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SU5 Tauilia Bug reports

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  • #16
    #1. “Status” column, row #4: “Paid” status has inconsistency with wrong tooltip “Approved”
    #2. Inconsistency between formats of dates in column “Inv. Date” (the day placed before the month) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (the month placed before the day)
    #3. Inconsistency between formats of spellings for months in column “Inv. Date” (word spelling) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (digital spelling)
    #4. Inconsistency between special characters for spelling of dates: in column “Inv. Date” (used dash) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (used slash)
    #5. Enumeration search results of pages: link to “Next page” is missing
    #6. The Button “Binocular” placed after the field for label “Purchase order” - is redundant (?)
    #7. Rightmost column title: replace “Payment” with “Payment #”
    #8. Same numbers (“40988”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 2,3,5,6,7,9,11
    #9. Same numbers (“30998”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 4,8
    #10. “Type” column is redundant because all search values have the type “Invoice”
    #11. “Amount” column have inconsistency between the actual sorting order and the header of the column (descending order)
    Last edited by AnastasiiaBl; 10-25-2023, 10:02 PM.


    • #17
      Taulia Bug Reports:

      #1. Field width of the 11th row is not in the format of all rows in the table.
      #2. "Search my invoices" section: "invoice date" does not display "from" before the field row.
      #3. Misspelled word: title of the rightmost row of screen: replace "Logout" with "Log out".
      #4. "Search my invoices" section: field "results per page" display "10", which point to the mismatch the table.
      #5. Title of the rightmost column "Actions" of the table does not display.
      #6. Titles of the table does not match the layout format: align titles with columns in the table.
      #7."Search my invoices" section: label "From amount" has field "1000000", digital does not look like a common digital format.


      • #18

        #1. “Status” column, row #4: “Paid” status has inconsistency with wrong tooltip “Approved”
        #2. Inconsistency between formats of dates in column “Inv. Date” (the day placed before the month) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (the month placed before the day)
        #3. Inconsistency between formats of spellings for months in column “Inv. Date” (word spelling) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (digital spelling)
        #4. Inconsistency between special characters for spelling of dates: in column “Inv. Date” (used dash) and in fields of label “Invoice date” (used slash)
        #5. Enumeration search results of pages: link to “Next page” is missing
        #6. The Button “Binocular” placed after the field for label “Purchase order” - is redundant (?)
        #7. Rightmost column title: replace “Payment” with “Payment #”
        #8. Same numbers (“40988”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 2,3,5,6,7,9,11
        #9. Same numbers (“30998”) of Purchase Orders in column # 4 for rows # 4,8
        #10. “Type” column is redundant because all search values have the type “Invoice”
        #11. “Amount” column have inconsistency between the actual sorting order and the header of the column (descending order)


        • #19
          #1. Misspelled word: title of the leftmost column: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"

          #1.1 Replace "Invoce" with "Invoice" in the title of the leftmost column

          #2. First row of the "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"

          #3. 11 rows of search results are displayed instead of 10 as per "Results per page" setting

          #4. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing

          #5. "Actions" button is missing in the 11th row of the search results table

          #6. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results

          #7. "Due Date" column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format

          #8. "PO #" column: the data looks like a date, rather than a PO number

          #9. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character : at the end

          #10. "Inv. Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields

          #11. Labels “Search my invoice” don’t match with columns: Add column: “Customer”

          #12. Columns don’t match with labels “Search my invoice”: Add “Type” in “Search my invoice”

          #13. Columns don’t match with labels “Search my invoice”: Add “Payment” in “Search my invoice”

          #14. Not appropriate word : title of the rightmost column: change “Refresh to “Update”

          #15. “Payment” column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format

          #16. “Search” button doesn’t active: fix ability to “Click”

          #17. 11 rows of search results doesn’t have button “Actions”: add button “Actions”

          #18. Filter “From smaller to larger” column “Amount” doesn’t work correct ($22,376.00 have to be before $22,409.37): switch all information from row 7with row 8

          #19. Row 5 in “Payment” column have link at date: delete link

          #20. Row 8 in “Payment” column have link at date: delete link

          #21. "Inv. Date" column: “22-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields

          #22. "Inv. Date" column: “22-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields

          #23. Leftmost column title: replace “Invoce #" with "invoice"

          #24. “ From amount” in label have “to with box information” in the same line: delete from this line and add additional line below.

