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SU5 Tauilia Bug reports
#3 The fourth row invoice under the number “1122339044” has the status “paid” the icon next to it bears the title “Approved”. Rename icon title to "Paid"Last edited by Dmytro Barai; 10-24-2023, 08:35 PM.
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1 "Search my invoices" :not all labels have column at the end
2 "Search my invoices" "Binokular" icon is missing
3 Result for page is 10 but is showing 11 lines
4 "İnv. date" has a result dated october but "invoice date" label showing june to september
5 "İnv. date" colunm and "invoice date" label has different date format
6 leftmost colunm header misspeld "invoice"
7"Amount" column: sorter order is broken
8 "Amount" column:data formant has different look between dollars and sents
9 "Type" colunm is redandat since we at invoice search
10 Link to page 5 is missing
11 32 pages cannot accomodate 422 results
12 "Due Date" column does not contain date format
13 "Download" line : save icon is used instead of download icon
14 "Actions" button is missing in the row 11
15 "Status" colunm row 1 :word "Rejcted" is misspeld
16 "PO #" is contain date formats, also date format is insonsistent wıth "İnv. date" and "Inv. Date"
17 "Amount" column: arrow suggest descending order
18 "Status" colunm : line 6 has "approved" isntead of paid
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- “Payment” column: dates specified in incorrect data format.
- Inconsistency in selection of fields with tab key: after “Results per page” it selects “search field” of browser instead of “Search” button (MacOS 14.0).
- “Invoice data” and “to” labels (on the same line): “default” mouse pointer doesn’t change to “text” while it’s placed over the entry data field.
- In “Search my invoices”: “default” mouse pointer doesn’t change to “text” while it’s placed over the lables.
- In “Pagination”: “default” mouse pointer doesn’t change to “hand”while it’s pointing numbers of pages.
- “Purchase order” label: “Binocular icon” is missing it’s tooltip, while other icons have it.
- “Actions” button in the rightmost column: mouse pointer changes to “text”, but should be “hand”.
- “Amount” column: ascending order applied, but “$22,409.37” and “$22,376.00” do not follow ther order.
- The rightmost column (with actions buttons in it) do not have column name.
- “Column names” are associated with actions (ascending order on the amount column is applied), “deafult” mouse pointer should changes to “hand” while hanging over the “column names”.
- Replace: “Invoce #” with “Invoice #” in the leftmost column.
- Replace: “Rejcted” with “Rejected” in “Status” column.
- “PO #” column contains data format.
- “Due Date” column contains data not in datas format.
- Inconsistancy between: “Invoice date” and “Inv. Date” in data formats.
- “Inv. Date” contains “1-Oct-2011”. It’s out of range (6/5/2011 till 9/30/2011).
- Inconsistancy: "Results table" contains 11 rows, while requirement apllied in “Results per page” label is 10.
- “Search my invoices” section: lables do not contain colons.
- “Results Table” section: 11th row doesn’t contain “actions” button in the rightmost column.
- “Results Table” section: “Column name” and “column data” don’t use consistent alignment.
- “Results Table” section: contains 422 invoices on 32 pages with 11 rows in it, while it could contain only 352 results according to the pages and rows multiplication.
- “Pagination”: link to the page 5 is missing.
- Default input focus is missing.
- “Invoice date” label: used non-common dates format in data field. Use MM/DD/YYYY.
- Inconcistency: “Customer” label is in “Search my invoices”, but missing in columns of “Results Table”.
- Inconsistency: “Due date” column is in “Results table”, but missing in lables of “Search my invoices”.
- Inconsistency: “Payment” column is in “Results table”, but missing in lables of “Search my invoices”.
- “Invoice status” label: drop-down list do not contain statuses types, which present in “Results Table”.
- Inconsistency: “From amount” and “to” labels entry data fields do not specify data format (as currency), but in “Results Table” it’s specified as a dollar format.
- “From amount” label should be tranformed into “Amount from” to priotize meaning of the label and consistency.
- “Search” pushbutton: place it under entry data fields for visual consistency.
Last edited by Sergei Korneev; 10-26-2023, 03:21 PM.
1. Search results: 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
2. #11 row in search results:"Actions" button is missing
3. "Type" column in Search results is redundant since all the search results are the same type (invoice)
4. Leftmost column title: replace "invoce #" with "invoice"
5. "Search my invoices": provide all the label with the colon character at the end
6. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
7. "Status" column Row#4 in Search invoices results : displaying as "Approved" when user hovering mouse pointer on money icon.
8. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
9. "Inv. Date" column: Search Results is out of date range (Should be from 5 june 2011 to 30 september 2011)
10. Suggestion bug report. "Status" column: Types of status (Rejected, Paid, In process, Approved) should be added to the "Invoice Status" Drop down list field. Because there is only "All" status it does not make sense for drop down list.
