instead instead of “4 digits only” according requirement
                        #27. "Phone" field 3:User can Paste 3 special characters instead of “4 digits only” according requirement
                        #28. “Referred by” field: Misleading error message “*Please enter the name of the person you were referred by” pops up upon pushing the “Submit” button, but field “Referred by:” not required field
                        #29. TAB order violation: from "First name" the input focus moves to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
                        #30. Misleading/confusing error message “Error 17896..” pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
                        #31. After you pushed “Submit” button only sign that application received. Make sure that user docent need come back to start page.
                        #32 Sales lead email: the "email" info is missing
                        #33. Sales lead email: the "Referred by" info is not present on the email

                        Section “1. Cell Phone Service”
                        #34.Current Provider” list box: add to list “Other”, have to be relevant choices
                        #35. Checkboxes “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using a different provider” can be checked simultaneously, although their meanings are contradictory. Ensure that checking one box automatically disables the other to maintain consistency.
                        #36. “My monthly bill is approximately” field: User can type letters: according special characters “$” have to be digits only
                        #37. “My monthly bill is approximately” field: User can paste letters: according special characters “$” have to be digits only
                        #38. “Months left on current contract” list box missed 11, 12 :add to list box “11” and “12”
                        #39. Ensure consistency in the “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately” list box. Remove options with numbers exceeding “12” to align with list box “My monthly bill is approximately”
                        #40. Checkboxes “I like my handset” and “I am interested in updating my handset” can be checked simultaneously, although their meanings are contradictory. Ensure that checking one box automatically disables the other to maintain consistency.
                        #41. In check box “I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop” change “laptop” to “handset” to ensure consistency

                        Section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” .
                        #42. List box Current Provider:” add to list “Other names of providers as Spectrum..” -SUGGESTION
                        #43. List box Current Provider:” add to list “None” option is valuable and missing
                        #44. List box Current Provider: sort alphabetically -SUGGESTION

                        Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”
                        #45. List box “Current Provider:” add to list “None” Option is valuable and missing
                        #46 . List box “Current Provider: sort alphabetically -SUGGESTION
                        #47. Check box “Wireless Aircard” instead of combo box item as “DSL,Cable”: replace “Check box “ to “combo box item”

                        Section “3.TV Service”
                        #48. List box “Current Provider:” add to list “None” Option is valuable and missing
                        #49. Ensure consistency in the “Months left on plan” list box. Remove options with numbers exceeding “12” to align with list box “My monthly bill is approximately”
                        #50. “I currently have” checkboxes “HDTV ” and “DVR” can be checked simultaneously, although their meanings are contradictory. Ensure that checking one box automatically disables the other to maintain consistency.

                        Section “4.Home Security Service”

                        #51. When the checkbox "I do not have home security services today, but I am interested in getting more information." is checked, the field "My monthly bill is approximately: $" becomes disabled. However, the disabled appearance of this field is inconsistent with the field "Current Provider." Ensure that both disabled fields have a consistent appearance.

                        Section “7. Gas and Electric Services”
                        #52. “I am opento using different provider”:misspelling :change “opento” to “open to”

                        Other in file
                        #53. “Submit” button doesn’t have same size and font as a “Clear” : make sure that they look same
                        #54. List box item change sign “ Select ” to “Select one” One value represents the entire list, according guideline
                        Last edited by Adilia Cartwright; 11-01-2023, 10:55 PM.


                        • #13
                          #1 "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of31 as per requirement.
                          #2 "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement.
                          #3 "Street Address" field accepts no more 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement.
                          #4 Remove "BC" from the "State" list box. BC it is not a US state.
                          #5 Remove "Other" from the "State" list box since the list is complete.
                          #6 "State" list box: State of Nevada is missing.
                          #7 "State" list box: State of Hawaii is missing.
                          #8 "Zip" field accepts typing and pasting of letters and special characters instead of being digital only.
                          #9 "Zip " field accepts pasting of more than 5 characters.
                          #10 "Contact information" section from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name"
                          #11 "Email" field accepts all characters instead of some special characters – @ . – _
                          #12 "Phone" accepts pasting special characters instead of No special characters.
                          #13 "Phone" accepts pasting letter instead of no letter.
                          #14 "Email" User can type email without "@": No error message.
                          #15 "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters instead of numbers.


                          • #14
                            #1. "ZIP" field accepts 5 digits as contradictory with standard ZIP form, for example "11111".
                            #2. "Phone" field: the first text field accepts not valid USA area code, for example "200".
                            #3. Remote "Select" from "Best Way To Contact Me" list box since the list is complete.
                            #4. "Referred by" field accepts all characters instead of letters (the name of the person).
                            #5. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in all sections accepts pasting letters and characters instead of digits.
                            #6."2.Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Total Bill:" field accepts pasting letters and characters instead of digits.
                            #7. "5. Home Security Service" section: remote "Select one" from "Current Provider" list box since the list is complete.
                            #8. "7. Gas and Electric Services" section: remote "Select one" from "Current Provider" list box since the list is complete.
                            #9. Misspelled sentence: "7. Gas and Electric Services" section: replace "I am opento using different provider" with "I am open to using different provider".
                            #10."Email" field accepts all characters instead of standard Email characters.


                            • #15
                              1. ZIP code field accepts non-digits.
                              2.When you copy-paste then the "ZIP Code" field accepts more than 5 digits (unlimited input).
                              3."Email" field accepts more then 255 characters .
                              4.No error message appears when you leave the "Email" field empty and click the "Submit" button