          #24.1. Add line “ Amount to with the box information” at the label below “ From amount” in label

          #25. Combo box in “Invoice number” label have ability to type all symbols: make sure, that we have to type only numbers

          #26. List box in “Customer label” doesn’t have ability to select all customers: match list box with customers

          #27. Combo box in “Purchase order” label have ability to type all symbols: make sure, that we have to type only numbers

          #28. Binocular on the right side of “Purchase order” have link to the same page: delete this link .

          #29. Binocular on the right side of “Purchase order” doesn’t show tool tip.

          #30. Combo box in “From amount” label have ability to type all symbols: make sure, that we have to type only numbers

          #31. Combo box “to” in “From amount” label have ability to type all symbols: make sure, that we have to type only numbers

          #32. Combo boxes item in “Invoice date” don’t have ability to select date

          #33. List box item in “ Invoice status” label dosent show all status: this list box have to match with information in column “Status” , add - “Reject”, “Paid”, “In process”, “Approved”

          #34. List box item in “ Results per page” label doesn’t have ability to change numbers of results per page: add list box item with numbers

          #35. Button “Hide search parameters” on the right corner doesn’t work: add ability to push

          #36. Button “Download list” on the right corner doesn’t work: add ability to push and download list

          #37. Button “Refresh on the right corner doesn’t work: add ability to push and download list

          #38. Pagination at the bottom of search results: can’t select any other page

          #39. Pagination at the bottom of search results: doesn’t have ability to chosee page between 11-31, mouse point doesn’t point

          #40. “Amount” column: mouse point can’t point filter “From smaller to larger” .


          • #20
            #1. Replace "Invoce" with "Invoice" in the title of the leftmost column
            #2. First row of the "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
            #3. Search results: 11 row displayed instead of 10 as per "Results per page" setting
            #4. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing
            #5. "Actions" button is missing in row 11 of the search results
            #6. 32 pages is not enought to accmodate 422 search results
            #7. "Due date" column; the data does not look like it is a common date format
            #8. "PO #" column: the data looks like a date rather than a PO number
            #9. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character at the end
            #10. "Inv. Date" column: 1st October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #11. "Inv Date": put the dates in chronological order
            #12. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all labels have the list box items
            #13. "Search results"section: make sure all labels have list box items
            #14. "PO #" column: 13th October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #15. "PO #" column: 22d October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #16. "PO #" column: 31st October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #17. "Due date" column does not contai the Data format
            #1. Replace "Invoce" with "Invoice" in the title of the leftmost column
            #2. First row of the "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
            #3. Search results: 11 row displayed instead of 10 as per "Results per page" setting
            #4. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing
            #5. "Actions" button is missing in row 11 of the search results
            #6. 32 pages is not enought to accmodate 422 search results
            #7. "Due date" column; the data does not look like it is a common date format
            #8. "PO #" column: the data looks like a date rather than a PO number
            #9. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character at the end
            #10. "Inv. Date" column: 1st October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #11. "Inv Date": put the dates in chronological order
            #12. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all labels have the list box items
            #13. "Search results"section: make sure all labels have list box items
            #14. "PO #" column: 13th October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #15. "PO #" column: 22d October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #16. "PO #" column: 31st October-2011 is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields
            #17. "Due date" column does not contai the Data format


            • #21
              Bug reports Taulia

              #1. The "action" button is missing at the bottom in row 11
              #2. Not enough 32 pages to accommodate 422 results
              #3. Results in column label "Result per page" in listbox should be 10, not 11
              #4. Violation of the order of issuing results in the column "Amount" inconsistently
              #5. Replace "invoce" on the "invoice" leftmost column title
              #6. In the numbering of the results: there is no link to page "5"
              #7. Paginate navigation the button: replace ".." with "-" after 10
              #8. In the table titles "Due date" and "PO#," swap the names of the columns


              • #22
                #1.остутсвует страница №5
                #2.формат даты в списке отображен не коректно
                #3.столбцы дата и номер заказа нужно будет изменить местами
                #4.результатов на странице отоброжается 11 вместо 10 как задано
                #5.в 11 результате отсутсвует кнопка действия
                #6.в слове Invoce # допущенна ошибка изменить на invoice
                #7.результатов показывает 422 вместо 320
                #8.в столбце количества при выставление от меньшего к большему 7 и 8 счет пересортированы


