#1. “Search my invoices” section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon character at the end
#2.Search results table: replace ”Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
#3.Search results table: replace word in the header of the first column “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
#4.Search results table: the column “Type” since it is redundant.
#5.Inconsistency in date format:”Invoice date” text field (6/5/2011) and search results table (29-Aug-2011)
#6.Search results table, “Inv. Date” column: “1-Oct-2011” should not get into search results for “6/5/2011” to “9/30/2011” range
#7.Search results table: data in the “Due Data” column is not provided in common date format
#8.Search results table: data in the “PO#” column is provided in common date format. Please make sure it is the way it should be
#9.Search results table: data in the “Amount” column not provided in descending order
#10.Search results table: replace word “Rejcted” with “Rejected” in the “Status” column
#11.Search results table: button “Actions” is missing in 11th row
#12.Search results table: eliminate row 11th as per “Results per page” label
#13. Pagination: link to the page “5” is missing
#14.Pagination: 32 pages by 10 searching results it is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices
#15.”Search my invoices” section: add decimal points to the digits in the text field of “From amount” label like in “Amount” column in search results table
#16. ”Search my invoices” section: replace “From amount” with “Amount from”
#17.Search results table: repleise floppy icon with arrow showing down icon for action “Download list”
#18.Make consistent labels in “search my invoices” section with labels in the header of search result table
#19.Search results table, the column “Status”: 4th invoice down in sequence, status is “Paid”. When the mouse is hovered over “Paid” icon, the displayed status is “Approved”, even though the actual status is “Paid”. Please fix it