11.Suggestion bug report. By hovering the mouse pointer on the "Save" or "Save as" icon "Download" inscription appears.
12.By hovering the coursor on the "Actions" inscription inside the button the coursor changes to the input option
13. By hovering the mouse pointer on the all "Actions" buttons inscription inside the button the mouse pointer changes to the input option
14. Invoice search results page: Column headings are not symmetrical to search results.
15. Invoice search results page: Header title is missing above "Actions" buttons
16. Invoice search results page: "Due Date" column: #1th and #10th rows search results are 1 digit more than the other results in this column
17. Invoice search results heading frame: When hovering the mouse pointer between "download list" and "Refresh" hand icon appears, but there is not Icon to push on it.
18. Main page of http://taulia.portnov.com/ top right corner User log in menucrumb: The arrangement of words in the upper right corner is not symmetrical
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Tauilia Bug reports
* open sait "http://taulia.portnov.com/"
1. Grammatical error in a word "Invoce" replaced by "Invoice".
2. Grammatical error in a word "Rejcted" replaced by "Rejected".
3. The indicated 32 pages do not correspond to the invoice amount 422.
4. In the page numbering at the bottom left, the number 5 is missing.
5. Results per page should be 10. In table 11.
6. There is no "Actions" button on line 11.
7. "Due Date"- no date. numbers only.
8. "PO#" - no number, only dates.
9. There are 422 invoices in total, 32 pages of 11 lines each are indicated. The amount should be different.
10. There is no increasing value in the "Amount" column.Last edited by Odis; 10-25-2023, 11:07 AM.
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- bug report on Taulia
#1. "Search my invoices" section: make sure all the labels have colon character ( : ) at the end.
#2. Pagination at the bottom search results: link to page "5" is missing.
#3. Replace "Invoce" with "Invoice" in the title of the leftmost column.
#4. "Due Data" column: the data does not look like it is in a common date format.
#5. The title of search results table in rightmost column is missing.
#6. The column "Payment": make sure all rows have the numbers.
#7. "Actions" button is missing in the 11th row of search results table.
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1. Lines 7 and 8 need to be swapped due to amount ($22,409.37 should be under $22,376.00).
2. The date formats in the "Invoice date" field and in the "Inv. Date" column are inconsistent.
3. Icon image of "Download List" doesn't suit its tooltip.
4. Replace "Logout" with "Log out".
5. The arrow in the "Amount" column goes from highest to lowest, but should be the other way around.
6. Column titles need to be aligned with the columns.
7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".Last edited by Aleksandr K; 10-26-2023, 12:30 PM.
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#1 Not all of the labels have colon.
#2 Icon near the “Purchase order” has no tooltip, meaning of icon is unknown.
#3 No currency in “From amount”.
#4 Wrong word order in “From amount”.
#5 No word “from” in "Invoice date".
#6 "Invoice date" has unknown date format.
#7 "Invoice status" has only one status, though search results have a few statuses.
#8 Incorrect number of search results in the title. 422 is not equal 32*10
#9 Wrong spelling word “Invoice” in column name “Invoce #”. It needs to replace "Invoce #" to "Invoice #".
#10 Format date in column “Inv. Date” is not up to format date in filter “Invoice date”.
#11 By filter, “Invoice date” is between June 5 2011 and September 30 2011, but 7th result from the top is 1-Oct-2011.
#12 Column “Due Date” has wrong values.
#13 Values in column “PO #” looks like dates, probably confused columns “Due Date” and “PO #”.
#14 As defined, results are sorted by column “Amount” in descending order, but results are sorted wrong.
#15 First result in column “Status” is misspelled. It needs to replace “Rejcted” to “Rejected”.
#16 Tooltip for icon 4th result in column “Status” is “Approved”, though it has to be “Paid”.
#17 Name of column where located buttons is empty.
#18 As defined in “Results per page”, search results have to show 10 results, but it showed 11.
#19 No button in the last row of results.
#20 No 5th page in search results.
#21 No hand icon on page switcher.
#22 No hand icon on column names.
#23 No hand icon on buttons in results.
#24 Tooltip for icon “Download list” is just “Download”.
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.#1. Inconsistency of data in columns "Due Date" and "PO#" missmatch titles.
#2."Invoice#" column: Inconsistency in sorting all order.
#3. 32 pages is not enough for the 422 invoices.
#4. In “Amount” column the numbers should be from bigger to smaller.
#5. Inconsistency in number format between "From amount" row and "Amount" column.
#6. "Actions" button is missing in row 11.
#7. Invoice dated "1-Oct-2011" is out of range specified in "Invoice date" fields: "6/5/2011 - 9/20/2011."
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