                • #23
                  Bug Report
                  No. 1. Misspelled word: Leftmost column heading: Replace "Invoice" with "Invoice".
                  No. 2. First row of the Status column: Replace "Rejected" with "Rejected".
                  No. 3. Displaying 11 lines of search results instead of 10 as in the "Results per page" setting.
                  No. 4. Pagination at the bottom of search results: no link to page “5”.
                  No. 5. There is no “Actions” button in the 11th line of the search results table.
                  No. 6. 32 pages are not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
                  No. 7. Due Date column: The data doesn't look like it would in a normal date format.
                  No. 8. Order No. column: The data appears as a date rather than an order number.
                  No. 9. Search My Accounts section: Make sure all tags end with a colon ( : ).
                  No. 10. Column “Bill Date”: “October 1, 2011” is outside the range specified in the Invoice Date fields.
                  No. 11. Delete line 7 completely; sorting by amount does not work in it.
                  No. 12. Bring dates into a single format throughout the page.
                  No. 13. In the column "Payment" the date format does not look like a date.
                  No. 14. All buttons on the site are not active.
                  Last edited by ElenaZ; 10-26-2023, 03:25 AM.


                  • #24
                    Good afternoon! Unfortunately, it won't allow me to post the bug report as a whole text, so, I am attaching a file with the bug report in it.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by NevmerzhytskaOlya; 10-26-2023, 03:29 AM.


                    • #25
                      1. In the text field next to “Invoice number” only positive numbers should be accepted
                      2. In the text field next to “Purchase order” only positive numbers should be accepted
                      3. In two text fields next to “From amount:” only positive numbers should be accepted
                      4. There’s no tooltip when navigating mouse pointer on the binocular next to the text field “Purchase order”
                      5. Clicking on the binocular next to the text field “Purchase order” will forward us to the same page
                      6. In the list box next to “Invoice status” there are no list box items such as “Rejected”, “Paid”, “In process”, “Approved”
                      7. There’s only one list box item in the list box next to “Customer”
                      8. There’s only one list box item in the list box next to “Results per page”
                      9. Two text fields next to “Invoice date” can’t be modified
                      10. “Search my invoices” section: make sure all the labels have a colon at the end
                      11. Replace “Invoce” with “Invoice” in the title of the leftmost column
                      12. Replace title “Due Date” with title “PO#” and vice versa
                      13. There are 11 results per page instead of 10
                      14. “Actions” button is missing in the 11 row of results page
                      15. “Amount” column is in increasing mode, but the amount in the 8 row is less than amount in the 7 row
                      16. Replace “Approved” with “Paid” in the tool tip when navigating mouse pointer on the icon that located on the 4th row of the “Status” column in the results section
                      17. There’s no reason for “Type” column since it’s “Search my invoices” section
                      18. Button “Hide search parameters” can’t be pushed in the right-side corner of “Search my invoices” section
                      19. All buttons “Actions” can’t be pushed in the results section
                      20. We got 422 invoices when we should’ve got maximum 352 invoices on the 32 pages with 11 results per page


                      • #26
                        1. “Search my invoices” section: replace “From Amount” to “Amount: from”.
                        2. “Search my invoices” section: add to Invoice date: “from”.
                        3. Invoice date has different format from Inv.Date and PO# columns.
                        4. The right blue row: replace Download list a floppy disc icon.
                        5. The Amount column, row 7-8 does not correspond to the order from smallest to largest.
                        6. “Search my invoices” section contains “Purchase order” but there is no such column.
                        7. Column Payment contains the wrong date format.


                        • #27
                          #1. Last row in search result missed "Actions" button.
                          #2. The search result rows are sorted in ascending order, but the "Status" column is set to sort in descending order
                          #3. The search result rows are sorted in ascending order, but 7th row bigger than 8th row
                          #4. "Download list" icon in search result table looks like a save icon
                          #5. Last column in search result table dosn't have label of column
                          #6. The mouse cursor does not change from an arrow to a finger when hovering over the "Actions" button
                          #7. "Customer" search field set "General Electric" but in search result rows no info about "Customer"
                          #8. Search results table column name alignment does not match rows alignment
                          #9. First column of results rows have small left padding, but have big right padding
                          #10. Taulia logo is not clickable (no link to home page)
                          #11. Footer of page is empty
                          #12. Page has no mobile version
                          #13. non-responsive design, screen width less than 950 pixels
                          #14. loss of focus after the "Purchase order" field when using TAB to navigate through page elements
                          #15. loss of focus after the "Results per page" field when using TAB to navigate through page elements


