#1. “Status” column, row #4: “Paid” status has inconsistency with wrong tooltip “Approved”
#2. Inconsistency between formats of dates in column “Inv. Date” (the day placed before the month) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (the month placed before the day)
#3. Inconsistency between formats of spellings for months in column “Inv. Date” (word spelling) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (digital spelling)
#4. Inconsistency between special characters for spelling of dates: in column “Inv. Date” (used dash) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (used slash)
#5. Enumeration search results of pages: link to “Next page” is missing
#6. The Button “Binocular” placed after the field for label “Purchase order” - is redundant (?)
#7. Rightmost column title: replace “Payment” with “Payment #”
#8. Same numbers (“40988”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 2,3,5,6,7,9,11
#9. Same numbers (“30998”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 4,8
#10. “Type” column is redundant because all search values have the type “Invoice”
#11. “Amount” column have inconsistency between the actual sorting order and the header of the column (descending order)
#2. Inconsistency between formats of dates in column “Inv. Date” (the day placed before the month) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (the month placed before the day)
#3. Inconsistency between formats of spellings for months in column “Inv. Date” (word spelling) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (digital spelling)
#4. Inconsistency between special characters for spelling of dates: in column “Inv. Date” (used dash) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (used slash)
#5. Enumeration search results of pages: link to “Next page” is missing
#6. The Button “Binocular” placed after the field for label “Purchase order” - is redundant (?)
#7. Rightmost column title: replace “Payment” with “Payment #”
#8. Same numbers (“40988”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 2,3,5,6,7,9,11
#9. Same numbers (“30998”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 4,8
#10. “Type” column is redundant because all search values have the type “Invoice”
#11. “Amount” column have inconsistency between the actual sorting order and the header of the column (descending order)