                          • #28
                            1 The "Type" column with invoices is unnecessary because according to the menu, we are already on the invoices page.
                            2 In the "Amount" column, the amounts should be in descending order. The order of precedence is broken.
                            3 Line 11, the last column button "Actions" is missing.
                            4 According to the "Results per page" drop list at the "Search my invoices menu" it should be 10 lines. The actual number is 11.
                            5 Line 7, Invioce #1122339546 the day and number of the month(10/1/2011-10/30/2011) do not meet the requirements for this invoice listing (6/5/2011-9/30/2011).


                            • #29

                              #1. Misspelled word: title of the leftmost column: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"
                              #1.1 Replace "Invoce" with "Invoice" in the title of the leftmost column
                              #2. First row of the "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                              #3. 11 rows of search results are displayed instead of 10 as per "Results per page" setting
                              #4. Pagination at the bottom of search results: link to page "5" is missing
                              #5. "Actions" button is missing in the 11th row of the search results table
                              #6. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                              #7. "Due Date" column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format
                              #8. "PO #" column: the data looks like a date, rather than a PO number
                              #9. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character at the end.
                              #10. "Inv. Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range provided in "Invoice date" fields

                              #11. Label "Hide search parameters" replace with button "Hide search parameters".
                              #12. Replace "Payment" with "Payment#" in the title of the 8th column
                              #13. Replace button "Logout" with "Log out"
                              #14. Invoice dated 1-Oct-2011 for the amount of $22.409,37 does not correspond to the sorting by increasing amount.
                              #15. Label "Download list" replace with "Download"


                              • #30
                                1. In the "From amount" line, the value of the numbers is reflected in a different format with the values in the "Amount" column.
                                2. It is necessary to replace the inscription in the line “From amount” with “Amount from:”
                                3. In the line with the inscription "Invoice date" you must replace the inscription with "Invoice date from:"
                                4. There is a mistake in the word “Invoice” in the title line of the table in the first column.
                                5. The second column in the table called “Type” duplicates the information and is not necessary.
                                6. In the table, the columns named “Due Date” and “PО#” do not correspond to their content.
                                7. The title line of the table is offset relative to the table columns.
                                8. In the title line of the table, the last column has no title.
                                9. In the second row of the table in the “Status” column, there is a spelling mistake in the word “Reject”.
                                10. At the bottom row of the table, there is no "Action" value in the rightmost column.
                                11. All dates in the table are in the wrong format. You need to change the dates to mm/dd/yyyy format.
                                12. The date in the "Invoice date" line is displayed incorrectly. You need to change the dates to mm/dd/yyyy format. For example 06/05/2011.
                                13. The date indicated on the 8th line of the table in the "Invoice Date" column (1-Oct-2011) is out of the search range specified in the "Invoice date" line.
                                14. In the lower left part of the table in "pagination" page "5" is missing.
                                15. In the lower left part of the table in “pagination” it is necessary to reduce the display of the range of suggested adjacent pages for transition to 5 pages.
                                16. In the table in the "Amount" column, the ranking of numbers does not work correctly.
                                17. In the table in the "Amount" column, the sequence of displaying numbers in lines 8 and 9 between the amounts of $22,409.37 and $22,376.00 is broken.
                                18. In the table, the bottom row differs in height from all other rows.
                                19. The number of rows in the table does not match the specified parameters in the "Results per page" row.
                                20. In the table in the "Inv. Date" column, you need to add an option to sort by date "first new/old"
                                21. In the table in the "Due Date" column, you need to add an option to sort by date "first new/old"

                                22. Above the table on the left side of the information line, you must additionally indicate which invoices are displayed by their serial number from the total number. For example: "Showing 1-11 of 422 invoices"
                                23. The amount of data in the table does not make it possible to search in the "Purchase Order" line. You must either add a column with “Purchase Order” data to the table, or delete the “Purchase Order” row.
                                24*. I remember a bug about the total number of invoices (422) that would not fit on page 32. But I didn’t write it down, because, frankly speaking, at this stage of training I would not have thought of it.
                                Last edited by Alex Putrenkov; 10-29-2023, 02:27 AM.

